"What are they gonna do? Fire me?"


Mark Hamill also once again says he isn't happy that Luke was killed off and offers that Disney tricked him:

>"Then the second thing was that they killed me off. I thought: oh, okay, you should push my death off to the last one. That’s what I was hoping when I came back: no cameos and a run-of-the-trilogy contract. Did I get any of those things? Because as far as I’m concerned, the end of VII is really the beginning of VIII. I got one movie! They totally hornswoggled (tricked) me."

Regarding Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Hamill reveals just how clueless director Rian Johnson was about the movie:

>"They had me walking by 3PO, not even acknowledging him. I said: “I can’t do that! He (The Last Jedi’s director, Rian Johnson) said, “Okay, go over and do whatever.” So I went over, and I did whatever. They say it in the script: “Forget the past, kill it if you have to”, and they’re doing a pretty good job!"


Attached: Mark Hamill article.png (843x729, 732K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He was too pure for the evil that is Disney, if only he had seen it earlier and refused to come back.

Based boomer

If only he read the script for TLJ and said fuck you Rian and left Disney now without a Luke

But that was around a year ago, why is he shocked now?


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are they going to call him an incel for hating on TLJ? Seeing as how you're not able to critique it without being labelled as such. When the fucking main character of a series is shitting on it, it's time to accept the movie is awful. Disney Wars was such a mistake.

nobody wanted to see his sad saggy boomer coke face anyway who gives a fuck

Sorry Mark but fans want to see Rey instead. Luke's story is over.

Based. Kinda tired of people giving props to that retard just because the disney flicks suck.


Guess you shoulda said some of this back when people gave a fuck what he thought not bitched about Trump then a year and a half later move on to this

Thanks, I'll use this as an enemy name in my game

>are they going to call him an incel for hating on TLJ? Seeing as how you're not able to critique it without being labelled as such.
He surely doesn't care if they do. Imagine if Mark gets together with a film crew and makes a documentary on how he was treated and the original 2013 ideas of TFA that Lucas gave Disney before JJ stepped in and fucked everyone? The ultimate red pill that would destroy them.

I mean read TFA artbook. We get a lot of Lucas' ideas he gave them but there is apparently heaps more that Disney has tried to keep secret about it.

Attached: JJ.png (739x754, 592K)

nobody likes trump, just accept it.

Daisy is the one who does coke. Not Hamill.

Attached: Daisy weightgain.png (1422x1566, 1.89M)

they wanted to avoid having to pay anyone Robert Downey Junior-level percentages of the gross.

This is not the first time he's spoken against the movie.

>"Okay, go over and do whatever."

lol and people defend this hack? He's the fucking director of the film.

Nice astroturfing, disney

Reminder TLJ was made from a first draft by Rian. There was no re-write or improvements. KK just said "Good job" and let him do whatever.

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I'd start comfort-eating too if I was front-and-centre of this trainwreck

I'm well aware, but he's *still* shocked and yapping about it, I'd assume he'd have shut up by now.

Lol maybe with her burgers and fries, that bitch gettin tubby

Wouldn't she be losing weight then?

>it's working

Attached: The Architect.jpg (1000x1133, 232K)

Have sex and get a clue you dork

>going from sticc to thicc

what's wrong with that?

That's not thicc, that's just fat.

I got herpes instead

Isn't everyone who criticizes new Star Wars a racist misogynistic manchildren?
I have been told that over and over again when I didn't like The Last Jedi. Usually I get told that "even if the movie was be bad, you can know what kind of people say that it isn't a good movie", usually meaning racists and sexists. So I am not sure what I should think, I don't consider myself a sexist or racist, I just don't like the movie that much. The Force Awakens was tolerable, but Last Jedi is just bad.

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Did something in his contract just expire? Such as not being able to disparage nu-Wars? A lot of actor contracts stipulate you can't talk shit about the movie, at least for a certain amount of time (usually until they've made the bulk of their money off it).


Wunna how how I know your a teenage zoomie fucktard who (grew up) with the prequels?

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lets just clarify what you guys mean. are you actually saying shes fat? i dont see it.

Amy schumer is fat. rose is fat.

or are you just saying she gained an unrealistic amount of weight for her role in the movies? I agree.

looks good to me

Attached: daisy january 2019.jpg (640x748, 146K)

they made all these sequels so that Leia was the big badass in the third movie, they killed of Han and Luke and treated them like shit and then she fucking dies in real life lmao

then why he president?

the prequels are unironically great now that the new ones have come out.

Even the 3rd OT movie was considered kiddie garbage at the time and no the prequels are still garbage.
Tlj and tfa will always be worse but that's not saying much.

tfa wasnt bad but was corporate as hell. the last jedi and the spinoff movies have all been trash tier.

in any case the prequels feel great compared to the last jedi and solo and shit.

Maybe he's fresy pissed off at how JJ handled Luke in EP 9. With no hope of ever coming back as a Force ghost he's got no reason to smile and shut up.

Bottom right looks like eddie bravo lmao

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Fuck Disney

>Mark only signed on because Ford convinced him Lucas would be directing
>Lucas sells Star Wars to Disney
Now that has got to suck.

Bring back George.

>the original 2013 ideas of TFA that Lucas gave Disney before JJ stepped in and fucked everyone?

Was this even a thing? I thought Lucas just pocketed the check and ran to a kosher brothel far, far away.

He’s a force ghost in ep 9 that only exists to shill Rey as the greatest Jedi/character ever born. He gets no redemption or last good moment. JJ was his last chance and he screwed him.

At this point, Hamill doesn’t fucking care anymore.


Tfa was objectively OK but here we are 3+ movies later with no conclusion or answers.
Had jj and Disney had a handle on this franchise from the start we wouldn't have got abominations like tlj

He told Disney what his ideas were for the sequels. Disney said “No.” and passed.

Why would Ford try to convince anyone? He was in it just for the money and wanted Solo to die asap.

Luke winking at 3PO is the only redeeming part of the last jedi

People tend to vastly overeat when they're on it for sustained periods, especially when they have enforced cold turkey times.

He knew Hamil being in the movie would boost profits, which is in his interest if he has any deal to take a percentage. Honestly Ford should have been part of the creative team; he's knowledgeable about the setting and tone but not emotionally invested.

>Arrive at nuWars JUSTed
>Get UNJUSTed thanks to months of training
>Only to get JUSTed again by a Jew, a self centered woman producer and the subversive man
>Still has to play It cool for a few months because he dropped too many redpills about how the sequels were shit and the mouse noticed
Hamill didn't deserve this shit

Grow the fuck up. Rian Johnson didn't ruin anything, Kathy Kennedy didn't ruin anything, JJ Abrams didn't ruin anything, and George Lucas didn't ruin anything. It's whinny, hypocritical, spoiled, attention seeking whores like you who hate everything new that have ruined this franchise! And the fan base as well! Now granted, yes, you're allowed to not like a movie. That's fine. I have my issues with the new movies. But, do I despise the filmmakers, and think they wronged me personally? No! That's just a stupid thing to think. It's also immature and frankly disgusting. The fact that trolls like you bash these movies 24/7 and say retarded shit like "The Last Jedi is the worst movie in the saga!", or "George Lucas raped my childhood!" makes you not a fan, just a whinny little prick!!! Also the fact that you put down and harass those who do enjoy these new movies, calling them not "real" Star Wars fans is beyond pathetic! And you have the nerve to make videos and write posts talking about how the new movies should be made and that if Disney and Lucasfilm don't meet your demands, you'll take violent action against them?! I'm sorry but again that is just disgraceful! It also gives you fucks less creditability than you already had and makes the rest of the fan base look bad.

Dry pasta

They were making it up as they went along user

god that was quick, good job.

I just pretend the sequels never happened.

>Was this even a thing?
It saddens me how ignorant everyone is because they are so used to reading leftist propaganda around the media they consume. Yes Lucas didn't run off with a payback. KK originally allowed him to be in the background and watch them go through pre production of TFA. Early sketches in 2013 show a wise Luke meditating on the island as Rey goes up to meet him. Yes parts of Luke in TLJ were thought of as far back as 2013. Rian just decided to abandon all that because he couldn't think of any reason why Luke would run away from his friends. Fair enough but originally Luke and Rey were meant to go on an ancient Jedi relic hunt together across the galaxy. Of course Rian completely wanted Luke to be a hermit throughout the entire movie and never leave the island. The greatest mistake he made.

Attached: art-of-star-wars-the-last-jedi-luke-skywalker-kira-training-1067830.jpg (900x783, 63K)

Waiter, I ordered katana pasta from the verdant fields of /tg/, not this off brand twitter knock off.

>So I am not sure what I should think
Your an npc, but your programming is breaking.

Soon you will join us

The novel Bloodline is actually really really good. It takes the prequel politic style and blends it into a story about Leia being found out to be the daughter of Vader and the reason why she joins a Resistance in TFA and not has any help from all the Republic is because most reject her as a traitor. Yeah you need to read to understand the backstory

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>Luke and Rey were meant to go on an ancient Jedi relic hunt together across the galaxy

> he couldn't think of any reason why Luke would run away from his friends.

The same mad impetuous boy who ran across the galaxy TO his friends, easy reversal as a mature man.

What fucking hack and obviously never really got Star Wars.

>Luke and Rey were meant to go on an ancient Jedi relic hunt together across the galaxy.

That's really too bad, it would have been cool and could have redeemed this shitshow somewhat.

Attached: sith_happened.jpg (908x539, 67K)

I remember back when prequel apologists used the read the novels defence for the myriad of issues.
Funny how things change yet stay the same.

Right side is the Sith villain they were gonna originally face

Attached: Rt70WeU.jpg (1628x836, 160K)

Pic related is what Lucas' idea for what Luke's temple should look like in TFAwhen Rey walks in on him meditating

Attached: star-wars-the-last-jedi-george-lucas-ideas-concept-art-1067828-1280x0.jpg (1280x705, 73K)

I gave JJ the benefit of the doubt, the reboot of Star Trek was actually good in the first movie for example.

>Tfa was objectively OK

Just no, the PC machine was in full force by then and it's utter derivativeness combined with progwashed slime ruined any chance it had of being a good movie.

The porg playing with the lightsaber? Rian wanted him to be killed by accidentally turning it on. Only good thing I guess he could have done

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That Talon figurine he once saw at a game meeting really did a number on Lucas.

Lucas' main strength was always taste in visuals and it's painful to see that they discarded that too for poor copies of his style.

No idea why Luke was illustrated to have Vader's helmet. There is a lot hidden behind what they originally planned and Lucas or Mark needs to spill out the truth eventually.

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they are all kiddie garbage and there is nothing you can do about it

the prequels are just better kiddie garbage


Imagine being a newly chosen director to make your first movie in a legendary franchise, you get not only 1, but 2 old actors reprising their old roles. One being Mark Hamill who returns after 30+ years. This is it. They're getting old and this is your chance as a director to make something special. A legacy to popular culture. And what do you do? Character assassinate and kill off one of the most legendary hero figures in popular culture just to 'subvert expectations'. How can someone be this up his own ass?

Jakku wasn't a desert planet to begin with.

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Only reason I'll eventually watch s o y wars (pirated) again is to see what happens with kylo ren although he seems to be following the anime tier villain logic of oh maybe I'm good? No wait just kidding I'm bad also sexy angst

Lucas is a certified Twi'lek enthusiast, he made Secura appear in the prequels after being in some comics

>it's the "Let's forget TLJ was a horrible movie in general and lets just focus on Luke's JUSTing" thread.

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They had so many legit cool concepts, and all they could do with the franchise was a soft reboot of New Hope. Fuck Disney.

>Luke only appearing as a force ghost cameo:


>JJ Abrams calling anyone who did not like the Last Jedi to be sexist racists:

>JJ Abrams saying the Last Jedi complaints will not affect Episode 9. He also praised Episode 8's script saying he wishes he had directed it therefore he is following in Rian Johnson's vision:


>Oscar Isaac stating that Episode 9 is very improvised. JJ has given the actors their own decisions on how they want scenes to progress and he doesn't care about pleasing the fans and just wants to make a "fun" movie that isn't stressful with the lore:


Attached: 125215.png (769x635, 480K)


>RLM fucked up and sucked nuwars dick too hard and now they can't reap the benefits of ripping them apart years later

The answer is how could he not?
>two over rated movies and above average tv episode literal who joss whedon tier hack somehow lands the gig + given complete autonomy because???
Imagine being him/you in thr same situation given billions of dollars to play with and gets paid no matter what its a win win.
On the upside nobody will ever make a worse sw movie than tlj on the downside the holiday special still exists as does star wars kinect
Not them but I've honestly hated on tlj so much I've burnt out.
Almost 2 years later and it's kinda boring to relentlessly shit on not to mention the franchise crashing and burning over the last 4 years kinda makes me not wunna talk about it any more
Hamill on the other hand is fascinating he keeps biting the hands that now feed him (formerly lucarsefarts) so it's fun to speculate what will happen to him.
Nobody gives a fuck about official star wars canon anymore.
I ironically hated eu back in the day but slowly starting to get into it now that sw isn't popular or cool anymore.
Hopefully it will just die and we will all collectively forget Disney ever touched it let alone made 5+ boring but average movies and one terrible one.
Tlj = everything bad about the eu + prequels
Tfa = mixed but mostly bad parts from the ot
The spin-offs aren't even worth discussing either I didn't mind Han solo as it felt like a fan made project and less like a stupid fucking arse pull from the likes of rian Johnson or kk
Rouge one literally had one good scene
I'm fine with letting sw die I loved the OT as a kid but it's just tapped out the eu has already been everywhere with it and Disney are a cunt hair away from dumping it and or rebooting it
Not to mention dumping any decent new characters like poe kylo and Finn in a toxic male hyperbole loop deminishing them to little b sub plots
The fuck? Nobody wants to see rei be perfect at everything or (not yoda) hamil acting like a drunk goof

Don't trust those guys.
They're the ones who started the whole "Star Wars fans Bully Kelly Marie Trann of the Instagram" bullshit

Fuck 7 and 8 as well.
I unironically enjoyed ro and Han suck ass more but both of those movies where painfully average. Barely prequel quality but at least tried.
I have a feeling Disney will just double down on this sjwshit until it backfires.

There is literally artwork of Hayden in Episode 7 tho in TFA artbook

Biggest hacks. They called TFA fantastic but said Rogue One sucked for being nothing but fan service...

I have the trailer of Rogue One's preview when it was still in pre production. An user posted it here a while ago. Ends with rebels screaming and gunshot fires as title "ROGUE ONE" fades on the screen.

The artbook is hilarious shit.
Basically, in January 2013 Lucas brought his treatment for the sequel trilogy of Kennedy, Iger and the horde. A few days later JJ was announced and that's the last time Lucas is mentioned in the book besides how people were influenced by his and Ralph McQuarrie's work on ANH. He probably didn't have script, but he probably had a notebookwwith loads of shit as he had for Raiders of the Lost Ark.
The thing is JJ is the archetypal cliche SW fag or at least pretends to be one. He only likes ANH and ESB, hates Ewoks and PT and thinks that Kasdan was the reason OT was good. He was convinced that SW fans were so traumatized by PT and SE that he felt the new movie was suppose to be a sort of safety blanket for the fans after all the bullshit ol' man Lucas put them through.
Like I said the artbook is hilarious shit. The preproduction team was lead by some snakeolil salesman/old buddy of Kennedy that walked around like that guy in the Key & Peele Gremlins 2 sketch asking
>what is the Force to YOU
and blabbering about breaking the boundaries of consciousness between the members of the art team. And i the end all the did was (sometimes literally) copy Ralph McQuarrie's artwork.


Remember that cringe I rebel and her fat arse running around? Braaap

>He was convinced that SW fans were so traumatized by PT and SE that he felt the new movie was suppose to be a sort of safety blanket for the fans after all the bullshit ol' man Lucas put them through.
The mind of our fags RLM too. And don't forget Screen Junkies who shouted at someone when they asked if they should watch the prequels. "STAY AWAY FROM THEM!"

JJ never stuck to landing and never will. The mystery box is too strong for his feeble mind and actually plotting something to the end would probably kill him.

Attached: Eddie Bravo.webm (395x477, 2.97M)

Nope this was a trailer made for the original dark depressive vision of Rogue One that was just rebels on the battleground. I need to find it as it's on one of my hard drives but not sure if it's legal to show it. Was taped at some Star Wars event when they announced the movie.

Attached: awesome-collection-of-star-wars-rogue-one-promo-art-features-new-look-at-characters-and-more17_1.jpg (1200x680, 87K)

Prequels>Disney Rape

Don't remind me.
Fucking David lindleloff + jj is ultimate mystery muguffin bs

Attached: sw IS THAT A FUCKING BOOK.jpg (408x408, 18K)

This guy is a hack I tell ya

big mood

That doesn't mean that it was something that "almost happened". Unless there's some other source that says that this almost happened, it's just throw away concept art that could have been done for shits and giggles, or have just been an idea that was thrown out there, only to be done away with a few days later.

@Starwarsfacts find basic information, then make assumptions about it, like I said
>KMT leaves Instagram
>Doesn't announce it or make any comment about her reasons for doing so
>@Starwarsfacts tweets that she's left because of bullying, kicking off that whole shitstorm
>However, if you actually look into it, it's more then very likely that she closed her account because she signed a new NDA before ep.9 started filming

>Honestly Ford should have been part of the creative team

Dude. He doesn't care about anything but the all mighty dollar. He wanted out of this franchise since 1980 cause he thought it was stupid.
On the other hand, you could still get him back if you gave him enough money. They could say he landed in some cart full of hay and the lightsaber to the chest was but a flesh wound.

Dunno if I've seen it
>legal to post it
Grow some fucking balls
Prequels are still hot shit and 00s cgi in a nutshelk

Attached: sw kyle.jpg (672x1630, 320K)

>grow up with the prequels
Slow down, grandpa.

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I was 8 when I saw jarjar what of it?
Some zoomies grow up watching movies decades older than them

Still better than Disney shit

I really honestly don't understand the hate of Phantom Menace. AotC drowns on too much with boring romance but TPM is still comfy af to me. Love watching Obi Wan and Qui Gonn together.

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Even the actors got subverted on, based Mouse kino!

Will take me ages where I saved the rare rogue one teaser trailer. I remember downloading it off streamable... you think the user who made it made it as a webm? That way will take it easier to find it but if it's like mp4 then be longer. idk if streamable lets you upload mp4

That was just an idea some concept artist had cause they started working before they even had a script, or a plot or a story.
They had a shitload of stupid ideas.

Attached: The Art of The Force Awakens p033.jpg (1000x900, 715K)

I expected a shit movie and that's what I got.
Hardly subverted

Here's the thing, the trick to making a good star wars film is to actually show all the cool shit. That is the single point of failure that derailed the prequels and what all the 'good' SW properties all share. Basically take Rogue One's formula but dilute it so it's only about 50% fresh ideas and 50% nostalgia.

>They had a shitload of stupid ideas.
So what we got was better?

>that pic
Threatened is "woman speak" for "fucking annoyed at the stupidity".

Bitchute or mega
I wunna see the other cuts of solo and rogue one.
Shame we won't ever though.
The main series is basically finished they wrote themselves into a corner with tfa and tlj.

I was kidding more or less
The movies are just bad, but it presents a complicated situation, where anyone who thinks x isn't good, is automatically things they dislike.
It's lunacy if anything. Just threw an "innocent" reaction for the whole situation. Talked with few friends who thought the movies weren't that good, but didn't want to be associated with Nazi's etc.
Funny world.

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Don't bother seeing Episode 9. We are going to be taught a lesson at how mean we are.

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I don't think you guys understand how concept artists work. They just draw random shit like throwing darts at a board and they draw a lot of it and maybe 5% gets on screen. Eventually the writer/director comes and cherrypicks shit he likes. Lucas didn't tell them to draw Talon, and Johnson didn't tell them to draw porg getting killed. If anything th art team hated designing those little shits and fucked around.

This logic is so dumb I'm a awkward virgin and I like women

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>"How dare you hate TLJ. For that I will make sure Episode 9 sucks so you won't get what you want"

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Well.. People keep asking him, and time passes..so.

Those at-ats look fucking tits.

I unironically love Jyn so much but hate Rey. So how am I a woman hater?

Attached: rogue-one-a-star-wars-story-delicity-jones-jyn-erso.jpg (618x412, 33K)

>tfw no one actually cares what you think about anything

Did you expect a movie this shit? No you did not, you got subverted on bro!

This guy is based

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Rouge One was about as bad I was expecting the nuWars to be, about a 6/10 Marvel style film, fun once but no long term value. Ironically it's now one of the best of the sequels as it doesn't actively try to shit on its audience.

>I really honestly don't understand the hate of Phantom Menace

Even Lucas himself wasn't happy with how the film ended up. In the Making Of you can see Lucas, Rick McCallum and Ben Burtt (who seemed to hate editing serious scenes right next to Jar-Jar being an assclown) rumiating of how the tone of the film was disjointed and the general consensus being "well, it's too late to do anything about it".

How am I racist when I wanted Finn to be the badass new Jedi and not Rey?

Attached: Finn_Star_Wars.jpg (1200x630, 198K)

It's the truth.
If this dogshit came out 10 years ago at the height of eu prequel hype it would get universally shit on by everyone not just (fans) but critics as well.
But because (they) have such a strangehold over the media and internet nobody dares speak out about how shit these movies actually are (especially tlj/tfa) because they get branded as a racist biggot for not being black and or female gay minority and having a dissenting opinion
I like jyns arse and her qt widdle mousey face I want her to suckle on my dick like it's her life source.
But I can't stand rey either both her actress and character are fucked she's boring plain and simple.
Anything interesting was chucked out the window with tlj
My favourite part was when they literally said she wasn't special when her actions thus far where anything but not special.
So logically inconsistent
I expected jar jar Abram's and I got that with porgs and quipping + ball robot


Kids who grow up with the prequels when they come out aren't teenagers or "zoomers". They are literally in their 20s and close to 30s currently.

You watching the prequels late is irrelevant to what that guy was implying. Also, are you admitting that you are teenger?

They spent so many years calling Lucas King Rape of Childhood Mountain, that now that JJ served them a shit sandwich they have to eat it and pretend they love it.

You need to read the Secret History of Star Wars. Goes into detail how reason OT was so well edited was because Lucas' wife Marsha helped him a lot but she divorced him when he made the prequels and he was going through depression because he spent too long at Star Wars ranch and in the merchandise when he should have been more romantic with her. Makes me sad how he didn't have the help of his ex wife when making the prequels and felt lonely

>Kids who grow up with the prequels when they come out aren't teenagers or "zoomers". They are literally in their 20s and close to 30s currently.

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>and pretend they love it.
I grew up in 90's and only found out the prequels were hated when I started browsing youtube in 2005. Before that never did I know those movies were filled with so many memes and made fun of.

Let's be fair rogue one is a 5/10 movie at best.
Nowhere near as bad as say black panther or avengers 2 but it's just so painfully dull.
It's not edgy/dark warlike enough like it was originally intended to be so what we got was some sanitised shit that doesn't really do anything well.
I'm 28 but it's entirely possible zoomers grew up with ot-pt because it used to be pop culture (not anymore)
I honestly think gen z+ just don't watch movies they stream and binge tv/nflix youtuube and do some like casual gaming that's it.
Every movie I've been to in the last 15+ years at the cinemas has been empty apart from me and a couple of other people (usually boomers)

>Guys have to train hard so that they don't look like fat old cunts.
>The girls can eat whatever they want and disregard any notion of exercise depsite having the most prominent roles in the trilogy
Yay, "equality"

Attached: kellie mary trans fats.jpg (854x480, 34K)

Have sex
T. 27 year old virgin
I'd be fine if they where at least thicc/fitfat but yeah it's just gross.
Kmt is meh at best but the sheboongs are much uglier
Why do they cast just ugly mutts and Asians when they are some truely stunning intelligent cute girls out there that can actually act and don't have a dogshit personality? Oh right they don't exist.

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Because you have standards and that is something only sexist assholes have.
All women are beautiful and will be always great characters you fucking bigot

Another Twi'lek George managed to sneak into the prequels.

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>After I blast your tincan ass
>I'm gonna make a nice wine

Attached: 01_JasonCourt.jpg (562x432, 85K)

That image doesn't look as bad as majority of the other AoTC shots. Odd how TPM has aged so well but AotC looks like a real cartoon

Nice try, Mike. Remember how all this mess is arguably your fault?

pretty sure they do cause i do

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>but it's entirely possible zoomers grew up with ot-pt because it used to be pop culture
I'm not saying that it's impossible. My kid brother love star wars and especially the prequels (or used to since he lost interest after TLJ) and he is "zoomer".

That dude was calling prequels fans "zoomers" which is stupid since the majority aren't kids or teengers.

It makes more sense than Kylo. Guilt over the sins of the father.

>Guilt over the sins of the father.

T. Jay
Not Mike obviously but while I found their prequel reviews funny I never took them seriously.
I always had a soft spot for the phantom menace but hated the latter prequel movies
That was me.
I wasnt saying the majority was zoomies at all quite the opposite.
I was saying some fans are zoomers

Fuck Kasdan while we are at it. Strutting around Hollywood as the guy that made Star Wars good despite ol' man Lucas hindering his creativity with his it's a fairytale bullshit. And when he was finally free to do right by Star Wars he just Ctrl+f replaces the names of characters and places and adds an orange Yoda but a hundred years older, so better.
And I don't know why he takes such ownership of Han Solo, like he created the motherfucker. All the important character work for Solo was done in ANH. All he does in ESB is pester Leia for a kiss in a hermetically sealed ship she can't get out of and then dicks around Cloud City for months waiting for his ship to be fixed but not for a moment bothered with 3PO missing until he's captured. the iconic line was improvised by Ford or rewritten by Kershner depending who you ask, nit that it matters cause Kasdan hated that they changed it.
Not to be conspiracy nut, but sometimes it feels like the guy was sent by the studios to steal Lucas' thunder cause he screwed them over by being so successful that he didn't need their system anymore.


Yes, you. The one screaming, "JJ Abrams is toxic" and "His movie is shit!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.

You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.

I don't feel awkward or anxious going to watch The Last Jedi at least five times around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful movie that has been made for us - and it IS powerful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We The Last Jedi fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow fans, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.

Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.

I pity you.

I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that The Last Jedi and Daisy are such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.

I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Stop watching porn and anime, go to cinema to watch The Last Jedi, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of this movie, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.

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>You are so bad at math you think people born in say 1992 are only 16 years old now

I wanted both. Rey to be closer to the traditional monk style, with Finn being the modern style that's arisen from Luke's more laid back approach to the Jedi order.
Both butt heads at times in their methods, but learn from each other as the films went on.

Once again: I love Jyn and what her character stands for. I am not a woman hater. Rey is just a really terrible character.

>Tread lightly

So, Mark Hamill?

Some pics of AoTC like this also look fairly fine. I don't know if it is the CGI or the filters that makes the prequels sequences so hit or miss in that sense despite having some practical effects specially for environments .Kinda like how even Hobbiton looked so artificial in the Hobbit trilogy.

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Wow, Daisy Ridley is charismatic like *THAT*!?

It could've been worse.

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Question: I hate every Disney Star Wars movie. This seriously piss me off. The fact that people are making threads about it every day shows that I am not the only one. Now here is my question:

Will you go and see the last one in the trilogy?
I don't want to give them my money and I hate what they have done to it. At the same time I just want it to be over and of course I want to see the last train wreck in the nu trilogy. If I won't go and watch it in the cinema I will get spoilered until the Blu Ray rip comes out (yes of course I would pirate it). So I will have to avoid Yea Forums and can't participate in the collective outrage. It really is such a dilemma and I don't know what to do. So I guess I will go and watch it when it comes out knowing that I will already hate it. After that I think they can seriously lick my balls and I won't bother with their spin offs.

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Funny how the black guy is the one to get cucked so hard?

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Luke ships is destroyed the whatever on the planet is blocking force powers.
Any reasons to give why Luke went MIA
Oh he just gave up

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>You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I would check twice before making such assumptions

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So you pirate it then, you don't have to be a omegafaggot who HAS to see it when it's in cinema

Gen z is 1995-200x born although there is no real established spesifics
God no.
I'll pirate a webrip at best

Nope. I just don't care anymore.

>Will you go and see the last one in the trilogy?
I won't if Mark just has a cameo, Finn will not wield a lightsaber again and if Rey ends up defeating Kylo or Kylo turns to the good side.

Will therefore wait and listen to the worldclassbullshitters podcast.

Some shit was a lot more stupid than what we got like the Millenium Falcon going underwater. But for the most part it was actually better than what we got.

>tfa wasnt bad but was corporate as hell
Kill yourself zoomer filth

Are there any news regarding the new movie? Any comment from him?






Just don't watch it if you're not going to like it. It's that easy

>Are there any news regarding the new movie?
Literally none. All we know is they have finished filming a month ago and there still is no fucking title. Yeah no joke.

>Tfa was objectively OK
Kill yourself

Niether did anyone else
Tlj barely broke even once u count Disney spending billions to buy and market sw + it lost 2 billion + ticket sales from what they where expecting.

The 3 hour cut of TFA was okay. It had politics in it and lot more Leia scenes that were cut out because JJ of course just wanted to copy how ANH was. That is why Leia is going to be a major part of Episode 9. They are reusing all the deleted scenes from the first cut of TFA. I don't think that is gonna work

Kill yourself kike

Okay meaning 5/10 at best
What's wrong with that? It's still worse than the prequels and the weakest original trilogy entrt
What if it's unironically called star wars and hard reboots everything?
>mfw the time travel leaks are true rey timeline enevr comes to pass and anakin is Luke

>>"They had me walking by 3PO, not even acknowledging him. I said: “I can’t do that! He (The Last Jedi’s director, Rian Johnson) said, “Okay, go over and do whatever.” So I went over, and I did whatever. They say it in the script: “Forget the past, kill it if you have to”, and they’re doing a pretty good job!"
how many times will one little cuck get btfo by his heroes? rlm pushing him into a locker and giving him a swirlie, now this...

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Who wouldn't pick Knives Chau over Mew's home wrecking ass?

They fucked up from the beginning and they made him canon now, such a wasted character not being used.

I never realized imperial ships only have a foot length hull.

imagine attacking your audience because you fucked up a film so bad

>He’s a force ghost in ep 9 that only exists to shill Rey as the greatest Jedi/character ever born. He gets no redemption or last good moment. JJ was his last chance and he screwed him.
It's so easy though, just have Rey be overwhelmed with trying to start a new Jedi Order (finally struggling for once because she has never had to form an organization with rules and shit before)

Ghost Luke comes in and gets to play Grandmaster - which is what he always wanted to do and what fans wanted to see, it's just that he's a ghost now but fuck it. So he lays down the New Jedi Code or whatever like Hammurabi and finally fades away, having passed on what he learned like Yoda said to.

If you absolutely have to have him hype Rey, do it in a subtle way where he tells Rey that she has a lot to learn and a long way to go but he believes in her or whatever.

But they won't even give him that in IX I bet, this is what they will do instead:
>Rey has already made her own new jedi order because she read the books
>Ghost Luke appears to tell her she's doing great and he's sorry for not helping sooner in TLJ
>The fact that Rey was wrong about Kylo and failed to turn him is either not mentioned or made into a quip

You're right, I need some Star Wars with strong women.
So should I read the last command or rule of two?

TPM was largely practical effects, especially for the battle droids.

he already signed on for episodes VII - IX before Lucas sold the rights to Disney, he was contracted to appear

> a company spends years building a ficctional universe because clearly they didn't want to rely only in the movies to make their cash

> another company buys said universe and what is the first thing they do? "forget the past"

the reasoning behind this is beyond me

Want to save Star Wars? Make Genndy Tartakovsky the director, and let George do what he does best -- designing cool looking, toy-friendly bad guys.

SW begins and ends with veneer. Always has, always will.

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Guess you're gonna have to rethink your ship norms.

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I have watched both VII and VIII in the teather, but no fucking more. Fuck this shitty trilogy, it all can fucking burn. No more Star Wars in the teather for me, I will waith for the camrip.

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All I wanted was space samurai and cool wild western shit with waifus + scifi shit.
Not sjw identity social movement politics and stronk women

thats not how contracts work

I can only assume they had some issues with the EU creators having certain rights to the material, and decided to cut them out entirely.
What truly baffles me is that they didn't bother hiring anyone to make a truly solid foundation to milk shit properly.
Zahn and Bioware proved how self sustaining a single hit could be if you built off it properly.

I feel like they overestimated the appeal of Star Wars. Yes, it's a "cultural phenomenon". Yes it worked one time for TFA because everybody was blueballed on Star Wars.

But the truth became apparent rather quickly that casual audiences are "into" Star Wars the same way they're "into" it being Christmas. You can oversaturate people with it real quick. They were banking on a new, broadened, constantly-hungry fanbase and figured it was worth the risk to alienate some of the old heads in the process.

But the old heads are the ones who buy all the toys. Shit they buy multiple copies of LEGO sets for god's sake. The new casual fans were NEVER going to bring in that kind of money. They even fucked up the video game side of things which is truly baffling.

Don't even get me started on how paradoxical it is to tell people to let the past die and then pumping out blatant nostalgia bait like Solo.

>TPM was largely practical effects, especially for the battle droids.
I know. As well as it being shot on film which has aged it much better.

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I don't give a single shit what anybody says - they should have given control to Dave Filoni instead of Kathy Kennedy.
>but he doesn't have experience doing x y and
>he's just a TV level guy
>blah blah
I don't care. He understands Star Wars and would never have allowed any of this atrocious bullshit to occur.

Some of the practicals were digitalized BUT the trade federation ships and a lot of other ships were completely practical. You can tell in the film

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The droids weren't practical effects though

>They even fucked up the video game side of things which is truly baffling.
>have entire star wars universe to make video games in
>give it to EA, they make battlefront and call it a day
seriously wtf

Fuck Disney right in their agenda-shitting asshole.

This is literally not even her

>The droids weren't practical effects though
You are right. I think the droid Qui Gonn used force to push over was practical but most were digital. Yet they looked so fucking realistic in this shot for 1999.

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>He cares about Star Wars
Ftfy, he would allow stupid dumb shit as well like he did in TCW and Rebels, but at least he would be honest about it and not hide some kind of agenda or attempt at subversion.

I'll admit he goes too far in a few places but that's very much like the man himself

He was the better apprentice and I do not understand why the fuck George picked Kathy

I understand giving rights to EA, since they're basically the Disney of video games, but giving the SOLE rights to them was flat out retarded.
I know there's issues with the story group garroting game plots, but why not just continue EU shit instead?

That was the reason why I posted her pic. The fat Vietnam girl is just not attractive which offends the fuck out of me since my GF is a cute Vietnam girl that looks like Ellen Wong. They should have given the role to Ellen Wong or the hot sister that died. Let the fat one die. Seriously I was excited to hear that there is a Vietnamese girl in Star Wars who also has the same last name as my GF but then this just turned out to be the most offensive stuff ever. Pisses me off a lot. Now everyone thinks Vietnamese girls are hideous while they tend to be quite hot. Finding a non attractive Vietnamese girl is some hard work so well done at the people who did the casting.

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You might be right about the EU creators, but still Admiral Ackbar, for one, would be property of Disney, right?

It is theirs for making money: a well established beloved character.

Why not even acknowledge him? Or send a wink to the retards, like: hey, he's dead but a book can come out to tell his story.

Why shit on it like you don't want that money?

>I do not understand why the fuck George picked Kathy
How the hell could he choose who to sell it to inside Disney?

he cute

I just want Rogue Squadron
I'd even accept a spiritual successor that is actually about Poe's fighter squad or whatever, I don't care, they're still flying the same shit

Kathy worked for Lucasfilm dude, he personally selected her to be the steward of the IP.


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Off topic but should I finish KOTOR 2? I stopped because the plot twist was so obvious.

Seriously? They couldn't have been more obvious with that?

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The issue is that Disney and their employees have spouted so many lies that it's hard to tell what the fuck their intentions where.
If I had to guess, Rian was telling the truth when he said he was writing in tandem with JJ and neither bothered to communicate.

Yeah, let the past die but buy this book about the past.

Finish it if you have the restored content mod, sure

you think based grandma is the villain?

>If I had to guess, Rian was telling the truth when he said he was writing in tandem with JJ and neither bothered to communicate.
TLJ artbook explains Rian was hired way back in 2013 though before JJ. But all I know is he did nothing until much later on...

There is A LOT more practical and combined effects in prequels then it seems.

nigger she flat out tells you if you speak to her.
There is a twist, but that's not it.

Disney killing Star Wars and Marvel comics

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Let the past die, but here's Darth Maul

I don’t understand. TFA was nothing but fan service. They only said that because Rogue One had a vader cameo.

I love these droids so much. They're as inept as Stromtroopers, but here it's justified with them being even more of cannon fodder and cheaply made in mass.

I haven't seen Star Wars since TLA, skip it on NF, doing the same with Marvel. I am beyond done with rewarding people that go out of their way to let me know how much they hate me every chance they get.


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heybaby you got girlfriend vietnam?

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Grandma's not the villain, there's more to it. Keep playing that goodness.

>I guess I was wrong, because nobody seems to care! I have to stipulate that I care, but it didn’t really seem to affect the larger audience. Luke, Han and Leia will never be together again, and I’ll probably never get to work with Harrison again.


>I love these droids so much.
You can buy a re release of them in 6 inch size from Black Series which looks cool.

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kreia is the best star wars character and KOTOR 2 is one of the best star wars story ever told.
She's much deeper then being evil. Listen to her words they have meaning and will lead you down a better path

It baffles me how in the same film you get a PS2 looking gungan and this. Same with the general inconsistency of the SFX in the prequels
Kathy was the one person at Lucasfilms who was behind the whole buyout thing. Iirc it was her idea and Lucas was promised some creative input that never happened.

Grevious is wicked

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You'd think they'd manage her better.


>"I cannot overstate what a missed opportunity this was. You had everybody together - alive - paid - ready, and willing. You had this one moment in all of space and time to make something truly special and you blew it."
t. longwinded youtube man

this is a quote I would like Rian Johnson to hear

I swear it's like once people learned what writers were there's been a concerted effort to make comic art total fucking garbage.

It's not even the digital ink and paint. Where's the dynamism? Kirby wouldn't even wipe his ass with that panel.

she had a strong workout routine
after weeks without exercices her body stays like that

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I wish Grievous had 4 red lightsabers that would look cooler with his white body. But yeah ik he's using his trophies and shit

>this is a quote I would like Rian Johnson to hear
If you have twitter message him that. He reads all from us sexist and racist fans

The inconsistency is because they were pioneering a lot of new things and trying to meet George's fairly high bar for what he wanted to do.

You have to remember, TPM and the prequels in general were groundbreaking in terms of digital effects. They were coming up with the whole new rulebook as they were going along. Some inconsistency is expected.

rian johnson is a walking latrine full of talent

>I wish Grievous had 4 red lightsabers that would look cooler with his white body.
Welcome to the world of figure customization my fren. The only thing nowadays to live out your headcanon

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Spending billions with Star Wars and Marvel
And immediately ruin the two gold mines

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Isn't it weird how he suddenly finds his balls when the trilogy has finished filming?
Remember how quick he was to defend Rian and shut down haters when people pointed out how miserable he looked on the press tour for TLJ?

Unless you're broke like me/

>waaah I wanted even more money and fame!
Yeah, fuck this guy. He can go back to being an irrelevant libtard and complain about white men and trump all day on his twitter.

I think the process of accepting that TLJ was a bad movie and potentially a saga-killer took longer for Mark, by virtue of being so attached to it

Also like he says in the interview, the fuck are they gonna do now, fire him? It's a wrap, he already got paid.

Marvel is still going very strong, though.

Why does Yea Forums always fall for this fake clickbait?

One of the locations was going to be Endor since many of the Emperor's important dark side relics were lost there when the wreckage of the Death Star II fell onto the moon. Returning to Endor would give Luke the chance to come across Vader's remains.

Will make a list of that for my "The Star Wars we never got" video if no one makes it

Why contain it? Let their profits spill over the cinemas and comic stores, let the merchandising pile up in the shelves. In the end, they'll beg us to save their shitty franchise.

Maybe he was getting his finances in order to make sure he could survive blacklisting.
Or possibly double checking his contract to make sure he can dodge the NDA.

Contract was already signed well before that

Because his contract forbade him from talking shit until this year

Their mistake was doing their hitb review *immediately* after seeing the midnight release. TFA was meticulously designed to feel like a fast pace starwars crowdpleaser. Given a day or two of reflection, or a rewatch, and it's flaws become apparent.

Wasn't Lucas's idea that Luke went to the planet in search of Jedi relics and got caught in an old Jedi trap (like you said, no Force powers but because he was trapped in a temple) because he went to the dark side for a few moments in RotJ and Ancient Jedi were dicks about shit like that?
Or maybe it wa sjust a Yea Forums larper, whatever. Better than nephew night dildoing Luke.

You can see on his face that Hamill didn't like TLJ, and he was talking trash about JJ months before that. The mouse just ordered him to not say anything critizising the movie because they noticed his antics.

>alt rightists still getting angry about kids movies

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I still don't believe that Mike really dislikes the prequels. He's faking. When watching the plinkett reviews his absolute love for those movies shines through clearly to me.

cannot unsee lmfaoo

They were told to hire JJ for all three, they said no and hired rian johnson and colin treverow. They were told to fire them and hire JJ after TFA came out, they said no. They were told to try and milk the original characters for everything they could, they said no. They were told to change TLJ before it was released. They said no. Its useless to resist.

Sorry, is it just a kids movie today, or is it a stunning and brave example of hope that all women and minorities should look up to?
It shifts so often I lose track

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Luke getting trapped on the planet and cut off from the force helps so many things
>doesn't degrade Luke at all, anybody could fall for some weird ancient trap like that
>is unable to contact anybody even through the force so Kylo thinks he's either dead or abandoned him on purpose, allowing Snoke leeway to swoop in
then maybe Rey has to free Luke from this ancient trap by actually solving a problem and wow it's almost like that was actually part 1 of her training - reaching the master was part of the entire process - your training has already begun etc.

You just know Rian went to Kennedy and complained that Hamill was ruining his movie by having Diva moments.

Just buy a ticket to Sonic and walk into the star wars theater.

Actually, children movies should be inspected with even more caution than adult ones. Children are spognes, they're more sensitive and easier to brainwash with politics.

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Buy a ticket for another movie, sneak into nu wars instead


>Children are spognes

>Buy a ticket for another movie, sneak into nu wars instead
You idiot cameras are everywhere. It's suicide

But she does go there later on her own. That's where she has the weird mirror vision about her "parents"

The dark side hole was just something to make Rey look good. That's literally it
>Isn't it awesome that Rey never once feels the slightest temptations, unlike that loser Luke!

actual fascist fucks complaining everyday about commies stealing their movies.

Do you faggots do anything else besides crying and posting cuckold gifs?

Sounds like Mark need to have sex

Unless I hide away starting late November, spoils will all be leaked on here and ruin the surprise. Should I care to be surprised or just be spoiled?

You mean the napkin Rian wrote the story on on the way to filming?

> GL buys the rights to Black Hold.
> Reboots it into not-Star Wars.
> Ring it for all its worth, pollute the well and sell it back to Disney.

I mean he has enough to do this kind of shit and he's certainly petty enough.

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Fuck that’s going to be awful

>hehe it seems you have made a typo, now your arguments are invalidated, tough luck pal

When is this shitting fuck episode 9 ix coming out? Why is there no trailers or anything not even a name? God they really lost confidence.
Fuck kasdan and George lucas for selling this shit.

You mean the thing straight ripped from Empire? Yeah fuck that too.

Relax all will be revealed in April

They're going to bring him back just to degrade him even more I guarantee it

The last interaction he had with Rey was her kicking his ass and stranding him on the planet, and stealing his books. And they are going to have HIM apologize to HER and tell her she's doing an AWESOME JOB.

>LOVE Thicc women and gentle femdom
>sjws even latch onto this and ruin it.
Sigh I'll forever remain a virgin

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>Episode 9 scene
>Rey is on the falcon reading one of the books
>Lightsaber is heard
>They have a lightsaber fight on the falcon
>Rey wakes up realizing it was a dream
Probably only thing worthwhile to see Episode 9 if they did something like that

Bro I wanted dark side Rey too. It seemed like they were going for it. Kylo turns good because he feels the light, Rey is tempted by the darkness and succumbs JUST LIKE SHE DID IN THE FOREST IN TFA

but nope
also remember how Yoda struggled to lift a few rocks but Rey just holds her hand up and lifts like 50 tons worth of boulders?

december in all likelihood.
The fact there's been no teaser is funny. The trailers always drop in April, but the teasers dropped a year in advance.

Yes, but Disney made radical changes in the comics that are practically taking her to the dead sales fell and is worse off when she sold the rights to Fox

Even the big supposed secret of Matt Smith being Tarkin or a Sith villain isn't even going to happen. What is going to be the fucking plot twist? Will there be one at all or will it just be about Kylo and Rey being romantic?

There's an entire side plot about Leia sending Finn and Poe to do some adventurous mission but I doubt that is going to add ANYTHING to the lore or story. Fuck this

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I'm going to be honest he's fuck head twink with terrible outdated leftist values and a naive world view but on all matters star wars he is entitled to his opinion.
Without him and George there'd be no star wars.
He is the centre of the franchise and always will be despite Disney shitting on his legacy.
I don't give a total fuck about his dumb irl political parroted shit but I do care that he genuinely hates Disney and nuwars especially now.
He's basically star wars biggest and original fan
Yawn another Xmas day release? I bet it will fucking flop and barely break a billion/even since tlj solo and ro bombed

Does Luke hate sand like his father before him?

As far as I know, the plot focuses around both sides searching for a mcguffin

Knights of Ren are recalled from the unknown regions or whatever and they along with Kylo are the antagonists

but obviously there is some kind of greater evil that will reveal itself which is exactly what you want to do in the last act of your 9 movie saga

Pretty sure everyone on Tat hates sand to some extent, so yes.
Have you forgot the deleted literaly 16 minute scene in ANH where Han forces Luke to clean his boots of sand before stepping into the Falcon

A better question is does anybody actually like sand?

>Knights of Ren are recalled from the unknown regions or whatever and they along with Kylo are the antagonists
That's all fan fiction. Early reports of a screening state they are not even in it. Knowing JJ he will probably just abandon them or have a statement saying they all died.

I can bet the Poe and Finn mission will be nothing but "go to this base and steal some equipment" or "shut down shields so we can get here to stop kylo". They have proven themselves to not be able to write any original story so don't expect Snoke to be back or some cool ancient Sith story based on the EU.

Honestly among all this talk about whether episode 9 will be good or do well in the box office but I would say the true test this sequel trilogy must face is whether it can stand the test of time like the original trilogy
I mean like 30 or 40 years after episode 9 will the Disney Star Wars films really going to be declared as classic thematic master pieces and still be making money just like the OT?

>Kathy would have an idea
>something she read about on the internet

Everything Hollywood producer cliche is true.

>I mean like 30 or 40 years after episode 9 will the Disney Star Wars films really going to be declared as classic thematic master pieces and still be making money just like the OT?
It's going to be just like the Matrix Revolutions in a decades time

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>everyone should have a wookie

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> Early reports of a screening state they are not even in it.
Haha holy shit you can't be serious
Knights of Ren were like the one thing you could bring back that hadn't been touched yet and try to do something new and they don't even do it?

jesus CHRIST
guess they got LANDO at least

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With the stroke of a pen.

>Kevin Feige Explains Why Captain Marvel Won’t Wear Iconic Ms. Marvel Outfit

>“If you look at the comics, the further you go back, the less clothes Carol Danvers seems to be wearing. Oftentimes it’s a one-piece bathing suit basically, with outrageous comic proportions. … Brie pointed it out on the wall, and we went, ‘Yeah … just so you know, that’s not what we’re doing.’ She goes, ‘OK. I didn’t think so, but I’m glad you said that.”

This sounds exactly like how Disney is doing with Star Wars
Sexy ladies no more

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Good, now they'll ruin Lando as well.

Next is Obi-Wan. They'll emasculate and corrupt him in his standalone box office bomb, and give Ewan depression as well. It's all the same all the way down.

Also these nigs look like a samurai SWAT team.

>This is all that people who earn millions of dollars are able to come up with

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How did they fuck it up

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>Next is Obi-Wan. They'll emasculate and corrupt him in his standalone box office bomb
Wrong. They are making a tv show around Obi Wan that will be on their exclusive streaming service
>Implying anyone will watch it on there

>no exotic city, just shitty cantina from anh
>no star extinguishing, just death star lasers but slower and red

Why even try? We can make EASY MONEY BOYS.
Oh wait Solo has flopped no we can't, oh god oh fuck

They had a con artist for the production designer.

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>Good, now they'll ruin Lando as well.
They already did that in Solo

>What if the bad guy of the film gets his power by eating sun matter

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>completely inept Obi-Wan overshadowed by a powerful ugly black woman
>no Anakin

Erase it
Kill it if you have to

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>these nigs look like a samurai SWAT team.
I know, they're cool as fuck

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Oh yeah I forgot that movie existed. Fuck that one.

>I believe that it works
Actually reads like some "cherokee hair tampon" homeopathy bullshit.

>with outrageous comic proportions
>Somehow cosplay thots around the world that make way less than these "actresses" can pull out the comic proportions close enough to the point one wonders why they aren't the ones being casted
>Somehow it is outrageous to wonder why the fuck a twink has a bigger and more pleasantly looking ass than a full grown woman
>Somehow the >6' tall muscular man with a pretty face and a perfect V tape isn't outrageous and is realistic for every male in the MCU except the Iron Manlet
Really makes you think

>Habsshit not Bandbros

that's a yikes from me

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>walking dream state

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Jakku wasn't always a boring Tatooine clone

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New thread

The fact that the concpet artists have to generate ideas for the story is hilarious.

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It is actually a cool concept, unless he literally eats the sun matter.

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Therer are so many point where they designed something new than went
>McQaurrie/Johnston didn't do that, let's juts copy his shit.

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It hurts. I have to scream.

George was always trying to push the technology forward and experimented in AOTC by making it the first film to be entirely filmed in digital after no one spotted or noticed a scene in TPM which was also filmed in digital.

>watch TLJ movie
>people laugh at the Super Leia scene
>I don't. I figured it out.
>It's Leia's Force Ghost getting back to the ship. She'll help save the day and will vanish >Then we'll see a shot of her body floating among the wreckage
>6th Sense KINO TWEEST coming up
>Rian is a genius

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There are so many places on our own Earth that look otherworldy, like an alien planet, like nothing you've seen before.
Fly there, construct a set, voila you got yourself a SW cool world.
>blaahrghhrhgah cue generic sand dunes desert Sahara sand gets everywhere

I bet they're fucking seething about the fact that George made Obi-Wan canonically straight before the buyout,

I like the little detail on the left where you can tell they've repurposed TIE Fighter cockpits into little shanty homes

and the riverboat guy has stormtrooper helmets like a voodoo thing

it actually looks like a shitty planet that a scavenger would live on, and which saw the final battle of the rebellion. Right in your face that people are living in the ruins and shadows of the past, parallel with Kylo.

didn't do it for some reason
just made it not-tatooine

>They are making a tv show around Obi Wan
What happened to all you sheep claiming that an Obi-Wan film was confirmed and was set to be released in 2019 and 2020?

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>just put the 2 suns lolz

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Well at least they gave her sort of her own speeder, why couldn't she have her own spaceship and saber?

Picrelated that got blown up looked really nice.

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This fucker got paid for musing about the Force.

>Rey literally lives on the rebel vs empire battlefield
>thinks Luke Skywalker is a myth


Man, Roses's actress aint even that bad looking irl. Why'd they ugly her up for the movie?

Who did he bang? Did I miss something?

Why doesn't Hollywood use Ellen Wong more? Why do they hate attractive Asians? She could have played Rose Tico.

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>fan service.
>kills off Han Solo
It's more like a spit to fans' faces.

>I would pirate it
That will allow then to think that people were interested even if not enough to pay for it. Movies like this doesnt even deserve the traffic.

Join the new base

These are the types of exercises children do in kindergarten.

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In the clone wars he admited to being in a relationship with the Mandalorian princess, to the point where he woudl have abandoned everything for her. They almost fully rekindled that relationship but she got Filloni'd


I love ACTUAL strong women, the kind whose confidence and skill is demonstrated through their actions, not through merely repeatedly reminding you they have these qualities while being merely conceited

>Kashyyk is basically space Halong bay with some added huge trees
>Mustafar has literally footage of Mt. Etna's eruption in the early 2000's
>The planet where Jyn's family was hiding is a basaltic wasteland with some spare pampa grass
>The Giant's causeway exists
>Hot springs around the world exist, including some with weird natural colours due to bacteria or acids
>Glaciers like Perito Moreno exist
>The last three and many more could pass as an alien landscape the same way the Californian forests did for EpVI or those mexican pyramids did for EpIV, not to mention the wonders good CGI and practical work could do on them.
>Screw that, better go to another desert, another two forests, an Irish monk island and an icy plai- I mean salt plain we gotta keep up with the subverted expectations.

i found it funny that the two stills on that pic is just a woman posing powerful, is not telling us anything other than ray's strong and beautifully, nothing else, not a conflict or a story.

If they were going for a cute girl, that was a massive fucking miscast. Same thing goes for Rose, Ryan Johnson said she was meant to look nerdy but extremely hot in a dress; nope, not how the casting worked, an ugly actress no matter what clothes she wears.

These movies were essentailly trainwrecks through the entire fucking making. If they explicitly established that they wanted to get a certain effect, they failed at it. The failures are all over the place.

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