ITT: series with only one good movie

ITT: series with only one good movie

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predator 2 was good

also lord of the rings only had 1 good movie. the 2nd one

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Avp was good too. This guy needs sex.

Blade Runner

>predator 2 was good
This, pred 2 is just as good as the first movie minus arnie

how about a whole studio?

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nice digits, terrible opinion

but Alien was also good?

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Fast and Furious

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This, the original film is one of the most overrated in history.

by jove, he's right!

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Don't blink

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Predators was good

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Aliens was the worst of the lot.

>pred 2 is just as good as the first movie minus arnie
I like Predator 2, but shut up with this retarded shit. It's not as good as Predator. Not even close.

Negro what? fucking Alien 3 and resurrection says hello, and lets not forget Covenant


The only good Captain America movie was the first one.

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Jurassic Park.
They're both good. Original is better.
T2 is fucking great.
2, 3, 4, H20 are decent. 2018 is straight up good.

Fuck off retard.


A negative IQ shouldn't be possible, but here we are.

Is it really a series if it's just a bunch of individual films that use the same plot/villain?

>Jamaican Voodoo Posse
Predator 2 is alright on the strength of that name alone, everything else elevates it to great.

carpet stain

No, truly retarded anons consider it the best in the series. I think it's passable but great in any respect.

Predator 2 and 3 were good

At least they attempted to be the same fucking creatures
Alien 3 was better than Aliens, as was Resurrection.
Covenant... well... you got me there

No one's mentioned jaws even though it's the most blatant example and with an amazing starting film.

Agreed minus H3, it really doesn't belong with the rest and it's pretty awful on its own