>go to rt
>screenshot CM audience score
>post your results
Go to rt
Why bother? It's all fake.
It also doesn't matter. It's doing great in the box office and most critic reviews are good. You really think disney is looking at RT to decide the future of the MCU?
>most critic scores are good
No, buying out you product to inflate numbers while producing fake news articles siting a fake crtitic site is for tje future of the mcu
79% is a good movie. Not a great movie. Not a best picture nominee. But it is good.
The largest number attributed to these ticket buyouts is only in the 10's of thousands (under 30K). And nothing else of what you said, or at least what I could decipher, has nothing to do with what I said. It'll make a ton of money, and the reception will be good enough for them.
>delet 50k negative reviews
>still 32%
>add 20k positive reviews
isnt forest gump like 75%
>Delete every review saying they didn't like it
>Absolutely okay with the bot accounts saying they liked it
The fuck
Accuse others of what you do. Makes you wonder about the Russian bots
That the tomatometer, not the scores.
We are talking about scores and the average is nowhere near 79/100.
Can someone please explain to me the phenomenon of caring how much money a movie makes (outside of indicating the potential for a sequel to a relatively new IP or unknown franchise)?
CM looks shit. What else matters?
t. never really followed the flow of money from movie theaters to the hollywood jews.
WTF is going with Captain Marvel's RT page? I can't leave a user review on it. It's gone after you refresh the page. Tried it with other movies and everything works fine. Where are these new user ratings coming from?
White males are not allowed to review it
> not 99% audience score yet
someone at RT will get the black death for this
Did you rate it below 3?
If something is shit but performs well, more and more money will be focused on making shit leaving less money for decent things.
I tried everything. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Nothing works. Won't accept my rating. This only concerns Captain Marvel.
>Shall we cripple the Americans with our Russian might, comrade?
>No Sergei, lets just spam negative reviews of a comic book movie on a aggregator site.
But it's rarely used in that context. There seems to be a common and direct correlation made between quality and take. Always seemed weird to me.
correlations vary depending on who's making them
it sounds like you've been listening to idiots/shills
Can't we just nuke this site? Or ignore it?
At this point it's clear that it's a marketing platform, why do we even consult it for movies?
> Delete 54000+ scores, leaving only 4000
> moves from 32% to 36%
> Add bots and positive reviews on demand, raising it 20000 scores.
> Film still has a low rating.