What are the essential Volcel movies other than The Thing?
What are the essential Volcel movies other than The Thing?
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Limits of Control
So what type of cel am I?
>Not a virgin
>Could potentially have a decently active sex life if I could be bothered
>Don't really care most of the time
>Occasionally do care enough just enough to browse through OkCupid or Tinder
>But generally don't care enough to do any more then browse and maybe send off one or two messages, that I then lose interest in
>On the rare occasion I feel like getting my dick wet, I either go out and hook up and failing that/not wanting to put that much effort in, just hit up a brothel
You're a normie, fuck off
You are fucking retarded is what you are. "Cel" is short for celibate you braindead fuck. Get the fuck off my board you lonely normie tourist scum
Me on the left.
I don't think so, because my normie friends all put a shit ton of emphasis on sex and act like it's the only thing that really matters, to the point where I gave a friend I hadn't seen in about 4 years a lift home and he said to me
>First things first! You've had sex right? You're not a virgin are you?
>when people try to justify their virginity
No one is a virgin by choice.
because you're really gonna find out on Yea Forums right?
I've been here 11 years now, why don't you fuck off cunt?
>has sex whenever he can be bothered to try
>doesn't care most of the time because it's not the most important thing in the world
That's a normie.
Your friends, however, are ultranormie retards. The types of mindless drones that will unironically go and spend money on capeshit every month, and probably care about brand clothing.
I think Pope Francis probably is, unlike my fellow countryman (Cardinal) George Pell.
you are just pathetic enough to get STDs while having an utterly shit tier sex life so kill yourself
fucking children does not make you celebate and those priest niggers are going to hell
>was exactly like in the left pic
>decide to get my shit together: Exercise daily, find a job, take better care of health, eat healthier, and so on
>women start coming to me
>I ignore then completely, because I don't want that shit in my life
Am I still an Incel, or I am a volcel now? I'm still an athetist and I still hate roasties. I'm not miserable tough, I just romanticize misery just like anyone that loves /nightwalks/ and consume Buckowski books and Doomer memes.
you're mentally ill
>used to slightly obsess over sex and my virginity
>tried to hook up countless times
>almost got close to losing it twice
>one day realize sex is really just the most socially accepted drug to do because of the short lived dopamine high
>autism stops me from ever making a move again because it's degenerate
>will probably save myself for marriage
not even a retard or neet, have multiple friends of both genders and pretty successful in life so far
>I just romanticize misery just like anyone that loves /nightwalks/ and consume Buckowski books and Doomer memes.
You're an obnoxious faggot. Exact same type of attention seeker as women who post on Facebook about their crippling depression.
>incels try to convince themselves they are a made up "volcel"
you eurofaggots crack me up everytime
>le epic anti-atheism maymays xD
Wow, is this 2011 or something? Grow up.
>such a worthless poseur you can't even spell Bukowski right
Get out.
The catholic church actively protects pedofile priests
I think the government, the jews, and my parents trying to control my life is already more than enough. I don't need to add another party. I don't even pretend to pay a hooker, I'm already past the point where losing my mouth and penis virginity would be anything, I would be forever know as the guy that lost it after 25, I would always be labeled as a loser. So, It's better to just keep my purity, at least that is something special I have.
If anything, I think I'm doing pretty good. My life is in order, I'm healthier, I stopped losing hair, and everyday is another adventure. My calendar is full of cultural events to go, all stuff I would be happy to see.
I don't have social media I do, but I don't use it and I don't talk with people IRL about any kind of problem I may have, at all. I just talk about this stuff in boards or threads where people like to talk about this stuff, like some boards on double chan.
Sorry, I didn't sleep yet.
>christcucks still SEETHING about whites rejecting their jewish lies
Wrong. The catholic church is just a good way for a pedophile to disguise himself, just like being a feminist allie is a good way to disguise yourself if you're a sexual predator. Overreaction is how most of this people operate.
>dude don't want to get involved with girls, or be labeled as a faggot. His stuff is little boys
>instead of living his life giving shitty excuses to "why you don't have a gf yet" he just says he wants to be a priest
>when he becomes a priest, he ends up finding lots of opportunity to go after his kink, until one day he gets caught