Relatively anti Captain Marvel posts day before

>Relatively anti Captain Marvel posts day before
>24 hours later
>Day of release
>All of a sudden pro Captain Marvel comments/posts
>Cant even criticize the movie without being called an incel

are Disney actually that scared? to pay people to shill their movie for them?

Attached: discuck.jpg (620x387, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread: marvel/type/op/start/2019-03-05/end/2019-03-06/ marvel/type/op/start/2019-03-05/end/2019-03-06/

Reminder OP and his band of pajeets have been caught

have sex

literally and unironically an incel

how can iget paid for shilling

thanks for proving my point.

send me your resume and add 10$ for processing fees

No, they were all in the Alita generals. We kicked them out though. You're welcome. ;^)

yeah, people actually saw the movie now

What's really interesting is that for the past week there have been like 20 CM threads up at all times. But the DAY the audience score gets released it dies way back. The trannies are trying to cover it up.

>this level of lying
Who is paying you?

I'd call you paranoid but 'have sex' is so obviously uncatchy and forced that it could only be paid poojeets posting it

its sneed users, retard.

You think this is bad? Have you been here the past week? Jesus Christ it's all the board was talking about. Look how quiet it is now. Literally just a mere smattering of CM threads at this point even though today is literally opening day. Pretty fucking odd.

Why are you lying?
Theres been over 200 threads today alone about this shit

You think this is as bad as two days ago? This morning it was practically SILENT.

Also, why the fuck are you resorting to an archive? Why not just link to them now? There's like half a dozen or so currently. That's fucking beautiful peace and quiet compared to what this tranny shitstorm was. It was just a nonfuckingstop barrage day and night.

It's an easy way to troll Yea Forums and the posts here are so worthless that trolling becomes the only source of entertainment. marvel/type/op/start/2019-03-05/end/2019-03-06/ marvel/type/op/start/2019-03-05/end/2019-03-06/
Who is paying to lie about this?

Post the ones now. Go on.

seriously, have sex, soicuck

Either you fucking do it or I will.


And that's it. Pretty fucking tame compared to two days ago. And a bunch of these are positive, which seems to indicate they're getting shilled again. Whereas earlier today the few that were posted were mostly negative. There is a positive correlation between how much this dogshit is getting shilled and how many threads are posted.

>tHaNKs fOR ProVINg mY pOInT
lmao incels everyone

>And that's it. Pretty fucking tame compared to two days ago
So the problem is you just got here and haven't seen the torrent of spam thats actually been happening all day.
Here's another thread from TODAY linking more threads

The truth of the matter is that pussy is overvalued in today's sexual market.

Women are poorly allocating this service thanks to advances in birth control, abortion, and the government subsidizing single parent households. The compounding effect of these "progressions" is that the majority of women will default to sleeping with the same men, regardless of how many partners he already has, and/or children he has conceived - because it gives them a perceived higher social status and they don't need to be held accountable for anything that may happen afterwards. This results in service scarcity and artificially inflated demand. They've been absolved of all responsibility, and society suffers as a result.

I've been watching this dumbshit for weeks. That's just Captain Marvel. The past few days it's been out of control. Today it slowed DRAMATICALLY, this morning there was a small smattering of negative threads showing the audience score, and now finally tonight the pace is picking back up and I'm seeing shill threads again. You think you're making a point but you're not because there were three times what you keep posting.

>The past few days it's been out of control
Before you said two days ago. Which proved to be less than today Why don't you show us since you can't keep whatever narrative you're trying to push straight

>past few days
>two days
Oh wow, got me with facts and reason. Go back to facebook and youtube comments.

So you're admitting you're lying
I mean you can prove me wrong easily the same way I've shown you today has been worse, but for some reason you wont? I mean you can even go to the on-site archive and see the amount of captain marvel threads made today

If Yea Forums is influential at all on the culture they definteley have people on here.

They're not scared.
They're just so rich and powerful they can.

They paid people to brigade. It'll be back to normal in an hour or two when the timblerinas pass out from their xanex

Attached: Art-the-Clown.jpg (1000x600, 134K)

Yes. They are scared. They knife each other in the back at the slightest excuse, and Marvel is what keeps Disney profitable.

It's a solid B+. Not a top 10 movie of all time, but better than Thor 3.

I don't think anything can be worse than Thor 3