>First Shazam Reactions Are Beyond Outstanding
>Shazam is DC's most joyful and sweet movie since the era of Christopher Reeve's Superman, a funny yet earnest coming of age story
it doesnt reinvent the superhero movie wheel, but is undeniably fun
>Shazam was damn near perfect, pure of heart, incredibly funny, full of in-jokes and references, brought me a childlike joy to watch

Attached: shazam 2.jpg (1500x1000, 301K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>gleeful childlike enthusiasm and heartfelt perspective on family
>naturally embraces diversity without being showy, focusing on loving family
>blows away every expectation
>family friendly bit over the top wish-fulfillment fantasy
>DC hit a home run

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Yikes. Propaganda.

well just a little bit

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Chuck is the only reason I will watch this

I honestly keep thinking this is a TV show, not an actual movie. It looks so cheap and miscast.


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Hi mousefags

Even the normies prefer shazam (pic related)

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and yet looks miles better than marlel

>dabs in your general direction

I can smell your rodent ass burning through the internet.

Nothing wrong with diversity as long as they're attractive or funny

while Marvel constantly hires TV directors lmao

Please tell me how much you enjoyed Marvel S01E21-Captain_Marvel.mp4 and S01E18-Black_panther.mp4 , All the same shitty movies with generic story and characters making fun of themselves which is seen as """comedy""".

So like Turboman?

That's literally the MCU. The Sony and WB movies are the only cape stuff where actual effort is put into the product. The stories may not be to your liking but the products are pretty high-quality if you ask me. Aquaman and Spiderverse were unique as fuck while CM looks like a generic shitfest

This reminds me of BIG

Fuck yes.

>fat mexi kid turns into mexichad

Based af, tbqphwy.

It should.

Reminder that Superman straight up murdered a 14 year old

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If it turns out to be a hit I hope they film 2/3 back to back so the kids don't age out of the role too much.
2nd one can be black Adam
3rd one can be Mr.Mind
Easy enough to write those into movies

I hope the black chick shows off her butt in tight spandex costume.

The fuck is this dude?

Wasn't The Rock meant to be black Adam?

His name is Billy Chadson.




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jr pee?

Shazam is basically DC's answer to Spiderman. But even better because it's a bromance.

BIG if true


>>Shazam is DC's most joyful and sweet movie since the era of Christopher Reeve's Superman, a funny yet earnest coming of age story

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FUN = code word for marketing shills

>marvel will get beaten by captain marvel
>mouse will get beaten by mouse

Now go watch some gay nignog movie to feel bad about muh oppreshun you pathetic faggot. People are done with your soulless navel-gazing shame-peddling misery porn.

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Yeah, I'm thinking the mouse is about to get dabbed on

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It really is pottery. Simulation is real.

based edit

The rock should not have even been the rock. Let the pebble gently float away.
>Monty python established that yes very small rocks do in fact float.

Based fucking zoomers DABBING on the mouse, can't wait

Why does the old woman turn even older? I thought the power just makes them 25 or something

>Zack Snyder out of the DCEU
>suddendly, DCEU starts making good, fun movies that are popular and make money

It really makes you think.

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Who's the hottie in the upper row, third from the left?
She's cute as fuck.

>Movie about kid becoming manchild when he uses his superpowers turns audience into manchildren

I thought they were very enjoyable, incel.

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>anyone who's bored of the MCU is an incel

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delusional if you think itll reach 1 billy

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Wonder Woman also kills Billy before he could transform during Flashpoint.

I loved MoS and BvS, but it is impossible to argue against plain reality, his style didn't mesh with the general movie audiences.

>tfw no Snyder-directed Shazam kino where Billy is raped by his abusive foster father

And then after Billy gets his powers, he snaps his foster father's neck.

It meshed fine
If critics weren’t biased the later films wouldn’t have been compromised by WB executives

you do know christopher reeve killed zod too right


I support Shazam because he drinks my favorite Cola brand Cola.

whys that

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>It meshed fine

That's not what the box office reflects. When a movie with Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman can't even make 900 million but a solo Aquaman movie easily breaks the 1 billion barrier, that shows what the movie audiences wanted. Again, I liked his movies, but the reality is in plain view.

No, he didn't.

You really think it will reach 1 billion even though Endgame comes out the same month? Fuck Avengers but people are going to want to see the ending rather than rewatch Shazam

I want to see it now, but I'm not Amerilard and I hate the dubs.
Wanna rip it and watch in English for full shazame experience.

bloody peasants won't recognize kino

Wonder Woman, Aquaman and now this

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That's pretty much the joke, even one of them is the token cripple (see the blonde kid).

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Based af.

"usa zoomers have money, ye? we forgot about any other demographic or country" the movie. Right after "thist time pandering to sjw mass media shouldn't backfire, ye?" the movie. What a time to kill yourself

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I loved them too, Master Tripsman. I’m glad Snyder made Clark a real contrast to Billy. It lets Billy be more like a Golden/Silver Age character and Clark more like a Bronze/modern representative. I hope this is on purpose, because if it is, we could end up getting a role reversal for the ages.

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I am Glad its finally over...the Hack is gonne,everything Will be Fine.


he was shit. He hates comics, he haw one template for all movies, he injects retarded ideas instead of what worked and brags how he fixed those stupid comics. What a shock, getting rid of this retard can help comic book based movies, oh wow, "release the snider cut" my ass

christ pedro

Fucking badass.

Ever since Batman Begins DC has been dark and gritty and realistic and they've forgotten that these movies are supposed to be FUN
They're comic book characters for fuck's sake!
I yearned for the pure days of Christopher Reeve when he was a genuine pure of heart Superman, a real good guy not some murdering dark broody faggot who snaps people's necks

ugh who cares about this mansplaining nazi piece of shit but incels anyways?

captain marvel = art
shazam = fart

>all white skin + 1 lighter toned black kid
isn't this racist?

>full of in-jokes and references
*posts to r/dankmemes*
*votes bernie*

>>Shazam is DC's most joyful and sweet movie since the era of Christopher Reeve's Superman,
from everything they could had said about the movie this is the ONLY thing that could had got me excited for it
holy shit

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you tried

Low tier bait try again.

99% sure this is from Injustice

The original Captain Marvel is BACK, baby.

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>a 15-year-old kid goes 15-year-old kid things
What a revelation.

If anything that makes him more believable.

Not all diversity is propaganda, as long as that diversity isn't forced kike bullshit.

>he reads comicbooks

He's the REAL Captain Marvel.

>Zachary Levi Pugh

Wait, he's NOT Jewish?

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yeah, and he even looks like Ross

You do realize no matter how shitty the capeshit is they always have positive reactions on twitter in advance screenings right? Do you remember the positive twitter shit from justice league or bvs?
They're getting paid to shill this garbage.

Justice League: it was fun

try harder mousecuck

We're talking about Shazam, not Marvel's Captain Marvel

>If critics weren’t biased

Yeah everybody hated TDK and TDKR

>Zachary Levi
>not Jewish

>If anything that makes him more believable.
Fucking this. I'll take a zoomer doing zoomer stuff over some "ugh it's not a phase this is who I am" shithead.

Justice League reactions were mixed and BvS were from fans, not critics.

>Zachary Levi Pugh was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, the son of Susan Marie (Hoctor) and Darrell Pugh.[1][7] He has Welsh ancestry.[8]

Attached: Zachary_Levi.jpg (718x1080, 197K)

he's Welsh and not a jew, he's not using his last name, outjewing the jews

for once, it's not forced,
1 it's in the comics
2 none of them are left propaganda
3 the family adopts bunch of kids obviously they won't be whites or they wouldn't be given for adoption kek except for one, but he's crippled

is your IMDB broken?

One of the last young and openly conservative actors in Hollywood. He needs to be protected at all costs.

the problem isnt his style, its his scripts

I completely agree with you.

No, hes doing hwat jews do, he fucked with his name to get ahead. He jewed the jews.

dios mio... la creatura del muttmericano...

>Good reviews.
So it's shit, uh?

Pack your bags, Moyvey

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This is true, he basically did back to the kikes what the kikes did to Germanic name suffixes like 'berg' and 'stein'. Name suffixes like 'berg' and 'stein' were originally Germanic ('berg' means 'mountain' in the Germanic languages, if I remember correctly) and the kikes used name suffixes like 'berg' and 'stein' in their attempts to infiltrate Europe (and later the rest of the Western World) until the kikes ironically ended up using 'berg' and 'stein' in their names so often that name suffixes like 'berg' and 'stein' are now stereotypically associated with the kikes and rightfully so.

I miss Zack Snyder's imagery.

>movies are never successful both commercially and critically

Funny that a burger doesn't even know what berg means.

Burghers are the bourgeois of Germany, you fucking faggot. Go back to your red pilled hugbox, retard, because you got fed some /pol/ retardation.

Sorry to mog you so hard. But it would be best if you just left the thread or all of Yea Forums forever and considered eating a gun.



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Out of the park, baby. Out of the fucking park.

needs pikachu and godzilla

Let's add something new each post.

And also shrink Larson's butt a bit.

This. Every last fucking bit of it.

Me too.

And a sign up ahead of them that says, slightly out of focus - ”Ass Practice Cancelled.”

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Imagine being this sad butthurt

press D to dab on marvel

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More like Billion Batson amirite

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Comfy underwater thread.


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Shazam looking LITTY

Jason Biggs also did this. Dude looks hyper jewish and everyone in Hollywood just assumed he was jewish.

Woody Allen got him a starring role in his movie Anything Else with the understanding that Biggs would be the next Woody Allen, the next funny awkward indecisive jewish comedian, but then after the movie was already wrapped Woody learned that Biggs is Roman Catholic and lost his shit because he assumed Biggs was jewish the entire time.

Imagine trying to engage in some classic jewish nepotism only for the rat faced jew you're working with to turn out to be out-jewing you.

Biggs then married a jewish woman so he couldn't get shit on for playing jewish characters in so many movies.

He beat them at their own game.

And to think, all this could have been avoided if they went with the person who actually wanted to play Captain Marvel

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Roman Catholic 4D chess.


anybody have that gif of him doing the zoomer dance?

i was genuinely surprised when i found out he looks turbojewish

have sex

have sex

Post her ass for comparison.

t. condom seller


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Fucking nice.

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Hell yes I do.

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Zack's style is great for one or two movies but entire universe is too much.

Although Snyder's directing style does not mesh with most audiences, Goyer is an undeniable hack of a writer that is coming back to write Green Lantern.
>letting Goyer write your film unsupervised

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Giving a superhero universe to a person who hates superheroes was always a bad idea.

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He doesn't just look turbojewish he played a turbojew in American Pie and a bunch of other movies, not just that Woody Allen movie.

Dude is a legend for beating the system.


I agree. I’d like to see him back for Kingdom Come.

Zack does not write his scripts or screenplay.

It’s literally from the comics

i'm definitely watching this at the kineplex

Want more?

>tfw Marvel actually turned down this goddess

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>dude watch this super hero do the fortnite dance so funny

Only normies and zoomers would like this

true capekino is back on the menu

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>what is the target audience

are you retarded, blind, stupid, or mouseshill?

jesus fuck, that's literally the target audience. "true fans" make up like, ten percent of the target audience.

I'm gonna see this film you fucking mousekike, and you can't stop me,.


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lmao this fucking retard thinks superero movies should not be aimed to normies and zoomers
go see a doctor, i'm sure you have suffered mental damage

its a fucking 14 yearold kid
what do you want

Every movie should be a bag of skittles. Even if it about one race. What's wrong with Jim Carry playing Malcom X or something? Big whoop. They are actors.

Not only that, he's a devoted Catholic

He was so obviously the problem for so long. I don't know why it took this long to get rid of him. They could've been doing so much better.

Zack's directing style definitely fits with stories like Final Crisis.

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Catholics have been trying to subvert Jewish power covertly for some time now.

Chadzam always wins baby.

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Part that, and part "we producers are finally leaving the directors to do their job"
suicide squad and justice league was ruined by WB producers who raped the movies with their dumb shit

I also want to do this now. Nothing hotter than a curvy young Jewess.

I was hoping honestly that the "plan" was to start out grim and gritty and slowly make more cheerful movies as the age of heroes improves the world around them.
I figured this was the case when they put Captain Marvel and Aquaman in the positions they did.

Now I think I was wrong, but it would have been a nice theme to explore.


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It's more of the cultural sphere moving away from the TDK.

Are we gonna see Shazam with Stargirl?

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Fuck, you’re stupid

We all know where that all leads to and it isn't comfy.
Courtney shouldn't really be paired with anybody since she's too pure for heartbreak.


>Stargirl is set to appear in the upcoming Black Adam.
Well, nevermind then.

I will absolutely go to the theatre for this movie. The premise looks fun and that scene with that zoomer dance sold the film to me.

I swear I will go see Shazam a bazzilion times if DC just makes Kingdom Come. Yeah I know that Chadzam is more of a family friendly movie than a dark vision of superheroes but I just want cape movies to graduate from cheap ass entertainment already.

Maxichadzam is fucking handsome.

the only dark vision thats coming now is the Trench
the rest should be similar to the new vein

>"we producers are finally leaving the directors to do their job"
And I hope it stays like that.

Either the director do a great or shitty job, at least if they don't interfere the movie will still make sense. Reshots and recuts are what killed BvS and Justice League.

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Brie Larson pls go

As someone who as liked a few of the DCEU movies (MoS, BvS, Aquaman, WW was decent), I'm slightly worried about all these people who hated the previous films giving positive reviews for this. It seems like this is the most MCU-like DC film yet.

Well to be honest it is mostly a Geoff Johns thing. Which is hilarious since Warner Sack him for a movie (justice League) that he had nothing to do a was made by the previous executive.

The 2 motherfucking movies Geoff fight for before Justice League Armageddon came out were Aquaman and Shazam and both seems to be the best movies DCs has made (not counting the Nolan movies).

It’s ok when dc does it.

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Birds of Prey seems to be produced by Margot Robbie and the movie seems to be fucking trash. Warner is going to shit the bed when the Armada produced movies start coming out.


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To be honest if there is a character to make a fun movie about that is Shazam. I mean the main character is literally a teenager that turns into a god.

I don't have to, I just look at /pol/ and see infinitely more butthurt every day.

>making a movie about a kid that turns into a literal superman everytime he says the word shazam into a serious movie

I kinda just wanna see Zachary Levi awkwardly flirt with a teenager

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The only DC ip's that should be dark and gritty are Batman and The Question.

It’s still capeshit
That means it IS shit

I did when smollet claimed victimhood that was a real show right there.

I think lads ChadZam is gonna dab on Captain Mantoes


With the current climate, I don't think The Question can be made

What is The Question?

>a funny yet earnest coming of age story
Is anyone else just straight up bored of stories. Movies are all shit now

>damn, shazam is thicc
does he really have a bigger booty?

Pretty much vigilante Alex Jones

Holy shit you're not kidding. I would blow that guy for a chance to smell the top girl's ass

Lmao no he’s not. Just cause he believes in certain conpiracy theories doesn’t mean he’s like Alex Jones.

Conspiracy theorist that questions everything but in a world of superheroes.

Injustice was batshit insane and all the better for it. Killing off established characters and making Superman evil was so much fun.

Is a really good detective that is crazy as fuck about conspiracy theories (think of someone that has paranoia but believe it isn't paranoia since they are out to get you).

>naturally embraces diversity
And dropped.
Fuck diversity in all of it's forms.

>all the numale critics like it
>they also like marvel movies like captain marvel
Yeah I'm thinking deadpool just got its reddit the movie title stolen

just copying the comics, as the family is adopting cripples and outsiders

>I just want cape movies to graduate from cheap ass entertainment already
But that's exactly what superheroes are.
Want something good?
Then just go watch good movies.
These are stupid movies about stupid people who shoot lasers through their eyes and wear dumbass outfits and defeat enemies that are pretty much reskinned orcs.

I have absolutely no idea what the fuck is wrong with millennials and their obsession that you can make something worthwhile out of drawings for 5 year olds.

The question is libatard as fuck, he would totally be accepted today

Read Dennis O’Neil's run of the question, he’s not a conspiracy nut like the justice league cartoon and recent comics might have led you to believe

now aint that the question

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When someone says "imagine" he is not speaking to the person he is speaking of dimwit. You don't have to imagine it, you are the persons he is speaking about. Progs, I swear. Kek

Let's just say Rorschach is a bootleg version of him

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>orphan in the middle of a large city
>think there will be no minorities
80-90% of the time honestly its Kike propaganda, other times you guys are just retarded

dc wanted watchmen's Rorschach but couldnt get the rights so they made their own Rorschach and called him the question

I'm gonna watch it
Looks fun and not a drag like most capeshit

Yeah I really think that at least, the trailer showed that they got this aspect right
>Say my name so my powers will be yours
>pffffffrrrtt are U for real?

And then Billy jumps from the roof shooting SHAZAM! and that looks awesome

The bastard son of Rorscharch with the writter of the original Deus Ex.

you're retarded you know?

He is right.

I actually don't feel like gagging when looking at the cast of a capeshit for once

Doesn't count, everyone acts out of character in In-JUST-ice

>Implying it wasn't forced in the comics too

all we have about the movie is a 20 seconds teaser faggot

The Question was a Charleston Comic character that DC bought the rights to.
When Alan Moore wanted to make Watchmen, he wanted to use the Charleston action heroes, Captain Atom, Question, Blue Beetle, Peacemaker, and Judomaster.
DC didn't want to have their newly bought heroes deconstructed by Alan Moore, so Alan Moore made pastiches of those characters. Atom became Dr. Manhattan, Question became Rorschach, Beetle became Nite Owl, etc.
So he was wrong and retarded.

Actually, you guys are right, I take back what I said, I think it's appropriate for this movie, I just hope they don't veer away from any of the gravitas in future movies.

>forced diversity
>movie takes place in america

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Yep, pretty much.
If the movie it's bad or good, at least it's going to be genuinely BAD or GOOD.

Sometimes you can enjoy a bad movie when you can notice that at least there was effort or SOUL on it.
That's not the case with JL and Suicide Squad. Those movies doesn't feel like movies, felt more like products or really long commercials

have sex

>all the guys praising it admit they're being flown out to see it
shill fucks

Based, can't be worse than captain cringe that's for sure

you're a smart kid
do better

Actually he have more since there are rumors about the production and the shooting. Nothing seems to indicate the movie will be good but I guess we can always hope for something good when the people that are responsible for Aquaman, WW and Shazam are out of Warner brothers ever since Justice league failure.

How that invalidates his point? It doesn't.
Don't rush to answer. Think carefully.

what's more reddit: Shazam or Deadpool?

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Shazam for sure.

Shazam has a reason to be cringe, he's a literal zoomer. Deadpool is reddit for no reason. All capeshit is reddit if you think about it though

Because he said that DC didn't own the rights to Rorschach and that the Question is based off of Rorschach.

He's wrong and retarded

on a side note, Peacemaker is going to be on James Gunn's Suicide Squad

I hate comic book movies I’m just so tired

Dcucks will defend this

>Every DC film Snyder is involved in is a giant critical flop
>Every DC film he has nothing to do with is a giant success
Really glad DC ditched his vision and has figured out how to make good, fun movies again. This should pretty much seal what a cancer her is on the DCEU.

Shazam is a kid who acts like a kid, why are you so worked up about it?

deadpool it's reddit official superhero

>seems to be fucking trash
>judging by screening test footage
wew lad

But the point that The Question is actually Roscharch at this point it's correct. Roscharch ended up being more famous than the character it's based upon, and now the character it's based upon is more similar to Roscharch than anything.

What is to be done with the Jews?

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>Shazam is DC's most joyful and sweet movie since the era of Christopher Reeve's Superman, a funny yet earnest coming of age story
>It's alright
>Shazam was damn near perfect, pure of heart, incredibly funny, full of in-jokes and references, brought me a childlike joy to watch

>10/10 roastie transforms into a crack whore
>0/10 fat boi transforms into a giga chad


Legit the first capeshit film I've wanted to see in years. I checked out in regards to Marvel since Winter Soldier, and I haven't seen anything DC since WW.

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DC's Captain Marvel a hit, Marvel's Captain Marvel a bomb ironic.

Check out Aquaman, you might love it

I've heard as much. Waiting for it to come to rental. I was gonna check out for Black Manta regardless. His costume looked rad.

Shazam has big dick energy just like Aquaman

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Gaming the system

I guess you're a BIG guy

Based have sex poster

>BDH almost played Captain Marvel

Why the fuck wouldn’t they cast her. Why in the actual fuck.

she's fat, can't get inside a jet cockpit

>she's too pure
he is literaly a 10yo little boy
you cant be more pure than that,

stop body shaming better looking women than you, Corpse Toes

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>They could have put her in the fucking unitard costume and it would have looked GOOD


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Imagine thinking that normies and Zoomers aren’t exactly their target audience.

>no BDH in a tight leather onesie
just imagine being the homosexual jew who cast Cheese Larson over this

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>Zack Snyder
Zack Sneeder


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“You know why it’s called a COCKpit right?”

none cause reddit doesnt have personal opinions, they are a fake website created only to make Yea Forums mad

witch one do we like more?
cause thats the one they will say they like.

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Because Feige is an out of touch idiot

>It seems like this is the most MCU-like DC film yet.
Shit like is is starting to piss me off. DC and Marvel do not just have one tone. If there's a movie that should be light and frothy it's Shazam. However Ragnarok is one of my least favorite MCU movies because everything is a joke.

What's the p stand for?

The DCAU is still the best comic book universe adaptation. Fight me

More like 30 or 35 or so
In which universe does Zachary Levi look 25?

>BDH in a tight leather onesie


This movie makes me wanna go out in public and yell out "Shazam."

I honestly believe that *is* the plan, but instead of a trend toward brighter, more overtly cheerful and optimistic stories, the goal was a broader range of tones - brighter brights and darker darks, which is how you accommodate characters like Billy Batson in the same world with straight-up horror stories like the upcoming Trench film and Birds of Prey being essentially about a serial-killing slasher like Zsasz.

Imagine a re-working of Kingdom Come where it isn't Billy who's the catspaw, but instead is Superman. I think that's what were going to get eventually.

would i get paid if i did that?

What if you did it and you turned into a Chad?


Wont be watching this garbage. I stop watching DC films after the trainwreck of justice league.

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A theater chain in Hong Kong is doing a Shazam scream contest, whoever yells Shazam the loudest wins tickets or something

Motherfucking leap of faith! I get chills every time I see it.

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Damn right. Modern-day underwater Flash Gordon.

Nicely done.

I did it, now I have a hole in my roof and I can't change back. Because you have to want to.

No the diversity is the cola box, look how they mix brown with white. Fucking disgusting

I love it. I love it so much.

Which Issue is this? I read up to year 5 and this wasnt in it.
Im pretty sure this scene was in the first vidya gaem though

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>What's the p stand for?
to be quite pretty honest with you (f)am

This version of shazam is based off of john johns shazam comic where billy gets adopted and lives with other foster children so the diversity thing is nullified unless they shit out a line where it shits on white people for being white then the movie is propaganda shit.

>He has Welsh ancestry.
He's a fucking sheep shagger.
I like Levi though to be fair after Chuck so he's cool.

Why must we suffer? :(

Yeah I'm thinking DC is back

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here's your (you), you nasty footfungus mongoloid

In the Hollywood universe where we are expected to believe everyone looks at least 10 years younger.

Good. It's not fucking hard. Make a movie using the template put before you of decades worth of comics and you have a hit. Comics are better than focus groups, you know what people like based on what sold so make a movie about that.

It would be extremely painful.



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Injustice Kombat when?

>they will never make an Injusticeverse movie and have a Mortal Kombat tie in as a post credits scene

Batman: "so you say you're from another "realm"?, well thats not the strangest thing ive ever heard"
*camera pans round and you see shillouettes of Raiden, Scorpion and Sub-Zero, before Raiden Steps forward into the light*

Sounds to me that the Shazam movie will be so jewish that the entire jewish aspect of comicbooks will be plain to see and the world will once again wake up from the kosherdemon's psychotropic brain fog.

yes, created by antijews, starring notmanyjews and making money for notjews

Details shmetails. Oy, who am I kidding. You sound like a putz.