What was her problem?

What was her problem?

Attached: Marie_barone_01.jpg (302x360, 21K)

Deborah is a bitch to her son and probably grandchildren.

She was rejected by her own mother in law, so when she came to power, she became a tyrant herself.

It's the usual "hurt people hurt people" shit.

narcissistic personality disorder

Put Raymond before Robert and made them both into big babies.

She didn't want her son to have a shit wife. Debra has zero skills, she didn't have a job an wore a permanent scowl on her face and acted like being a housewife was the hardest thing in the world. Oh yeah it's real hard spending another man's money while you sit on your ass all day. bitching about it. On top of everything she couldn't cook. Well that's Ray's own fault for marrying a non-ethnic white woman.

A man-baby like Raymond is going to attract the controlling type of woman that Debra is, so Marie is responsible for that. Marie resents Debra because she took her son away from her. Also, a housewife shouldn't work. Being a housewife is a full-time job already.

>Being a housewife is a full-time job already.

Yeah I really need 9 hours a day when the kids are in school to clean the house and prepare a meal.

Even if you work 9-5 not all of that time is actually spent working, and I'm sure you know that. I know mothers that work full-time, the kind of food they give their kids is the crap that takes 5 minutes to microwave or 25 minutes to bake from frozen. They don't do nearly as much laundry or other housework. If you're a husband who also works, you won't be happy coming home to a house like that.

If they were Italian why didn't they act like the gabagool Jersey Italians?

Everyone was a cunt, including her.

>Debra clearly can't handle things
>Marie tries to help, all Debra has to do is take some backhanded comments but nothing too bad
>Always just flips out instead and tries to ruin Rays relationship with his family
Dumb cunt.

lol its takes literally 20 minutes to prepare a healthy meal for a family, an hour to go shopping to get a few days worth of food, half hour to do the laundry.

But they did though

Barone is a common italian jew surname.

If you want to do all those things properly they'll longer than that.

Did Robert have the right to complain as much as he did?

What was the episode when Ray cut off Roberts cock off?

>Being a housewife is a full-time job already

Kids spend like 8 hours a day sleeping and the other 8 hours a day being somebody else's problem. All you have to do is feed and change a baby. They have plenty of time to do whatever the hell else they want, which is usually nothing women don't have hobbies.

You've obviously never been a parent and also have completely forgotten what a pain in the ass you were as a child.

No your a lazy slob stew's, casseroles, stir frys, curry's, salads, spaghetti, all need less than half hour to prepare and cook. Putting laundry in a washing machine and ironing a family of four's clothes takes half hour a day.
Anyopne who cannot do these simple chores within half a day is a failure.

>Being a housewife is a full-time job already.
When will this meme finally die? Being a housewife in the current year is literally sending off the kids (assuming the kids even exist) to school so the government can raise them while you sit on your ass, drink wine and watch idiotic soap operas.

Get a real job, lazy cow.

There is literally no reason why a housewife should have a job

No, but that's not what were arguing about.

Nobody cares if you can make dinner for 5 from scratch in 30 seconds.