The state of Yea Forums

>the state of Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

>there are girls on Yea Forums right now

been worse

Dumb frogposters. Better than Yea Forumsermin though.

Pepe is one of the mascots of Yea Forums(the other being Wojak) you stupid newfaggots.

>3 frog threads
>better make a 4th

They nuked the thread exposing that tv is 95% women

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Better than capeshit thread no.40

What's the most male board on Yea Forums?



Not even. They have 50% femcel posts.
I read that Yea Forums is 68% women total, lowest represented on the porn boards. Highest represented on /pol/ actually
>from advertising analytics

Like 2/5 of /r9k/ is attention whoring w*men and another 2/5 is attention whoring trannies

only 1/5 are actual males

/ck/ and /po/

>"Disney vs non-Disney" shitposting
>Rotten Tomatoes shitposting
>Random blog/social media post shitposting

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no way

Most of the ones on /pol/ are over 50.

>oh no no no
>look at the top of his catalog

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What's the most female board? /cg/?

>tfw racist milfs are shitposting and calling each other glownigger kikes all night

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I visit /pol/ mostly. 30yr femanon. Mostly shitposting on threads that interest me, rarely start my own threads though.

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>the state of Yea Forums

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I’m a 22 year old girl, I’m the one randomly posting spastic threads and docs related to 9/11 on /pol/
Maybe it is true, I can believe we’re a significant demographic. No one has ever called me out for being a girl before/noticed, but maybe it’s the same a lot of girls I’m talking to and don’t realize either
>tfw I’ve definitely said tits or gtfo to people before

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>It was an easier time then

What do girls think about gore?Do you cri

I imagine there's one or two of the "all my friends are guys" types. This place is fairly masculine right down to the pedophilia.

Its loaded to the brim with suicidal traps and attention seeking whores who think they're dark and moody

I have been on here for almost 8 years, I have nothing left to cri about bootyboi
Or girl...are you a girl too?

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Do you ever leave your house?

Tfw no r9k femcel gf to poop in my mouth

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I tried to make friends with another girl in that thread and she was rude to me once and never replied again
But the jokes on you, I don’t have any friends, male or female!

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Its from a comic for children. Kind of fitting.

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Nice gif

Not often. I go to a pretty intense ivy league university I’m doing poorly at because I procrastinate too much and have no friends to ask for help/notes from. So I mostly stay inside shitposting and messing around with urls to find government documents. I also collect coins.
I really want to make female friends though

Thank you, they spark joy

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So there's no way to meet people like you outside of online places?

no one going to check this sick get?

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Why did the creator hate us so much bros?

I remember buying a dvd when I was a young teenager after school with pocket money, you know the fake ones burned on discs (early 2000's). The guy I bought it from fucked up one time and instead of getting whatever latest movie was out at the time which was written on the disc with a marker I got Bumfights instead, which lead me down the rabbit hole of asking him if he had more similar stuff. Turns out he had tons of shit similar to the stuff you would see on rekt thread on Yea Forums, also I assume "illegal" footage of snuff videos all merged together like a 1 hour compilation. Gore doesn't bother me, it intrigues me. I remember being super confused once because I remember seeing a woman getting fisted with a baseball bat with nails on it and assume that most porn was like that as it was the first time being exposed to it. It weren't until years later I realised that was torture. Shame I don't have those discs no more, they are probably scratched to the point of being unusable anyways. I'm just glad I never got any CP off him, or maybe I did and didn't realise as I was 12-14 at the time and didn't know what CP was and how much shit it would get you in. My parents didn't get internet until around 2007 and it was 2008 that I discovered Yea Forums.

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Because hes a faggot

I mean if you go to college you could try talking to the girl who shows up 10 minutes late for every class, doesn’t talk or look at anyone, and doodles stick figures during extremely important lectures the whole time. But why would you want anyone like that in your life?

>the virgin frogposter
>the chad creator
Not exactly rocket science

Jumping in here; I know it’s not representative, but I think I’m the fourth? girl in this thread and I also go on /g/.
My boards are:
mu (but it sucks, the board has bad taste lately)

I had no idea Bumfights was real, they make jokes in Kimmy Schmidt (guilty pleasure, I’m a woman too though) about it
I’m slightly intrigued

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I assume every poster I meat is a 20 something white male.


I can't wait to tell my mom when she wakes up that all these years I was actually talking to girls

All women aged 14-36 need to die.


Tits or gtfo roasties, the men are speaking

I don't know about you but BASED

>t. roastie
Mad you’re not the only girl here? I bet you’re the attention whore that was mean to girls in the other thread after your reddit-tier “I’m a girl AMA” post
>mfw I’m a girl too

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What do the women here think of black guys?

That picture isn't of titties, now GTFO.
This is a board for guys only, sorry ladies, head to /ck/ 8D

Well shit you may be right

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>tfw I’ve definitely said tits or gtfo to people before

Lmao epic xD

Shut the fuck up ugly whore post that ass or get it banned

Yeah, sure faggot. And I fucked the queen of england in front of Adolf hitler
Tits or gtfo

We don’t like them, now stop being a cuckold you pathetic faggot
I can’t speak for jewesses tho

Women are pathetic

Tbh she wasn’t typing like an autistic retard. You on the other hand...

What is this image supposed to imply?

>t.flat ass that can't attract a mate
Sorry that your only form of male attention is through an image board, bitch. Some of us can actually meet guys in real life.

That men pretend to like boring movies to seem deep and edgy
>tfw I don’t really like the art/indie movies I say are my favorites that much

>those digits

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Wait I was right?
Can you be my shitposting female friend pls
I don’t know any other girls in real life and I just want a pal

>Slow and boring

Defending m'lady are ya? You're getting the cyber puss for sure

Alright then let's do this. I'll try and order it in a way that where I spend most time is listed first
>inb4 I dox myself.
>/pol/ shitposting, learning history/politics, reading and sharing images from my redpill folder, news and happenings, any interesting threads that isn't a blatant shill or slide or blacked thread
>/fit/ still learning how to lift and cleaning up my diet
>/o/ for /dbt/ I have a Ducati Monster 696
Visit from time to time
>/g/ to keep up to date on PC shit. I have a A+ and MCP but got cucked out of a decent job since I finished school after the 2008 crash. Been a neet/wagie since
>Yea Forums because I'm a steamfag /wg/ if I want a new background /ck/ if I fancy learning how to cook new shit /fa/ mostly lurking but I usually leave disappointed Yea Forums if I am watching any new tv show and am up to date or any other news that may interest me that is relevant to Yea Forums which in this case is the Michael Jackson documentary /vp/ if a new proper game is getting announced (gen 8) for now
Rarely visit
Yea Forums /gif/ for rekt/ylyl threads or just browse to see if I find weird interesting shit /r9k/ I used to have a good laugh reading some of those greentexts stories

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Fake as shit, post sauce cunt

fuckoff your probably a whale irl

Nice blog

>tfw this thread made me realize I talk to multiple potential gfs every day but will never be able to meet any of them

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I’m 5’5 and 105 pounds. Do you not like having fat female friends or something? Why are you so angry desu?

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>sample size of 5


it hurts


I’m...I don’t know how to break this to you...I’m a woman
Hahaha. This thread is bananas

Nobody likes fat females, lose some weight you fat cunt

this poor autistic girl asks for a femanons to be her friend in every other thread and theyre all so mean to her lol. someone throw her a bone already its getting sad to watch


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>Blade Runner 2049
Not bad.

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If i can pontificate a bit, for your edification, one of the rules of the Internet is “there are no girls on the Intemet". This rule does not mean what you think it means.

In real life, people like you for being a gid. They want to fuck you, so they pay attention to you and they pretend what you have to say is interesting, or that you are smart or clever. On the Internet, we don't have the chance to fuck you. This means the advantage of being a "girl" does not exist. You don't get a bonus to conversation just because I'd like to put my cock in you.

When you make a post like, “hurr durr, i'm a girl" you are begging for attention. The only reason to post it is because you want your girl-advantage back, because you are too vapid and too stupid to do or say anything interesting without it. You are forgetting the rules, there are no girls on the internet.

The one exception to this rule, the one way you can get your "girlness" back on the Intemet, is to post your tits. This is, and should be, degrading for you, an admission that the only interesting thing
about you is your naked body.

tl;dr: tits or GET THE FUCK OUT.

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Given the state at what most women are like now days with multiple niglet kids all half brothers and sisters with no dads in the picture posting on tinder trying to find a beta provider to cover rent. They're sad. I reckon I've done alright, not well but alright.

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Not real girl just disgusting trannies

Based and truthpilled


Dubs of truth

Based oldfag

samefagging this hard

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Not really

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Also, inb4 "M-Muh photoshopped meme!"
Here's some webm proof

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How many of the women ITT are into femdom?

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I'd rather this than more capeshit threads

I wonder how femposters feel about all the c*nnyposts on Yea Forums

Hell yeah

Not my cup of tea m8, sorry
It was funny as first, now it's just normal shitposting to me. Makes me smile every once in a while.

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Why don't you help combat the rise of incels and offer your body to any Yea Forums user who wants to stop being a virgin and who could maybe after having sex go on to become a normal successful human being?

It would be a small sacrifice

I'll be your fren, fellow XX chromosome person.
you're probably a man IRL though so fuck off to /soc/ with ya

>just spent the last two and a half hours on lolcow farm and crystal cafe
>am male btw
A lot of these w*men are fucked in the head, and they claim we're worse. Wew.

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Honestly, this should happen to all frogposters and /pol/posters

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>I have a Ducati Monster 696
Just imagine the smell of her brapper after she goes for a long ride. JUST IMAGINE.

The internet is the great equalizer.

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Kek in lolcow fucking moderation is up to the fucking roof. You can get banned for blogposting, racebaiting and other inane shit.
Crytal cafe is actually comfier but only because traffic is less dense and there aren't as many delusional whores jumping at each other's throats.
In conclusion, those iterations of Anonymous forums "for giiiiiiiirls" are completely fucking meaningless. They feel like your regular gossip forum, 'cept with less emojis and less rabid doxxing. The conversations are the same. The topics are just as vapid. You're not even allowed to say nigger or LARP as a man for fear of getting banned.

The girl thread the other day was pretty good

>mods will let this continue forever
I find it funny that other boards remove this type of cancer ASAP.

>implying I haven't
He wasn't a Yea Forums user specifically and was a virgin. I'm still with him.

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Goddamn, that looks painful!

And other boards wonder why Yea Forums bans anyone who posts a frog on it. Shit that's the reason Yea Forums hasn't fallen as far as the other shitboards here. You really need to understand what kind of pathetic chimpoid has thousands of frog pictures saved on his computer and ask yourself would I ever want to speak to this person anytime in my life.

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>why Yea Forums hasn't fallen...
Haha what. Yea Forums unironically allows fucking Naruto and Bleach threads, they have for a long time now.

They are already dead.

Not only am I a woman, I'm actually a collective of 6 women.

>Yea Forums lets people talk about anime and manga

Surely time much better spent on feels and frogs threads.

It's a v-twin so it does vibrate quite a bit although I never understand why people think they make you wet. I guess it's because I wear full gear.

I'd rather have a fun frog thread on Yea Forums about movie cliches than talk about Naruto on Yea Forums for even one second.

I meant that you probably get that brapper all warm & sweaty, especially if you're wearing full gear

I’m a grill I promise
Ask me a question only we would know the answer to!

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/fa/ is awful for women’s clothes. It’s just dudes posting pictures of 2012 quirky hipsters. But for why

When do girls peak?

Then you do not belong here

Yes, especially in the summer. I've been doing squats for 6 months and counting so I'm getting bigger in the downstairs department.

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Not defending /fa/, but what's the alternative? /cgl/ is just a bunch of greasy chubby weebgirls with split ends who post ita/j-shit coords and think they can wear them as regular day-to-day clothes

>Yes, especially in the summer. I've been doing squats for 6 months and counting so I'm getting bigger in the downstairs department.


I’ve had slight forehead wrinkles since I was 13, so maybe we never reach the peak of how attractive men will find us, and you should just go all in on sexbots already. It would only be bad for women who care about if a guy finds them sexually attractive!

Ok. What color is your blood on the 4th day of your period?
What distinctive feeling did you get during your puberty (this has to do with a specific body part)?
Does your stomach cramp after an exhausting workout?

I have a thriving Pinterest presence and I follow people like Courtney Halverson. It’s rough out there for us

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im not a girl, I just know how to blend in thanks to all the estrogen in the water

There are different types of shitposting. If it's low quality, then you have to know that poster is a woman. Also, females tend to blog post more often than males to talk about their fee fees. It's tiresome really.

4th day blood: starts being more brown than red. Also after my period I have a gross mix of blood and discharge for a couple days which is annoying.

I’m not sure what puberty feeling you’re talking about, besides feeling edgy and suicidal with the bonus of headaches and sore boobs.

When I do sit ups my abs hurt for three days. I also don’t work out a lot tho, I lucked out at being naturally pretty thin but it made me lazy

oldfags bringing the heat

Ah that’s okay, it was nice while it lasted

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You don't actually think that outfit looks good, do you?

Ah also,
I tend to get more clots towards the fourth day which I’m sure dudes have no idea about. Thick globs of blood literally come out of our bodies like we’re a walking haunted houses, and sometimes if it’s coming out while you’re on the toilet you have to wait for the tail/stringy end of it to slowly finish dripping into the toilet. Then you make fun of us for being more emotional.
Also fuck trannies they have no idea what they mean when they say they want to be a woman. They just want to wear dresses. It’s unironically sexist imo

Maybe I'm not /fa/ enough but to me a lot of the fits just looks straight up stupid on that board. Sometimes I'll see something I like on modest feminine threads where they were nice skirts/dresses. The only useful thing I found on the board is that there exists two tone tights which makes it look like you're wearing over the knee socks but they're tights (pic related) so you don't have to deal with the bullshit that over knee socks have where they fall down your leg.
I'm a different femanon but I think girls peak at 18-early 20's. If she takes care of herself and is lucky with genetics she can look good even past the wall date. Some girls go though puberty early and as a result can peak before legal age of consent.
/cgl/ is cancer. I'd rather have no alternative than go there

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trannies couldn't give half of a shit about wearing dresses - thats just run of the mill crossdressers

as repulsed as I am for using SJWisms, trannies want the privileges and social status upgrade that comes with being a woman in the current year; if there was a way for them to have the attention and social status without cutting their cocks off, I'm sure 90% of trannies would suddenly stop being trannies.


All "females" ITT are trannies unless they post face and pusy

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>Thick globs of blood
To any guys that don't know about this. Imagine a Jam jars or Jams made out of berries. The texture isn't consistent, you get wet smooth parts and sometimes you get clumps where the fruit wasn't crushed down properly. So when you sit on the toilet bleeding, it's mostly a smooth, slow stream of blood that comes out but that big clump of strawberry that wasn't mushed up passes too, you feel the difference when it passes and sometimes it can be stringy clots where half of it comes out while you have to wait for the rest to come out. You can try and force it out where you push on your vagina where the blood and extra pee comes out (I think guys can do this too with their penis) if not you still know the feeling from pushing down when taking a shit. You can also try and wipe the clump that's still stuck inside with toilet paper but if you bleed heavily or are unlucky can risk having a wave of blood flood out onto your hand as you wipe.

I don't get it, what is this supposed to be?

What the fuck is this? Auto-generated links for something?

If you don't understand these then go back to fucking reddit

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Nigger I have been here since 2006, nobody here knows what the fuck this is. Give us an explanation cunt

Just give it to me straight, will it even be worth my time to find out about it?

>mfw all those white roasties making female asian hate threads
it all makes sense now

What the fuck is this? I understand it's some sort of way to host a webp on pastebin but how do I view it?

I notice theres a lot of TERF (for lack of a better term) sentiments on CC and LC. As a guy I cant help but be amused by it seeing as how it causes a schism in the feminist/"sisterhood" community, between w*men who are accepting of trannies and the hardline radfems who want it to be a "biological girls only (preferably lez), no boys allowed" club

image filters you fucking dunces

/o/, /diy/ and /g/

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wouldnt mind pegging a man

Just give us an explanation to how it works, dumb cunt

Go back

Only to newfags like you maybe. Posting true mascot of Yea Forums.

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I've been here for 13 years cunt, never posted on reddit. Give me a proper explanation

I mean the same thing kind of happens when you get a real bad nosebleed, no? You get a real smooth slow/steady stream of blood dripping out your nose and then towards the end you get this big 'ol blood-clot-loogie that gets lodged right on the edge of the beginning of your nasal passage in your sinus cavity that'll either go down your throat or out our nose if you blow (or inhale) hard enough

I'll probably get shit for this but I don't think hapa kids look too bad. Sure some can look a bit like a spic sometimes but if you was to compare it to coal burner's children it's a huge difference. I don't care about men that are rice cookers and while coal burners piss me off, usually the toll comes for them and if it doesn't 9.9/10 the nigger bails and she ends up alone raising her ugly shit kid with no father figure in his life.
>asian hate threads
So long as you mean a light skinned Nips or Korean that's okay. English people call Pakis asians too and it pissed me off to no end when I see slags with them.

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Figure it out yourself retard I already spoonfed you twice

"Better, or worse?"

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No one has liked sadfrog since 2012, fag

You tell me, faggot.

Look into mbti. Certain types are extremely attracted to types similar to yours.

>big 'ol blood-clot-loogie
Much bigger and not hard/dry clump of blood. It's soft and wet, if I was to have it on tissue in my hand and squeeze it, it would be like squeezing and damp sponge and blood will spread everywhere.
Fucking captchas are taking the piss, click on the images of the bus until none are there. They take 2 years to fade out and constantly load up new bus pictures. I miss legacy captchas.

/femchan/ when
I want to talk about the gross things that happen to our bodies
>no trannies allowed

Bitch you already have lolcow farm and crystal cafe


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Hot take: everyone ITT is a girl except the ones who say they're a girl

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>implying the boards appreciating men sexually aren't fag boards

oh, so it's some gay filter for images you don't like.
Fuck, I thought it was encrypted nudes or some shit like that

no one knows what those are

>3 frog threads
>30 capeshit threads


/o/ actually has decent men, though there are alot of Turks posting about their 15 year old 318d Ultimate Driving Machines.

I thought Yea Forums was banned in turkey

/sci/, Yea Forums, /his/ and /g/
women are unironically too stupid for these boards

How do I get a Yea Forums browsing cosplaying cute emo gf


Girls on this thread, why the hell are you still on 4channel?
Everyone here hates women (me included) and the ones that don’t keep crying about how they want to fuck their waifus
We men think you’re beneath us, consider you useful only for procreation and want less rights for you
Why do you still stay here?

OK I believe you, although mine gets pitch Black by the 4th Day so there's that.
Second question, I definetly meant sore breasts and severe heartburn. That shit lasted till I was 15 it was always uncomfortable.
Oh and I dont work out either mainly because every time I run or make an effort I get period like cramps. I dont have vaginosis so I think the problem is mainly hormonal kek.
The tranny problem, I find amusing, but funniest of all are the feminists who indulge their delusions. On the one hand they inisist on muh equality and muh gender stereotype free upbringing, but on the other hand trannies are the biggest proponents of those stereotypes.

i enjoy larping as a male and talking about my waifus with other people

Imagine if there's a girl on here with wide hips and a big butt and she's reading all of our comments. haha I wonder what she smells like. Probably gross, amiright lads? Like, imagine how sweaty her butt must be from sitting in a computer chair for hours.I bet it's musky smelling. haha Can you imagine that?

Not a chick here but this has been known for a long time. Yea Forums is mostly female. /x/ used to be damn near all chicks as far as the eye could see, not sure if it is anymore. /soc/ was always big with women. /pol/ has a ton, some would say more than half. /s/ is full of lesbos and old dudes. /toy/ exists and it's not all balding beta males. /an/ is ripe with tits. /vp/ couldn't survive on males alone. Honestly you guys should've suspected at the very least if your only board isn't Yea Forums.

Women make me sick.

All of the autistic men gravitate towards Yea Forums and all of the autistic women gravitate towards tumblr. It's a super uneven split of genders on both sites. The inbetween is reddit.


this. women leave and stop shitting up the board


>pepsi is not okay
The only right answer


i already assume most men think like you people and are just well-adjusted enough to hide it in the interest of getting laid. nothing anyone says here is particularly surprising


Well, you assumed right. Add to hide it in the interest of staying employed as well. I care more about a stable job then getting laid
have sex

dont project incel tranny

>sleeping with a weak little buttboy you can't possibly respect
if he'd let me peg him, he's not worth my time




/his/ without a doubt

wut do femnoids think about sneed

better than all the shit anime posters here

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Yea Forums

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Yea Forums


IT's part of Yea Forums culture


girl here. dont hit on me silly boys :3

do the needful and open bob and vagene bitch

You didn't mention that when you project a steady water stream towards your ass, your period stops alltogether for at least 15 minutes.

probably right about /sci/ and /g/ but when it comes to Yea Forums and /his/, i think you'd be surprised

Okay, neckbeard.

>have proof the board is being invaded
>they ignore it
I guess that means we can treat Yea Forums like Yea Forums then

women are useless holes.
