How Did The Federation Dispose Of All The Urine And Feces On Board The Enterprise?
How Did The Federation Dispose Of All The Urine And Feces On Board The Enterprise?
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probably repurpose the atomic matter. Or beam it into space (or the nearest sun, or whatever)
spacemen don't poop
Star Trek became good after Roddenberry corked it.
Your mother was happy to eat and drink it.
DS9 was Cardassian design space station and in no way representative of Federations design philosophy
What do you think the replicator used to make food?
Those feed into the replicators
matter can be converted to energy so it was likely sucked up by the replication system
What about all the semen?
What exactly was Troy's function on the bridge?
I get that she's some sort of shrink but otherwise I have no idea why they'd need her
Shoot out of an airlock and turned into an icecube
they addressed it a little in Enterprise, it just gets recycled
It was beamed and saved into storagetanks and then dumped on Klingon planets whenever they passed one by
They eat and drink it. It is used as feedstock for replicators.
Captain those klingons charging phasers are feeling.... Angry!
I assumed she was a Civilian Representative of Federation as everyone else was Starfleet.
Enterprise was a Diplomacy ship first, Research second and Battle distant third
The real question is, if you bust a nut in a hologram, and then end the program, does the cum just fall out of midair onto the ground?
probably just shot it into space
she's there for sex appeal, but officially her limited telepathy helps her and the captain during judging whether or not aliens are hostile and what not
transported to deck sneed
Why Do Autistic Kids Type Like This?
Serious question though.
idk, but I know in ds9 they had scanners that would map the internal organs of people, so fucking a holodeck representation of them would be exactly as it would be to fuck the real thing, general feeling wise, I doubt they could get the nuance of the correct level of gush from Dax
reasonable answer is that if you're meeting new civilizations (the primary mission) it might make sense to have someone attuned to their emotional state
would've made more sense if she also had archeologist/linguist/exosociological background or training or something
Shes an empath. She can sense the feelings of others. Imagine you're in a negotiation and you can't make any headway. You pull aside your empath and ask what the other sides reservations might be. That was her job. To cut through all formalities, greetings and words and get right to how they felt, and based on that how they might be assured to bring them around.
>limited telepathy
>"Captain they are hiding something"
She just states the obvious.
like I said it was for the sex appeal. A full blooded Betazoid would have been better but that would fuck up too many story lines.
I would imagine the replicators can work backwards.
imagine being so beta that they put it in your species name
That's a therapists job, to just tell you what you already know and just don't want to admit.
She never could keep her weight consistent unfortunately.
What do you think they made those instant meals out of?
You've clearly never seen TOS
>60's American Socialism
No thanks buddy
haha wouldnt it be gross if they made doctor crusher drink it haha gross
Dispose? Those are resources.
>probably repurpose the atomic matter.
First post, best post. They most likely use transporter tech to turn the crap back into base matter which is then used to make food or whatnot again.
Beam it into the enemies water supply.
imagine the smell
All the waste is used as resources for the replicator.
So instead you watched 80's/90's socialism. Makes sense.
Once you have replicator technology, I don't know that there's any economic system we have that really works. Capitalism and socialism are both at their roots based on who controls capital and how it's used. If neither capital nor labor are needed to create material goods, neither system is needed.
I watched Sisko live with it
I agree... It was a violation!
She's a Lieutenant Commander, she just gets dispensation to not wear the uniform most of the time to make her more approachable as the Ship's Counsellor.
That seems reasonable, yes.
The waste extraction system has a low electron yield, a common complaint reflected in the acronym WESLEY.
FACT: Mirror Universe evil Kira is the hottest chick in all of trek.
I know this because I am based.
They got ur mum cause I heard she eats shit and drinks pee
Wtf dont say that
"Earl Grey, hot"