Did they invented autistic humor?
Did they invented autistic humor?
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bump you assholes
I asked my boomer dad why so many people watched Month Python because only a small amount of their sketches are actually funny. He replied, that there wasn't anything else to watch. We're British btw
Infantile, absurdist, repetitive, heavily relying on logic and some Touretteish outbursts - doesn't get better than this eh?
Aussie here that's horseshit.
I grew up with Monty python and there was plenty of other stuff to watch.
They kick-started the frat comedy genre alongside national lampoon and deserved al the praise they got.
You just have shit taste
Silly zoomers all your crappy (YouTube streamer) comedy found it's roots in theatrical improv and surrealism
God this board has such shit taste
Damn, I never heard about this, despite knowing Peter Sellers.
Okay, is there even another autistic humor show that predates them?
Not really.
Dramedy Greek theatre Is some of the oldest known comedy
Ah, now I found something that predates them!
Lewis Carroll, master of Aspie and Emo humor.
Radio plays are like structured podcasts and where max comfy in their day.
Thank Fuck podcasts saved the format I wish there was more straight comedy stuff but Tbqh jre Alex jones is like it's own fucking universe at this point
>Did they invented autistic humor?
>Goon Show
Honestly the biggest act in autist humor of all time was probably the Jerry Lewis half of Martin & Lewis, which was Dean Martin being the smooth suave straight man and Jerry Lewis literally just having autistic seizures all the time.
They started in the 40s, and were the biggest and most successful comedy act of all time (basically as big as the Beatles were later).
Yes. Holy grail and Life of Brian are the Bible of nerd bazinga comedy.
Yes, that's horeshit.
My father was living in London in the early 70s and has told me many times how surprised he was that when the show was on, pretty much everybody shut in to watch it. It looked like it was a pretty big thing then.
In Spain they were unknown then, so that made more impact in him.
You don't need to conjugate a past tense verb if its linked with another word earlier in the sentence that has already been conjugated. Here "did" is already past tense, so you should have written "invent" instead. Whenever you do this it sounds retarded and singles you out as a retarded foreign sounding peasant.
He's English so it figures he can't speak/write in his own native language very well
And? There's still other stuff he could have done or listened to/watched
Nah, I'm Austrian.
you just outed yourself as a pleb that only ever watched holy grail and silly walk on youtube
Ernie Kovacs
Honestly what's so funny about that Spanish Inquisition gag? It's really just a bunch of Autism packed as humor; no relation to the Inquisition whatsoever, just a bunch of dorks with high pitched voices making repetitive "jokes".
Fart jokes and guys in dresses isn't considered autistic humor across the pond. It's the norm.
It's a sketch centered around an out of context punch line. SNL has been doing it for half a century.
By Jove, not a decent set of teeth between the lot of them. Had they been funny at any point in their life, professionally or otherwise, I might've let it slide. But they weren't. Not a single laugh was given. Their teeth are fucked and if you think they are funny so are you.
Western humor is packed with Absurdism and ridiculing. I wonder what effects this may have on the mind...
Well actually I meant MODERN western humor.
Autism is the antithesis of humor because humor requires self awareness
watched life of brian and only make me laugh once