It’s been an honor lads

Just found out I have terminal cancer /tvros/

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kys faggot


Well I'm real sorry to hear that.

When you die like a weak little bitch and see those other cancernons in hell dab on them for me

Take Dan Schneider down with you.

What kind booty boi?

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cancerous repost is cancerous

Wrong board faggot

cancer is a scam, it goes away if you fast for long enough

Have you tried Ibuprofen? I had a sore head once and that sorted me right out.


Who will play you in the inevitable biopic?

Then, spent all your money in Alita tickets.
Be a hero user.

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How the hell did you just find out? You should have been experiencing tons of debilitating symptoms up until that point.

prayin' 4 u

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kill normies before you die so its not wasted

Have sex

This. Dry fast for a week nothing to lose trying

do something evil before you die >:)

You've always been cancer.

Godspeed, user.

Let's all ptich together and get Disney to sort you out a special viewing of captain marvel with brie Larson herself!


god i wish i was in your position
it would save me from having to kill myself and disappointing my family

How does that work? And when you say fasting do you mean cut out all food and water for a day or two?

F if true lad.
i sympathize, truly

sorry to hear it m8. On the bright side now's the time to do drugs and hookers like there's no tomorrow

They mean water fasting, probably for a couple of weeks or more

only drink water, dark coffee and tea for a week

When I had cancer I didn't eat for well over a week. I didn't drink either, they threatened to take away my TV if I didn't start at least attempting to drink water.

>imagine dying

a month of NoFap, NoFood, and NoWater should do the trick

I saved this from a random youtube comment, years ago in case I ever got cancer:

I woke up one day aged 25 with a 7x6 inch non Hodgkins lymphoma tumor in my chest 2 days from death it was pushing on everything my heart, lungs, organs. I didnt do it all perfect but Im still living 3.5 years later with no PET scans and not 1 doctors oversight (faith). While I was going through my traditional treatment of Chemo and Radiation I started using an aloe / shark multi nutrient, and an essential blend of 5 oils but all I remember is Frankincense and myrrh. So I did the traditional treatment with 90% chance of a cure. They failed after a year and I still had cancer. I took full responsibility went 100% all in on a holistic regimen (this is an important detail I was all In. I quit 100% of all pharmaceuticals. I started with serious cleanses (liver, colon, parasite x 2-3 of each cleanse, while juicing and switched my protein sources to cleaner meats (turkey,fish,chicken etc) I started taking pure frankincense internally heavily. Stayed away from grains. Tons of sweet potatoes. I used high dose vitamin C , started probiotics , started drinking kombucha everyday, lots of lemon water, high alkaline water, Rick Simpson hemp oil internally 1-2 grams 55 days, I feel like Im forgetting stuff but I had conditioned my mind being an entrepreneur to be tough as shit so I truly believed in what I was doing and also when chemo had me all fucked up I kept moving, I kept working even when I would stop and throw up many times on the way to work I maintained my job they work gracious enough to be flexible with me. I kept moving, kept eating, kept up a good love life which will help any man. I fought with the grittiest of grit. One of my best philosophys to aid my process was the belief of getting my plumbing right (cleanses) and then eating as close to how god designed our food (fuck processed food) promoting my bodys defenses.

I bet you're also a virgin

Unironically this. . Just watch the movie 24/7 until Alita heals you.

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you can just cure most cancers by keto. starve them of fuel

dont go in silent man ..
go to boston dynamics and kill those faggots...make your name timeless

rip in pies

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Posting cancer kino for OP.

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Can’t have cancer if you’re dead...amirite?

thats what you get for browsing this site

Pick a worthy target and take them with you.
Prison system isn't obligated to keep you alive.

Go to deep web and do hitman wetjobs for hard cash to blow for your remaining days
>like a boss


Enjoy the afterlife user. Hopefully it’s better than this shithole.

Suck shit faggot

when you die OP make sure to dab on the cancer

Soon, you will be free from this hell. Accept Jesus and repent your sins before it's too late.

You make that cancer into can'tcer

Dubs of truth.


have fun

God I wish that were me.


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Holy shit 1212, double digit dubs, that’s insane, no fucking way!!!

>current decade
>sharks nutrient meme

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Are you posting from heaven?

take some jews on your way out
die doing the right thing

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Start making Meth.

Open your heart to Jesus, accept that God loves you. It is tough facing the end of your life, but it doesn't have the be the end of your journey.

Nothing I can tell you will change what you are going through. Stay warm and well fed, fren. God bless.

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Medical marvel, I am. Cancer free. I will tell you that when you get really dehydrated, your dick shrivels up. Even when you get hard, it's skinnier than it was.

>God loves you
>gives you cancer