Do boys really do this?
Do boys really do this?
A guy made this thread.
everyone loves boobs you fucking robot
children generally observe the world around them yes
Yeah I want to blow that shota
When they hit puberty yeah, that was the point of the scene retard.
What was age was he even?
>little asian boy
>call him Shota
not very subtle
Are they related?
>Boy staring at boobs.
>Because of puberty.
It's okay to say "As a woman I wouldn't know the male experience growing up well enough to say if/& why."
Ok, but in that case, Tits or GTFO
someone post The VVitch one.
What was the ending scene with the little girl about?
Do boys really do this?
Teenage girls are as obsessed with tits as boys are, tit envy is a real thing, and girls are very self-conscious about their breasts.
>that glint in her eyes
Isn't this child abuse?
If the gender was reversed there will be an outcry.
Why? Girls can stare at boobs.
That little son of a bitch. How the hell?
Reminder she later dated Ashton Kurtcher (15 years younger than her).
When I was 5 I ogled a woman who was topless at the beach and my grandmother slapped me
Should young boy-adult woman sex and marriage be promoted and legalized? I think so.
No because i'm 34 and I missed the window.
Yeah but at least it would mean more fap material with all the public straight shotacon kissing and affection.
Why does it feel less creepy and wrong when it's a little boy and an adult woman?
Because motherly affection feels more natural. A mother going after her son slides into the gentle love folder, while a father going after a daughter slides into the creepy rapist folder.
hmm i wonder
What's motherly about a grown woman rolling a little boys penis around in her mouth like a tootsie roll?
the look in her eyes
anyone else remember when dailymotion had tons of these vintage european /ss/ scenes? holy fuck they're all gone now
She has to check that he's growing correctly, and at the same time she can teach him about sex.
it feels less predatory for whatever reason
it makes it seem like the boy is always a willing participant
>be baby
>mother shoves her tits right in your mouth
And women wonder why we like them so much.
I wish for a movie where the single-mother is a futanari and starts a relationship with her teen daughter.
A strange phenomenon.
>it feels less predatory for whatever reason
The reason is roasties brainwashed you. Only a century ago a man grooming a teenage girl was a norm.
>tfw wasn't breastfed because my mom was a loon who didn't want anything to do with me
>obsessed with big tits
Goes both ways I suppose.
Mothers from the Manchu minority ethnic group, as researched in the 1900s in Aigun of Northern Manchuria by researcher S. M. Shirokogoroff , used to show affection for their children by performing fellatio on their male babies, placing the penis in their mouths and stimulating it, while they regarded public kissing with revulsion.
>"In the Manchu tribe, a mother will routinely suck her small son's penis in public but would never kiss his cheeks. Among adults, the Manchu believe, fellatio is a sexual act, but kissing—even between mother and infant son—is always a sexual act, and thus fellation becomes the proper display of motherly affection."
Isn't there an african tribe where it's normal for adult women to teach young boys about sex and reproduction? Im like 99% sure I read about it...
You know what's bad?
When you are a bit older and your sister does it.
>I enjoy /ss/
What would have happened if it was Bruce Willis, for example, going down on a 10 year old girl like that?
>muh double standards
yeah, it would be disgusting. Thankfully it's a pretty woman and a young boy, so fuck off.
>tfw when a 12 year old boy gets more action than you've had in 24 years
t. child rapist
I prefer "Straight shotacon connoisseur", thank you very much.
No, Lets continue to prosecute Paedophiles.
do boys really fuck their moms?
Look at boobs? All the god damn time. Also, this lil' niggas name is fucking Shota what the fuck.
do boys really do this?
only in japan
I feel like as a little boy i'd have appreciated it or at-least grown up remembering it fondly.
I remember being 11yo on family vacation on Mediterranean beaches. Topless women everywhere
I remember the year of Luigi.
You can just tell this beta brainwashing shit was made before the age of dating apps and t*nder
I'm guessing a woman wrote this.
I cant understand how you would ever find your mother attractive
are you a baby father or are you a provider?
Not all of them are as ugly as yours
Even the title of this kino was "Shota".
It has nothing to do with looks. This woman raised you and loved in a non sexual way. How could you sexualize that? thats fucking creepy
>pedophiles are ok if they’re women
*hot women
hint it's not really his mom
Based as fuck
I do
what going to the beach? yes they do
Reminder that if the sexes in this webm were reversed admins would permaban you and consider freezing the site to be absolutely certain that more copies of this webm are not being posted.
it's not about fucking my mom is about fucking Your mom
so much kino lost.....
God I wish I had an older sister
>Men are selfless and sacrificial
>Men lay down their lives for strangers
good goy, turn the other cheek and die for israel while you're at it
>Men will raise someone else's children
ask me why i know a woman wrote this
Fucking fuck this shitty life. FUUCCKK!
its this thread again
>that smile
She is super into it. If he wasn't filming she probably wouldn't have even tried to stop him.
>calling a prepubescent boy "shota"
Doesn't shota literally mean "boy love"?
she clearly wanted it
she was laughing instead of being actually mad and she could have turned around
but she knew he would do naughty things to her butt
its also a given name.
he cute
I'd rape my mother if she was hot, and her love would protect me from going to jail.
because men conquer, and women can't do shit
Why is he wearing that t-shirt?
>this thread
I'm a 29 year old heterosexual virgin but seriously dude why the fuck are you a pedo and why do you want to make such a case of talking about it.
>asian boy
>name is shota
Notice that your stigma against men and pro-women is such that when you see someone pointing out that women get away with pedophilia you assume it's a defense of men being pedophiles.
If the genders were reversed people would fucking flip
He definitely has naked photos of her on his phone.
>that pic
SS+milf is patrician
wtf sex drive at that age.gotta give this one to the zoomers
well yes
how the fuck do you inflate a floater
Can I get a source on these tits?
is he /ourkid/?
what is /ss/?where can i find more of this now that dailymotion doesn't have them?
ok I can't stand this anymore
I used to think this was a meme because an older woman came on to me when I was 16 and I felt super weird and uncomfortable about it, but I later realized it was just because I just wasn’t attracted to her when I remembered back when I was 5-6 my Dad dated this stripper with huge fake tits and I’d always stare at them and lay awake at night imagining my laying in bed with her naked sucking on her tits
straight shota = young boy x older woman essentially reverse loli
This is Shoplifters. And looks like Yea Forums didn't watch it?
he's gonna be a chad one day
How did such a based dad raise such a faggot like you
>you never had an older woman be into you when you were a lil kid
no because its not a little girl
Wat movie?
i had a babysitter who frenck kissed me when i was 5 years old
source now
they're not that different in age, I think the dude is 15 and she was 17 or 18
>Shota, hurry up and blow it
She looked like pic related user (the older woman)
Sauce pls, asking for a friend.
please fucking kill me already i cant take this anymore I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY
why didn't this happend to me when I was younger?
That doesn't answer my question. Who is she?
I had this,
but got scared.
You don't want that shit when you're a kid.
More of this.
>You don't want that shit when you're a kid.
I most certainly did you faggot.
because age disparity is the correct form of love regardless of gender. same age relationships are the source of divorce and infertility.
>i was a faggot
>everyone else must be a faggot like me
Why are there so many shota characters in Japanese media called Shota but no lolis called loli?
Mayu Matsuoka
>i was a chad in kindergarten
half the site is still afraid of girls.
When I was a kid I used to look at woman's butts, in a glancing way, and my mom used to scold me and make me feel ashamed about it.
The way my mother acted about me having natural attractions makes me think why I can't really interact with women like most men.
But yes, kids do stuff like this if not just for curiosity.
>Do boys really do this?
yeah, until they learn to do it stealthy
According to Michael Jackson and his fans, no it isn't.
That's very sinister ay.
But I don't think it's purely a porn term.
I went to beaches as a kid for this very thing.
Why are there so many chad characters in american media called chadbut no virgins called virgin?
Young boys are attracted to pretty ladies before they reach puberty.
I remember as a 6 year old feeling odd when Brittany Spears (that vid with the red suit) was on the TV.
is this one of those pictures trying to persuade beta providers that they're actually alphas?
more please
fuck man, i had lots of vids in dailymotion those movie nude scenes. gone like tears in the rain
what's with these hypersexualized unsupervised south american people trying to fuck their own family
Younger or older?
I don't know but how do I get in there
>south american
>mexican tshirt
amerimutt education
>name is shota
This i would like to see everything this kid who clearly wants to tap that ass.
north america ends at the wall
have sex incels
Loli isnt jap term its slav
teach women to consent more.
Degenerate US media culture is corrupting the poor third worlders.
or maybe, you yourself
>Do boys really do this?
'boys' , girls look at boobs at least as much as boys. they are obsessed with female bodies.
>And here we have a piece from the 2010s titled "Modern Merchant". Many have different interpretations of what it means but to me personally, it's the inner conflict of a fluid sexual.
Ok, bend over
I have/had a pretty bad oedipus complex and it fucked my life up.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I want to be young again
ok, now what? im wainting.
oh wow you sure showed me incel
imma play summetime saga tonight
Can't believe some retards still think the movie was called The VVitch and not The Witch.
>accepting the advances of another person makes you a "chad"
The way women talk about their bodies to one another is very erotic to me. It's how I think about their bodies. Especially at work where HR has transformed me into a sniveling bitch.
>"Do you know So and So?"
>I think, *Is she that girl with the fat tits? Can't say that...*
>"No, I don't."
>"You know, the one with the huge tits."
lol do they really have that shit in japan?
Kinoest thread in Yea Forums at the moment
The mods went full retard there
No Shota is actually just the word for young boy, What the internet refers to as Shota is just short for Shotacon, the partner to Lolicon
Yes. Young children can't be trusted to stay together so they wear hats like that to identify them. The Japanese are also into uniforms because of a conformist culture.
Any kind user have a source on this?
>it's a pedos try to gaslight normies by comparing young boys looking at breasts to grown men fucking young undeveloped girls
>Not the first post from this IP.