
CHAD captains vs virgin tilly

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>bragging about the worst star trek show to date being continued
weird flex but ok

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Voyager hasn't been continued.

>implying voyager on its worst low point isn't still lightyears ahead of STD
wew lad now this is shitposting



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That 'tard is like the bag lady that lives under the overpass. She mumbles the same thing over and over, day after day... and you just ignore her, after a while.

very nice!

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will the ferengis be featured in the new picard show or is having space jews too taboo now?

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They'll be in it but they'll be pink and fluffy because muh 25% difference.

Honestly tr*pfags should be banned

>>bragging about the worst star trek show to date being continued

Enterprise was cancelled though.

say goodbye spock

>muh 25% difference.

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I mean, while there were ferengi episodes in TNG they really weren't explored much. Is there any episode were Picard actually forms any sort of connection (positive or negative) with ferengi?

>STD is better than ENT

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Not really, it was almost entirely ds9 that actually got into ferengi
All we knew from TNG was:
>greedy space jews
>didn't let women wear clothing

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Is that shit real or a larp

I haven´t watched season 1 and I think I never will but season 2 is pure popcorn kino. I m allowed to say that because germans always go to the kino.

I like how the nigger captain is holding the rope. Very nice.

muh memephasic shields.

Some people unironically believe it

That was my recollection for the most part as well. Thus, no, I don't think the new picard show will have a lot to do with the ferengi. I think the Romulans or Cardassians seeing some decent airtime will be much greater.

It's real, though its JJ Trek it had to be 25% different from rather than old trek.

It is real. Star trek rights are a fucking mess, thats the main issue.

Then why do designers for STD cite the 25% rule as well hmm?

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this too
forgot about this

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What? STD has to be 25% different from JJ Trek is the point. JJ Trek essentially had the rights to old Trek though so that essentially covers everything.

so thats why we get bearded spock?

so jj is the reason why we cant have nice things?

Because the rights to star trek media are more diced up then a thanksgiving turkey between viacom/paramount/cbs/badrobot

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Yes because Paramount/owns those rights but then CBS owns different rights, and bad robot and viacom are in there somewhere but paramount owns viacom now..
Its just a fucking mess I don't know what cbs was smoking

Do people really let these legal issues affect whether they consider the show to be canon or not?

if kurtzmans working running the show its gonna be shit no matter what they do. And if that casting call that was "leaked" is legit its already looking pretty grim

Is something that's 75% Trek at best canon? By that logic, the orville is Trek because it's probably more than 50% Trek.

But I don't consider std cannon for other reasons and the jewjew movies happen in an alternate timeline so its irrelevant.

Even ENT is on slightly shaky ground tbqh

>And if that casting call that was "leaked" is legit its already looking pretty grim
Please explain.

A lot of people do consider, or at least want, the Orville to be canon. For my part, I consider Star Trek Continues to be canon, even though there's no legal basis for it.

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>Is something that's 75% Trek at best canon?
lmao, yes. Enterprise is more than 25% different from TOS. They're both canon to one another though.

take this not with a grain of salt but a whole shakers worth.
pt 1 of 2

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Last three episode of Orville literally Dabbed on STD's corpse.


>Alana — Just as it seems that Picard would be surrounded by a bunch of kids, producers are seeking a female of any ethnicity in her mid-40s to mid-50s for Alana, a “brilliant analyst” with a “great memory,” but a dark past involving drug and alcohol abuse. “Often times she gets irritated with her own vulnerability and is certain of herself, even when she’s wrong. A former intelligence officer, she sees conspiracies everywhere. Her professional and personal losses weigh heavily on her.”

also they might be recasting the doctor from voy. guess they were salty about him being on orbille
>Dr. Smith — Producers are seeking a male actor of any ethnicity in his 30s or 40s for the part of a hologram that assists the crew of Picard’s ship in cases o emergency, in the fields of “engineering, tactical, science investigation, and medical issues.” “Dr. Smith” (which may not be the character’s real name) is programmed to learn from its experiences, but not to become “self-aware.” He is described as “calm, efficient, and empathic, but he sometimes has difficulties sorting out others emotional reactions to get at the facts.”

true dat
Not exactly like thats much of an achievement though. But the last 3 episodes have been better then some mainline star trek tbqh

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I saw the leak. That's not what I was asking about. I wanted you to explain why its contents would seem to indicate a "grim" outcome for you.

>nigger husband murderer
>alcohol addict
Is this even less Trek than STD?

Michael Chabon is showrunner. He wrote Calypso in the short treks

>Jan 8th
>2 months ago
Get come current numbers, pleb.


>The Orville (2.9 mil/0.6) slipped to its second-smallest audience while down two tenths in the demo to match its series low.

if you insist
>The Orville (2.9 mil/0.6) slipped to its second-smallest audience while down two tenths in the demo to match its series low.

because all the character descriptions are cringey as fuck? Also its looking more like a "band of loveable losers XD" story then a traditional star trek ensemble
Also the "boy from a girls order" and the only race being actually called for is niggrer are not exactly positive.
Oh then its definitely going to be shit. Great.

>nigger husband murderer
I think its more likely that she got revenge for her husband's death and is now saought after as a result. Even if it was as you speculate, that's not really that far out there for trek.
>alcohol addict
"Substance" abuse is commonly featured in episodes. That you would even suggest its not par for the course either demonstrates great ignorance or dishonesty.

What the fuck are you talking about? Remind me when in TNG one of the characters was an unreformable drunk or murdered their spouse?

>because all the character descriptions are cringey as fuck?
In what way are they "cringey?" And as a tangentially related question: How many casting call sheets do you routinely review?

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Still millions more watching it then STD
that must really chap kurtzmans ass lol

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Not many but I read a lot of fanfic so I know what cringe writing looks like.

STD s1 was the #4 most watched show on Netflix behind their big originals like Stranger Things, 13 Reasons etc. And that's with zero viewers from their biggest market.

so lol at that

no proofs seems unlikely

Well, I said trek, not just TNG. So if you'll indullge me that far then Garak and Damar fit the criteria of murder and drunk.

If you really want an example of addiction being covered in TNG then there is The Game or Symbiosis. And murder comes up all the time, though not really in regards to any of the returning cast, that I can recall.

Still waiting for an explanation on how they are "cringey."

Garak and Damar aren't main cast, nor are random guest stars.

>The Orville is watchable
delusions of desperate men.

I never said they were. You seem to be having a really hard time following the points I make and instead see to focus on one particular element and read things into that aren't there. Are you feeling alright?

I work with Netflix Australia, and it’s close to that, although not #4 from what I’ve seen. Hovers around #6 internationally usually, and #5 locally. They don’t let us see how that translates numbers wise though and I have no idea how it does on CBS’ service.

the fact that I would need to explain what makes them cringey tells me you need to be beamed up to reddito asap
>literally recycling medical holograham from voy
>one problem-he's afraid of space! XDDDD
>nigger widow murderer-quick tempered, also quick to forgive :3
>"lethal weapon" martial artist boy girl romulan with mood swings
>directly references STD fag character

heres hoping Stewart gets butt cancer or something and has to back out.

Attached: std reddit.png (216x300, 40K)

>moving the goalposts
the casting sheet is for main cast members, you have to compare apples to apples

>millions of people
>one ass-blasted user
Hmm, I wonder who to trust.

>my dad works for nintendo

He’s got exactly as much credibility as those Midnight’s Edge fags you guys like to cite

Even if this is a larp, I can attest to the fact that STD seems to be promoted pretty heavily on Netflix's part, at least here in Australia. Some of my friends who have never watched Trek in their life are still watching STD (though take from that what you will.)

So we are going to do ad hominem attacks rather than actually address my questions? That sounds productive.

As an aside, you are aware that the bits posted are someone's (I don't know who, ask the user who posted them. Even if you haven't read the originals then its obvious from the context) review/analysis of the casting calls, correct?


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Yeah well my dad is president of Netflix and basicly it gets like 4 viewers a week and also your fired


ausfag here i typed star trek into netflix and STD wasn't even on the first page lmao

ausfag here, it's the second one for me, only after TOS lmao

Source: Netflix

Because whoever cancelled it did not like Star Trek.

>moving the goalposts
Let's back up a minute and take a look at this:

>Is this even less Trek than STD?
That's the statement I directly quoted and disagreed with. I have shown that the elements that that user took issue with are readily apparent in trek. If you wish to dispute that (and not whether characters are or are not main cast), then I await your examples.

Additionally, are you implying that you only want characters in a new ST show to only cover topics that previous shows havve already dealt covered with their main cast? Would you not then be arguing that they were just recyling the same old ideas over and over and couldn't come up with anything themselves. As an example of such, see where that user lists "literally recycling medical holograham from voy" as being an example of an undesirable basis for a character.

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You don’t have to lie user

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"Certified" Critics mean nothing.

>anecdotal evidence
Ill take that for what it is; literally nothing.

Please do not LARP as an Australian, thank you.

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I’m literally sitting in Channel Nine in Sydney you cunt


well I specifically use that example as STDniggers have a hate boner for VOY
>as seen in the first few posts of this thread
So kind of strange that the same exact people turn around and applaud using one of voyagers characters.
not too mention is unbelievably fucking lazy. Even for the hacks making nutrek

tl;dr, what's that?

sorry retards i meant the TV version of netflix not the numale pc version

Rom tried to kill Quark in an airlock. Just saying.

>betazoid captain
once again, stopped reading right there.

There is no legal basis for ANYTHING to be canon, it's not a legal or IP concept, it's simply whatever the fandom decide what parts of the story are worth discussing in their communities. The concept of canon comes from religion and religious stories. Is Catholicism canon? Orthodox? Protestant? What is canon Shia or Sunni or Ibadi or Sufism? What was canon? Aphrodite Ourania or Aphrodite Pandemos or Cytherea?
Whatever is canon is whatever those communities considered canon within the community.

On /trek/ Discovery is not canon, basically the vast majority of the community here don't consider it canon so in no effective way it is canon. It's not canon. If I go on Plebbit tho, Discovery is canon and nothing else is canon. Canon is and always will be a fan concept.

Even in "official IP holders" who the fuck decided canon? CBS suits or Roddenberry? Because the Roddenberry estate have a very different view of what is "canon" than CBS.


>Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.

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>sorry retards i meant the TV version of netflix not the numale pc version

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I am not a "STDnigger." I generally dislike the show outside of sometimes the performance of a few characters. Just because I am not willing to immediately disavow a show based off of what is (purportedly) the casting call sheet does not suddenly mean I am defending anything or attacking anything else. I simply am waiting to see what it will be like and interested in how others are genuinely receiving the "leak." If you're just going to lash out because I am currently unwilling to just blindly hop on the hate bandwagon then we have nothing to discuss and you can feel free to reply to me with whatever insults or attacks you should wish.

On the other hand, if you'd like to walk me through your thoughts on the information we do have, I'd be overjoyed to hear you out and maybe we could even discuss it.

I generally hate STD but last episode was pretty good.Only scenes with fat ginger, homos and some of Burnham were cringy.I skipped those and it was enjoyable.

I like you. You're a little worked up right now but you seem pretty cool. You should post more often.

t. unrelated /trek/ poster

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Lol what a fag

I hate Culber and Ash's characters and their respective storylines. Like a lot. But their scene in the cafeteria was actually pretty good.

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I wasn't calling you and STDnigger user, I was pointing to the earlier posts in the thread to the people who will blindly support a show that hasn't come out yet.
Im all down for a "wait and see" approach, but Im just not expecting much based on:
>the quality of current cbs trek (dogshit)
>the guy directing (dogshit)
>the fact that the show if leaks are true seems to be closer to guardians of the galaxy then to star trek

The trajectory of the franchise overall is a goddamn nosedive so its alot easier to be negative then positive but we will see how it goes.

>>the guy directing (dogshit)
Get me up to speed. Who is directing? Where is the confirmation that this is true (and not just some Yea Forums grade LARP)? And what else have they been involved in?

>Sisko with rope
>STD character's wet
I don't normally post in here but I wanted to stop by to tell you that's an excellent image on this here imageboard for discussing television and film and I enjoyed it.

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negress who directed a couple episodes of STD and gotham. Been confirmed by cbs so yeah...not alot of hope there.

specifically directed "vaulting ambition" from season 1, one of the worst episodes.

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Whatever Gene said is canon is canon. Especially the parts that make no sense. No amount of fedora tipping is gonna save you.

The first two episodes are directed by a black woman. So guess why he hates it.


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or maybe its because her credentials are laughable.

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>look, someone said something on reddit!

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based and saved

Thanks for the info. While looking her up I also see that she is directing another episode later this season. So, maybe after that we can get more insight.

And, yes, while Vaulting Ambitition was not a great ep, I am of the opinion that any director (no matter how good) could have saved it. That late in the season with so many convoluded and ill-paced story arcs kind of ties your hands, I would imagine.

She previously worked on Sleepy Hollow with Alex Kurtzman so I figure that is probably how she got the job.

Wait, is the Picard show really happening? I thought that was just an incel fantasy.

None of this is true. Try and be less credulous towards YouTube conspiracy theories.

For sure. But the fact that kurtzman will have his stubby little fingers on the show is one of the most alarming parts. He should have been kicked to the curb with the other two they dumped after season 1 under-performed and they went way over budget on the first few episodes of season two.
I'd be alot less wary if they had just cleaned house and started over.

It got a lot of up boats, Morn

We aren't on reddit, but you apparently are. Go back and stay there.


It's happening

Romulans are only neat if you leave them isolationist and explicitly flesh out their Empire/Culture hardly ever. You would rob them of what makes them interesting if you give them the Ron Moore klingon treatment.

Except John Eaves (the visual designer on STD) confirmed that was the case almost a full year ago
>“Back in April of 2017 the task of the Enterprise making an appearance came to be and work was to start right away," designer John Eaves explained in post on Facebook. "The task started with the guideline that the Enterprise for Discovery had to be 25% different otherwise production would have most likely been able to use the original design from the 60's but that couldn't happen so we took Jefferies original concepts and with great care tried to be as faithful as possible. We had the advantage of a ten-year gap in Trek history to retro the ship a bit with elements that could be removed and replaced somewhere in the time frame of Discovery and the Original series.”

2-3 parters I've seen in order of best to worst

Future's End
Time's Arrow
Chain of Command
Encounter at Farpoint
The Best of Both Worlds
The Menagerie
The Homecoming
Broken Bow
The Vulcan Hello

unfortunately yes, its happening.

CBS owns the Star Trek property. Paramount holds the license to produce Star Trek films. It isn't much more complicated than that.

Midnight's Edge has been debunked time and time again. It's depressing that some people are still parroting his every declaration.

I kinda hate the dude but at least it's new Star Trek. The rest of the cast might be able to carry the show. Looking more forward to Georgiou since even though she isn't great she's at least not boring.

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John Eaves didn't know what he was talking about and deleted that shit when he was corrected

Janeway's a pretty terrible character but at least Mulgrew can act.

Stewart is really up there now and he's barely coherent in interviews, when was the last time he acted? It's not going to be the picard you know and love, it's going to be a tired old man that's going to be seated for all of his scenes

You take that back.

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I detest the show and the character but Mulgrew never gave less than 100%, she just had awful writing to work with.

>It's not going to be the picard you know and love
I don't love him. He's really boring for a captain. I start to nod off when he talks. Can only imagine it'll be 10x worse with him in senility.

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>i kinda hate the dude
I actually like picard, problem is if the leaks are accurate I wouldn't hold out much hope for an ensemble cast carrying the show as they sound cringey as fuck
Not too mention they got a diversity hire director whos only claim to fame are a handful of lackluster std and gotham episodes
And to top it all off kurtzmans still in the picture which might as well be a kiss of death
>at least its new Star Trek
I'd prefer no trek to bad trek tbqh

thats funny I just checked and its still up
what kind of (((person))) would just lie about something easily fact checked like that?

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>Unification that low
I am disappoint

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>hey /trek/, I spam my tier lists again! notice me!

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It's good but It was also slightly saddening to see an old, tired Spock.

my bait>your bait

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Too much clutter. Try to refine it like mine, simple and to the point. Short and sweet. Appreciable at first glance.

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Even though it was cliche and obvious, I still loved Data's and Spock's conversation in the second part.

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Happy Womyn's Day.

Weekly reminder that Star Trek only had a handful of female character personalities.

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nope. I am too respectable to be that low effort. The well earned (you)s make me nut harder then you can imagine.


TNG had the worst cast.


Hope Picard doesn't ruin it. Could be interesting though.

>Lower Decks
Fuck yeah.

Will be good if it has Leland and Ash. Like probably better than Discovery which has been getting good lately. Then again, the second half of season 1 was good.

>Starfleet Academy
Burn it.

When is his show getting announced?

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I told you before: Add Ezri

...the wide-eyed badass pal?

ezri is character type soup

Since they're doing so many spin offs, they should just go all out with it. Fuck it. It'd be amazing.

The Original Series
>Sulu captaining the Excelsior.
The Animated Series
The Next Generation
>Worf acting as an ambassador to the Klingon Empire.
>Data captaining the Enterprise.
>Riker captaining the Titan.
>Gowron leading the Klingon Empire.
>Toreth captaining her Romulan vessel
Deep Space Nine
>Odo acting as a private investigator on Risa.
>Garak being a simple tailor.
>Janeway as head admiral of Starfleet.
>Archer as president of the Federation.
>T'Pol as captain of her own ship.
>Shran as captain of his own ship.
>Mudd seeking out new life and screwing them over for profit.
>Pike captaining the Enterprise.
>Killy fighting for control in the Mirror Universe.
Short Treks
>Craft fighting the V'drasyh.

>OP image deleted

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>2 woke 4 4channel

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it was this lmao

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There's nothing wrong with being angry when working on a shitshow of a ship like the Ent-D.

>>Garak being a simple tailor.
this, would be absolute kino
A “Better call Saul” of Trek

She's clearly wide-eyed

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>I kinda hate the dude but at least it's new Star Trek.
I believe overwhelming majority of Trek fans at this point mostly fear that the show will ruin the character and universe even further, because that is what we can expect from Kurtzman and his incompetent writing team. Picard is one of the most beloved characters in the franchise.

More likely he was told to delete it by lawyers and PR team of his employers. Gotta maintain the impression that STD is part of original Trek canon.

That’s a nice Cardassian Pepe but I don’t get what he’s doing

>Odo acting as a private investigator on Risa.
>Garak being a simple tailor
Always hot new fashions on Risa...

>Shran as captain of his own ship.
would watch

Attached: shran2guns.png (550x568, 23K)

He's holding a Cardassian phaser pistol.

He's checking the privilege of a tranny.

>2 guns
>2 intact antennae
Wait a minute

There should be two different Janeways. Prime directive and fuck prime directive versions.

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think of the advertisers!


>want to sell ropes
>ad gets deleted

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Fuck I didn't even think of that when doing that

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>is talking about the Enterprise and nothing else

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Is this canonical?

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Wheat probably is but it shouldn't be.

>deleting OP pics

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Here's the original

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>tfw, no andorian gf

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Late ENT Shran is best Shran

>1 show by the end of the 60s
>2 shows by the end of the 70s
>3 shows by the end of the 80s
>5 shows by the end of the 90s
>6 shows by the end of the 00s
>8 shows by the end of the 10s (with 3 more on its way going into 2020)

How many Treks will there be by 2030?

None, because CBS is killing Trek

/trek/ will have its own trek. Screencap this.

Attached: hop in.gif (300x225, 611K)

Star /trek/: The Trip Generation

That would be the STD2: Discord.

>The kids discovered it.

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I calculated it using linear regression.

18 by 2030.

y = 0.9(year) - 1808.6

I appreciate TNG for being a sci-fi show yet having a cast almost entirely made of old and/or ugly people.

God I want to fuck Tilly


That pussy is reserved for Kirk.

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I'm sorry, is there a problem? I like it here in this thread.

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This pretty much sums up the transition from the late '80s to the early '00s

why is the front window of the delta flyer asymmetric. this makes no sense.

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what are some treks to go on when the vulcan fever is in your blood again?

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shut the fuck up
no one is even posting except for the shuttlefag talking at himself
post hella fuckable vulcan cuties or gtfo

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go home

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hey 111139280

You're the most distracting creature ITT. The tripfag hasn't been off topic, but you've have at least five off topic posts. Ironic.


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star trek

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I'm convinced multiple /trek/ tripfags are the same person just changing names and personas.

>star trek
more like cosplay thots

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however, they all did not get enough attention as a kid.

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why even live life if you aren't going drink deeply of its pleasures and be a thot
it's a big universe full of perfect star trek gfs and your bitchin won't change that

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I don't need a trip to post hot trek girls.

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no but apparently you need a tripfag to post the perfect star trek gf pics you save

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>tfw you can no longer get erect to 3D women

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>data became so distraught by lal's death that he went mtf

nice gurl

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>literally me

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lol /trek/ is dying

I will hold /trek/'s hand and make it comfortable as it passes
there is nothing to fear

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>becky lemme smash
God, that brings back some memories.


na, we are fine

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Well that top picture is from a webm emily coutts retweeted yesterday for IWD, that chick looks over to Detmer and Detmer smiles back.
I know this cause I follow Coutts on Twitter, I didn't post the webm in that other thread though.

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The woman on the right has some of the most magnificent breasts I've ever seen.

adding a turtleneck under the uniform and a belt (with a phaser holster, oh be still my beating heart) to break up the monotony of the outfit is a pretty rad idea
with more black in the design it's closer to the male version and actually looks like something they might have worn in the original series
plus she could roll her sleeves up when it's time to get serious

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who is this girl(male)? I hope she has big boyclit because I would love ((her)) to pound my boypussy

Too bad about the face

Yea, that's why I actually like the Gamesters episode, she was a stripper, and probably escort in vegas later on. She's dead now.

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cool story bro

Anyone have thoughts on the Talosian's new look?

I would have paid anything

They were ok, not as weird creepy looking, and no pulsating veins which was a let down.

No, her face is seriously below average.

>I love trannies blogposting

I thought the new skin tone, reduced brow risges, and new nose ridge were odd changes. They did nothing to add to their "look" and only made it harder to identify them as the Talosians they are supposed to be.

I think that she's smoking hot.

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your posts are seriously below average
at least post a pic of a cuter perfect star trek gf if you want to cross lances with me

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yea that was an odd change, I liked how they tilted their heads back in TOS.

Why were they so much taller and physically imposing?

kek, literally trannyorgy.jpg

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left and right have good face, but the middle is uggo and the one you were posting before is uggo too

now there's a perfect star trek gf

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>posts some faggots talking about stupid shit
>"we're fine"

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There's a difference between not being a plain faced barbie and being an uggo

>The new STD has a recap for the Cage

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Why do Drekkies randomly mention and complain about Bryan Fuller whenever they are faced with something that's glaringly wrong with Discovery, or presented with something they don't like?

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>posts ugly cosplayers and tfw no gf

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It was a surprisingly nice touch.

Where would you ask Data to take you on a date?

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The Orville is at lest 67% Trek.

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kill all memers.

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The Orville is 80% Trek, which is more than STD

>that cross-over with The Cage

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H-hey user. You're still coming over to my place to catch up on Discovery tonight, right? Don't you just love Michael Burnham? She's really inspiring.

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The Cage is not canon

she's cosplaying as Zoe Saldana

Sorry, I have a date with T'Pol.

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MidnightsEdgeCels cope

wtf what was wrong with this for OP?

Admit it. If a cute black girl asked you to watch Discovery you would watch every episode back-to-back.

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I'm disgusted but curious

>cute black girl
that is an oxymoron

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Back to /pol/ bigot. Star Trek is intersectional.

I'm not into Star Trek, she said something about pun far.

Well I just finished it.
The Talosian stuff was decent but fully unnecessary. I really don't like the modernized look of their planet.
Also Michael was fucking evil to Spock as a kid. Just another reason to dislike her character I suppose.
The Menagerie canonized it.

Midnight's Edge says it's not canon

got a name, comrade?

unfortunately, no:

>tfw too /fa/ for /trek/

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Ok? Did he not watch the Menagerie?

Holy shit you are gay and annoying

no, it's true. because it was just a pilot, "The Cage" had to be 25% different from canon in case they decided not to pick it up.

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Why don't people like DS9? Is it because they don't move?

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>20 posts away from bump limit
>caring about post quality
quick quick we need to decide if the midnight's edge rumors are true or not before the thread archives and we never talk about trek ever again

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Mom! Jess is using my memes again!

You spend too much time here being a faggot

Let's talk about how we have been personally attacked and victimized by Captain Marvel some more. Just really shit up every single thread on Yea Forums with it.

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I was sexually assaulted by Captain Marvel

Where exactly did the mouse touch you?

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>no Year of Hell

>I kinda hate the dude but at least it's new Star Trek
>Well the chef took a dump in my mouth, but at least it's food

Have higher standards. I give STD multiple opportunities and it sucks so I've stopped watching it. You vote with your wallet, if it's no good then don't mindlessly consume it just because.

>badass female superheroes
ew gross my fragile male ego is hurt

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You're a fucking tranny wretch. Get a real god damn job. You bottom feeding trips are pathetic.

>tripfag trannies start flooding board with low tier cosplay, desperately wishing their filthy, half-transitioned appearance could be even half as attractive as a normal human beings

Wow, a mentally ill cave dwelling ruins another /trek/. Fans like you are the reason I never to conventions, borderline subhuman

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