Watch european movie

>watch european movie
>shows grown man bathing daughter when she's like 12 or 13

Is every Euro a fucking pedo or what?

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Sauce on the movie?
So I can avoid it.

>be american
>lovely help your daughter to wash herself
>be shunned from society and go to prison
The land of the free.

little girls are sexy, get over it

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Why are you watching pedo movies?

in my german school we constantly watched this documentary where a father took baths with his son

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no, that would be considered extremely weird behaviour
it's likely that you just missed some subtext because you're dumb


>watch true detective
>Why wouldn't a father bathe his own child

Is every Yank a fucking pedo or what?

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The other way around. In Europe people don't tend to look at their own children or young kids around them as sex objects as much, but rather as you know, children. So stuff like child nudity is less ostracized.

That's not to say that Europe isn't also filled to the brim with pedos, but I guess the general public consciousness is less obsessed with seeing children as sex objects than places like America.

I've seen little girls with their father in the mens shower at swimming house. Does that happen in America?

Depends on what theywere doing with them

Honestly washing children and changing diapers are all female jobs(especially if the child is a girl). Men aren’t meant to do this type of stuff

Shower after having been in the pool or before going in

we prefer to be called cunnysseurs

No. Only to you. Get over that your attraction to undeveloped girls is an evolutionary flaw.


Ha ha ha yeah that sounds so weird ha ha. Could you post the name of the movie so I won't accidentally watch it?

Shocking I know, given that the Amerimutts don't bathe at all.

>american subhuman

>unironically implying men cant be trusted not to molest their own daughters
very funny how traditionalists actually hate men more than any feminist

evolutionary flaw is when you dont find a fertile human female attractive