ITT: films retards dont understand

ITT: films retards dont understand

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this flick is a huge piece of shit


Heavy handed, and non-apologetic to it's own bullshit. It's a shit metaphor of a shit metaphor of a shit metaphor

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My favorite part is when they cracked the baby's neck

I didn't get it. Like an user already said, it was metaphors of metaphors. It felt like one big inside joke. I absolutely loved The Fountain and Pi but I think Aronofsky screwed up with Mother!.

It's a metaphor for the Artist and his muse. Read the White Goddess by Robert Graves.

Garbage movie

The correct term is pleb filter OP :)

I didn’t think it was heavy handed, it was obviously a layered story and allegory the whole time, but not shoving it down your throat and I think viewers had to watch carefully to pick up the right hints and even identify what the director was getting at (forget the name at the moment)

If anything, it was and is a nice change of pace from the normal vein of movies that we are delivered year to year

Don't kid yourself, user. Just because it was 'better' than the then concurrent catalog, doesn't mean it wasn't shit.
And it absolutely was shoving points down the viewer's throat, and it clearly didn't need to. It's almost insulting. It's one of these pretentious layered films that, once you start dissecting the layers, you see the director/writer not only was an idiotic egomaniac, but very shallow as well, it's like the guy designed purposefully to make people talk more of it than your average movie to benefit from word-of-mouth marketing, so I guess some credit is due. The shock value and superficial allegories nigh confirm this.

I rubbed my girl's clit during this movie and her wetness ran down her thighs


shes probably fat so who cares

>Being disgusting filthy evil and perverted
>It's too deep for y'all to understand

Every. Time.

what was the yellow powder tho

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Noah by Aronofsky

Well, for the sake of continuing this line of thought, I thought aronofsky used a lot of biblical allusions / imagery in a provocative way, which felt in tune with his modern audience (Americans, largely tilted towards Christianity), so in a way it did hit a vein that was relatable on a massive scale. That’s just scratching the surface (I’m not that interested in each individual allusion / metaphor), but I thought as a whole it kind of showed that he has a finger on the pulse of American cinema. That, on top of the jarring mob scenes were, I think, related to a lot of modern day conflicts like occupy Wall Street, Arab spring, and maybe even those Charlottesville protests. I’m kind of rambling on 2 random general themes that still stuck with me, but that’s way more than I can say about the tens or hundreds of movies I’ve seen around the past few years.

Mother is really good, in my opinion, but it might take 5-10 years of movies before and after it for it to find its place in the pantheon, or maybe it will just be a footnote in the directors career (although I doubt it).

On a separate note, another movie that similarly captured the zeitgeist for me was mad max fury road, although that opinion might undermine me. I thought mad max operated as an action thriller on a surface level but on an allegorical level it was 1) the manifestation of all the boom explosion action superhero fluff that has been produced and 2) maybe something about men being disposed as tools of war / capitalism. Tribe mentality blah blah, less sure about #2

funny because that's one of the stupidest films I've ever watched.