When an off brand nigga replies to your post

>when an off brand nigga replies to your post

Attached: bodie.jpg (1200x749, 182K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>gets raped

youre thinking of your gay pornos lol
never happened on the wire

t. off brand nigger

bodie was a faggoty servant
high iq poot got a job at foot locker and contributed positively to the country

off brand niggas dont (You) me


>sucking dick for 5 hours
>not gay
Pick both.

name one (1) thing wrong with breitbart

Based Yea Forums

>nationalism is b-

this thread is about the wire you faggot off brand niggas

Never forget the summer of 92.

reddit show desu

t. off brand whitethold

the wire is about rape and sticking with your own so I think this thread is very on topic

>Suburban white teenager faggot watches The Wire once
>Starts talking like that

You are somehow gayer cucks than the fags that watch The Sopranos and start thinking they are mafia guidos.

lay down you off brand nigga


haha what the fuck is wrong with swedes?

>when you get off brand niggas banned

Attached: J+Williams+Cast+Streamers+Attend+Rehearsals+kV6Xiwr2DYnl.jpg (440x594, 56K)


>reddit faggot reporting posts

seriously this is now a rape thread again, nigger

Attached: leftist rape victims.png (664x729, 390K)

based fuck the wigger OP

Attached: swedish rape cringe.jpg (327x766, 68K)

How many times do you think Adebisi raped him when he was tied to his bed

At least 5 hours of dick sucking

Attached: swedish rape cringe.jpg (327x766, 68K)

Nobody got banned though crybaby bitch.

5 hours

haha what the fuck is wrong with swedes?

lol you guys are gay


Attached: CC7EE36A-719E-4A70-BA33-A5351F347171.jpg (400x249, 24K)

>he posted it again as a sign of defience
epic win bro, that will teach the liberals!

>supposed to feel bad for this guy
>rewatch the series and realize he was a pedophile and all his drug use stemmed from that
>he literally puts his hand down his pants and starts jerking off while watching McNulty’s kids play soccer

Pretty fucked up

Boide is based, love his whole demeanor


looks like ya seethin lil guy


you lookin like a ban evading autist


Attached: leftist cucks.jpg (673x830, 83K)

I literally haven't been banned once. You're little bitch posts have been getting deleted too

> Be crackhead.
> Want more crack.
> Become an actor 'playing' a crackhead but you're really just a crackhead but now you're getting paid for it too.

haha wtf is wrong with Norwegians