Capitan's gender studies's shills BTFO!!

Based Lucas fucked you up.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Please stop shilling your shitty vlog here. All you pissbabies say the same shit anyway.

I ain't him.
But i am one of his subs.
Get fucked.

>Pass user since 2012
Please off yourself, you cesspool of shit.

>buy a ticket for Alita Battle Angel
>Tyrone comes up behind you
*you aight white boy"


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Yea, i think based Tyron agrees with me..

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>black youtuber
>puts hand over mouth like he's coughing
>this is supposed to be some kind of boon sign language for a "diss"

The truth will out! Thank you for taking a hit for the team, Movie Jesus!

wow that 5 year old picture of the same feminist really puts me in my place. it really proves that feminism has run amok.


why do black people hate Captain Marvel so much?

How about this?
It's more recent..

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Yeah Democrats taking the house and investigating Trump really hurts me. You're right. Ouch.

Cause they are normal people?
Cause they can see trash when it's in their faces?
And tghis movie is legit trash.
You just need a working brain to see that, doesn't matter your skin color.

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They aren't afraid of (((them))).

They have the white feminist pass because they fall higher on the oppression scale.

not afraid of being honest

>Pass user since 2012
holy shit you are such a faggot

Wait, didn't the new ghostbusters flop?
The memes write themselves here.

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They cant be labeled sexist incel nazis

They are a feminist' kryptonite.
Thats why feminist wont ever speak up against sexist rap music or music videos
Thats why feminists cant ever call out jay z or the rest of the sexist rappers.

These black guys are untouchable

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You're a moron.

Holy shit

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Save it
Share it
Spread the lols

Go back to /pol/.

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Are you for LGBT education for kids?

While Yea Forums is getting raided by shills paid by Disney? Hell nah.
Besides, /pol/ is being invaded now, and that ain't fun.

What's the problem, you don't like truth?

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I have noticed that sjw and letfy antifas show up in here every night late at night
Are you guys in europe?

You guys spam the shit out of pol, theres no point in going

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>the most reddit reply you will read all day

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Im from the EU, but i sure af ain't antifa.
Im not alt rigth either to be completely honest.
Im just a guys trying not to get fucked by both of them.


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nice hearsay, why dont you post some infographics until this thread 404's


Last couple of days, Yea Forums becomes super tumblr around this time. Dozens of deranged posts from ultra lefties.
They dont appear during the day, but at night this place becomes a lefty shitfest

Have sex

Time for dilatation honey. That putrid wound wont stay open forever

I still got my girlcock and im keeping it!

Nah, you gotta say to em: "have a sex".
See, cause they are trannies.

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You know boasted about assault, right? There's a tape and everything.

Could be.
I mean, if i were the French government, i would hire people to shitpost given the situation there.

"You do know why they call it a COCKpit?"

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>/pol/ is being invaded now
By trannies or what?


>Tyron gave it a 2 out of 5
>Lucas said it was bad propaganda
>White proven shill gives it a 7/10
I wonder how much Disney paid him.

Attached: girls.png (449x401, 490K)

>wall getting built
>Trump cleared of any wrongdoing
>approval ratings skyrocketing
>retard left eating themselves alive
>Trump sealing 2020 re-election
Choose sex.

red pilled

I noticed a lot of black men hate this movie.

People speculate it's from NYC, cause when they were rewiewing AOC spending budget, they stopped, and then it started again.

>Captain Marvel - 'you guys are just terrorists'
>Skrull - 'we are not terrorists, we are refugees'


He boasted that he's so good she would just give in, not that he had actually done it. That's why it's called locker room talk and not confessing to a crime.

Proof of the invasion

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It's just people being pissed at Canadians and Australians spamming alt kike drivel and clogging up the board with inane shit. This has nothing to do with antifa you paranoid mongo. People are just fed up with your supposed red pill shite which is always the most blue pilled shit you can imagine anyway


Wtf? I love Islam now!

Okay if you keep the cock then i can respect you

>You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.

You are a liar. That is why you support liars. You think lying makes you smart.

It's true.
I watched it ( didn't pay for that garbage ofc ), so i can confirme it.
Pic related is my face when i heard it.

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He is even worse than a tripfag. He is - may snacks forgive me for saying this - a Yea Forums pass user

In other news, Doug and Rob Walker absolutely trashed this movie. They called out Marvel for being too late to the game, yet patting themselves on the back like they are leading the charge.

If two unrepentant Disney shills tell you: "fuck this movie, go watch Alita instead", you know things are interesting.


Do you have a link?

Everyone in pol is cia and tranny shills.
Real conversation on pol is not possible anymore

They also bragged about owning Yea Forums and having it fully raided.

Totally not /pol/ trying to falseflag here! These mongos did more damage to themselves than a sixteen-year-old cunt who is cutting her arms open over literally nothing.

wow I have had my eyes opened

9/11 and so on.. they were just fighting for a better life...they're he good guys... isis are the good guys all along wth marvel

[for the fbi : thats a joke]

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Yeah you know it's weird how he said this and was obviously being completely serious and literal and yet nobody anywhere has ever even attempted to make the claim that they have seen him do this, ever

These are legit ultra lefties. It isnt even retarded ironic shitposting or people just "tired of /pol/"
These people raiding get legitimately triggered and try really hard at being woke.

when they choppa da head of innocents off, thats just like, thats , that ain't even a thing man that's like kree, i mean usa, propaganda

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>"there are too many white men reviewing my movie"
>say no more...

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>yet nobody anywhere has ever even attempted to make the claim that they have seen him do this, ever

He's been accused of assault by like twenty people (and also rape). You mean nobody except them? Or did you just lie on instinct without considering?

Everyone knows the tranny discord is raiding multiple boards

I see this from alt kikes too, what's the point attaching it to only one side?
Do you have any example you can link here?

>They don't know the cosnequences of their actions

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It's a meme which idiots use to cope by now.

Thanks guys.

>supporting black people is now /pol/
yeah okay, shill

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Everyone shitposts here.
People say nigger or faggot, whatever

But late at night, we get like 40 sjw trying to fight with everyone and raid threads.
Trying to persuade people and trying to piss everyone off


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Who hurt you user? This is your time. I will listen to you.

>Enjoying a black dudes youtube is now >Pol
You fuckin retarded whiteboi aint you?

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Nigga you is a dude

So is that discord screenshot fabricated or did they get raided too? Seems retarded in both cases.
That people try to influence here for whatever reason is apparent /(mostly shills on tv and v for companies anyway . But this can also be just another smoke screen from stormniggers to draw away attention.

gas yourself discord tranny i'm dead serious lmao

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Once it wasn't like this..

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dooger go home


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big yikes if im being honest mr Yea Forums pass user

Because they turned Fury into her sidekick

This is what we have devolved into.

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americans deserved 9/11, even bobby fischer said so

Being on hormones 2 years

Still looks like a man


some of us aren't faggots, I agree with OP

Nah, they didn't deserve it, fag.
But you can't take it out of my head that the CIA ( the motherfucking CIA ) didn't know about that shit, and didn't let it happen.

Let them rant.
They don't realize that they are attacking themselves.

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>Being on hormones 2 years


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Because, fun fact: black men LOVES white boys.

You think black men would like Captain Marvel because she's a white woman? No. They HATE her because she HATES white men.

Why do black men fuck white women? Because they can't fuck white boys. That's why they have to resort themselves to fucking white women.

Reminder that this is a mind of leftist swine - they will never tell you that if you start taking HRT before the puberty, you will be left with microdick and the transition surgery will no longer be viable, which is exactly what happened to that attention whire Jazz.

wtf, i like black people now?

>"they let you do it"
get your head checked

You will never have free healthcare to pay for your neo-vagina.

>Hates Captain Marvel
>Loves Alita
Why am I not surprised?

>Because they can't fuck white boys
yo Yea Forums should we tell him?

how do I join these psychotic discords?

It is so much worse than I ever expected. In 10 years people will be reviewing this film in film school as an example of how not to have a message in your movie.

why do you hate black people so much?


this isnt arnold white

what about beyonce being a sexist whore?

some user made it a few days ago

Wow racist much?

Wow what a great insult.... NOT

Don't mind if I do ;)

*throws up gang sign*

appreciate dawg

Whaaaaaat? Islam was against LGTBCIAZQQQ?

Chapocel detected

>pass user since 2012

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Tyrone's review was unintentionally hilarious. He was legitmately traumatized watching it. The best part was his QandA afterwards where people asked him whether Captain Marvel was better than X .

Jeremy's review put an exclamation mark on the whole thing by stating Captsin Marvel was made by people who were not knowledgeable of the MCU. He didn't specify the comics, just the MCU itself; after he pointed out all the ways Captain Marvel shat on continuity and tone.

Isn't Manafort going to prison, like fuck me in the ass prison?

this user bears the mark of a faggot.