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So does that make Lebron the GOAT instead?
nope. Lebron's not even top 5. win a few more championships and we'll talk. 3 aint enough
He did and you're defending a pedophile
why was he acquitted of all charges in his trial then
are you implying OJ raped the kids?
yes er no maybe the juice is loose[/spolier]
But Michael was white
lost the civil trial. also was convicted and sent to prison in a separate case. Michael never got convicted on anything
cause he was good at it
Nah, he's top 5, arguably top 3 now. His legacy largely depends on factors out of his control (e.g. if the Warriors break up and another big star signs for the Lakers in free agency)
>Tracked dem keedz ova' to a ranch
>I comes in through the woods
>Tracks lead to a ferris wheel
>Take a look at dis Rowlan, found dis 'ere at sum kind of treehouse nearby
>A white glove,... but no sign of dem keedz
Mah man purple haze...where's your proof?
basketball sucks
good at fucking boys and not leaving any real evidence. therefore he is based and redpilled
>Well shit Purpul, let's get to it.
lebron's finals record is 3-6. none of the other arguable GOATS have a losing record in the finals, so fuck off
MJ was a smart pedophile. I agree
I don’t understand season 2 wasn’t as great as 1
man, I miss season 3 already. who knows how long well have to wait for a potential season 4
He’s number one for all time. deal with it cuck
And MJ didn't have to deal with the modern-day equivalent of Larry Bird teaming up with the showtime Lakers to rape the league every year
In what? not in championships. not in points. not in efficiency or win%. theres no reason you can point to that hes better then jordan or magic or tim duncan or kobe.
>Make neverland to save the children from hollywood
>Being called a pedophile
steph curry and durant will finish with more finals wins then lebron. but keep sucking that ugly overrated niggers dick, bitch
Get off your burner phone, Durant.
suck my dick, faggot hoe bitch fuck
he doesnt say "keeds"
this meme is retarded
stop it
No, Wayne is the GOAT.
>be rich and famous
>don't get in trouble for things
>His legacy largely depends on factors out of his control
Nah, fuck you. Lebron immediately demands to be the GM and coach of any team he's on and ends up shooting himself in the foot. Lebron is top three when it comes to pure physical talent but he's low top ten when we're talking about GOAT's.
>*mumbles incoherently*
>I’m telling you Roland, we find the other sequined glove and we’ll find who fucked dem keedz
Acting: S3 > S1 > S2
Soundtrack: S2 > S1 = S3
Direction: S1 > S3 > S2
Setting: S2 > S1 > S3
Writing: S1 > S3 > S2
Themes: S3 > S2 > S1
Midseason action sequence: S3 > S2 > S1
Photography: S1 > S3 > S2
If he reboots the Friday the 13th franchise he’ll have a winning record in my heart
t. biggest pleb itt
s1 > s3 > s2
1 > 2 > 3
1 > first two episodes of 3 > 2 > 3
1 > 2 > 3
1 > 3 > 2
wtf are you even talking about
1 > 2 > 3
1 > 3 > 2
>Setting: S2
How in the fuck do you think "generic california industrial area" is the best setting?
>Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a work. Themes are usually implied rather than explicitly stated
the rest of your post is discarded as you proved yourself incapable of rational thought by asking this
>How in the fuck do you think "generic california industrial area" is the best setting?
Los Angeles > Random locations in rural nowhere Louisiana > Northwest Arkansas
If it's as boring and generic as you say why do so many people live there, why is there so much detective fiction written about it, etc. etc.
Plebs: filtered
>s1 > s3 > s2
>matthew mccounaughey meme acting over mahershala's goat performance as a 35, 45, and 75 yr old man (supported by the most cutting edge and convincing old age makeup) all done perfectly
>1 > 2 > 3
>putting s1 over s2 with the Lera Lynn ear-kino and the greatest score in tv history at the end of episode 6 and the best opening song
>1 > 2 > 3
I like Louisiana as much as anybody but Treme does it better. its also just not important to the story. s1 was written for a different location and they were given 3 alternatives that nic and the producers liked all but went with it
1 > 2 > 3
The s3 shooting scene is better on all levels beside formal gimmick
i meant it is self explanatory that the themes in s1 are obviously more intriguing than the other seasons. you putting it last is straight up retarded
matt = ali
woody < dorf - BUT, the chemistry between matt and woody is better than ali and dorf.
rest of the cast;
s1 > s3. just look at the last episode of s3, that flashback when junius is telling the story is NCIS tier
>gender critique
>obviously the most intriguing
you have to go back
its fine. the major issues with it are the unnecessary flashback segments and the lack of runtime or filming schedule to let it breathe. like I said the direction isnt as good as season 1 (sackheim is an unambitious tv director) and hbo is still retardedly sticking to archaic broadcaster traditions and being a stingy bitch
I maintain that ali is superior to matthew. woody's better than dorff. these are by smidgens tho. also IDK how you make that judgment about chemistry, the scene at the end of S3E5 is one of the greatest ever in tv because of it
>Los Angeles
Just watch NCIS:LA you fucking pleb
>literary procedural novel with filmic acting and production on hbo
>soulless franchise spinoff network genre garbage
>all because of the real world geographical location
wew lad. you know theres an NCIS in Louisiana, too?
please see yourself off my board
>my board
how will I ever recover from this biting own. naruto and fedora? this slaps
you know where the door is
He didn't have to go to the lakers
>you know where the door is
i dont tho
nice bait son
As we all know southern california is an obviously terrible location and all that's been made there is beyond trash
Not that it's a "terrible" location. That it's fucking cliched and overdone to death. A lot of what was so fucking cool about S1 was it wasn't the normal detective story in the typical detective story location.
And then S2 was just "eh fuck it who wants to have to shoot in fucking small town area, let's just shoot in LA so we can drive to set from home."
Ive seen all three seasons multiple times. I'm actually the only person on the internet who doesn't bait with simplistic retarded evaluations of this
>rural location for serial killer story
>chosen because of tax credits
so fucking cool. so not normal
I mean why even do a police procedural? its the most overdone genre in tv by far. killer having some wacky modus operandi? buddy cops who hate each other then make up, really?
I like Twin Peaks will I like True Detective?
>so fucking cool.
>so not normal
yep. Way less normal than "generic LA locations #100,729
>I mean why even do a police procedural?
Good question. Not sure what that has to do with LA being the shittiest location of the 3.
Keep grasping at staws m80. S2 location was generic vanilla paste bullshit.
>characteristic of or relating to a class or group of things; not specific.
yes, los angeles is way less generic and more rich than rural louisiana. they had like 4 different states to choose from for s1 and they liked them and all would've worked the same
the fact that los angeles has been used as much as it has (even putting aside hollywood for say, novels that don't have production realities etc) speaks to how iconic it is and how generic and uninteresting rural louisiana is
>Good question. Not sure what that has to do with LA being the shittiest location of the 3.
you're hung up on token uniqueness. if that was what counted you wouldn't have watched the show in the first place. has nothing to do with quality. my backyard has never been filmed doesn't make it the best
Dem keedz
>*eerie music starts playing
> That’s good man, real good.
> Purple Haze, my man.
>allymaongated skulls