Who's your favorite autistic character?

Who's your favorite autistic character?

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>inb4 the goose

why does this exist

Autistic girls don't act like this


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The facial animations made the main character from the new Mass Effect look autistic

Brie Larson's feet.

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are legos really ausiticic? I am an adult and i have 10s of thousands of pieces

That and the game has a weird dynamic between the siblings, it does come across like she basically wants to fuck him.

Nothing is autistic if you're handsome enough. Are you handsome?

things are only autistic if you make twitter posts about it

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Well kid, you are on Yea Forums.

because Yea Forums is autistic

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The game was released on National Autism Awareness Day

Her actions too

My father is dead :^)

>Daria is like 5'2
fuck that's cute



I actually liked Andromeda, it wasn't as great as Mass Effect but I enjoyed playing it and was pissed that they didn't release the DLC to round out the story because of negative reviews.

This is unironically true, this is why chads can get away with towel capes and other shit

>character named PEEPEE POOPOO

what the fuck were they thinking

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Don't ever post my Lindsmith again.

>men with autism: universally reviled, mocked, shunned, and unwanted by society/the opposite sex
>w*men with autism: adored, doted on, coddled, worshiped, society holds their hand and hands them everything on a silver platter

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What, they look normal. Like woman-normal.

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She looks more psychopathic here than autistic, 2bh

>It's user has an autistic tantrum episode

It hurts bros...

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vaginas are worth as much as gold user, every human being past the age of 12 realizes this

My face remains immobile but inside I scream

>Muh holes

Honestly she always did kind of come of as psychopathic to me.

Forgot the link


Is it weird that Claire Danes in Temple Grandin give me a chubby.


Been a while since I've seen her. I remember seeing dykes on /lgbt/ say they found her annoying, which proves to me dykes are subhuman and don't possess the same protective instinct males feel for vulnerable humans, even if they're attracted to them.

I'd say 9/10 of them aren't autistic, but may still have other social deficiencies.

Yes, she was VERY autistic and barely classified as high-functioning.

>used to write mass effect autistic femryder fanfiction
>every time these images get posted I am reminded of this time
god I'm still just as lonely autist space sis gf when

Would you date a disabled girl? If so, how severe can she be disabled before you say "Nah, I'm good?"

>Would you date a disabled girl?
Yes, but they wouldn't date me. All women universally find me unattractive.

I want to protect and fuck this girl

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no stress, only jej


Autistic people have difficulty understanding social taboos in general. My ex-gf had an autistic cousin and she told me about how when he went through puberty his parents had to explain to him repeatedly that she was his cousin and that he couldn't look at her as anything more than a friend. After that he just got really awkward whenever she was around. Reckon he would have been quite jealous of me if he'd known the things I did with her :^)

When I was 12 there was a qt Brazilian girl in my class. However one of her arm was grotesquely deformed and her fingers were size of peas

Date a sweet qt blind girl

How do I find a blind girl?


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you dont, they find you



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So I guess im still cut out to be alone. Thanks.

I could deal with any physical impediment if it's the right girl. I would however never even go near someone with mental issues or disabilities or someone who is severely depressed because of their physical disability (e.g. someone who is on suicide watch after being paralyzed)

Fucking how?

Their increased sense of smell.

Ah, doubt they'll need it though

Normal people can smell me coming too

>Brie Larson as Captain Marvel

Someone post the Mara webm where the camera guy sperges out hard touching her face like he's using one of those plastic hands on a stick.

I knew a girl at my old job that looked almost exactly like this girl, she acted like her too, there were times where she would just stop walking and everything that she was doing and just stare at me and once I asked her if she needed anything she would just shake her head and walk away, it was really weird.

Sounds like you're a Chad and she was just 'mirin you. Get out.

Hardly I look like a 16 year old emo kid


You, OP.

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t. jill fag

Obviously you're still Chadly enough if you got a w*man to worship you to the point where she does so overtly.

Or maybe she did it so overtly because she was autistic.

how does she do her hair and makeup?

My original point still stands. You don't belong here, Chad.

>wasted years

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When women want you, they don't stare at you and then walk away

They laugh, try to touch you/hold you, and literally become pissy with any other woman who tries to do the same

Sounds like you would know. you don't belong here either, Chad.

It hurts.

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do you know who jonas salk was?
he was the jewish scientist that cured polio. he created the march of dimes to raise millions to fund his research.
polio was a crippling and deadly disease putting children all over the world into a wheelchair or an early grave. the vaccine for polio was one of the greatest medical achievements of the last century. its a globally essential medicine.
and this guy jonas salk?
he could have made billions from it. he could have patented it and made actual billions of dollars.
you know what he did? he waived the patent. he gave up billions just to make sure as many people who could be helped got the help they needed. he became a celeb after that even though he hated it. truly a great man and he left the world a better place than he came into it.

If I had a choice between polio existing in the USA/world and jews. I would choose polio every single time and twice on sundays. I would infect myself with polio and tour america spreading the disease in a custom built wheelchair or crutches if it meant all the jews and their influence were excised from my country like the cancer they are.
polio is nothing compared to the harmful effects of jews on the USA and world.I would give anything to live in a world where our biggest problem was building access ramps and compliance with the civil disabilities act.

that sounds like hyperbole. it is not. 100% authentic feelings. I cant sleep at night anymore. I wish I never started questioning things. I wish I was still a dumb rube out there able to laugh at things instead of a woke misanthrope. I envy the dumb.

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>that second girl

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You're right, and I probably don't belong here as much as you do

Fortunately, being a Chad means I don't have to give a shit about what you or anyone else thinks

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And yet you still admit I'm right.

that's when women with autism even get noticed, that shit is harder to find in them

About how I should know what women look like when they want you?

Yes, because you are right.

that's a damn good movie

you cheeky fuck

You pretend to not care about what I think and yet you keep replying. Seething.

>faking being spastic

fucking why? she can make money regardless

tfw no ryan gosling bf

I don't care what you think.

But we're having a one-on-one discussion right now, should I just start ignoring you for no reason?
How the fuck does that mean that I'm NOT "seething"?

Funny thing is, I thought you aspies were supposed to be smart

Women are inherently and objectively autistic as fuck, it just doesn't matter because they write the rule book and everyone wants what they're selling.

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Still replying. You sure love to seethe.

So are you, though

And really, which one of us seems actually upset?

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I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Gosling, The Ryan. Some of the sequences involving him are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids.

>n-no u!
The hallmark of a seething poster.

my Indian waifu

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lmao, I now see that you weren't even memeing about your actual autism

Still, I'll stay right here and shit up your secret club for as long as my Chad ass wants

I thought you didn't care about what I think? Seethe harder.

There's no way she's actually auti-
>I like the comparison to vulcans
Okay, what the fuck. I was thinking the other day how vulcans are basically space-autists right down to their bowl cuts. I mean, the entire premise is that they are so emotionally volatile and they react so violently when emotional that they use a mask of logic to hide it and thus appear extremely robotic.

Jesus, it's too similar.

I don't get why fags find Aelita attractive. Dem eyes are 3spooky5me

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>calls himself chad
>keeps replying to low tier bait
you shouldn't like to yourself, its not healthy.

I still don't

How the fuck does pointing out your autism and then staying here DESPITE what you think, all of a sudden me caring?
You do realize that you need to keep to reality when arguing right?

Let me guess your answer though: "seeeeething"?

>Would you date a disabled girl?
>If so, how severe can she be disabled before you say "Nah, I'm good?"
I don't consider it a disability though
Anything else? Well, as long as she actually understand language and can react I don't care. If she is literally incapable of knowing I'm there or even exist, well, there's not really a relationship is there?

I have a lot of time on my hands since I don't need to work anymore

I'm enjoying this, you feel free to ignore us though

Autistic women are overrated. The ones I've known are either "no fun allowed" when you try to joke with them, unable to have sympathy/empathy, or have a massive serious pedantic/bitchy streak.
I still love mine. I just wish she wasn't such a bitch sometimes, but at least she's aware of it and has made progress.

>I just wish she wasn't such a bitch sometimes
Welcome to heterosexual relationships, son

S(n)ee(d)thing. You dont belong here because you take Yea Forums this seriously, how pathetic

amelie is not autistic, she's just a cliche

I don't hate you. I just want you to go. This is the losers table, and you can't sit with us.

Why is Bastila autistic? Side effect of the dark side?

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I've yet to need the "chad" that took internet flame wars as seriously as you do, just saying, maybe you're not as chad like as you think you are.

>The ones I've known are either "no fun allowed" when you try to joke with them, unable to have sympathy/empathy, or have a massive serious pedantic/bitchy streak
That just sounds like every woman I've ever met. And I've known far more far more closely than is good for human consumption.

Who the fuck is being serious?

As I said, I'm enjoying this
As soon as I'm not anymore, I'll stop

Yes, and I don't care what you think

Back at step 1

Give it another few years. You'll understand...

>I'm enjoying this
Whatever you have to tell yourself, seethebro

>I don't care what you think
And yet you still chose to address his post. You remind me of this autistic post-wall lesbian in my trade school class who replies to casual male bantz with "um like do you see me here ignoring you?"

your ego is showing

The pussy game better be godly, son

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>Whatever you have to tell yourself, seethebro
Why the fuck would I sit in this thread ignoring all other tabs I have open, if your impotent rage didn't bring me some sort of joy?

And the fact that you literally have nothing to say but SEEEEETHE makes it even better

>And yet you still chose to address his post.
Yes, "his" post
And I keep doing that because I want him to know that he can do absolutely nothing to get me to leave his secret little club

>The ones I've known are either "no fun allowed" when you try to joke with them, unable to have sympathy/empathy, or have a massive serious pedantic/bitchy streak.
It's funny because a lot of womens are actually like that.

user please. I have had relationships before. My problem is she can be real bitchy out of nowhere for no reason. Usually there's at least a reason (even if it's PMS).
Fair point. I'm not saying this is limited to female autists, just that I never met a particularly nice one.

Been with a qt girl on the spectrum. Too much drama and you’re expected to be her babysitter. My friend’s gf is a literal womanchild and yandere

I'm not claiming this is your first relationship

Just trying to let you know that as long as you deal with women, you will have to deal with emotion without reason

>your impotent rage
I'm not the one who's posting "dude I dont care what you think" and replying to the person whom'st I don't care what they think. Project more, seethechild. If you really were a Chad you would've peaced out 20 minutes ago and gone out for a late night booty call. Pathetic.

As I said, I have a lot of time on my hands and I'm having fun here

>If you really were a Chad you would've peaced out 20 minutes ago and gone out for a late night booty call. Pathetic.
It's 10 am here, and I spent last night with my fuck buddy already
Her panties are literally still on my bed

Have sex.

Nah, she has Borderline Personality Disorder and shows signs of Yandere

I did last night
And I will again tonight


If it's any consolation, having met one I would never want to be in a relationship with an autistic woman

Women's irrationality at least makes some degree of sense to me most of the time even if it isn't logical. Here it's just.. random.
Yeah, but for example, the "no fun allowed" can't even pick up on sarcasm/joking/teasing at all and take it all at face value/seriously. Normal "no fun allowed" women can at least get that far.
I have no idea how you can be with a complete humourless person like that.
Easily one of the best parts of the relationship. Our sex life and her loyalty are pretty much the only reasons I know she's into me.

Rei a shit

>I have a woman in my bed but I need to keep replying to you to assuage my fragile ego
Wow you really are seething, aren't you? That's almost pitiable

No idea what this is or whats going on but its clear from a km she is faking it

>meet hotwheels on tinder
>want to take hotwheels to movies
>they aren't wheelchair accessible

what do? She likes movies and I can sperg out and she will not mind. Feels bad man

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I have a pair of panties in my bed, not a woman
She's at her own place right now but she'll be back here in 8-ish hours

And yes, my ego has really taken a lot of damage by you repeating "SEEEEEETHING FUCK DON'T INVADE MY VIRGIN SPACE REEEEE"

Wanna know what's actually pitiable?
Sitting here typing the same word over and over again at strangers, simply because they get something you don't

Skip the movie and go straight for the handy, she can probably rip the bark off a tree.

Carry her to and from her seat?

Ask the people at the counter if you can store the chair with them during the movie

Get /fit/ so you can carry her. She'll be soaked the second you do it.

"Oh no, I can't find anything wheelchair accessible. We'll have to do it at my place"

>You could suck on her toes while she's asleep and she'll never know

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Fuck that trailer. I feel like I've already seen the entire movie now. Looked good, though.

You sound like a complete retard.It's the same stale pile of shit as every cape shit in the last 5+ years. Get over it, faggot.

I'm fit enough to do that and she is small enough for to not be a hassle to and from for her. She's used to beng out of her chair and dealing with having to improvise so could work.

My place is not hotwheels accessible either. 2 flights of spiral stairs.

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Do it, women love being carried as well
Makes them feel like you're both masculine and kind, and I guarantee you that she won't forget it unless it happens all the time for her

Godspeed, user

>Here it's just.. random.

it won't be random, it'll be something complicated in her head that she can't articulate.

>can't even pick up on sarcasm/joking/teasing

it's about safety. she doesn't understand why you'd not just tell her what you mean directly so it makes her uncomfortable.

t. autist. a lot of the problems are "time-delay" problems. she might figure out you were joking later, for example, but jokes are based on very fast analytical scans. autism is about communication in the brain taking longer in exchange for being more detailed.

she sounds fine, desu. just ask her direct questions about what she wants.

Can you make autistic girls slaves? How docile are they?

For a very long time we figured that autism affected men to women at a ratio of 1:4. Then we started figuring out that we were trying to diagnose women with autism the same way we diagnosed it in men.

Turns out women are much, much better at social masking than guys are. Basically, if a guy has autism, it's really obvious. In most cases of women with autism, it's difficult to spot at first because they cover it up.

Tom Hardy in the Drop (and everywhere else)

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Myself, nigga

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Speaking as someone who works with autistic teenagers, that is 100% not true.

Have you tried asking for an explanation as to why she gets bitchy when you feel it's random? I've known enough autistic people to realize that they can be agitated by things most people wouldn't even notice, like the texture of their clothes, a bad smell or a noise that's bothering them. One of the reasons I try to avoid them if at all possible. Regardless, might be worth asking if you haven't already.

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>just ask her direct questions about what she wants
Just a heads up, while this will most likely work with autistic men, a lot of women are hilariously indecisive even if they're on the spectrum

I dated a girl with Asperger's for about a year and she literally NEVER had anyhting to say
She was stuck in her head all day long and as soon as I figured out that she wanted me to decide things for her it became a lot easier

Of course I didn't force her to do anything if she already knew she didn't like it, but she pretty much always relied on me to lead her through new things while protecting her
Otherwise she'd just reply "I dunno" to every god damned thing and we ended up just sitting in her dorm room all night time and time again

women's brains generally develop with more cross-hemisphere communication than men's, who are more front-back. it wouldn't be that surprising if social skills were based on cross-hemisphere communication, and therefore women were simply less likely to show social symptoms.

humans are so heavily "about" socializing anyway that people often won't even care about problems as long as someone conforms to social expectations. or you can have tech billionaires getting made fun of by penniless retards on the internet because their mannerisms are a bit off. it's all skewed by default.

She's cute you gay man

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Nah, they have the social symptoms, they just disguise them. For example, they're better at noting what girls are supposed to like and then just adopting that. But they don't really have any understanding of it, so if anyone ever presses them on it they can't go into detail. It's basically exactly this skit from the It Crowd: youtube.com/watch?v=gWJIQm9qH-w

It doesn't help that until really, really recently, autism wasn't seen as something girls really got, so plenty of girls just flew under the radar and were seen instead as "weird" or misbehaving. If they'd been male they would have been diagnosed in a split second, but because they were girls we ignored them. We're much better at identifying the signs now.

Palsy Princesses can be so cute, nothing wrong with their minds and they're probably screaming demons in the sack.

yeah, that's the time-delay I'm talking about. sounds painful to have to deal with, but I can describe what it's like subjectively.

what happens is your brain doesn't give you an answer in a situation, you just get "stuck". i've had conversations where something made me just feel stressed and confused, then after a night's sleep, or several, found myself spontaneously thinking about the moment again with the answer (what someone meant, what was expected of me) staring me in the face.

so she was being sincere when she said "I dunno" but you weren't necessarily solving the problem by making decisions for her either.

this part is probably worse for women because they aren't even really forced to try to make decisions for themselves. it would be easy to end up treating her as a pet. if I was in this situation I might suggest that she start keeping a diary, but that would be for long LONG term improvement not a quick fix.

being able to disguise social problems itself means they're ahead of a lot of autistic men in that ONE area. social skill is much more about external behavior than people really realize.

spawnpeeking social cues man

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Amelie is a psychopath, not an autistic. Huge difference, lad

>so she was being sincere when she said "I dunno" but you weren't necessarily solving the problem by making decisions for her either
I get that, what I meant was that her "I dunno" isn't really a helpful answer evne if it's sincere
Asking direct questions was one of the first things I tried with her and I got me nowhere in her case

And no, some things I took her out on really wasn't her cup of tea, though a lot of them were surprisingly positive for her despite her being very much against them at first

One thing that comes to mind was when I pretty much dragged her to a big annual market around here, she was really scared of all the people and having a panic attack, very understandably
But after I promised her I would tackle through the crowd with her the second she felt anxious, she finally agreed to come. Spent the next 4 hours looking at her being absolutely amazed at the home-made jewelry, something she never even realized she was interested in.

I got armbands, necklaces and earrings for my mother and sisters from her for years afterwards, and she never would've found one of her favorite hobbies if I hadn't pretty much dragged her out of the house

All I'm trying to say is that while you might find it easier with direct questions, she always found having her own opinion scary, so direct questions got you nowhere

Had to go through the list of all activities I could think of just to get her to try one of them, usually
A direct question like "What movie do you want to see?" would make her contemplate the decision until I had to leave without starting anythign at all

Literally had to prod her like
>what type do you feel like seeing?
>what do you like more, this or this?
>do you like this actor or actress better than this one?
>does the trailer look like it has the right feel for you?
>Alright, then we're watching this
Every. Fucking. Time.

>if I type it on a borean silk forum it will be the truth

This is why I would never date a retarded person.

the "direct questions" thing was more of a reaction to you saying she didn't understand being teased, so it's glib advice out of that context.

it's not the same as "having her own opinion is scary" though. it's more like your brain gets stuck. autism feels physiological when you experience it, not like having a specific type of personality.

it sounds like you were a positive influence and it's nice you managed to break up with her and still keep in touch. but "success" for an autistic will be if in 20 years she writes Wuthering Heights or something, so not being able to hang around hoping that will eventually happen is totally legit too.

Newfags get out

I'm not the guy who talked about his girlfriend, I haven't dated the girl I took to the market since I was at uni

>it's not the same as "having her own opinion is scary" though. it's more like your brain gets stuck. autism feels physiological when you experience it, not like having a specific type of personality.
That may be true when it comes to her Asperger's, though she actually was scared of having her own opinions
Even if you asked her something completely neutral that only she could answer, she'd avoid the question. I still don't know what her favorite color is, I think

>it sounds like you were a positive influence and it's nice you managed to break up with her and still keep in touch
She seems to think I were too, since she still writes every now and then
Though I didn't really break up with her, she finished her courses before me and moved back to her home town, we ended it really good for both parts since it simply was the most practical thing to do

She wasn't retarded, she was actually very intelligent even if she was very meek
And she was really cute and sweet even if she could be a handful to care for in public

sounds nice. I got feels from your description of the relationship. I'm elucidating what the autistic half of that situation is like.
>she actually was scared of having her own opinions
okay but not because you were asking her, or because of not having a proper opinion. it's more that a simple question like "what do you want to do" requires far more actual effort, so it's easier to do exclusively safe and familiar things. simple questions routinely feel like "what do you want to study at college".

I make an effort to correct my girlfriend's autistic tendencies whenever possible. That shit pisses me off to no end.

But user, free spirited Manic Pixie Dream Girls are Yea Forums's ultimate fantasy.

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