How do we save Yea Forums?
How do we save Yea Forums?
I told you last thread, remove phoneposting.
Save from what?
create an equivalent subreddit
Actually meta threads are supposed to be directed to /qa/
They already range banned all cell phone services.
There's no saving any board. The last nail was hammered in n'2016.
We're just clawing at the coffin lid trying to remember what it was like outside the box or pretending that it was always this kind of bad.
Sell the website to notch and track down and execute all sneed posters
ban Yea Forums poster
have sex comfyposter
/kids tv/
No need to. I love Yea Forums as the shithole it is.
>Actually meta threads are supposed to be directed to /qa/
Hiro has never made a direct statement of this, the owners word goes above that of the mods who put up that announcment saying otherwise
autoban cumtown related shit
get them shut down
More Daisy threads
make a separate board for redditors and capeshitters. call it /rape/
One /cara/ general a day allowed.
By not saving Yea Forums at all.
i agree. moderation would turn this place into Yea Forums. i thought we were a containment board for the mentally ill. why would we want to give up a good thing?
notch is an unironic Q-boomer, he would demolish this website
i hope it'll chuck them sneeder
Woah, cute tummy. More
We burn it to the ground!
Posting from my phone right now to show it isn't. My service was only banned for a bit.
Unironically a larger catalog. More room for generals and a "meta" of discussion. Harder to flood the board, memes don't fill up the whole board at once, threads stay up longer allowing for more discussion/shitposting. That and better mods that can distinguish between appropriate board culture shitposting and awful, forced, and samefagged shitposting
>expand the word filter
>make it randomized so nobody can guess what the intended word was
>have sex
>wait for rage to subside
Do a better job containing capeshit and Star Wars threads. Whenever a new one comes out the board becomes practically unusable.
The shitposting is fine.
Honest answer: nothing, the time to save actual discussion on this board was years ago, it's 90+% shitposting now and the only people who are left are shitposters and people who enjoying reading others' shitposts.
add /pol/ and discord tranny
Disney containment board.
More husbando threads
So, you're wondering how best to fix Yea Forums? That one's simple.
Have Interpol track down the autistic, Indian pedophile living in Vancouver, that created the bot, that spams pictures of young child models relentlessly on Yea Forums. Believe it or not, he probably has one or more such threads active right now. Then, murder him. I'm not just talking any "murder", either. I'm talking about horrendous, brutal, gruesome, inexplicably-torturous murder. Make that fat, greasy fuck suffer until his very last breath.
Then, we get a mod to make a sticky for precisely one year. That sticky will feature high-resolution photographs of the fat, greasy, autistic, Indian-Canadian pedophile's mutilated corpse. Other people will find themselves drawn to the sticky, see the photographs in lurid detail and think, "oh shit. If I don't get my head out of my ass and stop shitposting here, I could be next." For bonus points and a little humor to ease the mood, have the very-first picture feature a plank of wood with blood stains on it next to the corpse, and the words (USER WAS BANGED WITH THIS POST).
THAT is how you fix Yea Forums.
listen up you onion eating onionhead, you know that shit doesn’t work. word filters are purely for keks.
You don't know? sneed meme died today
I mean what the fuck did he expect
banish capeshit to Yea Forums
Yeah, you already tried to save it once, tranny, and all that your whining on /qa/ accomplished was splitting of the boards and making the situation even worse.
This tbqh. Make a Yea Forums equivalent of /vg/ for capeshit and SW, they'll die off by themselves
Why I said "randomized".
If it just replaces it with one from a list there's no guessing what it was supposed to be. Eventually they feel like faggots having to circumvent it all the time & it gets cut down massively.
The one word meme posts are like 70% of the annoyance.
bring back /ieg/ - INLAND EMPIRE General
Make offtopic posts a bannable offense
Now that you mention it I have not seen any cunnybot threads today, did he finally die?
>getting rid of gatekeepers that repel r*dditors is """fixing""""
Suck my dick nerd. People who browse Yea Forums from computers are the biggest problem. Very few phone posters are ban evading and none are creating the bots that shit up this place.
Ban anyone from posting on here who has also posted on Yea Forums, /pol/, or Yea Forums within the last 48 hours. Most problems will disappear immediately.
our weaponized autism is our only defense you fool. without it we’re subject to any godawful subculture who wants to move in and start having civilized discussion.
>dedicated capeshit general, all other threads get deleted no questions asked
>dedicated star wars/star trek general(s), all other threads get deleted unless they are of exceptionally high quality
>dedicated "box office" general for posting/discussing box office performances
>instaban for Twitter screencap threads
>instaban jazz jennings tranny shit
This has been an enlightening post.
Ban all blockbusters, at least manchild ones that get spam threads. There are 8 Alita threads up right now within the first 3 pages and all of them are extremely low quality.
where is the pedobot?
did the hotpockets finally beat him?
>Very few phone posters are ban evading
Not even you believe that. Phoneniggers evade bans every fucking day by just turning airplane mode on and off.
/qa/ is full of """ironic""" animeposting fags who think they're hot shit for knowing that /qa/ exists and do nothing other than whine about /pol/ existing
At most, I would say they need to limit off-topic threads, but sometimes they can be fun too and somewhat Yea Forums related like those penguin threads, real life kino threads or whatever unsolved true crime stuffs they discuss here.
Still, phone posters aren't the problem. Weebs gaymers and poltards are.
my phone is banned for a month and i've reset it in every way imaginable and it doesn't do shit
Technically thats what redditors asked for(and then got) when /q/ was up
It's honestly the only reason you're posting on Yea Forums if you started coming here after 2013
discovering those posters there was like finding alligators in the sewer
>phone posters aren't the problem
>most twitterbait threads have phone screenshots in the OP
That's because you're rangebanned, you retard. You or another phoneshitter shitposted too hard and forced mods to ban an entire IP range.
ban on-topic posting
I thought the cunny posters were all 50+ year old creeps.
Don't fucking blame us for shit done in our name.
Or the fact everyone always fucking constantly bitches about "I just saw them they were RIGHT THERE!!!"
>How do we save Yea Forums?
What do you mean 'save' you pleb.
Yea Forums is perfect just the way she is.
Ban all sneedposting
It worked on desu senpai
>How do we save Yea Forums?
by banning americans and any form of their political and social cancer
When we going to allow audio webm posting?
Now I fucking actually type desu senpai.
Ya, problem 100% solved
we need more captain marvel threads
theres seriously not enough of them
/film/ got updated with all size, post, thread, etc limits during it's latest test opening
the size for webms is 4mb so soon
Who gives a fuck anymore? This place is a joyless tedious shit hole and we all know it. Things will never get better here. We only stay on this site because nothing better has come along, but once it does we will all leave this place like myspace.
>We only stay on this site because nothing better has come along
Bullshit, we're here because we can't leave.
There is no place like this, and this place has history. Of its own and for all of us. The other ones aren't like this one.
Best way I can put it.
It's too big now. There are a number of/v/ boards but only 1 Yea Forums. Tv and film need to be separated, or else capeshit does.
I have never been on Yea Forums /pol/ or Yea Forums and Inthink negroid jews that suffer Adhd from badly done circumcision should be hanged and beaten like piñata to the sounds of Mariachi band.
You will never be a real girl.
Some phone operators don't allow for non-static IPs. Unusual, but it happens.
I'm here because being an anonymous misanthropistic fuck is my only defense against the rejection of those in real life
If someone cloned Yea Forums and gave the new site better moderation I’d leave this shit hole in a heartbeat and never look back.
The only reason other chans aren’t successful is because of their format.
phoneposters are literal cancer
they are less likely to post images, less likely to make OC, FAR less likely to fully understand board culture, are far MORE likely to be overly political, and literally alwayy make completely awful posts.
literally 9/10 someone makes an absolute garbage you can just tell they are a phone poster with perfect punctuation and obviously autocorrected words that dont make since in context
Exile everything Disney related to Yea Forums.
They can also easily avoid bans
But does anyone with any authority even read these threads?
The jannie has been awol for a while huh?
They're pretending they're not here otherwise people will complain to hiro and they'll get fired
remember 90% of the sign up simply to babysit the game of thrones general
The mods read all of my shitposts.
There's nothing to fix. Yea Forums is a shitposting board and it serves that purpose well.
>less than 100 posts in an hour
lmao no one gives a shit about this garbage board. Just give up already
Reminder: this is what a phoneposter looks like.
There's at least one who is SEETHING about the Jazz general. Mass deletions of innocuous posts about a week ago, they've probably been told to cool it though.
We got get more politically minded and become open to the idea of political debate in every thread.
Does anyone remember that Mythbusters thread last week that was being censored and pruned by a jannie and was called out about it and got dabbed on? I think it might have been a girl, because they kept telling us to be respectful and to stop making sexual posts, which were being deleted.
resetera is awaiting your arrival.
>discord tranny
They are a real menace though
sneed posters are newfags. sneed posting wss started by an underage redditfag street shitter. the narrative Yea Forums was spammed by simpsons threads prior to sneed is garbage parroted by newfag sneed niggers.
Jannies delete real threads and leave garbage up.
Yesterday they deleted a true crime thread with hundreds of posts discussing docs and true crime shows. Also podcast threads get deleted too despite the fact that they should fit within Yea Forums type of entertainment. It really makes me mad
>Suck my dick nerd
you new is showing
So the sneed redditers are destroying the Simpsons redditers...I Honestly don’t see the problem
sneed is simply a continuation of bane, an undebatably homegrown meme. it follows the exact same posting structure. i’ll agree it’s not as sophisticated, but there’s no accounting for good taste.
Delete /pol/ and a majority of the problems will disappear instantly
ban leftists
range ban israeli ips
>liberals handling the refugee crisis
i’m sure that will work out swell
Wow my 4g is no longer blocked for pedoshit that some other fucker was responsible for. Now I can phone post again.
Why do fags always get jannie slots?
based and redpilled
Yep. Jannies on this board are cancer. They delete good discussion and leave 50 capeshit threads up
>I think it might have been a girl
One of the janitors slightly back in the day was a female and deleted EVERY thread about an attractive actress including reaction images
so it's very likely this is the case
i like our incompetent jannies. by gor, image if someone who knows what they’re doing gets their hands on the controls. egads.
>homegrown meme
Shut up retard. It's a forced meme by some idiot from India and all the tourists thought it was so epic they joined in after it was spammed by that autist for a year. It's the complete opposite of bane.
the thread devolved into a "is female squirting actually peeing?" myth breakdown and was hilarious and the jannie got mad butthurt that night
For you was home grown
baneposting is a product of redditors finding out about it after the tom hardy q&a stuff
Ban Rotten Tomatoes autism. We don't need another thread every time Captain Marvel changes 1%. These retards claim they don't care about capeshit, but they're completely fucking obsessed.
They're the only ones dumb to think they can ban their way to the board they want. They're on a never ending quest to make the entire internet a tightly controlled subreddit. They hate being alive and want to make sure everyone else does too.
They're capeshit plebs from twitter, Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Just look at the one in here pretending this board hasn't been spammed the fuck out of today with this shit
>an undebatably homegrown meme
And yet it's been proved time and again it came from reddit. The 1 or 2 simpsons threads per week never hurt anyone. I know zoomers hate it, like everything else they werent around for. The only acceptable threads for sneed are /reylo/ threads or any other reddit style general, however the vast majority of sneed posters are cowards who wouldnt dare to shit in reddit threads so they're forced to create their own simpsons threads to sneed in.
you might be right. i don’t know anything about reddit. for a guy who hates reddit you sure do keep good tabs on them.
they also post most of the tranny and faggot threads
I can guarantee you that was the tranny jannie
What's that? infinity chan board or something?
Last night they left a gay muscle porn thread up.
/cel/ for waifu and other celeb discussions
/film/ for actual film discussion
this. tv and movies are not sfw
Allow generals for various sex fetishes(spanking, feet, exhibitionism ect)
Do you have a link? Send it to hiro on twitter
>How do we save Yea Forums?
By crashing this plane
Then show me his body
>that fit tummy
Well, well, well she just went up in my book. And my dicks is hard. MOAR
get rid of /trek/
it's basically just a bunch of tripfags and their beta orbiters circlejerking all day
as much as i despise generals, they have some decent memes. they’re trying.
>removing /trek/ when there's a hundred capeshit threads every day
Off yourself. It's a part of Yea Forums board culture and it's a thousand times better than the shitheads spamming rotten tomato scores every hour
Archive link?
report unjust jannies to hiro's twitter
bullshit, everyone hates the tripfags in trek.
Something weird happened today, the trek threads where being deleted one after other. it was really shitty, good conversations where half way.
true, a lot of content is created. except for the tripfags and std fags, there is a lot of fun in there. if you watch the show, of course.
Permaban everyone who posted on /pol/ in the last 4 years.
There is not a single general that is part of board culture you reddit fuck
Are you really so delusional that you think people are trying to false-flag /pol/ on Yea Forums?
if you make or participate in generals then you completely missed the point of this website and you should stop coming here
the /trek/ tripfags are my frens
the tripfags are the ones generating most of the fun content while autists debate canon
Kill yourself reddit
someone redpill me on these threads
Thats what every general is, they're just hives of reddit cancer
i will always be a part of you
>It's a eurasian tiger thread
It’s well known that the jannis are massive waifu fags who let thinly veiled waifu threads stay up all fucking day. Thank god this board is sfw because otherwise it would inevitably turn into a porn board like every other nsfw board
>Off yourself. It's a part of Yea Forums board culture
Spotted the newfag
You're absolutely retarded. Someone adds general to the thread and it's suddenly Reddit. How would you know? Big time browser of the place? My point is trek discussion is Yea Forums culture and you're a retard for thinking a "general" makes a difference to the quality of this board right now
It happens with every big release you fucking newfag
Sneed posters are our stalwart defenders against a mutant, a xenos and an unbeliever, our very own Imperial Fists.
I will ever be grateful for the way they stood firm against the Reylo menace.
Because the word general and all that comes with it attracts redditers like flys to shit. Obviously it’s not immediate like you’re trying to say I said, but it always happens given enough time.
Not only are you a redditer who posts in generals, you’re also a piece of shit cunt who argues deceptively because you know you have no legitimate points.
reminder when game of thrones is back there will be 24/7 moderation until the season is over
kys tranny, tripfags are killing trek
Only one discussion thread per movie. I don't need to see 15 different captain marvel shill threads and 8 different alita shill threads
Reminder apu is the mascot for homosexual zoomers
Yea Forums used to have really good trek threads until they got turned into an eternal cancer general
You’re the perfect example as to why generals shouldn’t exist
>this level of hapa delusion
Why haven't you killed yourself yet schizo?
Trek threads used to be good many years ago when they weren't lumped into a shitty general.
generals shit things up by stacking the first page with normie tier topics and obscure stuff gets slam dunked into page three or beyond. fuck generals. i don’t come to Yea Forums to discover the flavor of the month steven universe purple headed retard magnet.
Remove phoneposting.
>Not only are you a redditer who posts in generals
I don't post in generals because none of them interest me. Again a trek general is the least of this boards problems and I maintain that trek discussion is Yea Forums culture. Stay mad fag
>you’re also a piece of shit cunt who argues deceptively
I'm going to assume youre a decent but ignorant user. You need to realize that the anons who took down /reylo/ have nothing to do with the faggots who make simpsons threads to sneed in.
I didn't. Kill yourself, jew.
>that dont make since in context
Yet you have the gall to talk shit.
Why not just go to reddit I’m sure they have a trek page that you can use to your hearts content
Fucking do something about incel holy shit every thread is just
>I don't like thing
for 100 replies it disrupts any chance of speaking about movies that and captain marvel threads 1 is fine 2 is pushing it but it seems we have 3+ up at a time
>Stay mad fag
Says the guy who’s desperately defending a general he supposedly doesn’t even post in
Tell me, would you rather have 30 marvel threads operating simultaneously or stick them all in a general?
/trek/ is pretty rad
Have sex.
>trek discussion
By spamming more gore threads.
Nothing can save it at this point. Yea Forums and Yea Forums itself is increasingly dominated literal crazy people posting insane gibberish or shitposts for (you)s.
The fact sneed poster is on this board every hour of every day endlessly repeating his failed forced meme says a lot about the kind of people that are the predominate non-lurking community here.
Everyone smart moved on. Only the trash/addicts like myself are left.
not in this timeline
I would get them deleted.
Bring back the waifuists.
i’d rather have thirty marvel threads floundering among good stuff, and suffering our ill will rather than consolidating into one solid block of shit, that the jannies protect like a newborn, that never leaves the first page.
i will always pick every man for himself over no fun allowed castration by moderation.
> literal crazy people
But it's the opposite nowadays, Yea Forums is filled with normies
Most of the legitimately mentally ill posters moved on to other websites/Discord
Is there anything less masculine than being asian?
It's way too late to save Yea Forums
Ban anyone left of Hitler
But user think of the sponsors!
No, you don't understand. The normalfags are the crazy people. We're currently living in a culture that excuses people for their mental disorders instead of shunning them.
And that's a good thing
Sneed saved simpsons thread, it gave them a mercy kill? What are you gonna talk about now, lisa defending capt marvel? bart becoming an incel? the removal of that old ep with MJ?
We need a Thanos Snapt snap here
Ban half of this board IPs for a month
>alita battle angle general
>supernatural general
>found footage general
>jazz general
>game of thrones general
>trek general
This shit is so much worse than the flavor of the month /pol/ vs lefty/pol/ outrage. I hate these fuckers so much
This, unironically
and footfags. remove footfags.
convince hollywood to stop making capeshit, thats the only way. Yea Forums wont do anything about tv, capeshit and celebrity drama brings much more revenue than a few nerds discussing kino
All these are currently up right now
we need a /net/ board - internet discussion
Imagine being so retarded you don't know how to use filters. No wonder you idiots can't fix this board.
Banning phoneposting would get rid of a big chunk of pic related. Getting rid of capeshit and generals too at the same time and the board would be almost browsable again.
Phoneposters are the scum of the earth. Never contribute anything, can't correctly read or write posts because of their tiny touchscreens, don't make OC aside from retarded screencaps. Every single thing going wrong with modern website design can be traced back to catering to retarded phoneposters. Every useful function that gets gimped or completely removed is because phones don't have it.
Yes. New shit leads to a ton of threads on every board if people want to talk about it, but they fall off pretty quickly. If people want to eat shit all the time that's what they're going to do. The only place I see unironic tripfag drama and links to discord is in generals, they pool cancer and allow it to organize.
Generals are shit no matter what board they belong.
filtering is for the weak. they cannot be ignored. they must be gripped and thrown into the sea.
Why is /pol/ not in this picture
you wouldn’t be around to notice the difference so it doesn’t matter
>just close your eyes and all the bad things go away! Everyone knows rot doesn’t spread!!
I’m never going to use a filter and anyone who does shouldn’t be here
You simply adopted the shitpost I was born in it molded by it
Yea Forums died in 2010/2011, like the rest of Yea Forums.
Yea Forums's format is nothing special. Also, no drag and drop image posting is unforgivable.
Kill yourself zoomer
Fuck you, the only way to lurk at work is on my phone
t. Simpsons redditor
How hard is it for you newfags to filter one thread with the same OP every time it gets posted? Do you really not understand how to filter threads? The only cancer around here is casual niggers like you who want everything you don't like banned. If that is how you feel about things go the fuck back to where you came from, reddit.
I hate /pol/, especially post election /pol/ but you’re an idiot if you don’t realize what would happen if they just disappeared completely from here
Note how I said phoneposters, not phonelurkers. You probably couldn't read that correctly though as I said.
>like Alita
>maybe I can discuss it
>only threads about it are generals where most likely everything has been discussed and now it's nothing but a blogging platform
A simpler time.
Generals attract unwanted posters which then inevitably leak out into other threads. Threads that you want to take part in.
You “just filter it” dumb cunts are so short sighted
Your point from your previous post could be applied to any show more than a couple years old. You just hate people enjoying something you don't see as relevant.
Worst forced meme in Yea Forums history
ultra hardcore 4channer here and I got something to throw at you my fellow chanbros
fuck off faggots and stop ironically posting cause trannies can't understand irony and think that Yea Forums is actually infested with trannies cause 90% of the post are ironic shitpost
what's that gay ass quote that talks about not pretending to be a retard cause eventually you'll find yourself among actual retards cause they think they found a place with other retards
And this is why generals shouldn’t exist. They always turn into waifu threads and a safe place for attention seekers
How retarded you must be.
Not that guy (but am that guy) and he is completely correct. Hell, you people belong on Yea Forums not Yea Forums any way.
it is the definition if casual to wordfilter instead of battling for supremacy over the board’s culture. if you let too much garbage in the whole place goes to hell. YOU are the cancer. i’ve lost too many boards to let casuals like you dictate the terms.
Look how violently he strikes out
>implying any thread on Yea Forums is anything but a shitposting contest worth participating in
I knew you whiners were the newfags in this conversation. Thanks for clarifying that.
Stop pretending to be stupid. You attract genuine retards.