Will the Hereditary guy deliver again?
Will the Hereditary guy deliver again?
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God I hope so. Looks promising. But rarely do hyped-up horror director's second films live up to expectations.
I hope so too. And I hope the horror nigger does too (and that his twist is something more nuanced than "blacks are violent, but it's whitey's fault).
this looks good
>just rip off The Wicker Man lmao no one remembers that movie
Looks pretty racist
Why don't they just do a loyal Wicker Man remake instead of what that godawful Nicolas Cage thing did?
How come?
If you want Swedish horror just read the news.
The trailer looks great. I just wish it was set in a slavic country instead of Sweden. Sweden is kinda gay (no offence my Swedish lads).
He is a jew so this will probably be about shitting on white people's traditions with some black guy thrown in there for epic social commentary.
>Breitbart article
Go watch Hostel and Hostel II
the last 30 minutes of Hereditary was like a comedy sketch
calm down you're not even european
Have sex
>Swedes being cucks is a right-wing conspiracy theory
Your brain on /pol/
Kikes and niggers are scared of little blonde haired white girls. What a bunch of pussies.
Now show me the actual numbers instead of clickbait headlines because that's what's actually interesting.
Recommend me some movies about cults, aside from wicker man.
Hereditary was bad
The white bars are really, really distracting. Absolutely terrible aesthetic choice.
Sounds like it could work in theory, but white (unlike black) draws the eyes to it. You constantly find your eyes drifting to the top or bottom of the screen. Hope this was just for the trailer.
Hereditary was meh. And this is obviously just a Wicker Man remake, but with race idpol added in.
This Jew really hates pagans!
Where were you when Hollywood was demonizing Latin American and Eastern European churches?
>Now show me the actual numbers
Here you go, source is referenced at the bottom
lmao Wh*te people do their creepy "traditions" and kill brown people xD so evil
Based leftypol bros, kill the white colonisers
why do jews hate white people so much ?
you people are mentally ill
Are you retarded? Everybody in the world knows that niggers and arabs are degenerate barbarians. That's why we make movies about evil white people, it's called fantasy.
deliver what?
Hereditary is shit
>Stop noticing! Bad goy!
>Everybody in the world knows that niggers and arabs are degenerate barbarians.
Are you existing in a different timeline?
Holy shit, a couple of thousand weaklings sterilised themselves? Truly this is white genocide.
So it's basically nothing. Sweden actually ranks really low on vasectomies compared, especially compared to countries like America where it's like 1 in 10 or something absurd like that.
I believe it's genetic. I am wandering how can we fight all this hate?
Why do you leftypol subhumans worship niggers, pedophiles, Jews, and corporations?
Why Midsummer of all things? It's an entirely non-religious holiday(and more Christian than Pagan if anything) and is one the most inoffensive and least spiritual holidays in Sweden.
It's like making a pagan horror movie centered around Mothers/Father's Day.
white people doing anything without jews = terrifying
Nigger breaks the immersion
the left CANNOT meme
>pro-islamic agenda
>"effeminising" men
pick one, goy
>normal white people turn out to be in some creepy cult
Oof. I liked hereditary well enough but did he basically have to make the same movie again ? (Now with Wicker Man vibes)
Should have done something different
True, they should use real Swedish mythology as base.
Always the same faggots crying for numbers when the relative increase is massive
Same reason why not every horror movie is set during halloween.
The relative increase is massive because there's almost nobody doing it. Going from 1 to 2 is a 100% increase.
This, but unironically.
To be fair, i sure wouldn't watch a movie about a nigger cult.
Movies not set during halloween aren't usually advertised as being "halloween movies" though.
If they use Midsummer as a backdrop of something incredibly mundane as a sort of absurdity, a bit like how in Hot Fuzz they have a murderous cult obsessed with something as pointless as winning the best village of the year award, then that's fine, but if they use it as a backdrop for exploring some the pagan roots of the region then it's just silly and stupid.
>when the relative increase is massive
Because it's so few doing it, you blithering moron.
>Ari Aster (born c. 1986/1987) is an American filmmaker and screenwriter, best known for writing and directing the 2018 horror film Hereditary and the 2011 short film The Strange Thing About the Johnsons.
>Aster was born in New York City. His father was a musician and his mother was a poet and he has a younger brother.[2] His family is Jewish.[3]
>white people bad
>making a scary movie about a Swedish holiday
>not choosing Valborg
That said, this doesn't look as good as Hereditary.
>"Oh yeah? Give me the source then"
>Get source
>"Oh yeah? Well who cares anyway..."
>make a scary movie about Sweden
>it's not about bloodthirsty Somali gangs
missed opportunity.
So this is going to be a better Kill List?
>/pol/ is pro-capitalism
Not only can the left not meme, they don't even understand what they're meming.
why do all the people in the trailer look like total mongoloids? I thought swedes were white
>it's not about bloodthirsty Sámi gangs
The question wasn't for a source, you illiterate idiot. It was for the actual numbers. Of course we're going to mock them when the actual numbers are so low that there's no point in caring about them, contrary to the scaremongering headline initially posted.
>white people bad
>black people good
That tattoo is supposed to go inside the animals ear
i think somalis and arabs outnumber samis by thousands. Kinda fucked up to discriminate against the original swedes while importing hundreds of thousands of africans to your country
Somalis are people of peace
that's objectively what it is from looking at the trailer minus the surprise nigger
For some reason The Ritual works better for me in using swedish paganism as the backdrop. There it felt very ancient and mysterious, but you get to know enough. Here it feels it will be just used as a backdrop and treated rather shallow. Like the cult was in Heredity, but it wasn't that important but rather what the family went trough. Here it seems to be the setting and from the trailer I get the feeling it won't work for me though I like the idea.
the guy's name is Ari user, you really didn't need to post all that
That's because the sami are basically our native Americans, and nobody likes native Americans.
what are you saying?
Interesting trailer but I saw too many black people for my liking
They all gonna catch that BBC, right?
it was unironically. all white movie would have been scarier. seeing a token nigger in it reminds you that it's another horror movie.
Heja Sverige!
>original swedes
The original Swedes lived around middle to lower Sweden(think Stockholm area), which has never been Sámi lands.
>coping mechanism
white people be creepy
>we are individual thinkers of /pol/!11
The problem with Hereditary is that's it's so lopsided that watching it again is a chore.
What do you mean by lopsided?
Pagan-horror has always been the best horror-kino.
Too heavy ended on the beginning half like an origin story usually is. Great for suspense and building up to the wtf ending but that's about all it does. It's totally waisted time on a second viewing where it could've had a lot more depth.
>Sweden is kinda gay (no offence my Swedish lads)
Jag suger av dig ifall du inte håller käft
wtf... i hate white ppls "culture" now
So why are you posting bogus articles to back up your claim
>it’s okay when white people act like animals sacrificing and eating one another because it’s tradition
they remade it gayfag
ehh, no they didn't. Swedes are a mix between samis and germanic people. Learn your history mate
>I can't even enjoy horror movies because of /pol/
What a life, Christ...
Not the original Swedes, no.
I read the scrip the other day, was legitimately scary I have high hopes for the film, lots of psychedelic drugs and gore
why are americans so obsessed with sweden? hasn't this obsession been going on for like 50 years+ at this point?
I read it too. I thought it was decent, not really scary and worse than Hereditary. It was a bit disappointing but i'm looking forward to the film. It was very similar to The Wicker Man, a little bit too much.
Ah fuck so it's going to be shit. Drugs are one of the worst crutches in horror films.
>niggers act like animals
>” so cultured. So diverse.”
>when white people arent blatant cuckolds
>”Oy vey, goyim, don’t you know you’re the apex of evil?”
Consider this, there is no way to make an African horror film. Niggers are already shit tier. Only whites could be terrifying because intelligence + malice is scary.
Niggers are retarded.
what, really? I'm sami and I doubt that. people in scandinavia came from north and south when ice receded after ice age.
They were told Sweden was a country of people just like them except everyone was a leftist and rich. So Americans feel the need to justify themselves for being right wing and ostensibly impoverished.
No way, drugs and religion are a great combo.
Not for a horror film though.
Loses all mysticism.
>It was for the actual numbers.
>Being this much of a goalpost moving retard
And the numbers aren't low by any mean, It literally proves the article right you unironic retard.
Isn't it filmed in some slavic country? Other than the midsummer pole and the runes, it doesn't really look swedish at all.
>Loses all mysticism.
Not really, it's even historically accurate I think. I remember reading something about a festival that you could only attend once and they'd take drugs and worship a giant fiery pussy. Can't remember the name
pretty absurd to watch as a swede, midsommar is just about drinking and being out in the sun. there's not some religious or mythological foundation that you could explore. is this just race bait?
I'm going to post a non-NPC post user. Here it comes:
You're a leftard retard who can't even meme and had to rely on mommies welfare to survive trolling those non-existent /pol/ trolls.
It was filmed in Hungary i think.
Just take it. It makes you look badass and you kinda need it right now.
Is there a more retarded post than this on Yea Forums right this very instance?
He has a point. There's no way he'd make a creepy movie based on some fucked up african tribe, or heaven forbid, a weird jewish cult.
It is and I agree, it doesn't. It looks way to southern European when it should look like something like this.
Look at all those white people in pretty dresses with flowers in their hair.
They must be EVIL.
I think most people understand that this is a movie and not a documentary about swedish holidays.
This looks way too similar to the Wicker Man. And I think I'm getting a bit tired of "artsy" horror films. That camera movement, particular shots... it's becoming cliche at this point.
Yeah your country is probably going to go apeshit when's it out. I'm looking forward to watching it and learning more about your traditions
I disagree. Well maybe the drugs and religion combo if you like it that way, but I don't like drugs in any horror movie unless it's specifically situated around them. Drugs are too easy of a way to snare the audience into an "Is it real? Is it not real?" conundrum. Certainly too lazy of a way. Or worse, a way of explaining away implausible shit like "Suddenly character experiences the supernatural, or believes to have experienced it, because character is on drugs!"
Jesus Christ, you people are sensitive.
I get that drugs being used as a device to explain supernatural shit is hacky but I don't think they're going to use them in that way at all. I hope it's going to be about using them in a ritualistic way or as a mean of torture or even to achieve a connection with their god. There's plenty of ways this can go, let's hope for the best.
Literally no one in the world likes niggers. Arabs and Asians dislike them more than whites do.
This just looks like typical Jewish fear porn.
Call me when they do a horror movie about the experience of Palestinians.
whypipo iz evil
Me personally in religious horror situations, I prefer those rituals and connections to the divine, to be genuine rather than a need for drugs. Or at least, drugs not needed to perform them.
Creepy pagan cults don't feel swedish at all, the movies premise is a complete farce. Here's a swedish horror premise: a banal municipal bureaucrat woman thoughtlessly ruins someones life inbetween having fika in the ikea decorated break room and nobody helps the protagonist because they trust the state too much.
>The summer film centers around a vacationing couple in a small Swedish village. The trip starts out slightly idyllic as main character Dani (Florence Pugh) and her husband Christian (Jack Reynor) becomes acquainted with the town. But as her time lingers she becomes increasingly more suspicious of their neighbors as its cult-like tendencies become apparent.
Sounds to me like the fucking judgemental foreigners don't respect he local tradition.
As a (cucked) swede, I can't wait for this shit. Midsummers Eves celebration is a perfect setting for ritual cultist murder and horror.
Oh fuck it's actually in Sweden? I thought it was in the US in some Euro enclave or cultural gathering or something.
What the fuck is a black guy and a brown girl doing there then?
>her husband Christian
How obvious is it going to be that his name was chosen for the obvious religious allusion, in the face of pagan stuff?
Man, BLACKED.com is really stepping up their production budget
>those movies literally exist
African tribe horror was a thing for almost 2 decades, retard. And unless you literally believe in /pol/ memes about blood libel or capturing Christian kids, there isn't any actual basis for a "Jewish cult" film that makes any sense.
>What the fuck is a black guy and a brown girl doing there then?
They are Native Swedes, recent research shows Arabs and Africans founded Sweden
Your imagination is running loose again. But I hope you will have as much fun on this basket weaver forum as in your first hour.
True swedish horror right there, not that foreigners would get it. Midsommar is not a swedish film about swedes filed in Sweden, it's an american film about the american concept of Swedes filmed in Hungary.
Sweden knows no skin color
>there isn't any actual basis for a "Jewish cult" film that makes any sense
There's been horror movies about damn near any religion you can think of, even modern benign ones by delving into their past and finding unsavory things.
But a Jewish horror movie can't be made? Because in it's entire religious history it has nothing unsavory, and in fact is the only longstanding religion in the world which has a completely spotless record? Or... could it not be made for some other reason?
>moveis from the 70's would be made today
>no basis
There's no basis for creepy murderous pagan cults either, but they're still pumping them out.
t. mutt with zero grasp of history other than what a google search told it.
Immigrants who integrate society aren't a problem.
>The movie is about white blonde haired blue eyed invaders ritualistically killing off true black/brown Swedish natives
I think it was a HUGE mistake to not shoot in Sweden, or Norway or Finland for that matter.
The Landscape could have been its own character.
Imagine being this sensitive and easily triggered
It’s literally nothing but you’re crying and screaming genocide. Truly cringe
Isn't this just The Wicker Man?
I'm more surprised that there are any white people there desu.
Now fuck off snowflake
Yes but it’s 2019 so it’s white genocide now
kek, are you a mutt who's butt-blasted about immigrants integrating because your own blacks who has lived in your country for literally hundreds of years still talk about fucking Africa instead of appreciating the US?
Show's that there's no genuine interest from the director to explore Sweden and its culture; he's just capitalising on the american obsession with the country. Atleast parts of the recent Girl With The Dragon Tattoo sequel or whatever it was was actually filmed in Stockholm.
>movie set in Sweden with a black person
>movie set in Sweden with too many white people
Serious question, was Hereditary scary? I downloaded it and tried watching it the other night but I stopped after like 2 minutes during literally the first scene because it was so ominous and I can't watch scary movies when I sleep alone.
plz advise
I'd like to see a movie about alleged Jewish occult murder like the Andrei Yushinsky murder trial. They wouldn't even have to make it obvious that the Jews did it. They could make it ambiguous and open to interpretation.
I loved that movie. Then Richard D. James said it was shit and my heart was crushed.
well, about 10% of current swedish population has african/middle-eastern background, so...
>why aren’t they catering to me conspiracy theories reeeee
Not everyone has the Jew obsession you do m8
This dude is a hack.
Hereditary = Rosemary's Baby
this = Wicker Man
Jesus. Why'd you download it in the first place? And no, you will get more sad in one specific scene. All the horror is at the end. But I dunno, you could 13 and it might be horrifying
They are students from america who are invited to witness this tradition which occurs once in 90 years.
You sound like my friend who's 6'5 and looks like a Hell's Angel but can't watch horror movies. Do it though, there's tons of horror fans who'd love to still be scared of horror movies.
>sweden immigrants
Are the “people” on this board really getting offended over wicker man holy shit
I was talking about that guy in the comment.
>Why'd you download it in the first place?
Because it got good reviews.
Compare the level of scariness to other scary films so I can judge whether I can watch it alone or not.
So that's how you know it's horror/fantasy, blacks/brownies giving two wet shits about any white tradition or culture, let alone traveling to another continent to see it.
It's impossible. What scary horrors have you seen?
Depends on what you find scary. It doesn't rely on jumpscares it just builds unsettling atmosphere. You may also find it funny, it really depends.
my boy will poulter
this looks kind of shit
like they went up to the people playing the cultists and went "ok your motivation is that you're playing a cultist so start adopting this wide eyed glazed over look"
wicker man compeltely blows this out of the water its not even funny
>One of the oldest and main religions on the world
>One movie
Let's count Christian or Pagan horror movies!
I mean he was invited and all of his friends are going.
Where the FUCK is the comedy?
>What scary horrors have you seen?
Ring, Sinister and Insidious and The Descent fucked me up for a few days.
Okay good, lack of jumpscares is good news.
This. Cultists are much more scary when they're not obvious and like normal people. Treating them like brainwashed faith-zombies is tantamount to having actual undead zombies on screen, for the sheer lack of subtlety that it has.
Isn't there a retarded girl in the movie?
Keep moving that goalpost
>Name 27 movies that do this
Some people found it funny, especially the ending.
Oh, you're one of them anons Lmao. It will probably mess you up then. But you will never know if you don't watch it. Spoil it for yourself so you know what's coming
Ok thanks, definitely not gonna watch it alone then.
Aw yeah, forgot about the people that laugh to hide fear
The natural selection scene was pretty funny.
I wasn't afraid or laughing, I was stone cold raging that they killed the dog. Literally had to pause and take a walk around I was fuming, and punching furniture
Am I invited?
I didn't laugh but i can understand if some people find it too absurd and funny.
Can't wait to go out and see how white people are the evil in this one
I dunno, Hereditary didn't convince me completely. I even had to look up why the fuck the movie was called "hereditary", nowhere in the movie it is stated directly or not the family was a member of the cult for generation, same is true for other stuff. It seems like the director typed the faq section of IMDb himself lol.
How the fuck can the family NOT have free will if demons are real? That means god is real too. If evil is a thing then the opposite MUST be possible. Bah.
But I will definitely watch it, if anything I like the craft of these movies.
Are you a cute smooth twink? :^)
Does the cast have enough diversity?
swenig here, can confirm this is how we celebrate midsummer in sweden
Those guys seem love Swedish culture at least.
Yeah, I think I'll stay home though...
Why do you want antisemitic propaganda in the form of Jewish cult horror?
Lmao is /pol/ really butthurt by this
This is confirmation horseshoe theory is real. SJW tier outrage
Calm down snowflake
Maybe it's just hard to make a group spooky if they have a history of being persecuted and destroyed as punishment for existing?
I hope they include people that are usually underrepresented in movies
They are taking traditional Swedish/European visuals and flipping them to make something that is innocent look evil.
So basically white people culture is evil The Movie.
>Projecting outrage and calling someone a snowflake
Should be winter solstice.
OMG nothing happens so based keeeeeno keeeeeno my intellect is friggin superior
Wtf was his problem?
>and that his twist is something more nuanced than "blacks are violent, but it's whitey's fault)
There is no twist, their doppelgangers are called "Tethered", they are literally just repressed emotions coming to life.
>something traditional and innocent is evil
Wow, never seen this concept before
I really hope that The Lighthouse will be good.
>this will probably be about shitting on white people's traditions with some black guy thrown in there for epic social commentary.
So basically Leprechaun, but with pretty blonde girls as the evil monsters? The 90s did it better.
Living in a society that does not swiftly and violently punish such behavior.
Why didn't anyone help that poor old woman? I saw a man in the background and he just stood there, and did nothing. This isn't normal or natural. Whats going on here?
Why does it have to be antisemtic propaganda? Why can't it be some genuine Jewish cult horror based on either some unsavory part of the religion, or simply just something made up, as is the case with Pagan cult horrors?
>ari aster
It makes you wonder. Do Jewish people have some kind of fear of living in a homogeneous population of white people? Are they afraid that they will stand out? That people will notice something about them? Do they feel that people should have a reason to persecute them?
A movie like this wouldn't be made not because it would be hard, it wouldn't be made for other reasons.
stop posting tropes about the man
>Are they afraid that they will stand out?
Dunno. Are they?
Wow, what a subversion of expectations, it's almost like it's a horror movie that mixes how you're supposed to be feeling
Your country's news is practically the Onion.
wat is Kill List?
It's a fact that they prefer to live in metropolitan areas. I think living in the countryside surrounded by ethnically homongenous people really is a phobia for them.
Why it is so is another question. I personally think it's due to their predisposition to mental illnesses.
>something that is innocent
Nothing a human society creates is "innocent", user.
It's the "take something wholesome/ white/ christian, put a creepy music over it and now it's bad" cliche - which could never happen with something that looks immediatly creepy like NY orthodox sects sucking baby dick blood
It's probably a mix of stepford wives and wickerman but the race baiting was too on the nose
I just dont get the infactuation with this style of trailer editing, it's like putting a flashlight underneath your face
>something wholesome/ white/ christian
Lol. End your life.
>there's not some religious or mythological foundation that you could explore in midsummer rituals
What's it like to be retarded then? I thought you guys were supposed to have good schools
Holy shit you're dumb
Narratively it's a jumbled fucking mess and explains sacred numbers/geometry worse than how Jurassic Park explains chaos theory.
If it didn't benefit from being part of that big wave of indies it'd rotting away in a box full of Aronofsky's student demo reels.
I had a laugh imagining the kind of person who'd be triggered by that.
This lol
hence the slash after white
>St John's day
>Not Christian
>Dancing around a cross
>Not Christian
exactly, he should have refered to the euro pagan imagery in the trailer which in urban media upper classes means 'nazism'
Seriously though, why is it that sweden who got taken over by Christianity (and currently islam) still celebrate a pagan holiday
Because the holiday got christianized. See
Celebrating summersolstice and dancing around a maypole is a prechristian tradition.
>What the fuck is a black guy and a brown girl doing there then?
the black guy is beaten into falling on the floor at one point in the trailer and the brown girl is running scared once it's clear it's a pagan Le Creepy Cult. So take a wild guess
they can try to christianize it as much as they want, doesn't change the fact that it's roots are very much from paganism times
I mean, that's a pretty common Horror trope.
>, there isn't any actual basis for a "Jewish cult" film
lol have you never seen any documentary about how isolated and creepy those communities can be even in NY?
It's super shut off, kids have to learn the most tribal gay shit from 2000 years ago, it's a insanely closed off group rife with authority abuses (and sexual abuses), weird closeted guys etc
Just the ways they circumvent the Shabbat with those wires would make for a spooky thing
paganism is derogatory term
probably most likely this.
they is a black person in the chapel. most likely the whites will sacrifice the black. totally inaccurate historically. nordic cultures had human sacrifice but they sacrificed only members of their own community.
This is not how Swedes celebrate Midsommar. Where are the drunk family members fighting each other and suicides?
The Witch really was some fedora "a stupid christian family acts dumb, god isnt real" extended for 2 hours until it was actually not fedora but a fat wiccan girl going "because the devil is"
at this point movies would be scarier if the subtext was "christians were right, we blew it" in a ironic lovecraftian thing
>The midsummer pole is literally a giant phallic symbol that represents us penetrating the earth as to get a good harvest
Literally no evidence to support this idea.
>giant phallic symbol that represents us penetrating the earth as to get a good harvest
No offense, but all your pagan larping knowledge comes from crumbs from ancient christian priests and post 60s academics
that description could fit even christ's cross "representing the phallus inseminating the earth for a new crop, a new age"
Haev you ever watched Wicker Man? That's a dick
>English historian Ronald Hutton concurs with Swedish scholar Carl Wilhelm von Sydow who stated that maypoles were erected "simply" as "signs that the happy season of warmth and comfort had returned."[1] Their shape allowed for garlands to be hung from them and were first seen, at least in the British Isles, between AD 1350 and 1400 within the context of medieval Christian European culture.[1] In 1588, at Holy Trinity Church in Exeter, villagers gathered around the 'summer rod' for feasting and drinking.[1] Chaucer mentions that a particularly large maypole stood at St Andrew Undershaft, which was collectively erected by church parishioners annually due to its large shape.[1]
its gonna be clones
Actually looked it up, and I'll concede this specific point since I was taught this growing up in Sweden, but you're right about that being a misconception
Though, the part about it not being a pagan celebration for the summer solstice and the part about it being one of the most "magical" nights of the year is actually true, just looked that up too just in case
or because they'd feel fine in "rural" (outside metropolitan) areas surrounded by their own tribesmen
they werent cosmopolitan internationalist people in the age of hebrew patriarchs
Swedish midsommar
>drunk families
>people drowning
They should have changed the name.
Enjoy hell pagan
When did he deliver?
If the father is jewish but the mother isn't the kid won't be jewish.
Have sex
>getting so triggered over a wicker man remake
Incels unironically need sage spaces by this point
>believing in hell
These celebrations will usually have a fuckton of christian and pagan stuff mixed up and it's incredibly hard to pin point their meanings since the pagan stuff was basically differing oral traditions
It's like Lord came from bread-keeper or bread-giver and Christ came in kinda mixed with some previous traditions (Freyr, the whistletoe in Baldur's story etc)
Frankly the "christianity x pagan" seems a false opposition (specially in a context in which their demonization is putting both together)
Christ you creatures are sensitive
It’s not the Jews fault you haven’t had sex yet and most likely never will
Every single old celebration got absorbed by christianity cause they realized they couldn't erase the old traditions from the cultural substrate. Just look at christmas.
The fucking name itself tells you midsommar is a pagan celebration regarding the seasons for fuck's sake.
This is how real Juhannus looks like.
I actually agree with you
I'm not trying to larp as some Pagan, I of course realize the effect that Christianity has had on Scandinavia, and the level of mixing it has done both to pagan culture and national culture as a whole
I just got slightly triggered by that user claiming that Midsummer has no Pagan roots or spiritual traditions at all
I'm not triggered I'm just exploring this common theme as an effect of the psychology of the Jews.
Is it really this easy to trigger /pol/ in 2019? What happened to the le ebin bantz trolls?
You really are just reverse SJWs
jordan peel tier, black people good and white people evil (even in their homeland)
The last living white person will be a tortured slave.
>haha I’m not mad REEEEeEEEE JEWS
This is probably creepier than the actual movie. wtf is wrong with Northern Europeans?
Kinda agree, but there's the equivalent of ethno-chauvinist "hicks" in Israel for instance, so it's the same old "corporate leftism for thee but not for me".
If you watch some rabbis from orthodox sects speaking their disgust for secular cosmopolitan jews makes pol seems like a kibbutz
The movie would have far different themes and connotations to its imagery if it was made by traditional jewish folks
I don’t think normal people are as obsessed with Jews as you are
I wonder what causes this level of butthurt
>t Midsummer has no Pagan roots or spiritual traditions at all
oh yeah for sure, agreed, that's insane
So Swe Wicker Man is white genocide now?
What other classic films are now “problematic”
Still one of the best bait jpg out there
Why are you so against the idea of ethnicities having different psychological traits. The philosopher Weininger, who was himself Jewish, wrote a lot about it in his book "Sex and Character".
I’m not saying they don’t I’m saying you’re obsessed with Jews
Seems like that would be the same schtick, right? Cult of people that are super evil but kind of normal folk too, which makes it spooky
I didn't watch the trailer but that's the vibe I'm getting from the pic. If that's the case then I don't think it will be as good, because we've already gone over that. That hand has been played already
I'll still take this over a rap concert
Have sex
Fuck, user
Stop being so reasonable, it makes it really hard to shitpost without feeling guilty
As you can see in this thread, a lot of Scandinavians are finding the premise of this movie quite comical. I'm just offering an explanation as to how something that seen as completely harmless to Scandinavians(just some peasant folk festivals) carries a siniter connotation for Jews(the director is a Jew).
I'm excited but it's weird how this trailer is cut nearly exactly the same way as Hereditary's, there's even an annoying recurring mouth sound that occurs in beat with the music.
I've never seen more bans and deleted posts than with people reacting to this trailer saying it comes off as very jewish (which I dont even see it as a bad thing, "A Serious Man" was jewish and insanely good - it's like saying Barbershop is black, just a neutral descriptor).
The film could be interesting through that angle alone, just seeing one people do the horror cliches about the way they see a homogenous society/"cult" and their psychological traits
/pol/ = sensitive snowflakes
Based nannies banning whiny incels crying over literally nothing
>It's an entirely non-religious holiday(and more Christian than Pagan if anything) and is one the most inoffensive and least spiritual holidays in Sweden
pretty sure you answered your own question. horror is about taking something seemingly ordinary and flipping it into something scary.
Any fileshare links to the screenplay?
It doesn’t have sinister connotations. It’s about a separate cult ritual that takes place once every 90 years. You’re looking for something to be offended over
The Scandinavians ITT are mostly saying it doesn’t capture the degenerate nature of the actual festival
Stop crying over nothing
>a christian cross
Why are you projecting your butthurt on other people?
it's kinda funny tho, like a director making Oktoberfest into some scary thing. People are just looking at the guy scared of that and going "i think the problem is you little buddy"
If anyone's dying at Midsommar, it's from celebrating it in the west coast archipelago and falling off a pier, not because of cultists.
Stop being so obsessed with jews and your life will drastically improve
Literally the only ones crying are you goblins saying Swedish wicker man is genocide
>Spend every waking moment on /pol
>Still unable to identify Jewish people by their name
You are choosing to be colorblind regarding the ethnicity of the cultmembers vs that of the protagonists.
I dont know if you're jewish or some retard who thinks jews run everything (but instead of turning into pol you fearfully submitted) but you're dumb either way
All my posts have been pretty calm and not aggressive or offensive.
They're not flipoing anything, they're inventing this pagan cult vibe that doesn't exist originally. For americans, it would be like a horror movie about how actually CIA aliens are behind walmart or something ridiculous like that, just a random application of cliches to unsuitable targets
You must have absolutely shat your triggered snowflake pants over Get Out.
Why the fuck was this post deleted?
Are you guys retarded or something? Every single Christian symbol is derivative, the cross too. All later cults predate the previous ones.
He's right.
Jesus christ next you're gonna deny the mother goddess was a symbol of fertility.
So you NPCs have any response that doesn’t involve screeching like a harpy about Jews?
Yeah man crying over a literally nothing standard horror as being genocidal propaganda is totally chill
The Ritual was filmed in Romania while the film was supposed to take place in Sweden
and it looked really nice
no, i enjoyed it. stop with your prejudice towards white people you bigot.
>Every single Christian symbol is derivative
ah yes that elusive and extremely rare symbol of two lines crossing each other, so rare it has to be pagan
Protagonists are white.
Why do you conflate noticing something with getting triggered? To people who aren't insane, you can talk about race without walking on eggshells. It's only a sensitive topic to insane people.
Sweet Jesus pol needs a backbone
I don’t think even SJWs would cry about something so inconsequential
It's obvious that it's not northern Sweden. Not that the intended audience would know that.
>So basically white people culture is evil The Movie.
user, you do realize how many different kinds of "white people culture" exist, right? Scandinavia is not the home base of white people. Also it's possible to be both white and Jewish, most Jews in America are white Jews. Take a break from /pol/
There doesn't have to be any agenda in order for it to be an expression of the Jewish psychology.
What are you talking about? What in my post says anything about the movie?
It’s not. Your obsession with jews is seeking you to find things to be offended over
It’s not even about the festival it’s about a separate pagan cult that takes advantage of it for a satanic ritual.
Next you’ll say the krampus movie was evil propaganda because it had a demon attacking people on Christmas
But those kinds of traditions are known in Nordic and Baltic countries which are basically last bastion of whites in this world. Now they have been gunning for that for some time now.
You're the only one freaking out about obvious statements
It's funny to people seeing a urban media type (who's jewish) finding something eerie in oktoberfest or freaking out at a st john fire in rural brazil. It's like Kyle's cousin in south park freaking out at the crowds of plebs.
Do you not understand how movies work? This is just a trailer, the film probably starts out with the couple thinking they're participating in a harmless festival only to realize the festival is something far more sinister masquerading as a normal event.
I swear to god since Trump was elected no one can fucking think straight anymore, everything has to have some exterior political meaning/misunderstanding now.
Do you know what derivative means? You're saying the same thing.
>waaaaah this is ANTI-WHITE
>I'm not triggered, whatever do you mean?
There is a tendency to interpret pagan symbols from a functional perspective and christian symbols as always having a basis in scripture, but pretty much every Christian symbol can be interpreted functionally.
Your paranoia is sad
Hey dudes the leprechaun movie was white genocide it made a traditional Irish white icon evil
if something is so pervasive because it's ridiculously simple it doesnt imply it's derivative
>Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew
I know others have said it, but I can’t enlhasize this enough: Have Sex.
It’s he first step to growing out of this illness
lol you'd think /pol/ would be excited about a new film from a popular director that has a literally all-white cast, yet here we are
can I get a cookie when it turns out they sacrifice the black dude?
I thought their favorite film was Schindler's List. Not one black person there.
The sinister thing is supposed to be thematically linked to the cover story. Otherwise the villain might as well be little green midgets from the future, pagan cults are not something that's remotely swedish or midsummer.
Any movie that has white people in it is anti-white genocide now
>it's not
It doesn't seem so to you, because you do not have the insight to see it.
The setting is not meant to make the American audience feel at ease, but instead to feel a little of out place. Americans are only meant to feel safe and at ease in a shopping mall in some big city.
The only type of movie you can cast white men in is a horror movie that shits on their culture and paints them as primitive savages. Edgy, I'm sure the niggerbucks and gookdollars will more than make up for the blowback this type of blatantly racist shit will get moving forward. Very artistic much Jew doublegood.
Wow and you're calling others triggered lmao
(also pro-tip: I know you're a virgin but having sex won't change your life like you think it does)
yeah it didn't look at all like norther sweden
but the landscape was nice and looked wild and remote
also the nights were kinda long for that latitude during summertime
but this is nitpicking
filming in sweden would be a lot more expensive
Scariest thing would be for the black guy to be converted, you wouldn't ever assume it.
this is why this sort of movie is considered to be fiction, Sven
>pagan cults are not something that's remotely swedish or midsummer
the amount of fucks i don't give could fill a thousand cunts
It's just cheap.
niggers niggerizing with no fear of retaliation because the government says you are not allowed to stand up for yourself.
i always assumed leprechauns were originally evil, maybe im just creeped out by manlets
In Midsommar every character except Florence Pugh's is killed. So yes,the black character is killed and so are all the white ones who come to the village.
They are an ethnically diverse group that the American audience can identify with.
It does when it's something as powerful and iconic as a symbol. Why would a cult accept to have an almost identical symbol to another cult they came in contact with? It's made on purpose so that it's easier to get new adepts, people accustom more easily to new things that are familiar.
There is one black character. Also they are american students so i don't see any problem.
Sharia Blue tier meme
Don't you realise that a single black character is enough to set magapedes off on a seething rant of cope?
>Life directly affected by jews
There also a brown girl.
>so i don't see any problem.
Did I say or even imply it being a problem?
Hereditary's third act is a mess.
I feel like it's a mess because it was set up badly in the previous acts. You can't fucking explain everything that going on at the end at the fucking end.