I am not American but I have travelled there to major city. Why do white people seem to not stand up for themselves there in USA?
I am not American but I have travelled there to major city...
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Its a big game where people pretend to like niggers so other white people don't judge them for being so crass as to point out the emperor has no clothes
Take a look at the demographics of our elected officials and judges. White people are doing just fine for themselves.
Going around telling everyone that you're number one is gauche.
>both pictures are about shitting on white MEN
>OP, like everybody else puts it under the category of white “people” instead of white “men”
Why do 4channelers do this? Do they realize that white women are completely absent from all these attacks from the left?
Its not white people, its white men.
>elected officials and judges
They're all jews
MSM brainwashing
This. White women somehow got in on the victim culture
I mean to be fair it was only white guys running society for a while but now it's just come on were more meritocratic than we used to be
Everyone is missing information. Everyone assumed other people think this is good so they can't ask if those people really think its good and have to pretend to think its good themselves. The dominant strategy for all players is to pretend to think this opinion is good. In reality most people are probably pretty pissed.
White guilt/threat of being called a racist
Fuck off leftypol
from image: "it's not that you're racist, you just hate when someone tries to make you care about racism."
This is the most accurate thing I've read in a long time. I don't give a fuck and I don't want you to try and make me give a fuck. I live in an all-white town in the whitest state in America. I'm just...not...interested.
>Tessa Thompson
Who the fuck ever cared when she starred in anything, you can literally pick any bitch off the street and replace her in a minute
>Why do white people seem to not stand up for themselves there in USA?
there are not enough of them anymore
>first they came for the jews, and I stood up for them
>then they came for the blacks, and I stood up for them too
>then they came for the gays, and once again I stood up
>then they came for me
they are too busy watching captain marvel
Jews and their pets will destroy your life.
Whites control themselves until the consequences of going full retard are less than going full retard. Don't worry it's coming. Here it's explained in the context of the movie Office Space.
This shit is so cringe. This stupid american umbrella term "white" has no real outside of America where racial disparity was always relevant.
Just because you are what is called "white" in America you can't just lump yourself up with peoples from all over Europe.
I haven't watched the vid but I'm assuming you mean "hurr durr whites play nice until they invade poland and gas a billion jews".
Germans did that under german rule, not ""whites"" in the US.
Holy shit I just listened to that this morning when I was waking up/falling back asleep lol
fuck off kike
Kill yourself retard, go read a book you mongrel low-IQ Amerinigger. God I hate you retards thinking you are part of a massive group of peoples. You are not part of the people who erected German accomplishments, you are not part of the group that sailed the seas and enslaved half of the globe, you are not part of any achievement that took place in Europe.
Verpiss dich du dummer NEGER.
t. kike falseflagging as European
that's nice your country will be islamic republic in the next 100 years with a turkish majority don't disparage others before fixing your own shit
How am I disparaging anyone? You're 100% immersed in your /pol/-meme-world. So much that you can't even hold a normal conversation or understand an argument that doesn't fit into the patterns you've been fed. I'm saying you're being stupid equating all of europe to white Americans, those are DIFFERENT peoples as are Germans and the French.
Fucking hell, on /pol/ you have Poles LARPing as badass SS generals when the SS would have loved to gas them despite their "whiteness". This isn't a concept in the way you think.
Shitposting bait
Watch the video. white western European men start from the extreme and always have. We overkill the problem unless there are problems from doing so that are more troublesome than the problems from overkill. This is how they colonized the world. Merciless ruthlessness and brutality in pursuit of goals. Modern society has been feminized and those extremes now have costs that are larger than the rewards. The day that changes you're gonna see some shit. So far the ruling elite have done a good job of riding the line of oppression without going so far as to provoke open rebellion. For many reasons it appears the system may not be able to maintain that balance for too much longer. When the institutional rot and economic shell game crumble due to the collective weight of the incompetence of the ruling class you're gonna see some shit. I don't know what will come after. Harden your heart.
articles on MSM sites have nothing to do with reality or the outside world
That wasn't an outburst of anger though, that was plain and simple imperialism. Any people would have done that if they had the opportunity to do so. From the Mongolians to the Turks to the Chinese, everyone fucking does that. "Ruthlessnes" or "anger" has no relevancy to that equation. I also believe there will be a revolution, what I'm saying is that you live in a fantasy LARP world where you think that revolution will be carried out by people like the Nazis in Germany's 1930's. That's all I'm saying. My main thrust comes from having seen those stupid "whites play nice until they snap" memes super-imposed on a picture of a menacing looking Nazi. Whoever posts that shit is neither capable of doing what the Nazis collectively did nor does he have any other form of link to the baDaSs Nazis he's obessed with.
When "whites" chimp out they kill other "whites". In your revision it's more like collectively a group called "whites" have had enough of being bullied by non-whites and then they kill them all like in your favorite anime. This shit is fucking cringey and factually wrong.
>zionist mutt calling anyone "kike"
White is just another word for mutt, it's the identity new world mongrels choose, whiteness was the only thing that make poorfag serfs in america different than nigger slaves.
>Any people would have done that if they had the opportunity to do so
Any people would have done that with the evolutionary advantage to do so. White western European civilization is the most successful group of people the world has ever produced. You can argue why that is just not that it is. It remains to be seen if they will lay down and die or fight the current agenda to remove them as a player on the world stage.
have sex
Why does she always say 'dudes' like it's some vaguely implied extra insult
Why should we give a shit?
I don't even have to disagree with that to still make my point, are you reading what I'm saying? Of course the west is the leading power of our times, of course most of the west would qualify as "white" in America. I'm saying this concept of "whiteness" makes no fucking sense and is a retarded generalization. Is Bulgaria part of this white empire? Is Macedonia? Are France, Germany and Poland all the same peoples? Besides, a thousand years ago it wasn't western Europe that was the most relevant soil on this planet and I think in near future the soulless chinks will take over but that's another argument.
USAniggers seems to fail to understand Europe isnt a State with a population, so if you travel to Germany, France and Italy you will met 3 different kind of people with 3 different type of culture. And most important you will met 0 "white" fags bc last time i checked i wasnt a color.