I love horror movies!

>I love horror movies!

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>jump scares? Nah bro, its all about the atmosphere!

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>lake mungo
>session nine
>any lovecraft adaptation

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I'm surprised Reddit doesn't hate based Lovecraft considering how much he hated niggers and jews

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Gotta be honest here, The VVitch was not fucking scary. I don't know why Yea Forums thinks its a good horror movie. Was it a good movie? Yes. Was it a movie that made me feel horror? Fuck no. Pic related has managed to give me several nightmares.

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I fucking love Ju-On/The Grudge, I've dreamed about it multiple times too but they were wet dreams not nightmares

well then by your metric there has never been a good horror movie as I've never felt scared from watching a movie.

why can't redditors see how fucking retarded they are?
>muh personal experience that could be influenced by the time of day and who I'm watching the movie with are defining critical metrics

probably because you watched it when you were 11

Literally no horror movie is scary
The entire point of the genre doesn't work

>session nine
I fell for that meme.

cringe, Lake Mungo is great

Are there any good horror movies that have plot twists where supernatural shit wasn't supernatural at all?

I imagine that's the only horror movie I would enjoy


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t. wojak with glasses, short beard and wide mouth

this is a legal requirement for all horror films made in mainland china

Thats a very personalises metric that doesnt work simply because not everyone finds the same films scary. The Thing isnt scary to me but its still my favourite Horror because its classified as a horror.

name me 1 movie that is better than the shining, or alien, or exorcist, or any other movie off that troll "basedboy" horror chart that relies on almost completely jump scares and basic horror-plot tropes?

i bet you wont. none of you ever do

>The Shining
>The Exorcist
Those are literally the 2 best horror movies of all time, so no one is likely to be able to name anything better.

No horror movies are really scary after you reach a certain age, usually around puberty. But to say that devalues horror movies is the same as saying action movies are shit because I don't feel for the people being shot in them . . . or that sci-fi movies are dumb because "that could never happen." It's a pleb argument for philistines.

name 1, pussy

I still get a little spooked when watching something like the evil dead. Dunno why, I watched The Thing and wasn't even phased.

Is the exorcist actually scary? From the little I've seen it's just gross-out.

The Shining is spooky though. Steven King is eternally buttmad that Kubrick surpassed him

I love dead jews, but so what?

Better than those two? I literally said there aren't any. Do you have problems understanding English?

Demons At The Door


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I sometimes get slightly creeped out. But that's only because I believe in supernatural stuff, like ghosts and demons. Some people legit don't believe in supernatural things, and that is okay. To them, a supernatural movie is stupid, and I can respect that.

>coworker says he likes horror movies
>ask him what he likes
>mfw basedcucks think their shitty "atmospheric horror" films with fancy "cinematography" and "good writing" are real horror
>tell him he should check out true based horror classics like the nail gun massacre and don't go in the woods
>he says he will
>the next day he says I ask him what he thought and he just gives me a weird look and just says "yeah cool"
>call him a little faggot with no taste and smugly walk away

Chalk up another win for trve horror fans

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