Why didn't he get the origin movie and get inserted into Endgame to be the stupidly overpowered deus ex machina that beats Thanos? He's way stronger and more captivating of a character
Why didn't he get the origin movie and get inserted into Endgame to be the stupidly overpowered deus ex machina that...
I thought they had Adam Warlock in the GotH2 post credit scene.
trying to get women to buy more movie tickets, that's all. Sentry is too weird though, too dark, he'd do better in the Snyderverse than what the MU has created
they did
that's not Warlock, that's Sentry and he's one of the more grossly, laughably overpowered superheroes. But he's also schizophrenic.
He couldn´t risk Mr Negative to get the infinity gauntlet...
A blonde white male? No chance in 2019.
No the gold chick named the guy in the pod Adam, clearly it was Warlock
Because he is a man. You honestly y think Marvel can pull off Sentry’s overcomplicated origin story on the big screen?
whoever faggot retard was getting replied to asked if that was Warlock in OP which it objectively is not
Because the Void is black... you can´t have a black villain unless he faces a black super hero. That would be racist. "Oh look, the blond white straight guy is kicking the black villain´s butt... that has political implications and stuff"
that isn't what was asked though user
>bringing up Warlock in the first post of a Sentry thread without mentioning OP is talking about Sentry
I think you're confused friend, maybe reddit's format is more your speed
I thought he was just bringing up another character, didn't believe he thought Sentry and Warlock were one in the same
my mistake
honestly his origin isn't that complicated
people barely understand Legion, they wouldn't understand Sentry in the span of a single movie
nigga just drank a special potion that's pretty simple, then just include the bit about everyones memory getting erased of him, not a super difficult concept
“Superman who is how own worst enemy”.
Even a brainlet can grasp that. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
“His own worst”, fuck.
the layers of his psychosis and personalities would probably trip them up more than you think
Way too edgy for the MCU.
Because he's just a junkie at the end of the day that's why
Standalone movie based on his original mini? Sure, kino material. Never include him in the continuity, comics can get him right once in ten fucking years.
This. The original story would make a great standalone.
The Sentry has the same issue as Superman though, in that he's so powerful whenever he is present in a team up story the writers constantly have to find ways to keep him our of the way so he doesn't just solve everything immediately. He's explicitly the most powerful superhero and could easily beat Thanos.
yeah because adam warlock was the one that fought thanos not sentry
is that a pride trooper? Jiren confirmed finishing Thanos
yeah, the first miniseries was really fucking dark
saw this couple of days ago, looks fucking metal. what is this from, is this worth reading and is sentry always so cool?
also, what are the must-read comics involving sentry for someone who has barely read marvel but knows most of the important stuff from wikis? asked this the fags on Yea Forums the other day, no one replied
Uncanny Avengers by Rick Remender.
Sentry (2000)
Sentry (2005)
Age of Sentry
Uncanny Avengers
Dr Strange (by Donny Cates) (2017-8?)
Sentry (2018)
add: Mighty Avengers, New Avengers by Bendis, dark Reign, Siege - these are places when character gets butchered.
There's nothing captivating about Sentry, totally awful character after the mini that introduced him.
If we are going to copy Superman atleast do it right and choice Hyperion
>Sentry is a Superman expy in anything but design
when will this meme die
muh I'm edgy but strong but the darkness inside me, it gets boring fast
>mentally ill superman
he barely works in the comic that they killed him off. much less putting him in MCU
thanks dude