>accidentally open frontal camera
>get depressed for the rest of the day
Movies for this feel?
>accidentally open frontal camera
>get depressed for the rest of the day
Movies for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah that shit happens to me all the time, almost thought about putting some black tape on it
Very powerful isn't it? More than the mirror.
>not removing the front camera of your phone
enjoy the CIA/china taking your pictures
The front camera makes me look especially bad. I had to take a picture of myself for a student ID a few months ago and ended up taking it with the rear camera because the front one made me look outright deformed.
don't worry user cosmetic surgery is getting better all the time
the front camera has a weird lens that makes your face looks weird dont worry you look like you look in the mirror
This is why I'm glad my phone doesn't have a front-facing camera.
I look better in the camera and worse in mirror tho fuck.
>watch porn
>accidentally see your own reflection on the screen
>what are some movies where the main character comes home after an overtime shift at work one night to find the woman he was with for 4 years getting plowed on the couch by two strangers only to hear her cry and say that she was sorry even though the deed was already done and now the main character can't sleep or eat without his chest feeling like it's going to literally come out from inside his mouth and the only thing holding his days together consistently are is pathetic tears?
>look at your reflection closer
>see a shadowy figure over your shoulder
>turn around and nothing is there
I just got a job where we use webcams a lot. Its horrifying.
>throw on interracial porn
>there's two shadowy figures now
The LEGO Movie 2
>mid 20s
>hair is thinning
>no gf
>mfw I imagine trying to get a gf with me being me except without hair
>quicken up my pace
>find it hard to look again because I'm sure there's someone there
That character probably did something wrong.
Try watching Captain Marvel.
Thank filters for that.
could be worse.
> studying computer science
> only one year until I graduate
> have a manic episode, become psychotic and end up in a psych ward
> pumped full of drugs
> problem solving skills are completely gone on antipsychotics and have to defer
> too ashamed to see friends so I cut them out of my life due to a change in personality and weight gain
> almost 27, no longer have casual sex or gf's, no job, not studying
Are you retarded? The mirror has the mirror effect, that is, switches positiona. So if your face is asimetric, it might look better in the mirror than what it is in real life
Leaving Las Vegas
>finish messing around on my phone
>lock the screen
>catch a mere glimpse of my own reflection on that black screen
Sounds like you used to be a normalfag and got what you deserved
Holy fuck... I'm so sorry, user. Makes me feel like my life is not so bad. Any way you can get off the meds safely?
All women are whores. Please tell me you kicked her out.
Actually, I think I am worse. No gf is actually the least of my problems. I'm a neet with clinical major depressive disorder that's been through 10+ antidepressants. I'm 24. I've never been to a party, I have no friends, I've never even held a girl's hand, I've never had a job and I feel like shit every day.
I dropped out of highschool from being an honor role student (90% average over full course load) in grade 11 due to a skin condition and my health both physically and mentally as deteriorated since. I actually think I'm retarded now.
My 25th is next month and I'm probably going to drive out to a field and hang myself. You anons on Yea Forums are my only friends and human interaction.
Based and redpilled
I could withdraw off them, but run the risk of psychosis again and I'll end up back in the high security psych ward, which is just a prison. the only difference between myself and somebody in a mainstream jail is that they have privacy to an extent and a set release date, things which I won't have.
>that's your dead grandpa and grandma
>they watch you masturbate
Cameras and photos show the real you.
A mirror is a flipped image.
Learn to code. Learn to art.
Make a small game.
Publish it. Make a few bucks.
Repeat, making better games with each try.
Welcome to the thunderdome.
Were you officially diagnosed with schizophrenia?
>what is lens distortion
Can confirm. I look somewhat normal (well 3 or 4/10) in a mirror but I'm hideous as fuck IRL. And it's not just my mind playing a trick since people have noticed it too...
>The mirror has the mirror effect, that is, switches positiona. So if your face is asimetric, it might look better in the mirror
user, if your face is asymmetric (this is what I assume you meant) it will remain asymmetric in the mirror, just flipped.
manic depression officially, but some doctors have said they believe I may be schizophrenic.
>learn to code
I did some intro classes in Python and Fortran in in the first year of college and I sucked, everyone else seemed to be better at it than I was.
The camera OP is referencing doesn't have adjustments of those kind.
How you look in a camera or photo is the real you.
A mirror is a flipped image that you're too used to seeing because you can freely manipulate yourself and lighting while looking at it.
yes but it can look better still
>comparing yourself to others
First mistake. Only comparison that matters is between who you are today and who you were yesterday.
Also, learn C#. Best balance between control and accessibility.
why would my face look more symmetric in the mirror?
>have to do videocall with authorities to activate new sim card on holiday in Europe
>is a super hot Russian chick that took my call
>flirts with me whole time
Feels good being hot
Can't you read.
He already said; the Mirror Effect™.
>have to do videocall with authorities to activate new sim card on holiday in Europe
based neet bros. sorry wagie, but thats just what neets do with mrs wagie
The Pest *HOOOONK*
The front camera lens on a phone is going to be the smallest type, and thus cause maximum distortion
Scott Pilgrim 2
yeah but I'm not the only person in the world. Even if I did get a lot better than I was at the start, in the end I'd still be the worse compared to others, which means my work has no value.
And yet many people can take selfies and turn out just fine in terms of their appearance on camera and in real life.
He didn't explain it, so what are we supposed to think
Not how it works, my man.
on the photos taken by others i look okay, in the mirror i have dark circles under my eyes but look the same, in the front camera i look completely deformed. i always use mental gymnastics about the mirrorr (its bad lighting etc.) but its getting harder to cope lately.
The point is that asymmetrical faces look particularly bad in selfies
Yeah, something to do with the focal length. I look straight up subhuman on selfie camera shots, it makes my face ridiculously long and thin. It's not as bad IRL.
yeah if you want to take a decent picture with your phone; use the regular camera (not the selfie one), max resolution setting, zoom it all the way and then take it.
>what are we supposed to think
He already did the thinking for you, idiot.
Just get on with it.
>how you look in a photo is the real you
Please say it ain't so
imagine being ugly lmao you don't know what it's like to catch girls keep looking over to you
i'm quite attractive (had to learn this from other people) and the front camera still makes me cringe if i just open it randomly like i hold my phone normally, that's just how it is for people. they angle their faces etc when they're actually taking a picture that people will see, anything is else is an "i showed you my dick joke" where literally anyone looks bad
how am I wrong though? Even if a farmer evolved from not growing anything at all to growing worthless weeds, his work would still be worthless.
the mirror in a stable mood is the truth
It's actually true.
Mirrors are deceivers in the sense that it distorts your perception of your real appearance.
If it's any consolation, everyone's face is asymmetrical and it's incredibly rare to have a symmetrical face.
If he explained it then why are people still asking questions, dipshit.
It probably makes you cringe because you're just not used to seeing it.
It's a simple shock and reality check.
Look at it long enough and you'll get over it and even see that image of yourself in the mirror.
this, if everyone ITT feels like shit and is putting themselves down constantly they will perceive themselves as much worse looking than they actually are
how could a mirror possibly be a deceiver compared to a camera, that's fucking retarded, it's literally just your reflection
sometimes people make themselves ugly or pretty through the power of mindfuck but that's a different thing
>how am I wrong though?
Your worth is not determined by the worth of others.
>Even if a farmer evolved from not growing anything at all to growing worthless weeds
When you put in enough effort learning to code, you go from a farmer that can't grow shit to being able to grow corn, not worthless weeds.
Your progress is not determined by the quality of others - it's determined by how much better you are than you were previously.
lens and software = distortion
your reflection is your reflection you idiot
Stupid people never stop asking the same questions over and over because they can't parse the answer.
It's a flipped image of yourself, it's not what other people see.
Plus you're able to make subtle changes in your positioning when looking at a mirror, changes that'll make you appear more attractive to yourself.
distortion changes the background
Everyone who looks at you face to face doesn't see your reflection, they see how you see yourself on camera or in a photo.
>Your progress is not determined by the quality of others
that's true
>Your worth is not determined by the worth of others
but this isn't. Let's say on a scale from 0 to 100, 50 is what is needed to make a living or to be considered skilled. Even if I progress from 0 to 30 I'd still be under 50 despite the massive progress. And in the case of programming, the number 50 is determined by the general skill of the entire industry.
Some people even benefit from the effect, but it depends on what kind of face you have. Of course, if you are objectively attractive, you will still be, but it can fuck up someone average pretty badly.
Just watch a few videos on blacked.com
Stupid, arrogant people will insist that their answer is sufficient. If people keep asking the question, then they're obviously looking for a better answer than what you're giving.
>too ashamed to see friends so I cut them out of my life
>no longer have casual sex or gf's, no job, not studying
Wow this is literally me.
"Worth" is not binary. You are not "worth something" or "worthless".
Also, seems like you're comparing your worth to that of those with more experience. Kind of futile.
Overall too concerned with other people.
Just because your moldy brain can't understand the answer doesn't mean it isn't complete enough.
Fuck off you participation trophy tier aspiration having retard.
>Any way you can get off the meds safely?
Whitdrawal symptoms are worse.
the flip is pretty negligible, besides maybe some weirdness with regards to how people see which way your hair is combed. i'm mostly talking about people being freaked out by the front facing camera which is very distorted
that's what happens when you're inferior in every way to the majority of people
I bet you hate Jordan Peterson, don't you?
Nothing stopping you from getting good.
Why would I hate him?
>literally talks like a retard
>calls other people retards
>everything he says is obvious my room doesn't need cleaning lmao
>>mid 20s
>>hair is thinning
how the fuck does this happen to you guys, honestly ? Is it bad genes, bad hygene, bad diet, lack of general care ? It seems fucking impossible to go bald at 20 unless something is off
My hair started falling out at 17, and will continue to fall out if I don't wash it every day, but sometimes still does. I'm guessing shit genes, but my older brother is the only one with the same problem.
bro washing your hair has nothing to do with it unless your head is so dirty you get infections
If I don't wash my hair more of it falls out. I've tried to go without washing it and the same thing happens every time.
This put me off my lunch once.
it's probably because you wash away the hair that has fallen off everytime you wash it
>i will always look like i just smoked a blunt and haven't slept in days
i guess i should just give up and live the gimmick
Washing your hair probably makes you lose more hair due to all the chemicals
If this is real then you have my dearest sympathy.
I had a girl recently choose her ex bf over me and retroactively claim there was no chemistry between us despite getting on like a house on fire. I don't open up to people often so it hurt but God damn, I couldn't imagine being in that situation. People are trash and women were a mistake.
Just look in the mirror. You'll look fine. The front camera has a retarded view
>watch porn on computer
>put fullscreen
>screen is all black so it reflects the light
>see a sad, shirtless middle aged dude staring me through the screen
>it's me
>feel uneasy for a few seconds, then finish the fap, and then feel uneasy afterwards
I feel like I should stop with porn altogether
Boogie Nights.
Not sure you'll like how it turns out for the relatable character.
let this be a lesson
Nigga put a shirt on wtf
didint realize how ugly i was until i got high one day and looked at my profile in the mirror, feels bad
I've gotta go shave soon. Wish me luck.
that's fine but the front camera has a small lens dummy
The distance from the lens is changing the background.
Maybe you subconsciously make small corrections to your posture and facial expression.
Use the mirror, you know what happened last time.
Are my eyes also mirrors because most people I see look pretty normal?
is this a joke or are people honestly this stupid? you get used to a face looking one way, when you see it flipped you think it looks wonky
Don’t suicide user. Dude, as a human being on the other side of the world, I want you to know that I love you. You’re a person with a lot of worth. I will pray for you that things will get better. Hey perhaps you could find a church that has small groups with a tight community?
that happens a lot to me because i'm a körperklaus and my hands are too big for my phone. I never get depressed though i like how i look
I hope you're a woman...
Based christian user
Does anyone else look good when taking the photo and bad when it’s flipped on the camera roll?
just get some therapy and medication my dude or else you will remain in danger
im sorry about your situation, i really am - wish you the best
bald w/ beard isn't too bad honestly, just go to the gym and youll be fine. also social skills are much more important, ive seen chubby manlets pull average girls because of their pleasant personality
>tfw only look good in frontal view
I hate having shit facial aesthetics, I look like shit in every photo
Better then than later.
There's no alternate reality when that would not have happened.
This will be good for you long term if you make an effort to internalize it, mark my words.
And always remember : people are objects, women, men - just accumulations of molecules . You weren't ''meant'' to not be betrayed. Things just happened underpinned by an incalculable chain of variables going back 13.8 billion years.
Learn to take what you want (and I dont mean sex, that includes affection too) and abandon relationships when you're no longer getting what you want.
I'm very grateful I got cheated on by my fiance, and also happy about the times we had together. In time, it made me mentally free to cheat without guilt.
Learn to be anti-social for life on ez mode.
>chat with guy on FB
>flirting ensues
>talk about /making it/, before and after pics
>carefully select good photos of me to show him
>he stops flirting
Happens to me when my monitor goes dark and I see my reflection. I feel worse for other people who have to look at it all the time instead of me who only sees it briefly.
>I'm 24
Young as fuck
>I've never been to a party,
Good, parties are where spirit goes to die.
>I have no friends,
Quality over quantity. Your 1 good friend away from being better off than those with a shit ton.
>I've never even held a girl's hand,
I'd say this is good but if you must, get an escort in Vegas. Then quit worrying about it. Women are only relevant to you when thinking about making a family. That can wait until your 30.
>I've never had a job
Get a job.
>I feel like shit every day.
That's a tough one, but not an excuse. Power through it and try meditation. It's not a magic bullet but it can alleviate the shit feeling.
Is the skin condition gone? Then fix your health. That shit doesn't have to be permanent.
>not removing the mic from your phone
It's like you wanna get wiretapped
>tfw ugly in front camera, rear camera, wall mirrors, roof mirrors, those theme park house of mirrors, computer screen, phone screen, and any other surface capable of showing my own reflection.
At least theres no doubt about me being ugly.
Game development is supposedly incredibly basic in terms of coding skills required
lmao. you deserved it
everyone is laughing at you now ugly
I have that same problem, fuck.
If it makes you feel better I know 2 girls that are super pretty in person but look like shit in every picture.
Most accurate Version of yourself would be a mirrored mirror Image. After that comes the mirror itself, even though its mirrored it isn't subjected to lens distortion like photos are
I stopped looking at my bathroom mirror ages ago.
max kek
Good thing my pc screen is one of those lcds that didn't reflect anything
I believe in you, user. You are loved by me.
Glossy screen on anything bigger than a tablet is terrible. I had an iMac once and the glossy display drove me crazy.
This is actually why it is a true image of your self. When you see your 'photo' self all your features are suddently flipped which really makes your asymmetries stand out.
People perceive your asymmetries closer to how you perceive them in your mirror image.
I think I'm gonna go full Carcosa if I don't manage to turn my life around by the end of the year.
Blame the camera
>accidentally open frontal camera
>get horny for the rest of the day
Movies for this feel?
send piccies then
Get a dog,if you enjoy them
It will make you feel much,much better
>streaming movie on computer
>screen fades to black
>see reflection
Kinos for this feel?
Reminder that a ton of facial aesthetics has to do with how fat your face is. If you're even just a bit chubby, losing weight can have huge gains for your face.
This board is for incels only if you have a wife you need to ask this on reddit
Get out of here you unvrigin.
>have to get a picture for mandatory government issued ID card
>take a picture and look like a felon, like A mugshot of some hard ass criminal that was in nigger prison for 30 years
>actually I‘m just a 29yo balding hikki virgin
>>have to get a picture for mandatory government issued ID card
>>take a picture and look like a felon, like A mugshot of some hard ass criminal that was in nigger prison for 30 years
>>actually I‘m just a 29yo balding hikki virgin
Hey that's all me kek, except I'm 28 some milf even told me I looked like a thug when I was out jogging after I took a glance at her.
The good side is that criminal looking cunts won't even look at me so I'm safe from mugging.
>Having a reflective monitor/tv
Step your game up biggers
Did you incapacitate them?
"You weren't ''meant'' to not be betrayed"
this is good advice
just be yourself bro
own it, dude. at least you won't get jumped for looking like a pussy
Nobody wants to do anything with me because of that.
People change the side of the road, woman start running if I walk behind them.
People lock the doors of their cars when I walk towards them (because my car parks next to them)
Children hide behind their moms
Employers won‘t even invite me for a job interview
Its all fucked
Use a filter like all the other faggots.
So is anyone gonna suggest a movie or what
>wake up every day thinking today will be the day, the beginning of my new life, look out world
>end up spending the day playing video games and curling up in a coma watching movies
>intense feeling of regret at the end of the night, telling myself tomorrow will be different
>do this for years
What is the cure for this feel
>When you see the reflection of your fat ass on the TV
Thank God for plasmas.
Please be memeing
maybe he wasn't a fag like you?