Trying to rank the Alien movies:
1. Alien
2. Aliens
3. Covenant
4. Prometheus
5. Resurrection
6. 3
7. AVP
(Haven't watched Requiem)
Trying to rank the Alien movies:
1. Alien
2. Aliens
3. Covenant
4. Prometheus
5. Resurrection
6. 3
7. AVP
(Haven't watched Requiem)
>Resurrection over Alien 3
You best be joking nigger
>Ameritards can't into superior French artistic vision.
That is all.
1. Prometheus
2. Aliens
3. Alien
4. Alien 3
5. Covenant
6. Resurrection
What's w/ the nigger head covered in semen and pubes coming out of the ground?
Combat panties
It's Ash.
Requiem is half good half bad, but the worse thing about it is you have to pump up the contrast and brightness on you tv/monitor because it was filmed so fucking dark
the predator bits were cool the human half of the movie was pretty crappy, if you liked AvP you'll like Requiem, if not, then you'll hate it
What the fuck is with the autistic obsession on this board of ranking films?
You sure it's not Bishop?
>what the fuck is with X autism
Where do you think you are?
1. Alien
2. Prometheus
3. Alien: Covenant
4. Alien 3
5. Aliens
6. Alien Resurrection
7. Alien vs. Predator
8. Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem
Alien 3
AvP Requiem
but prometheus was shit
Having read Paradise Lost and Thus Spoke Zarathustra it comes off as shallow and contrived.
some people liked the fresh take on the universe user
1. Alien
2. Aliens
3. Alien 3
honourable mention: Alien Isolation
4. Alien: Covenant
5. Alien Resurrection
6. AvP
7. AvP Requiem
8. dogshit
9. Prometheus
>fresh take
>prequel that shits on the original's lore
What was fresh about it? Ripping off Ancient Aliens or ruining the Space Jockey?
trying to add a new mythos, away from the big bad xenomorphs, who were frankly getting tiresome
If they hadn't set it in the Alien universe, you'd be right.
Even then, the Ancient Aliens theme with them being an "exact DNA match" with humans and looking like giant white people was ridiculous.
this isn't my final form
The real redpill is realizing that Covenant and Prometheus are the best.
Alien-Slasher in Space
Aliens-Marines vs aliens in space
Covenant and Prometheus- kino that plebs cant understand and appreciate.
>t. has never read Paradise Lost and Thus Spoke Zarathustra
If you had you'd realise how awful Prometheus is
Based on Rotten Tomatoes score:
1. Aliens
2. Alien
3. Prometheus
4. Cevenant
5. Resurrection
6. Alien 3
7. AVP
8. Requiem
RT Audience score:
1. Alien
2. Aliens
3. Prometheus
4. Covenant
5. Alien 3
6. AVP
7. Resurrection
8. Requiem
1. Alien
2. Aliens
3. Covenant
4. Prometheus
5. Resurrection
6. Alien 3
7. AVP
8. Requiem
Metacritc users:
1. Aliens
2. Alien
3. Prometheus
4. Alien 3
5. Covenant
6. Resurrection
7. AVP
8. Requiem
1. Alien
2. Aliens
3. Prometheus
4. Alien 3
5. Covenant
6. Resurrection
7. AVP
8. Requiem
Same here.
I fucking hate Aliens so much. I see it as ground zero for a lot of what I have come to hate about hollywood flicks, even if I can't argue that it's a bad film in any way.
Anybody else saw the thumbnail and thought Ash's head was an alien egg wojak
script is by joss whedon dummy
aside from a handful of scenes like torching the clones it's shit
thanks user
So by combining these you get:
1. Alien
2. Aliens
3. Prometheus
4. Covenant
5. Alien 3
6. Resurrection
7. AVP
8. Requiem
1) Alien
2) Aliens
3) Alien 3
4) Resurrection
5) Prometheus
6) Covenant
Damn, Ripley Scott looks like that?