What is this type of animation called and why does it look lazy and cheap?

What is this type of animation called and why does it look lazy and cheap?

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source filmaker but it ain't porn

Cut out black spider man, cut out nip spider girl, cut out spider pig, movie becomes at least three times better.

Nip spider-girl is the only good one, homo

As a character sure, but not in the movie. She's just eye candy and has no actual plot relevance.

simultaneously cringe and yikes... crikes

same reason japanese animation always looks lower quality than western, they reuse assets and have limited imaginations because they just rely on repetition

Why does Yea Forums hate the best spiderman movie?

Cut out spider girl too and it becomes four times better. Just make the movie about blackie and boomer-man buddy hero duo, and it's great. Hell probably cut out the multiverse stuff. Just like longtime spider man training up a new kid spider man to take over for him.

>Lazy and the cheap
This is your brain on pleb. You can't even begin to comprehend how heart and soul was put into this.

>a little girl
>eye candy

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Just finished watching it. The film is okay but the weakest part of it is all the multiverse shit along with the action scenes which just went on for far too long. As others said, it would have probably just been better if it was an older spiderman training up the younger one.
After Credits scene was GOAT tho.

Honestly? Too much spider stuff. The movie was great for all it was but there was too much spider gushing from the screen into the audience face. Keep everything the movie is but make it a more conventional spider man movie not meta "SPIDER-SPIDER-SPIDER-SPIDER-SPIDER-MAN-MAN-GIRL-MAN-LITTLE GIRL-PIG"

As I was watching the film, all I kept thinking was, damn I'd love to see a normal spider man or hero movie like this movie was done.

Cut out everyone and leave Peter only

For the weebs, you know.

>why does it look lazy and cheap?
Confirmed pleb
That animation style took a year to master. One year just to make a 10 second clip they were happy with. Sony didn't spare a shekel and it shows

Honestly I'd rate the movie less just because the nip cute and funny spidergirl got no attention during the movie at all and then just got her mech wrecked at the end.
What was the point of her being in the movie?
Further deductions for the gay meme pig and it doing so much during the entirety of the film. Cut the meme pig and it'd be a better movie.

Niggerman being an invisible pikachu is also fucking retarded, none of the other spidermen had any weird bonus skills like that. Though that's likely an issue with the source material and not the movie itself.

Pedo subhuman detected. Daily reminder your brain came out wrong.

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Why is it when westerners parody anime they always do it hilariously fucking terrible to the point you have to wonder have they ever actually watched anime beyond Speed Racer before?

Miles dumb face is annoying. Someone post the pic with the tiny African American child, it's funny

>pedophiles in charge of giving movie criticism
We should round you up and have you publicly executed

This, it feels like the studio thought

>Well, we've only got the rights to spider man, so let's just do a whole bunch of fucking spider mans

When really it could have been a fantastic conventional spider man movie. I think with the success of the movie they've alread gone ahead and greenlit like 3 sequels? But I don't want sequels to Spiderverse, I want individual or traditional Spiderman movies done like this.

>clone saga unanimously considered to be the worst parts of spiderman
>even in remakes
>yet this multiverse garbage is hailed as the best spiderman movie

what did spidey fans mean by this.

It's cel shaded 3d animation with some 2d elements. You probably think it looks cheap because they decided to render it at a low frame rate. Otherwise the actual animation itself is pretty decent and the art direction is great. I liked how they meshed different artistic styles. The low frame rate was just a poor artistic direction.

>westerners parody anime
Except they didn't try to parody anime. They literally made the movie so it looked like moving comic panels

movie needed more gwen stacy. although how the fuck does some random girl show up in a new dimension and then enroll in a boarding school that miles had to take an entrance exam for. that part didn't make any sense.

>Durr let's just make another Spodeyman solo movie not like there are plenty of those already!!!!!
I keep forgetting this board is full of retards

The sequels just being self contained movies for each of the other spidermen would be great, but it'll never happen.

Eye candy doesn't automatically imply sexual you retard. Peni is there to have a completely different animation style and to get the Jap thing of the "KAWAII"-zoom-in-on-face-while-she-peace-sign-poses kind of shit. Different multiverses, they wanted the most radically different animation styles possible for the supporting characters.

So yes that's her role as eye candy. Not pedo shit, but for a visual animation style that stands out.

Peni Parker is obviously supposed to be parodying anime, but like always, Americans when they parody anime never actually parody anime, they parody a incorrect stereotype of Speed Racer and that is all.
This is what Peni looks like in the comics, not an anime girl.

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>Durr let's just make another movie with 50 spider mans because we only have rights to one character

Hello Mr. Dumbfuck

if you'd actually read the clone saga you'd understand. despite the name, its problems have very little to do with the concept of multiple spider-mans

this post is truth, most people just can't handle it


The only anime thing was the robotspider girl, and it needed to fit the overall art direction of the movie so couldn't deviate too far. Otherwise the movie itself is very Western as it is influenced by Western comic books.

So literally 1 character means the entire movie is parodying anime. Ok weeb. Go back to masturbating to children

>Think Peni is going to be the best character after seeing her pop up on different boards and all over threads and shit like posters really love her
>Finally see the movie
>Old lazy fatass Peter ends up being the best character

it's 12FPS but imo it looks great

dont like the 3d ish effect on some stuff, ruins the mood

You're the kind of brainlet that Marvel wants. Don't forget to catch Tom Holland in Spiderman: Far From Home, swinging into theaters this July!

Pedos literally only watch movies to masturbate to children. Kill yourself immediately

I saw the movie yesterday.
it's awful, especially Miles. He's so badly written and responsible for everything. If he did not come Spidey would probably have put the USB in time.
And Miles goes from not mastering his powers to full spider-man in only a few hours...
Did Kingpin lift a car in the comics?

Why can't Spidey throw web at Kingpins eyes then break his legs or arms.

Don't forget to catch Spiderverse 2: Spiderverse Harder, with 27 different spider men! None of which will ever get any meaningful story or development, and will never get their own films in for example, a noir style or a wacky anime style, that Disney would never do and could be done here, but nope fuck it more meta multiverse craziness.

And fuck Bendis

You're the type of dumbass who actually uses the motion smoothing on your TV huh

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Fucking Aussies

Can I have a movie only about the jap loli spiderman? Thanks

>black spiderman
which one is that?

If you watch a documentary on how it was made, they actually worked more on it than they usually do on this type of movies.

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In OP pic, the one on the right. There's black spider man, and spider nigger.

2D animation.
It looks cel shaded because it was rotoscoped over CGI rather than animated from scratch (most 2D animation) or rotoscoped over live action (like Waking Life, A Scanner Darkly, Anastatia, or Titan A.E.)

>every character needs their own movie
MCU manchildren will never stop embarrassing themselves

>another pedophile
Kill yourself

It's not about every character getting their own movie, it's about getting different movies. That's what the Marvel shit is, it's all basically the same fucking movies over and over.

A noir spider man by contrast would be a radically different kind of movie, as was Spiderverse itself.


Were the Peni Parker comics any good?

Completely miss the point retard

this is your brain on marvel

they all served a purpose in the plot, just like minor characters in every other movie do. you're only getting annoyed because they happened to be a spiderman and in your capeshit addled brain that means that they all need to have their own movies, backstories and all that shit when that would add absolutely nothing to the movie

Peter always reigns supreme baybeeeeee
even when he's shitty like in MCU or current Marvel he's always worlds better than alternate spider-people.

the film was kino and the cage being spiderman was kino

It's called CGItrash. And it's NOT animation.

>shitty CGI
>SJW woke pills
>filled with undeveloped characters
That enough?

So what's your idea of a sequel? Or as it were, the next three greenlit sequels?

I don't know, I have no creative talent and thankfully I'm not in charge of sequels

The first one is all about fleshing out the romance between niggerman and spidergwen
The second one is about those two being a couple and resolving issues in their relationship
In the third one Gwen gets pregnant and niggerman has to come to terms with having to settle down to be a family man but in the end falls into an alternate dimension and never comes back.

Because the only thing they've seen is Speed Racer.
>it needed to fit the overall art direction
>meanwhile spider ham

So your only talent is to recognize things that are like Marvel, to shit on them?

Projecting again?


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your mother looks lazy and cheap

A lot of the scenes are animated on 2's or even 3's (equivalent to 12 fps or 8 fps). You can get away with 12 fps in hand-drawn animation (like the old Disney movies) but for 3d animation, it just looks bad.

Get a lobotomy.

Nice non response.

It looked great though. Prowler scenes in particular looked amazing.