Cast her?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Amanda steinberg

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*monkey noises in a distance*
Thank dog 16th century spaniards bleached the hell out of them so most dont look like this atrocidad

god damn it why are women so fucking hot.
i can't resist but i don't want to play this stupid shit games.

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>The same childhood friend reported in a letter that Columbus had provided one of the captured indigenous women to him. He wrote, "While I was in the boat, I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me. When I had taken her to my cabin she was naked, as was their custom. I was filled with a desire to take my pleasure with her and attempted to satisfy my desire. She was unwilling, and so treated me with her nails that I wished I had never begun. But to cut a long story short, I then took a piece of rope and whipped her soundly, and she let forth such incredible screams that you would not have believed your ears. Eventually we came to such terms, I assure you, that you would have thought that she had been brought up in a school for whores."

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Good post

>tfw you will never be a conquistador in 16th century getting to spread your Spanish seed across the uncivilized Americas

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based and Castille pilled

...HAHA just kidding! We all know Hollywood would never hire an attractive Asian woman into a leading or supporting role. Gotta keep those roasties happy

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More webms please


definitely died later of std's, they didn't have resistance to diseases not fatal to europeans

Guys you need to check out this

>Gotta keep those roasties happy
Wh*te men need to get their w*men in line.


that's literally a dude

The girl in the pic is Korean

No. Here is the superior model with the superior cosplay. She even has the dance in her eyes.

Attached: 1542073814927.jpg (960x960, 53K)

how do you know?

light brown skin is perfect no matter what the virgins here say. i would fuck her the whole day

shes too old

Thats cultural appropriation

Have you SEEN modern wh*te men?

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>""""light"""" brown skin

Attached: Hmmmm Ritsu.jpg (333x330, 12K)

not brachycephalic enough, hips are too narrow, canthal tilt isn't positive enough. i would leave her for the wolves

white ***********men************ were a mistake

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rosie 20 years ago

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why do you always post this shit when is readily available?

>implying i know the names of those fags

Dumb weebposter

Attached: abella a.jpg (854x1280, 167K)


fake tits are the worst thing that's ever happened

>nobody posted the most obvious Yea Forums choice

Attached: moner kitchen.webm (1920x795, 3M)

Natives spread std to Europeans not other way around
A karma of some sort

Ive seen pictures of her penis

and i have seen pictures of your ugly hairy cunt.

this is cool but iuts weird and i dont feel like listening to it

Attached: BRAAAAAAAAAAP.png (1060x800, 664K)

>Eventually we came to such terms, I assure you, that you would have thought that she had been brought up in a school for whores."
>conquistador humor

I feel bad for her, but I also got a bit of a chubby imagining having a sex slave all for yourself.

Other than Chel, which of these girls did you like as a kid boomers?

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better idea, you start sucking my cock

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add the "girly things" one to the image too, he posts it relentlessly.

>dat incel rage and Chinese propganda
gb2/pol/ Chang

>supporting Koreans is Chinese(?) and /pol/

more bro

Imagine your ancestors being so gay, as to give this caste system up.

Isabella moner

i had a sex dream with sailor mars when i was 8
shes been my waifu ever since...20 years ago

xena was anything but girly

>not posting the full image

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I hate those fags. Specially the one with the big mouth

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Interesting. She didn't know her audience.

Idris Elba

Columbus wasn't castillan

Oh fuck yes

I still have never seen it and I don't know why because it seems like perfect fap material.

This is perfection for me.So far away tho. God i want to die.


This. Maybe when they lose the man tits, disgusting beards and don’t look like sacks of lard and do the onions scream they’ll be worthy of being called white men again.

Kek, she doesn't realize chad isn't attracted to asians.

Sauce me please.

Rose Monroe but unironically

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Yep Brittney Spears was definitely it for me. She made me feel things as a young boy ready to blossom, and ready to jerk off for the very first time

isabella moner

Does this chick have IG?


>tfw you will never have a threeway with 2 thicc Chel cosplayers

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It was a different time.

Latinas are just discount Asians

Are you dumb? Their body type is different. Moner is petite. Chel is thicc.

I fapped to one of those casting porn that kinda looked like her

not even close


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Attached: dorado1537216271433.webm (1714x1080, 1.24M)

yeah right man that really worked out well...

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yes white women secretly control hollywood, not a bunch of jewish pedophiles(redundant I know). It couldn't possibly be that plastic faced gooks make especially poor actresses.

Someone owns those frames

And they're the luckiest person on Earth

This is close.

So not Asian?

>not having the edit that has only her in it

My beppi would be berryied permanently, you'd have to pull me out like Excalibur

This is what roasties and beta orbiters actually think.

>hiring an asian girl for the role of a mesoamerican girl

If that person is a dude, I'd be on that dick like Harry Hoover, you'd need a pry bar to separate my mouth from the dick. Honestly, I'd suck that dick so much that I'd be fit to write a dissertation why semen is the only viable source for food. Like you're not getting it, that dick wouldn't see the light of day after me seeing it peek from that loin cloth.