ITT: kino horror

ITT: kino horror

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Other urls found in this thread:

Autopsy of Jane doe
The exorcist
Rosemary's Baby
Blair witch project
Penny dreadful

The Terminator


That shit was unbelievably trashy, holy shit

This movie fucked me up. First horror in a decade that got to me. But in saying that i always hated caves and things that look just human enough.

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>Penny dreadful
worth watching? looks kinda silly

Nah it's good. Don't know if many horror shows have matched it

how? i don't remember much about it, except that it was trashy.

Then you're misremembering it because it's kino.

Great post really contributed a lot.


it's shit.

no it's not. it's one of the few really good horror movies out there.

I don't like Candyman either, but you're a fucking retard.

I didn't find it exceptionally good, but it definitely was more than OK.


Here's a list of horror kinos that actually make an effort to be scary and/or keep their social commentary and "irony" to acceptable levels.

Dawn of the dead (remake)
The thing
Dog soldiers
The mist
28 days later
Invasion of the body snatchers (original and remake)
Alien and aliens
Event Horizon
The void
Rec (original)
The wailing
The descent
The thing
Return of the living dead
A tale of two sisters

I think it's time I watch the wailing

>Session 9 ?
the devilĀ“s chair (2007)

>ITT: urbex horror
the tunnel
as above so below
the devils chair
session 9
blair witch
Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum

long live urbex horror fellow /out/lookers

here are my opinions my "contrarian" opinions on horror movie :
>Blair Witch
dull as fuck, the first time i watched it i stopped when the fucker says he threw away the map it completely pulled me away from the story
>Alien (saga)
2 (long version) > 4 > 3 = 1 > Pr > AC
ranked by how effective they are at what they are (action for 2, dark comedy (?) for 4, horror for the others)
I'm just not scared of xenomorphs in those movies (I'm scared of it in the Isolation tho until you get a flame thrower that is)
It doesn't help that I had seen a full body sculpture before seeing the movie (at gigers house even, it's a great museum)
>zombie movies in general
how someone other than a child can be scared of zombies puzzle me
Return of the living dead is the only one i can think that i can think of that works on me it's a similar thing as the mist, the characters take all the logical steps you would take and it always end up in a failure
for me zombies works better if treated as a disaster rather than monsters

>Dog soldiers
is it really that good ? isn't it just a predator knock off ?
>as above so below
worth a watch

>here are my opinions my "contrarian" opinions on horror movie :
here are my "contrarian" opinions on horror movies :

jesus i thought i'd never get to use this



you fuckers hype this one too much, its fucking shit with a 1 dollar budget

It wasn't cheap, but it was the first movie shot in HD.


>is it really that good ? isn't it just a predator knock off ?
What lol?

No, it definitely isn't. I can't tell you much about the film without spoiling shit, but the werewolves are actual people who transform and there's a lot of them. It's basically the kino you get if someone decided to make a gritty, realistic monster movie where all of the 'victims' are hardcore soldiers who stand and fight and never do cowardly or illogical shit for the sake of the plot... and the people making the film actually had the talent to back it up.
There really isn't a horror film similar to it in terms of quality and tone.

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fair enough i'll give it a shot (still sounds like predator to me but i don't see it as a problem)

Jacob's fucking Ladder
I was constantly nervous and that one motherfucking jump scare made my chest hurt so much that i had to stand up and walk around not to get a heart attack.

PS:For people who haven't seen that movie, it only has one jump scare, but that one makes you actually jump!

I watched horror movies for 20 years and Session 9 makde me loose my shit when i realized that the guy wasn't a schizo at all, and Simon was a real FUCKING THING!

i fell in love with that movie when i was around 15. haven't seen it since, out of fear it was just my stupid 15yo me that liked it and it is actually shit.

TRANCE (1981)
MANIAC (2012)
TCM (1974)

Oh and Jeepers Creepers, that was my first horror movie that i watched, and i still have a trauma from that movie.

>TRANCE (1981)
I can't find it!

One of the best 'found footage' horror films. If you are claustrophobic the end will make you break out in a cold sweat.

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>15, channel flipping for porn
>find movie where hot lesbians are caving.
>viewer discretion is advised, jackpot
>lesbian teasing happening, can't wait till these girls pair off in the caves
>start fapping
>twist happens: OH SHIT WTF
>maybe there will still be lesbian stuff
>fap while ghouls murder girls, hoping for a single scene with which to release
>never happens

Just watch this the other day. It really stands for the test of time.

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meh aside from the hook scene i though it was unspecial out of its context (but I'm sure it was shocking at release)
the dinner scene made laugh out loud because it reminded me of a french TV show called striptease