Does Kevin Smith survive The Snap ™?

Does Kevin Smith survive The Snap ™?

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Why is he crying?

Kevin needs to eat some. He looks like shit.

>starts crying over capeshit
>rush to get phone and take gay selfie

what went wrong with kevin smith, clerks and jay/silent bob was good

Half of him did

>american thinks anyone under 300 lb "needs to eat"

Doctors probably told him if he didn't lose a ton of weight he'd die and so he went and did it.

Stan Lee cameo in captain marvel is him reading the Mallrats script

Eating will only make his condition worse. This looks less like being too skinny and more like serious heart disease. He's already had one heart attack, and that's typically one too many.


Who is this guy

I'd rather get snapped than waste way from AIDS desu

Would still bang Harley.

He'll be fine.

He cries at capeshit quite frequently but this time it's understandable. Still an embarrassing photo and should have just left it at a tweet or something

fuck off stalker. you ruined the next gen of smith kino

>Smith Kino

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What a pathetic cuck


is this the same guy that has a harley quinn fetish and named his daughter harley?

No that's Liev Schreiber

How is he in a marvel movie?

Does this nigga cry after every capeshit film? I understand one, MAYBE two, but now its just becoming a pattern.

Bruh, stop.

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fucking yikes, i can't believe i used to listen to smodcast before he started smoking weed

He has some sort of insane diet to keep him from having another heart attack. He was eating nothing but potatoes for weeks. Literally nothing but that.


I'll admit him crying over pretty much anything is disgusting but it was one the last Stan Lee cameos.

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Comic book cucks are pathetic


I can't believe that pic is real. He looks worse than mews when he was neck deep in heroin.

Holy shit he looks exactly like the JUST meme. He fucking crowned himself.


yeah that diet makes him look insane tbqh

>2000s: I'm the renown and original director Kevin Smith, want my autograph?
>2018: Oh God, thank you Disney overlords for referencing my old movie in a 5 second cut, I'm so thankful
>*starts to open xanax box with shaking hangs*

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looks like a picture from a psychiatric ward.

Bruvva, bruderino, broski, broseph

The crying is fine in this context. The question is why he took a picture of himself crying.

In the grrrrrrl power movie? What tangled webs we weave.

So what’s the reference?

That happened. He had a heart attack bit was too fat to notice until his wife forced him to a hospital.
He's been trying to lose weight and not die ever since.

>He cries at capeshit quite frequently but this time it's understandable. Still an embarrassing photo and should have just left it at a tweet or something

His fanbase are mostly autistics who don't understand emotions. Tweeting out a picture of the face lets them know how to act like a human being would.

Why didn't he ever make anything really great?

Looks like the only thing that got snapped was the last bit of his dignity.

Stan Lee's cameo is him sitting on a bus reading the script for his cameo in Mallrats, so both him (and his cameos) and Kevin Smith exist in the MCU

He got close at the very beginning. The further he's gotten from being connected to the east coast small town world the shittier he's gotten. That was the only thing he was really good at capturing, now it's all California drug trips.

Is embarrassing himself in public his kink? Seriously asking.

Worked for the Irish

This. Post her user

You'd think he would have directed one big budget cape shit by now. Could it be that he is black-listed because he isn't a queer or pedo?

He's directed a bunch of episodes of the CW DC shows but had said a lot on the past that he doesn't think he'd be a good fit for directing big budget action movies because he's a self-admitted bad director. That's why he dropped out of making the Green Hornet movie.

I don't understand why he takes every opportunity to tell people that he doesn't do anything on those shows other than bring along boxes of donuts, and that he lets the crew do his job for him. Its like he wants to sabotage his own career.

What the fuck happened to him? I remember enjoying his shitty little movies and Q&A on stage, funny stuff. It seems like along with fat he lost all his personality.

Mid life crisis and discovered weed.
Also he ran out of anecdotes.

Honestly he was much worse a few years back pre-Tusk, in the wake of the airline incident. He blubbered about petty superhero movie shit or the death of some distant industry acquaintance in literally every podcast and you could hear Mosier's uncomfort with it. Too much weed.

i honestly would have no idea that's him if i didn't have any context. what the fuck.

Redpilled. Older people that look like shit are those that fell for the healthy weight BMI meme. I'm not talking about being a whale, but just chubby enough so that your cheeks are full.
Jonah Hill is a good example. He looks like shit now

Amerifats btfo.

Just when you thought a guy couldn't become a bigger faggot...

have dinner

kinda ironic how i was once a fan of this dude and then once social media came around and he started talking so much i began to hate him.

fuck off cunt.

He drinks half a gallon of milk a day. The fuck are you talking about?

>funny stuff

I can't imagine the smell even of someone so cringe worthy that likes that kind of shit

>Grown adult taking pictures of themselves crying
Can't he just say that it was really emotional and that's it?
Post a picture of you and Stan Lee, write how much that moment in CM meant to you and that's it
What's with appearing pathetic all the time?

It sounds super strange based off the characters of Jay and Bob but Kevin Smith never smoked weed until 2008 when Seth Rogen introduced it to him on the set of Zak & Miri

I'm not anti weed or anything but it's clear weed broke Kevin Smith since he had his first toke after his last good or at least 'kevin smith feely type' film

>kinda ironic
No it isn't. You're not Alanis Morisette, are you?

Every time he mentions his wife it's usually in the context of her belittling him.
Or him tonguing her asshole in pukingly graphic detail.

It's not about weed
It's because back in the day, this kind of behavior was frowned upon and now it's encouraged
Plus, with social media, his stupid antics are accessible to all

Weed has destroyed anything this man had resembling proper thought.

oh true I was more talking about why he may of lost his movie magic but that explains his annoying twitter antics

It has everything to do with weed making him weird and manic.

What movie magic? He movies are fine at best
Not to mention the entire world changed since then and he can't do the low-brow humor he's so used to
Do you really think Jay and Silent Bob could be made today with a shitstorm behind it?
Do you think you could do a Porch Monkey bit today?
That's all he's good for and that kind of shit will fuck his career today so he resorts to doing movies out of his wheelhouse

Wtf, I feel like watching Kevin Smith videos now

this is what happens when your low level T for about 4 decades.

Fat people always looks more happier and filled with energy unironically. He looks weak af in this oic

This. I've never seen a happy ex-fatty. They look like drug addicts after rehab.

He's like literally dying in this picture.

it is because i was a fan of him when he wouldn't speak at all then he opened up and im sick of him.

It's literally impossible to believe this is the same guy from his old Opie and Anthony appearances... He was so cool and down to earth and funny and now he's a complete faggot on twitter.

Some background info that's important here:

It's not that Kevin Smith is only happy about being referenced in the Marvel universe, it's how it was done. They have Stan Lee doing a cameo reading his script for Mallrats. Kevin and Stan Lee were very close friends, and even had a father-son type relationship over the years. Stuff like Stan Lee coming over to Kevin's house to read poetry to school kids and stuff like that. Stan Lee's handler said to Kevin once 'He thinks of you like his son' which of course had Kevin in tears.

So it's more than just being referenced, though Kevin is easily impressed and an easy cryer.

Yeah I listen to his podcasts too user, but the genuine nature of his emotion isn't the real thing here - its still cringeworthy and soiboi beyond belief for him to keep posting photos of himself crying.

Then don't follow his twitter you silly cunt.

He looks disgusting, no shock eurofags don't see anything wrong with disgusting ragged skin and wrinkles.

He was also referenced in the movie, people seem to miss that.
Doesn't excuse crying over every other capeshit though

>this is the REAL me

The movie could end with a 30 min montage of photos of Stan Lee set to Wings of an Angel, and it'd still be embarrassing for a grown man to post photos of himself crying into the camera.

>spend a lifetime referencing capeshit
>end up getting referenced in Captain Marvel of all things, the worst Mahvel, as their show of thanks

is this what being gigacucked looks like?

Fuck off back to Yea Forums nigger

Dylan Moran looks like shit these days

I hate that stupid face he always makes

Fucking this

Looks like DSP when he posted a photo of how red his eyes were after doing his taxes.

Wasn't that Penn?



Liev Schreiber ALONE!!

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When is he not crying?
Weed + wanting to set an example for your kid in the year of no lord 2000 + 19 is a helluva thing.

SS+GOMAD?! Fucking /fit/ memes

Its not like Anthony and the brotherman aren't doing much worse now either.

He isn't. Read the posts above yours.

extreme mental instability

gastric bypass is no joke

Don't worry, he's fine.

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>amerilards everybody

>Fank yoo Marvo, vely prease to be leferance in film