im a bit behind on things, just finished this. what did Yea Forums think of it?
Im a bit behind on things, just finished this. what did Yea Forums think of it?
The best horror to come out of hollywood this past decade. Best brainlet Contrarian filter as well.
I thought it was legit one of the best horror movies I have ever seen to be honest.
Yeah almost nothing else released in the past few years comes close(though I am hesitant to say how it measures up to all time greats).
Personally I would put The wailing above this one among recent Horror flicks.
>The Wailing
Can't say I know about this one
It's really good unless you have the attention span of a capeshitter and need constant explosions and jumpscares. Which is roughly 75 percent of this board currently.
mis-labled in advertising
its not a horror movie, its a thriller with horror elements
i saw it with my normie friends and they all though it sucked because it was "too slow and not scary" which mean't "no jump scares with a thousand violins orgasming in A minor"
i liked it
I watched this at the cinema and it was genuinely one of my favorite experiences there. The ending, where she just gives herself to Satan had me in absolute awe. Never seen anything like it. Certainly not in American cinema.
There are so many layers to this film.
>im a bit behind on things
That's what i think about it, the best behind of the century on the ending sequence and Yea Forums does not appreciate it.
That was a five star ass
I was watching the movie with my girlfriend and she tried to distract me from that scene, we've been togheter 6 years and she literally felt threatened by that sublime ass.
Autopsy of Jane doe
Korean Horror movie. It's in the same tradition as The VVitch as in its more atmospheric horror than being loaded with jump scares, it also have heavy occult vibe to it as well.
But unlike the vvitch this movie includes quite a bit of humor which is seamlessly blended into the movie.
bumping thjis thread to keep it up
Was it a body double?
It was good definitely a cut above your average horror fare but I don't know if I would call it one of the best of decade.
I honestly don't know but man was her skin soft looking.
$4m budget so probably not
it's not like there are lots of other serious contenders anyway
Definitely one of the best American movies
Get out is unironcially better.
No though
Not really. At least not in my taste.
It's really not. Get Out is good, The Witch is great
Get Out was fun but made me feel unnerved the entire 90 minutes like The VVitch
didnt make me*
well done
The eldest daughter had a nice ass
Since Get Out is in the "discussion", whatre your thoughts on Us?
Looks fucking horrifying desu, regardless of how schlocky it is
Only saw the trailer once let me check it again
Absolute kino and probably the best modern horror film
don't listen to brainlets who didn't understand the old english or thought it was "slow and gay"
and don't listen to contrarians that go "lmao A24"
The movie is fucking solid
the premise is dead on arrival for me, it's basically Michael Bay's The Island but with blacks and horror-oriented insead of action-oriented.
>the wailing
hell no, the special effects absolutely ruined everything that movie had going for. I was really enjoying the plot until they went pants on head retarded and took me out of it with the GRAPHIX
Grate film. I keep wandering how did they explained to the the boy child actor to act like he has an orgasm on MDMA with 3 of his favorite porn start in the death scene.
Might be cool but it’s clear the reveal is going to be something about white people
Was wildly impressed with all the child acting in this especially with the 17th century dialogue
Which scene? The zombie one?
Get out had some funny moments but it's greatest flaw is it's almost tv movie tier direction.
I mean come compare both VVitch and Get out in terms of visuals, editing,camerawork, art direction etc..and it's not even close.
I remember reading it's a body double.
I remember my boner doubling
post it already ffs