>manages to unite conservatives, liberals, white nationalists, libertarians, /pol/, /leftypol/, reddit, tumblr, chapofags all at once
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
>manages to unite conservatives, liberals, white nationalists, libertarians, /pol/, /leftypol/, reddit, tumblr, chapofags all at once
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Other urls found in this thread:
Idris Elba
Give me the rundown on this chinaman.
>conservatives, libertarians
Wrong. These people view him as the clueless free money guy and will nod their heads while listening to a talk radio rant about him if he manages to make it to the debate stage.
free neetbux for all
Only candidate currently even talking about what the country will look like after mass automation makes 80% of the country unemployable.
he stole my shirt
For me, its $1000
yea no. Keynesians are retarded and this guy is full-blown """stimulus""" from nothing on crack.
why would conservatives and libertarians want this?
>the clueless free money guy
I've seen this guy on numerous occasions.
Actually haven't seen him in like 10 or 15 years now that I think about it.
I'm going to run for president against him and offer everyone a UBI of 2000 dollars a month.
He managed to make /pol/ support a democrat.
That's a very aesthetic hat
in Romania you could buy votes with a free bucket and some fried chicken or Sunflower Oil.
1000 $ seems pretty based.
>he chinese
>he play joke
>he went peepee in your coke
>singlehandedly abolishes social security, welfare and food stamps
>Fags dwell on imaginary kikery such as the deficit and trade agreements
He's the hero we don't deserve
whos this
Shill raids aren’t “support”
Formerly MAGA
Everyone hates politics now and wants to run a semi-ironic campaign for an unremarkable guy based on the single-plank platform of giving everyone 1000 dollars.
I hope he makes it to the debate stage.
MOOC data science course
Beats capeshit threads
>its a chink causes massive inflation and bread and gas now cost 100$
watch it happen
Trump's plan all along was to bow down to the jewdanoffs. I think china is our savior from the robot holocaust. #yanggang2020
these niggas got the same nose
ok but like whats his name lol
>Tucker Carlson and his fans support him
>Joe Rogan and his listeners support him
Yang will have absolutely taken over /pol/ by 2020.
Screencap this post.
Xi Jinping, his parents are Chinese.
The biggest trump supporter cope I've seen.
Imagine being worried about 100 dollar bread lmao
yeah he used to hang out at Tryst in DC like every day when i lived there
A bunch of suicidal NEETs shitposting and making memes > israel supporting boomers that constantly talk about how trump farting during one of his speeches is 88D chess
Holy shit I've never seen someone be so wrong as you
Afraid of their future after losing their trucker jobs, same reason Trump won the Midwest really
negative income tax, also a lot of them are just neets
If the country's going down the shitter (it is) I want my NEETbux.
If someone were to sell $100 bread I would simply take away all their customers by selling bread for $99.
YANG is already pol's candidate
>removing GIBS
As ABSOLUTELY BASED as that sounds, that's opening up quite the shitstorm on both sides. Also, that would require the mass exterminations of jewss niggers and spics, along with closed borders for that to happen (due to lower educated people being a drag on the system). And quite a bit of snarls in regards to healthcare, to where that $1000 probably won't stretch to cover it. I don't think Yang quite has the balls to do any of that. Plus, that's what, 300,000,000,000 a month? $3.6e+12 a year, assuming the economy keeps up.
$1000 a month really isn't much nowadays, and with the inflation, that's going to be less and less as time goes on. This reminds me a lot of Bernie Sanders throwing bullshit promises he couldn't keep because they completely lacked logistics. So people jump on the yangtrain because they're fucking young and dumb and think $1000 a month is going to solve their problems.
Sounds like a lefty wannabe Ron Paul campaign. Not as forced as that hilldawg cringe bullshit though.
yeah watch /ourguy/ tear him apart
Conservatives and libertarians are trailer park dwellers who all believe they will be the next billionaire. UBI doesn’t appeal to them because they think they are in need. Also libertarians are capitalism worshipers and purists who think any social safety net is a the s-word.
imagine being a Ron Paul supporter in 2019
>because they think they are in need
*don’t think
tucker is seriously the only mainstream right wing personality that isnt a retarded boomer
Voting for a Republican is basically voting for a Democrat. At least I get $1000 dollars out of the deal here.
>wants to give free gibs to every citizen
>also wants open immigration and amnesty for illegals
That'll work great
Automation is literally an exaggerated threat manufactured by kikes and used to coerce and intimidate Americans for decades. It's not real.
Is your name Todd by chance?
you're retarded boomer
He wants to enforce stricter border control though, and make it a longer process to reach citizenship.
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
Da sdages of gommunism.
>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
not how inflation works retard
yang is an uncharismatic chink and constructing a facade of memes around him to hide this fact falls apart as soon as anyone hears him speak and sees him for what he is, an uncharismatic chink. there must be some reciprocation of memes between the candidate and his followers. the candidate must gift easily memeable moments to his followers and his followers will distribute manifold memes to the masses in tribute. with yang there is no meme equity between him and his followers. he sits there with his sideways toothy chink grin which leaves his followers with zero meme material apart from making inane rhymes with his name. if yang can actually become a forced meme, then good for him. i would consider forced meme status to be a crowning achievement for a literally who that thinks he can top free shit bernie with even more free shit. but you kids go have fun with your yang memes. i'd rather you be doing yang memes than out in the streets hanging with the wrong crowd.
Nobody supports him, it's just shilling
t. Mexican fruit picker
Is YangGang the official party of GangWeeders?
t. discord shill
women won't vote for him. oh well.
Based Yang Gang is already taking over /pol/
I can't tell if this shit is ironic or not, only literal neets would support this chink.
its cheaper than most government programs
Retarded communist who wants the US to spend another $3 trillion a year on gibs, institute Chinese style big brother social credits, and pass draconian gun laws that would include mandatory FBI fingerprinting and random search for anything more than basic firearms.
The only reason anyone's talking about this fruitcake is because he's got a couple of faggot shills spamming the unholy fuck out of /pol/
Neet Gang Yang Gang Gamer Nation Gang Weed Incel Army Represent
the problem is hes running democrat and Bernie is already offering free shit while being massively more popular.
>giving every American a thousand bucks is cheaper than most government programs
It'd cost more than any other single program in the US - more than defense, more than social security, more than medicare. You guys are morons.
Bernout is old and busted.
Yangarang is new hotness
Is he promoting some sort of universal basic income?
I hate to admit it but I suppose it will soon be needed.
But before that I think America needs to look at increasing minimum wage to keep up with inflation.
>trusting a zipperhead
i saw this guy on the breakfast club and didn't even like him that much.
not sure what discord group is coordinating his Yea Forums viral marketing but it's starting to get annoying.
Fucking this
We could have had a true american golden age. We could have made america great again, but you fuckers made a mockery of the election and decided to put a retard on the white house instead.
If you only know how much I wanted to kill you stupid fucks for making a mockery of the position once held in high regard
>I hate to admit it
Jet Li
its funnier this way
I'm making yang memes and hanging with the wrong crowd.
Discord trannies want free gibs and think it's funny to support him.
>But before that I think America needs to look at increasing minimum wage to keep up with inflation.
Wages drive inflation.
>March 15
>it's March 9
Ooof, sorry rice commie
The presidency has been a joke at least since the 60s
>putting the country tens of trillions further in debt to pay for more gibs will make us great again
Bring back the helicopter rides fuck
Don't worry, they'll just get some dead people to become donators. It's the Democratic way.
You talk like a literal fox news bot lmfao. Your day is coming, capitalist.
he pays a discord to post here 24/7. hes polling at 0 percent.
1,000 dollars
A vote for Andrew Yang, please
It's dangerously close to communism, I guess I am a little wary of the slippery slope.
Based Yang
How does raising minimum wage make work more valuable?
How has the guy pushing a broom become more efficient over the last 30, 40 years?
It's actually MAY 15 and there's less than 13k to go now
The country will never be great again we have to put it down now so it doesnt suffer.
It's proto-communism.
You need only look, where is the money coming from?
He is suggesting massive wealth redistribution. Taking from producers and giving it to the entire country. Similar policies have been tried across south america and Africa, with deadly effects.
>dude increasing the minimum wage will cure everything lmao
There is no minimum wage, you fucking imbecile. Jesus Christ it's like you worthless communists never took an economics class.
>2014 aesthetic in 2020
so this is what it's like getting old
There is.
It's 0$ an hour
Freedom dividend, boys
Kek, good point.
So, you realize that money represents work, and forces the country to economize scarce goods and services.
By printing 1000$ bills and handing them to Americans, you don't actually produce more bread or gasoline. The competition between consumers for scarce goods results in a supply demand curve at a new, higher, equilibrium.
You're not producing any more bread by giving away a thousand dollars.
This shit is about as organic as "dat boi.' I swear it's an AI coming up with this
Do the fucking math. Yang wants $1000/mo for every American 18-64. That puts the conservative estimate at about $2.5 trillion a year.
Great idea, let's triple the fucking deficit for a bunch of gibs that will drive cost of living up even further.
>where is the money coming from?
taxes? you know like every other source of policy commitment in our country for the last two hundred years. This isn't proto-communism , his UBI will be funded by a VAT for companies like Amazon who will no longer be able to siphon their taxes offshore.
Why not start with taxing rich people more? It's amazing how poor Americans are brainwashed into defending the money of billionaires.
>Your day is coming, capitalist.
I don't think amerzon makes 2 trillion a year tho
no one takes the deficit seriously. might as well rape it to infinity and accelerate the downfall
Okay. And how is the tax being applied?
Is it a flat tax? Where every American is given 1000$ a month, and taxed 1000$ at the end of that same month?
Or, is it a tax that targets the people who made good decisions that resulted them in producing goods and services that people wanted (like spending a decade in medical school), and gives it to people who do not.
And don't say that the rich people receive it as well. If you charge me a million to give me 12,000, you're not giving me anything.
Imagine unironically believing VAT would fund this shit
hologram of bruce lee
TODD 2020
How much more?
Because they'll move their businesses to another country you fucking moron
Lmoa I hate my fellow Americans
>Why not start with taxing rich people more? It's amazing how poor Americans are brainwashed into defending the money of billionaires.
>what the fuck do you mean all the rich people fucked off to norway
>GIBS ME $1000
Based Todd > Chink Yang
it's a start, at least companies would be paying their fair share
there won't be a massive automation of any kind, corporations will just move to dirtbag countries like mine and use the locals as slave labor
Okay. This seems like a fairly obvious question.
But, why do you have a right to rich people's money?
I am going to present to you a chain of events. Let me know what you object to, and why you should take Jeff Bezo's money.
>Jeff Bezos creates company, starts by selling books out of his garage, he's raised by a single Mom, puts out a service people use and allows hundreds of thousands if not millions of people to have jobs that wouldn't otherwise exist
>People like it, it becomes popular
>Goes public, groups like Pensions, banks, private citizens, all want a piece of Amazon, there's a limited supply of stocks so they drive up the price and let all kinds of people get a little piece of something they consider to have a big future.
>Since Bezos owned the company he created, his shares are valuable and he is the richest man on Earth
The previous richest man, Bill Gates, only reached that point by making billions more in value. Through standardizing operating systems globally, he allowed Japanese developers to sell software to Americans, for Germans to collaborate with Italy and South Korea, and this standardization allowed many businesses to become more productive, and survive where they otherwise would have died.
if only we could also kick out all the non-whites and have a big NEETnostate.
>rich people moving to scandinavia (~50% tax rate)
lmao I can understand them moving to russia, middle east or china but not in socialist paradise
What is their fair share?
What do you mean by that?
And how much more is it than the current rates?
You won't have any fucking companies left to tax you economic illiterate, even Ireland has a lower corporate tax rate than ours was up until last year.
We're only just now starting to get competitive again while you idiots want to go full Venezuela.
Love all these tards defending the rich. When automation leaves half of americans homeless the rich are just going to be killed and their shit stolen anyway by the marauding hoards of hobos. It's going to be The Road tier. UBI is just a way to keep the robot holocaust at bay.
Consumers pay all corporate & sales taxes.
So you think everyone is going to pay $1000 in sales tax from Amazon purchases every month in order to fund getting themselves $1000 UBI a month?
Thanks for your prediction Quasimodo, I remember when society collapsed when candlemakers got replaced by lightbulbs too.
>even Ireland has a lower corporate tax rate than ours was up until last year.
They have the second lowest corporate tax rate inside the EU though and even then, the EU is cracking down on companies headquartered there.
3rd world labor is only a stopgap solution until machines become even cheaper than pajeets and chinks.
>the president prints money
Based retard
You're right, we should tax people who automate jobs.
We automated the jobs so it went from 76% of the population being farmers, to 2%. They've automated 74% of the jobs. Current US budget is 3.8 trillion. Yang suggests expanding it by another 3 trillion.
The output of America’s farms contributed $136.7 billion
If they're automating 74% of the jobs they should pay 74% of the GDP. Or 5.032 trillion. That would be a 3681% on all gross revenue. For every dollar you earn selling corn, you have to pay 36.81 in taxes.
After all, it's the only way we're going to survive with all these farmers automating the workforce.
>at least companies would be paying their fair share
Which will just be passed onto the consumer like in EVERY FUCKING COUNTRY WITH A VAT.
Enjoy paying $10 for a gallon of gas and $20 for a gallon of milk.
What is TAARP?
it's not communism or socialism. socialism is the public ownership of means of production. what yang is proposing is capitalism with a monthly allowance.
> the rich are just going to be killed
Meanwhile your kind voted in a guy who gives Israel rimjobs on the daily.
It seems to me that Yang wants to PREVENT what happened in China, from happening to the US. Literal bands of disenfranchised angry peasants went around redistributing the wealth, and that's what will happen in the US, eventually.
>Those chinks are stealing our manufacturing!
>Please make your widget business more efficient with robots, Mr. Koch! Here's a $40 million business tax credit to build your factory in our state! All you need to do is supply 50 jobs!
>conservatives, liberals, white nationalists, libertarians, /pol/, /leftypol/, reddit, tumblr, chapofags all at once
So 1% of the vote
He can not, you idiot.
How high of a tax do you have to pay, to fund that "monthly allowance"?
He suggested taxing people who automate jobs.
If the government puts a 3681% tax on your gross revenue, is that capitalism or socialism?
>monthly allowance
Yeah that just so happens to come from my own tax dollars.
Fuck off commie neet.
imagine caring about the charisma of candidates
Chinese, Japanese, dirty-knees, look at these.
why not just solve everything by making houses smaller and cheaper
We need to add a VAT to Amazon, unless you actively want Jeff Bezos to be the world's first trillionnaire.
We already give every country except Iran a bajillion dollars in foreign aid every year, so it's not like bringing their citizens here and putting them on welfare will be much of a change.
Who are you quoting you retard?
Automation isn't going to destroy half the workforce, there's literally always a new innovation to come from the market for new jobs in place of old occupations.
That would be illegal.
there's an idea that just because something can be automated that it will be automated and right away. automated checkout has been around for almost 20 years and mostly you still have cashiers, people still wait tables, there are still janitors scrubbing the floors.
Their businesses already are in other countries you moron. All of these big tech companies are multi national.
because the rent/debt vacuum is the most efficient way to fuck the 99%
Keynes wasn't Libertarian
Arent a lot of you anti-yangposters ancaps?
If yangbux collapse the economy and therefor the governments ability to operate doesnt that mean you win?
The argument is that 1000 bucks a month makes it easier to live in rural areas where the job market isn't as big as inner cities. This might reduce the flow into major cities and reduce housing prices
Because I don't want to raise my family in a fucking glorified garden shed.
>What do you mean by that?
I mean this. Imagine shilling for a company you don't work for and would undercut you for a brown migrant every chance it gets all the while paying no taxes because of a tax loophole.
>hurr muh competition
competition means jack shit when you're out of a job because amazon decides to replace you with robots or shitskins.
Automation is going to be industrial revolution 2.0 only a lot worse, so in this case communism is completely understandable, just like it was in pre industrial soviet union, which is why they tried it. The only reason it failed was because slavs aren't white.
That's the best thing about UBI, either it works and we all get $1000, or it contributes to accelerationism and speeds up America's demise/
dude foreign aid isn't handouts. It's loans which will be convert into a leverage for privatization and selling off parts of the government, establishing "NGOs" which will actively work to undermine oppositional elements, and brush-clearing for establishing military presence on the ground and intelligence presence in state.
Accelerationism is retarded bullshit. It's the political equivalent of saying "gee, the doctor didn't take my headache seriously... I know! I'll shoot myself in the dick, that way he HAS to admit me to the hospital!"
I think he's like the leftist Ron Paul, but he won't gain as much meme traction.
time to educate yourself before you get btfo again
Fuck it. I'd vote for a chink
>But, why do you have a right to rich people's money?
It is only their money because you believe it is.
And they won't do business in our country if you start taxing them even more.
You need to get laid.
>The argument is that 1000 bucks a month makes it easier to live in rural areas
For about 4-6 months until the cost of living and goods and services adjusts.
Bezos doesn't pay the VAT.
You, the consumer, pays the VAT.
The main reason Amazon as a corporate entity does not pay much in taxes is because the company so vigorously reinvests its profit. The resulting expensing provisions lower their tax liabilities, in some cases down to zero or near-zero. That is in fact the kind of incentive our tax system is supposed to create, and does so only imperfectly, noting that many economists have suggested moving to full expensing.
You can’t hate both share buybacks and profit reinvestment
Amazon pays plenty in terms of payroll taxes and also state and local taxes. Nor should you forget the taxes paid by Amazon’s employees on their wages. Not only is that direct revenue to various levels of government, but the incidence of those taxes falls somewhat on Amazon, which now must pay higher wages to offset the tax burden faced by their employees.
that should be 0.0 percent
wait are you actually for a 0% tax rate? Is this a joke? Companies aren't even paying the 21~25% they're meant to pay under Trumps bracket. Surely you would know this.
It's their money because you and people like you gave it to them in exchange for goods and services.
How fucked are niggers going to be when they opt out of their $2500 worth of benefits packages and regulated allowances for $1000 of cash they can spend on weed, liquor, drugs, weaves and rims?
Sooo... commie blocks?
If you're a normalfag who's satisfied with the status quo, then of course you would say something like that. The trve redpilled white men of early /pol/ are unironically natsoc and unironically support accelerationism to further our goal. stay bluepilled, reddit
lol @ boomer lifestyle maintenance taking up 50% of the federal budget. talking about anything else is just quibbling over chump change
>Amazon implements $1000 sales tax in retaliation to the VAT
>no one shops at Amazon anymore
>Amazon's stupid ass globalist company goes the way of Sears
>local businesses in small and medium size towns in middle America thrive with Yang bux
>America is literally great again like the 1950s
>cute stores along main streets all over America
Like pottery.
Americans won't fit in them
money isn't work it's value. you don't pay people to do work if it isn't some means to an end.
A lot of these guys literally describe themselves as anarcho capitalists.
Take it up with them.
housing in cities is already pretty damn small. ive seen "luxury" apartments be like 500 square feet
No, it's because they got it as a result of voluntary exchange.
Work is voluntary, when you buy something the exchange is voluntary. Both parties are made better off through the process. That's the foundation of capitalism. When I get a cup of coffee, the cafe isn't being exploited, nor am I. That's why I say thank you, and the Barista says thank you. I want the coffee more than the change in my pocket, and the business would rather have the change in my pocket than the coffee in their pot. Voluntary transactions only happen when both parties are made better off.
The government is acting as a bandit, and not providing any additional value to that transaction. It is stepping in the centre, and saying unless you give us our cut, this transaction will not happen. And if you refuse to give us our cut, we will send men with guns to your home to take you away.
They're the one who put in overtime, not the government. The government is a mobster collecting protection money.
The goal of automation is literally to replace people.
If that's the case, why listen to them?
>there's literally always a new innovation
Until there isn't. And certainly the "jobs of the future" won't include at least 90% of the world's laborers, because the technical skills needed will be so immense that it would be more efficient to automate, just like what's happening with two of the world's biggest industries, cars and electronics, right now.
almost 1% of the budget going to other countries is insanity
>muh automation
Why do telemarketers, waiters, cashiers, janitors, factory workers still exist? All of those jobs and more could be done by the cheapest robots available. Because humans are cheaper and even more submissive than a robot. And also dealing with millions of unemployed losers would be too much trouble
Oh no. OH NO NO NO
>b-but you see they reinvest so there!
wagecucks come with up with the most elaborate shilling
What are these new jobs you speak of? A.I., Robots are making available jobs exponentially smaller. Every manufacturing plant is going to have like 10 guys instead of 50 and truck drivers will all be part time since they will only need to babysit the truck until it gets onto the freeway (self driving truck takes over from there).
What, you're telling me that the government printing more money doesn't mean that there's more places to live?
yeah but at some point it's going to happen. If the limiting factor is software quality which is what it seems to be then UBI is actually a massive benefit.
>don't say anything about a 0% corporate tax rate in my post
Based dyslexic user
So this is the power of USA, bending over to corporates in fear and ignoring her citizens.
>But, why do you have a right to rich people's money?
The United States Constitution gives the government the right, not me.
>Until there isn't
Again thanks for the prediction bro, even though history has proven you wrong at every turn and we have less than 4% unemployment.
There's no math in that which makes any sense
Why do we tax corporations, instead of the employees who compose the corporation?
A corporation is a fiction, it doesn't actually exist, it's a legal fiction we created to organize people to produce goods and service.
Why do we tax that, instead of the flesh and blood people who make up the corporation?
Christ why are libertarians so fucking retarded
They are already taxed 70%
>calling others retards
y u do this
>No, it's because they got it as a result of voluntary exchange.
not printing money
stop deflecting, you know they dont even pay Trumps rate. Technically 0% is the most competitive rate out there and it will prevent them from moving to russia's 10-15% flat rate. Isn't that the end game? How much exactly should they pay?
>not taxing corporations at uncompetitive rates is bending over to them
Sorry I like having an actual economy and a job here thanks.
accountants, low level IT people, and lawyers are going to be the first truly big victims of automation. blue collar guys are going to be safe for quite a while since robots are still way too delicate to be used outside of specialized booths
Yup. Reminder that retail is the biggest employer and is going the way of the dodo.
Goods and services produced by the working man. The only reason they get all the profits of the value being produced by the working class is because they “own” the work places. Property is a social construct and there is no such thing as a rightful owner of something. Each economic class should fight for their own interests and stop trying to figure out what is right and wrong, because there is no such thing. There are more working class than millionaires, so you would think in a true democracy we would have more social saftey nets and systems in place that take care of the people busting their ass and making this country what it is, but unfortunately so many people actually believe becoming then next Jeff Bezos is a realistic goal, so they better keep the status quo in place.
nobody is saying all of those jobs will die off only that a significant portion will. We've already lost an estimated 300-600k jobs due to automation and you're kidding yourself if you don't think something like self-driving cars will cause a huge disruption to something like the trucking industry.
>the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
"your support is of great value"
I think that you're more accurate. A plot of land that's undeveloped has had nothing we would consider as "work" put into it. But, I would say that money is goods and services.
If you say it's value, then the natural follow up is "we as humans determine what is and isn't valuable"
But that's not how it works. If you really like food, it won't materialize.
Tranny posting
>stop deflecting
>from an argument I didn't even make
Why do you think corporations would pay a 25% rate compared to 10-15%?
Daily reminder that if you're not living in a commie state like NY and California, you still pay for their commie shit from your own tax dollars. Basically you're a fucking cuck. Why not just embrace the NEETbux and get something in return?
Based jannies keeping up an off topic shilling thread while deleting threads on Alex Trebek.
So why not just legislate against automation rather than giving blue collar dopes free money?
Limited government principals.
Reduction of the government to protection of property rights, and public goods. Things like public parks, garbage pick-up, courts.
95% of the budget is bullshit. The other 5% is useful.
Telemarketers died out when cell phones became ubiquitous. Cashiers are going away in droves because of online shopping. I'll give you janitors, but there are less places to clean up if the stores are all closing. Factory workers are being replaced by robots, so that leaves... waiters... lots and lots of waiters.
>telemarketers, waiters, cashiers, janitors, factory workers
This is the future you're defending? This is what you're hoping for?
>We've already lost an estimated 300-600k jobs due to automation
And these jobs have already been replaced with new ones for years now, christ are yangfags really all just neets who've never taken an econ course in their lives?
>he lives in a state with an income tax
Markets are not the foundation of capitalism. The foundation of capitalism is literally in the name: capital. Property.
If I give you my money, and you paint my roof. And then a person mugs you after you finish painting my roof, it is intuitive that the mugger is in the wrong.
Man is created in god's image, and has an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
It's not the government that owns your labour. You do.
Im saying they dont even pay the AMERICAN rate of 21%. You insinuated that its fine because otherwise companies would just leave our country (with all its markets and influence) to some shithole in the name of competition.
>as he posts from an Apple phone
Yeah, I work in a custom rim and wheel company and our staff has been cut down from 300+ when I started in 2008 to about 85 today. And these were all machinist and millwright jobs paying $50,000-$100,000 in the salt belt. The CNC machines are all mostly automated. I'm still there because I'm on the design team.
Barely anyone even casts and cuts wheels in the US anyone. Even brands with "American" in the name are all Chinese and just do the designs/sales in the states.
And we're going to see more layoffs in the near future and an attempt to get rid of old workers because they're paid decent wages and millennials will come and do it for half the cost.
The US' manufacturing sector is fucking bleak my dude.
So Yang is proposing taxes laid more heavily on people who automate jobs. What tax rate would he have to put on a group that automated 74% of the labour force, to fund his 3 trillion dollar increase to the budget?
What are these new jobs? Fucking uber drivers? Nigga please.
And they didn't pay 35% when it was 35%, what's your point?
How is taxing them more going to solve all our problems when we could have lower rates to bring in more business here along with tons of new jobs?
>cucking for big business
>socialist paradise
You know theres a popular saying that socialism in Scandinavia is just capitalism with high taxeds
Without the government there is no private property.
If you pay a dollar for something, it's a consensus of value between you and your counterparty.
Sometimes it's equivalent to work, sometimes it isn't. If I buy a steel beam, it's almost certainly equivalent to work. If I pay a hooker 500 bucks to ride my dick it certainly isn't.
Human's desire has never been quenched. So long as we are not living in dyson spheres, with matter replicators and immortality, there will be scarcity. And history has shown us that capitalism, and private property, is the best way to maintain those scarce resources.
Try getting out of your parents' basement for 5 minutes and you'll see.
>trusting some fucking bugman
Fuck off shill. We're not going to have social credit scores
and a 90%+ white population but socialists here will disregard this
Jet Li ofc, who else.
"The future you're hoping for" isn't how politics works.
The Soviet Union was hoping for a worker's paradise. In practice, it killed millions through starvation.
The question isn't what you intend for a policy to do when you pass it, but what it does.
Good luck trying to force things backwards against their own momentum bud
> work is voluntary
Because they don't bring in enough jobs. That's the whole point. Something like 47% of all jobs are threatened by automation, A.I., R.I, robots, etc. in the next twenty years.
The tax code put in an incentive for companies to reinvest its profits.
Would you prefer to cut this incentive?
What type of effects do you think this would have on the economy?
daily reminder California and New York produce more and send their hard-earned tax dollars to lesser states like Louisiana and Tennessee.
So the solution is then to cull the shit colored "people", the useless fucks eho cant do anything. Instead of exacerbating the problem by giving them MORE welfare. Fucktard
Based Yang Gang
>they don't bring enough jobs
We literally have the lowest unemployment rate in our nation's history going on right now because of them.
Why do you assume people won't be able to develop new skills to compete in the market like they have for the past couple thousand years?
It's not inalienable if it can literally be alienated from you dude.
The mugger is just as much of a “true owner” of the money as the person who worked for it. Ownership is socially determined, the only thing that is real is physical possession.
why can't they just start with 10 bucks a month and increase it with fibonacci every lets say 6 months and economists can debate whether or not to discontinue or freeze it.
>inb4 nobody would bother depositing 10 bucks blah blah
then start a little higher, whatever. you can deposit checks on your phone now.
That hat would be better as an actual ballcap;
>produce more
lol they do not.
>bigger state has more production than smaller states
Genius insight there.
The truth is, we don't know.
The same way a hundred years ago, they didn't know how many people would work in "Smartphone app development" or as "Twitch Streamers".
It's a failure of our ability to predict the future. But what I can tell you, is that human wants are endless, and so long as humans have desires, there will be new jobs to feed those new desires.
>b-b-but i don't understand economics so GIVE ME FREE MONEY WAHHHH
Why not just give everyone a $1000 dollar tax cut?
>And they didn't pay 35%
and you're okay with them circumventing tax law?
>How is taxing them more going to solve all our problems when we could have lower rates
this doesn't make sense, you already admitted they aren't paying tax. This is why you're shying away from admitting you don't want to tax them at all.
Why do neets not understand how basic market economics works?
That's not answering the question.
That's not an argument.
If you are getting profit as a result of mutually beneficial transaction (which is every voluntary transaction), you have a more legitimate claim to those goods and services than a bandit.
Thats why Yang is a fucking idiot.
point still stands, they aint going anywhere near half tax rate
is it just me or is there something off about these yang memes
they all have this weird sedate tone like they're a parody of trump memes
>he believes the unemployment numbers
You realize half of those "employed" people are wage cucks who work 20 hours waiting tables and 20 hours driving uber
No, because here in a non communist country where we dont have social credit scores we can just shoot criminals.
Never going to happen while the US government exists
Because gibs need to go through the process of being handled by bureaucrats and gov't agencies before the money goes back to the public as gibs. Those pencil pushers need something to do for what we are paying them.
they should try it in an MMO
>still drinks the libertarian kool aid past 2012
lmao grow up faggot
Except the majority of them are paying taxes (albeit at reduced rates but honestly who gives a fuck, taxing corporations more isn't going to put a dent into all the retarded programs you guys want to implement).
Why do you think they're going to start paying way more if you raise the rates back up again?
Mass automation won't take away 80% of jobs.
That's just socialist Star Trek pipedream.
There's hardly any manufacturing jobs in US to begin with and those that are there are already automated to a large degree.
Most people work in services, or jobs that are near impossible to automate (like plumbing). The idea of 19th century mass of workers toiling in sweatshops at conveyor belt these people have is completely misguided.
>I don't like this job so it doesn't count to me
Lmao get back to your neetbux Gibs Gook, your $1,000 check isn't going to create more jobs when you're taxing the fuck out of actual working people to pay for an extra $2.5 trillion in spending.
We're living in a time very similar to the turnover from agrarian society to industrial society in the 19th century. This eventually led to a breaking point and communist revolutions in the early 20th century. The idea of stuff like UBI is to keep the unwashed masses (literally half the population) from coming after the mega rich elites and putting their head in guillotines.
People had jobs before retail, and they had jobs after retail.
If you'd like an accurate historical comparison, I would look at the original Sears.
The company revolutionized rural black southerners' shopping patterns in the late 19th century, subverting racial hierarchies by allowing them to make purchases by mail or over the phone and avoid the blatant racism that they faced at small country stores.
"What most people don't know is just how radical the catalogue was in the era of Jim Crow," Louis Hyman, an associate professor of history at Cornell University, wrote in a Twitter thread that was shared over 7,000 times Monday in the wake of the news of Sears' demise. By allowing African Americans in southern states to avoid price-gouging and condescending treatment at their local stores, he wrote, the catalog "undermined white supremacy in the rural South."
As historians of the Jim Crow era have documented, purchasing everyday household goods was often an exercise in humiliation for African Americans living in the South. Before the advent of the mail-order catalog, rural black southerners typically only had the option of shopping at white-owned general stores - often run by the owner of the same farm where they worked as sharecroppers. Those store owners frequently determined what African Americans could buy by limiting how much credit they would extend.
In 1894, Sears, Roebuck and Co. began sending out 322-page illustrated catalogs. The year before, Congress had passed the Rural Free Delivery Act, making it possible for the Chicago-based retailer to easily reach communities across the rural South. Notably, the company made an effort to accommodate customers who were barely literate, enacting a policy that the company would fill any order it received regardless of the format.
But even more importantly, the catalog format allowed for anonymity, ensuring that black and white customers would be treated the same way.
t. drinking the socialist kool aid even after a century of failure after failure
Because its money to work towards something than being a wageslave. It gives the most principled americans the opportunity to either make their own fortune or cash out from a society that doesn't want them. Either way I'm just glad google is gon get cucked.
So we wait until it becomes a problem and WROL happens. Kill shit coloreds and replace govt. Two problems solved, I see no downside
You realized it's 1000 per month right? 12K a year?
1 bullet is less than a dollar. 1 dollar is less than 1000. Easy solution
Money that comes out of your own pocket if you work and aren't just some lazy neet faggot who'll inevitably waste his money on videogames and anime dolls.
Vote for yangbux and let them collapse the economy. Rip off the bandaid
Because doing so would ban cars, tractors, and cause massive poverty across the nation?
I have no idea what this has to do with anything, but thanks for the black history lesson grandpa.
>communist revolutions
You faggots already lost back in 1989, your dream is dead and your kin is pushing for the government to ban guns.
daily reminder y*ng spam is from discord trannies
And the reason the U.S. government is so ineffective in addressing the issues this thread is talking about is because it lacks vision or policy goals. As long as people are employed in menial labor, that's sufficient for the overlords (even as the opioid crisis rages and the U.S. life expectancy is falling for the first time ever).
Why does it lack these things? Because it's been captured by business. You can either try to decouple government from business, or you can return to serfdom.
>the us will never be a socialist country
>instead of wealth redistribution lets donate 36 billion a year to israel
what did cheeto mean by this
>inb4 it's ruined by some draconian social credit system which dictates the amount you get based on what you've done and what your views are
Anyone who seriously supports a fucking chink is a retard. Do we need to start spamming China webms again? We dont want to be like China
actually good and underrated post soon to be ignored forever
Fair. The foundation of capitalism is capital, private property.
And the usefulness is private property is that you can buy and sell it.
If you own a hat making factory, it's not useful unless you can buy and sell those hats.
Id rather Israel get all of the USAs money than you to get 1 dollar from Yang. Faggot
>implying those first bullets won't be for people wasting their lives on a Costa Rican crafting website
Woah those two chads in the middle left don't belong with the others in that pic.
Those rights are not a gift from government.
They are bestowed by our creator. Government is merely acknowledging those pre-existing rights.
>implying we need a gun to put your head in a guillotine
>$36 billion
>even comparable to the $2.5 trillion in new taxes this faggot's plan will take
Fuck off to Venezuela
Big mouth for a tiny dicked pigskin. Go watch some cuckold porn instead of ranting about killing "shitskins"
>Except the majority of them are paying taxes
yea at virtually 0% as in amazon's case, which you've already accepted as a premise, you aren't consistent arent you
>yea so what if they pay none, who gives a fuck
uh..you? you did say you want us to be competitive. Isn't that the aim of the game mr economic literacy?
>Why do you think they're going to start paying way more if you raise the rates back up again?
VAT/GST has fewer loopholes and can guarantee that the tax code is lawfully abided, something which you should support as a citizen. Its already implemented in the other OECD countries, why should the US not honor its tax commitments?
good goy!
heh heh heh
A shekel for the goy
Not really, they just take less of a percentage of federal aid relative to their revenue (because of their absurd tax rates).
They still end up taking the lion's share of federal spending.
See, the thing is. I don't know it's a consensus per se.
If I am buying a glass of water in the desert, it may only be worth 5$ to the person selling it, but it means a lot more than that to me.
It's a consensus in so far as It's worth AT LEAST 5$
The creator has never stopped anyone I know from being robbed or otherwise fleeced of the belongings or rights.
You're first, shit colored.
It is.
I can quit my job whenever I want.
Open up a competing business, work for someone else, switch to another field entirely.
Forced meme trying to get people to vote for this commie chink. Trannies finger each other's wounds pretending that /pol/ will vote for him.
Useful to who? The worker at the hat store who works 40 hours a week but can’t pay rent or go to the doctor? Or just the hat store owner who takes all the profit generated by the worker’s labor?
but god doesn't exist though
>cue le tipping image
>supporting VAT
Enjoy your breadlines
What are the limits of this automation?
You need a gun if you want any hope of stopping me from shooting you. Who am I kidding, you wouldnt be able to use it anyways. Leftists are all fags.
>At least I get $1000 dollars out of the deal here.
Not going to happen. This is Bernie bullshit 3.0
What if i cash out all my money
And you're still working. You never quit anything, you just switched which employer you swore allegiance to.
what do you mean? I understand it perfectly and still a yanganger
lmao stupid brainlet, VAT countries literally score higher in the freedom index
The free market and limited government can turn a barren rock that was Hong Kong, into an international trade hub
What good has redistributionist policy done?
that's the attitude! I'll sooner die from the lack of health insurance than cut my aid to Israel, the gods chosen land and people.
>can't pay rent
Stop renting in the city and supporting rent control that ends up making this shit more expensive
>can't go to a doctor
Get a job with benefits
>takes all the profit generated by the worker's labor
Do you not understand how job contracts work? The worker is already being paid for their service, do you think a burger flipper should be entitled to an equal share of the restaurant's fund just for flipping a fucking burger?
would be nice but i don't like leaving my home
did you read you brainlet? self employed is an option faggot
Things were bought in stores.
Then Sears came around. It was the Amazon of its day.
Instead of going to a local general store, you can send money to the sears catalog, and they will send shit to your door.
And you can get shit from across the country.
I couldn't find a good article that explained it
>understand econ
>still support retarded programs like universal neetbux
Does not compute
> 'you can do this or you will die'
> this is voluntary because you can choose to die
oops shouldn't have invoke arch bishop of libertarianism Milton Friedman (aka supporter of UBI/NIT)
This article covers it well.
How about I don't support giving tax dollars to either Israel nor your retarded plan you fucking faggot
>muh freedom index
Meaningless statistic invented by Euro countries to try and convince people that banning guns, imposing police states, and taxing you into oblivion somehow makes you MORE free
And you're still working.
His plan calls for dismantling all other gibs unlike yours yangchink
Ok so I don't get $1000 out of the deal. Fuck the Republicans anyway. Disloyal fucks cant be bothered to support their constituents.
Libertarians have already backed Yang. All these other poseur libertarians on here have shit for brains for not backing UBI.
you're just sperging because the land of the free is a destitute shithole
You're right, the government is ineffective because it lacks vision and policy goals.
Our country needs more steel, so, what we need is a politician with vision and policy goals that will increase steel production. People should have furnaces in their backyard, to produce american steel. And if the policy fails, it's only because the politicians here lacked sufficient vision to bring it to life.
>Libertarians have already backed Yang.
Based lying user
True. A bunch Israel puppets who have an autistic fit if you dare say anything about AIPAC.
The tax code put in an incentive for companies to reinvest its profits.
Would you prefer to cut this incentive?
What type of effects do you think this would have on the economy?
Why can't/when will we outsource and automate teaching? I fucking hate public school teachers with a passion. They complain and whine and moan about getting paid $50k/yr to sit on their asses in between getting 3 months a year off (not counting the month they get off in the winter for xmas/thanksgiving)
Let's see
During the 20th century there was two countries.
One recognized the inalienable rights bestowed upon us by our creator
The other viewed rights as a gift from government, and decided not to give private property to the masses.
One of those countries is still around, one isn't.
yea, for myself not some employer you alluded to. You aren't bright huh.
most economists support ubi lmao its been a popular policy for ages
At least I don't need a fucking government pass to look at porn.
what's your problem with it?
the truckers cannot become CEOs or computer scientists, they're too low IQ, so how are they supposed to get by?
>an interview is an endorsement
I remember when CNN endorsed Trump too
How about this: if you can’t afford to pay a living wage then you can’t afford to own a business. Your business isn’t viable.
>do you think a burger flipper should be entitled to an equal share of the restaurant's fund just for flipping a fucking burger?
I think that any worker that works 40+ hours a week should be able to afford somewhere to live and be able to call an ambulance and go to the ER without hesitation in cases of emergency. Why is it that libertarians think businesses should be able to negotiate and make deals that are best for their interests, but workers and unions fighting for basic necessities so that workers aren’t completely exploited and living in fucking crumbs is unfair?
you're working too when you shitpost online. Walking is work, getting food is work, existence itself is work. Your argument makes no sense.
Because I need food to live?
We are not Gods on the first day of creation, we are mortals constrained by the universe we live in.
If there was a choice that meant that mana would fall from heaven and feed the world, instead of having to make tradeoffs, I would live in that world.
We do not have that choice.
For society as a whole, nothing comes as a ‘right’ to which we are ‘entitled.’ Even bare subsistence has to be produced — and produced at a cost of heavy toil for much of human history.
Citation needed
Show one country with working UBI, meanwhile in the real world it failed in Finland:
at least I can pay for sex lmao, you retards can keep your porn
And the one that still exists now only supports inalienable rights on paper.
I never said rights were bestowed by the government. They're bestowed by your ability to secure them in dealing death to those that would deny them to you. God has literally nothing to do with it.
>a living wage
Define this, this is my favorite meme argument.
Have fun putting every small business out of work.
Is that what Yang is suggesting?
Is he saying "Let's cut the current amount government is spending on redistributionist policies by 72%, and distribute the remainder as a negative income tax"?
If so, sure, I support it, because it shrinks the size of government by half.
but now we are so productive that food literally can fall as mana from heaven (or very very cheaply)
and you are turning this down because somehow you are more free when this doesnt happen
retarded libertarian
>universal basic income
>but only someone people get it
Isn't that just regular welfare?
I agree with this. Also, the burger wouldn't exist without the fucking guy flipping it. Do you think the customer cares more about the money bags in the back office than the guy making his burger?
>paying for sex
And it didn't fail in Finland. The study was done poorly.
So like Yang's plan exactly?
Yes. Food can be produced very cheaply.
That's why poor people in America are obese, instead of being skinny?
A living wage starts with being able to pay for basic necessities. But I wouldn’t stop there, workers should always fight for the biggest piece of the pie that they can get.
>not being able to pay for sex
>watching porn instead
nice 'freedom' lmao
And the burger flipper wouldn't exist without the guy with the money bags to put up the capital for the restaurant dumbass.