>Stop the entire Kree fleet by herself

>Stop the entire Kree fleet by herself

So she is pretty much goku levels of broken by the end of the movie, not even fucking Thor (a literal god) is this powerful, I guess the meme of she defeating thanos is true

How does it make you feel?

Attached: Captain marry sue.jpg (631x369, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids

Fuck off

I have not seen a single capeshit movie since Iron Man 3 and do not intend to start

Swallow cyanide.

Delicious pasta

lmao where does this pasta come from?

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I bet Roger Ebert is glad that he's dead so he doesn't have to deal with this shit

Why didn't she help Xandar, then?

She makes the Guardians of the Galaxy unnecessary.

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His jaw would have dropped.

I'll use some smaller words for you, sweetie, since you clearly not clever enough to understand how awesome this movie is...
This movie was not made for you, incels, it empowers women and has nothing to prove to you. The fact you're so mad about this proves that you will never have sex with a woman (or man) in your life, get over it. I bet you hated Star Wars : The Last Jedi because of the strong female representation too, you utter permavirgin. I'm sorry, sweetie, but I'm afraid your opinion just doesn't count anymore...
bye bye! x

It makes Endgame pointless. Wow, a literally unstoppable hero will defeat the badguy and obviously have the WILL to wield the infinity stones and reverse the Snapping. She's a literal deus ex machina for the entire MCU.

RT reviews, its what their bot that does 5/5 posts.

>She can breath in space and fly at warp speed to other planets
Seems legit

he would have been speechless

Thanos is still stronger than her because she can’t negate the other stone abilities. If anything, she’ll be a plot tool as to how Thanos wasn’t actually able to decimate 50% and it’s because the stones were weakened.


Too busy getting that BGC (Big Green Cock)

I haven't seen the movie but captain marvel has always been one of the most powerful characters from the Marvel roster. You retards think that's feminism too or what?

>decimate 50%

Attached: holup.png (720x1280, 415K)

She doesn't even get her powers at a price. There's no penalty for using them as much and as long as she needs them for. It's a huge contrast to the rest of the people we're used to in the MCU that all have balances to their abilities and power, she's got none. She's absolutely overpowered as fuck. But then again so was Vision, and they nerfed the shit out of him so much that almost the whole time he was in Infinity War he was limping around half dead. So if they can do that with him I guess they can find a way to depower her when she needs to face a challenge. But the outcome is she'll always get her powers back and just be unstoppable again. Without consequences this time because she's not held back by any pussy Skovia accords and doesn't have to answer to anyone in the fucking Galaxy

>has always been one of the most powerful characters from the Marvel roster

Bullshit, fucking Rogue rekt her.

It's google user reviews actually

most people wont get this

4 Ships isn't the entire fleet you fucking retard. They went to a shithole planet that is thousands of years behind just to nuke the shit out of it. They were not prepared for a super powered foe.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Captain Marvel. The humour and action is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics and third wave feminism most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Carol's confidence outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Simone de Beauvoir literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes and super heroism, to realise that they're not just funny and exhilarating- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Captain Marvel truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour and determination in Carol's existential catchphrase "Let's show these boys how it's done," which itself is a cryptic reference to Margaret Atwood's epic The Handmaids Tale. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Anna Boden's genius wit unfolds itself on their movie screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, I DO have a Goose the cat tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably higher) beforehand. Nothing personnal kid

Rogue didn't wreck shit. Rogue nearly died taking her power and it forever changed Rogue. Miss Marvel is legit in the upper level of power if we take away reality warping type shit.

She is STILL weaker than Thanos though but thats comic Thanos and not MCU who lets Thor throw a fucking weapon at him like its nothing.

I felt that Thor's feats of strength were greater, she's just basically indestructable.
In a fight with the hulk, I would see her losing.

Thor has the greatest feats as of the last Avenger movie. Hulk punching Surtur might put him above her current feat too.

Captain Marvel is either #2 or #3. Thor is #1, Mind you she didn't go Binary in this movie which means she very likely will fighting Thanos.

I didn't feel that she was powerful. Stoping a missile is not powerful. And it wasn't ballistic, retarded woman writer. Go watch Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku or something normie

>guess the meme of she defeating thanos is true
bro..... it was never a meme... it was a literal ass pull to push propaganda

Meh, I'd be fine with not watching endgame anyways. The ending for Infinity War is honestly a good enough place to stop.

I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her get fucked in her gaping fem fronthole by three literal bulls and a Minotaur in 3D, on the bus, in church, in the gym locker room shower and in your dreams.

I rate this movie 10/10.

Dr Strange is fun with a unique ending.

The rescue of the world is men's work. But now we know who will rescue the universe, who will kill Thanos. To my opinion Captain America is the best.

This movie is a 7/10. Not as good as Homecoming or Dr. Strange, but better than Black Panther.
The CGI is a 10
The story is an 8
The performances by everyone but Larson is an 8.
Larson's performance was not good. She is not a good action movie actress. Keep her in dramas where her one emotion works. 5 at best.
Ultimately, this is a prequel so while it give interesting backgrounds on characters we love, it is entirely unnecessary and it relies on those scenes too much to warrant a lot of repeated viewings, aside from the action which was an 8 or 9.

Are the Kree fleet strong or something? The avengers were taking out Chitauri ships in one shot each.
And Thor is a lot stronger now.

why is it better than black panther?

please advise.

I thought she played well off Samuel. Her smug faces when she beat up people were pretty good too. I don't know I thought she was at least a 7/10. Samuel killed it though he was great.

>I haven't seen the movie but captain marvel has always been one of the most powerful characters from the Marvel roster.
Who told you that? She can't even hurt Hulk.

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Because is black

No, she really did wreck her.

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Is that meant to be a low bar or something?

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That was just regular, Banner influenced Hulk she was fighting. Nothing close to Green Scar, Worldbreaker or Devil Hulk.

I did like some of that. I guess she didn't seem like a super hero to me. There are better actresses for that. Maybe it's just because I would much rather see a Black Widow movie.

Black Panther has a weak story. Kilmonger was right, they make Black Panther indestructible with a suit, some of the CGI is hokey looking. I guess my main gripe is the story. If it were a comic book, I don't think I would finish reading it.
Captain Marvel is only slightly above it at the moment because it has a better story and better action/CGI.

I wish they had made World War Hulk.

It's weird how weak MCU Hulk is. His biggest feat is pretty much beating up a big dog.

The way she got her powers was fucking retarded. The engine wasnt the tesseract. The tesseract was up on the cloaked skrull ship.

Carol is stronger now. Rogue being Carol 2.0(Before brood) with her mutant powers is a bit of a cop out in their fight though. Didn't they fight again or are about to? I don't think saying Rogue can beat Carol is something bad anyway. Rogue is one of the most powerful characters in marvel with her stupid powers.

The engine was a lightspeed engine made with the powers of the infinity stone user. Its SCIENCE + Infinity stone.

Homecoming was shit my man

>Carol is stronger now.
Not really. Her biggest feats are still as Binary which she has had for a long time.


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Good job paying shills to write reviews on social media Disney.

A lightspeed engine isn't even that big of a deal in the established MCU though. The Gaurdian's regular ship can do that shit. Bifrost goes way past FTL and Thor can use it willingly now.

Chitauri are the space equivalent of shitty Somalians. Xandar and Kree are the basically the NATO and CSTO of space and have the best gear. Asgard operates on different planes so their irrelevant

My personal hope is that since Hulk got his ass stomped at the start of Infinity War, they bring it full circle and have deliver the kill blow to Thanos. I'm sure Captain Marvel or Thor will be the ones to do it, but I would kill to see the Hulk reach a new level of power and bring the team over the top with severe smashing.

Something bothered me about the tessaract being in this movie. Wasn't it fished out of the ocean when they found Captain America in the late 2000's? Why would it be in this movie set in the 80's and 90's?

c'mon now. shit is The two Amazing Spider-Man movies. Those have so many holes they could be called swiss cheese.

Bifront is gods. Source on GOTG ship going lightspeed? This movie also takes place before that and the engine was powered via an infinity stone.

>My personal hope is that since Hulk got his ass stomped at the start of Infinity War, they bring it full circle and have deliver the kill blow to Thanos.
Toy leaks seem to show Hulk in some sort of weird half-banner state, and I have a hard time believing that forms gonna be stronger than what we had before.

Cant thanos just take her powers away with the glove? If anything shes just going to power it back up for him.

>Source on GOTG ship going lightspeed?
The whole goofy FTL dimension hopping scene in GTG 2.

Tony's dad found the Tesseract before that and from that point it went to Mar-Vell. Tony's dad is one of the founders of PEGASUS.

>Furry didn't call Carol when the earth was literally under alien invasion (The very thing she helped to stop)


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Except that was them abusing jumps in wormholes the same jumps the ships in this movie did. They however not once traveled directly FTL as what this engine would've allowed.

this, they make a huge deal of a lightspeed engine and then show the kree ships literally arriving from ages away within a few moments within the same fucking movie. the movie itself has no internal consistency let alone consistency with the rest of the MCU setting.

>Goku levels of broken

Bitch couldn't even beat Android 18

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We have no idea how long it took for the ship to arrive from when Yon made the call. It took Yon 22 hours to get from his first location to earth.

Does she take the full force of a star to the chest? If not she isn't stronger than Thor

Ahhhhhhh nice work. The one thing we can say about these MCU movies is that there are no timeline continuity issues. That's even more impressive with over 20 movies. The attention to detail is always excellent in them.

Bummer. I will hold out hope. Maybe he'll find out that Thanos took Betty Ross to snap city and he'll get off the scale angry.

and 18 was the weaker of the two...

FTL just means faster than light. Doesn't matter how you do it, you've surpassed the displacement limited by the speed of light.

>decimate only means reduce by a 10th
>women are 50% of the population
>niggers commit 50% of the crimes

Didn't Rogue fuck her so hard she became a voice inside her head?

That's Ultimates. Ultimates Hulk is pretty weak.

>The one thing we can say about these MCU movies is that there are no timeline continuity issues.

Ehh there are like a handful of them. Nothing too major. I think Homecoming screwed up a bit and GOTG 2 did too. Dr. Strange was a tad weird. But the main plot points seem to all be fine.

There is a huge difference in how its achieved thats the point. No one has a FTL ship. The guardians abused something that would've killed most people likely.

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She does something better... she destroy the evil Kree Patriarchy and help the poor Skrull minority

Why was there a cat alien hanging out in an air force base?

Why do Skrulls want a lightspeed drive when ships can warp/use wormholes?

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>No one has a FTL ship. The guardians abused something that would've killed most people likely.
Only because they spammed it. And it still didn't kill anyone.
The ship is capable of FTL, period. And it's not a particularly special ship. The Nova Corp were able to replace it easily.

>thanos just wipes her out of reality

Wow, that is exactly where I stopped. Wonder how common that is...

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questions only a man would ask

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Rogue fucked up Danvers to the point that people think Rogue's default is Danvers powers.

Was Iron Man 3 shit or something?

It wasn't great that's for sure. I highly doubt there will be another. Turns out Iron Man really ISN'T that interesting on his own.

this is sarcasm kids. everything said should be taken as the opposite obviously

This movie is full of plotholes, but do we really care at this point?

>A man turns into an angry bigger man and defeats the entire US army
>Hulk stronger than giant space worm
>Hulk literally flinging a god like a ragdoll
>A male surgeon learns mind magic and uses time to defeat an ancient immortal being
>A male weapon engineer taken hostage uses scraps to defeat all of ISIS by himself
>Some guy who loves music has a dad who is literally a planet

The real question here boys, is which comic character do you wish had a movie?
Mine is Plastic Man. He's massively powerful, he's unstable and funny at the same time so he would be an interesting character, and his powers would make a great movie, especially a great comic book movie.

Hell yes. I can't be the only one who was super hyped to finally see the classic magic vs technology fight of The Mandarin and Iron Man. Then it was wasted on a actor portraying a terrorist as a diversion. Fucking stupid. Give me 100 minutes of Iron Man in China in a back and forth battle with The Mandarin's ten rings of power.

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Or Namor

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CGI isn't there yet for a plastic man movie, maybe in a couple of years

I'm hoping against hope that for the big final, Thanos shows up with an army/fleet and she's told to go of and keep them busy or some shit. But my hope is weak...

I think I read somewhere that the cat belonged to the original Captain Mar-Vell while she was hiding out on Earth and after her death, the base adopted it as a base mascot or something

As to the lightspeed engine, because the writers are retards?

I want me some fucking Lobo

>classic magic vs technology fight of The Mandarin and Iron Man
Stop reminding me.

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>Thanos shows up with an army/fleet and she's told to go of and keep them busy or some shit.
this seems plausible and hopefully was one of the two cuts


>I was sure the cat was a rocket raccoon-cat from men in black amalgam
>turns out he doesnt talk at all
this is at the moment in my top capeshit movie plot-hole wise
every 5 mins i was making mental "why does this"remarks, what a shitshow of a script

Would it really matter if Plastic man looked a bit fake (and plasticy) when he's stretching and morphing?

The difference is having the engine would allow them to FTL anywhere they want when they want. The GOTG crew had to use wormholes which have a set path to them. Do you not the see advantages having the engine would have?

>Avengers endgame transforms Carol in the maid character from Roma

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What hopefully gives it plausibility is that many of the Lego sets will came with Outriders and the Avengers Compound set will came with both Thanos and a couple of Chitauri.

With how good the Skrull transformations looked in Captain Marvel, I would say they're one giant step away.

That could be an awesome movie for sure.

It's a good reminder of how good we have it when the movies are entertaining again and again for the most part.

>So she is pretty much goku levels of broken by the end of the movie, not even fucking Thor (a literal god) is this powerful
I think it's time to admit that Marvel has well and truly jumped the shark on their franchise. Marvelcucks better cope with this fact.

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>skrulls look fantastic
>the moment carol starts flying her cgi becomes spiderman homecoming-tier
im baffled, i liked the choreographies but she looked almost catwoman-ridiculous to me. I believe the worst shot on the movie is the one where her eyes start glowing while free falling

I really wanted World War Hulk, but Hulk isnt scary anymore un the MCU. He is basically a stronger shrek

>her one flaw is that she's too impulsive and emotional
>turns out in the end that isn't a flaw at all and only fuels her power

hulk would be terrible they are using some low tier budget cgi

I think they're going with Grey hulk now. at least in spirit. no more scary hulk

>girls and dudes around me telling how much better Fury and the srkull dude were.
>also how the little black girl had a more super hero vibe
Is Larson getting blacked for phase 2?

So she is GOKU after all? It's just like said!

Maybe you have better eyes than me. I am an older guy, but it looks great to me.

Why do you keep making this same post over and over. What are you a retard?
Yes she is a Mary Sue.
They've literally been calling her that all along.
She is the last resort.

this movie was boring.

I really wanted to like it.

Swamp Thing for me

I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

im not the only one saying it, the sad truth is marvel nowadays has to employ between 5-10 fx companies for different scenes and it's getting cheaper every year, still some companies work miracles with what they got.

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>stops the entire fleet

I know shitposting about Captain Marvel is en vogue because of Larsons stupid agenda, but this is just not true.
She fucks up one (1) ship, from a fleet of three or for, put together to quickly eliminate some backwater planet (fromm a kree viewpoint).
On a smaller scale Ironman flew into the huge citauri or whatever they are called monsters and wrecked them.
Also even Thor was OP as fuck in the MCU yet could not do anything alone against Thanos.

I just watched Wonder Woman and I can say that it was much better than Captain Marvel (which I havent scene) though I know CM can't compare to Miss Diana's movie.

so a character with undefined powers will defeat Thanos' undefined powers

>the little black girl
I thought she was kinda cringy too though. I guess she sorta gets more of a pass because she's a kid, but her delivery was hard to bear.

That would be rad. Those 80's versions were intriguing to me as a kid, but they are awful movies, from what I remember.

What are your top 5 Marvel based live-action movies?
1. Spider-Man 2
2. X2
3. Logan
4. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
5. The Avengers

I liked the movie although it was nothing great. Maybe a 7.5 / 10. There was some bad CGI which btw I think is mostly due to how they decided to put her "mohawk" onto her costume and how her face looks when she is in space. Should have maybe used a full mask or none at all.
As a 90s kid I also realy liked the music, the soundtrack is cool.

she was more likeable and with better dialogue than the kid from iron-man3 who by the way, is rumored to add to the team for phase 4, alonside ant-man's daughter, who is as a teenager in endgame

Little girl is Monica Rambeau she is Captain Marvel 2.0/3.0 however you want to name it. Her powers are not the same.

This felt like filler.


>ant-man's daughter
I see

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anything goes? the guillermo del toro one and ang lee's hulk, the hulk one is strangely comfy and well structured compared to what came later

They actually started the controversy back after the very first trailer was released..

That whole "she doesn't smile" bullshit that made headlines and was caused by incel trolls?

Apparently in the movie there's a scene where a man on a motorcycle says to Brie "give me a smile hunnie" that was confirmed to not be a reshoot.

The "Brie doesn't smile" trolling was Marvel. They created the faux outrage.

Sentry is so fucking lame

Which Guillermo del Toro movie are you talking about? Hellboy was Dark Horse.

blade II

Maybe? But that kid had RDJ's charisma to play off of. Carol being uninteresting just made Monica's cringy child acting stand out even more.

Oh. I have yet to see that one. I'll make sure to get to it soon.

Reviews say the same. F off

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The Skrulls wanted to find their families and the Kree wanted the Space Stone that powered the lightspeed drive

Have butt sex faggot

This is so brave and courageous.

if you waited more than 40 seconds after the OP, you could pretend that you actually typed it and not just copypasted a shill post.

The whole point of that post is that the "reviewers" are copypasting it in their reviews, user.

I'm going through the audience scores for CM, and I noticed that no matter how I approach the pages, there's lists of good reviews that seem to duplicate on subsequent pages. I'll go through more to check if this isn't a major error from RT rushing out a design change "coincidentally" after CM was getting massive crackback. I'm also noticing a lot of comments displaying the wrong characters in place of apostrophes, but no pattern on what kind of review they're on, just some don't have it.
I did notice, however, that all the positive reviews were rather shallow and seem to echo each other a bit too well.

Lets not pretend all the 1/2 star and 1 star reviews are "legit". RT is going to have to implement a system where you have to scan your ticket to review.

Okay who is Sentry? I saw him once when he killed Carnage in that one comic where Electro breaks people out of prison.

He was/is basically a character marvel created to kill the people they fuck up and make too strong. At least that was what he used to do but they move him up and down depending on the comic.

definitely not, but there are more per page, some pages have no positive scores at all, and don't all press on the same talking points like the fake smelling positive ones do. But I agree, a ticket scanner is what RT needs to prevent this shit from ever becoming an issue in the first place. Plus a lot of the more legit looking positive reviews actual take the time to point out something they don't like from the movie anyways, pointing to an actual human being writing it from their own subjective enjoyment of the movie. I still think they're wrong and have bad taste/no analysis skills, but that's the problem with Disney special effects in modern movies: before, good movies usually had better effects as it showed the level of care, with Disney, they can slap it on to any property they like, but you can still see that it slips a lot on their more mediocre movies (see black panther's N64 3rd act).

Sentry has the power of a million exploding suns.

So spamming positive reviews are legit but when I post my single .5 star review I get it wiped because I don't count?

Uhh, it's her turn now sweetheart.

As someone who's seen all the marvel shit, specifically GotG, I thought they already had FTL ships because they always seemed to be on a new planet pretty quickly, so I thought it was retarded how the motivation of this movie was a FTL drive.
Also, what's the deal with her powers exactly? There was a FTL drive, which was based off of an infinity stone, so she has a % power of an infinity stone? (despite the stone not actually being in the drive). She seems way OP for that.

Superman kinda but nerfed. But he's from another universe and depressed because everyone's dead so he doesn't like to participate often.

Great. We need an overpowered character fucking shit up in MCU. The fact that it's a woman, played by an actress that triggered incels harder than every before, no less, only makes this better.

>We need an overpowered character fucking shit up
You already have Thor and Hulk.

hes not weak he has just been his top from the start
no where to go from up

Saw it last night. Out of town cinema had a 10PM 3d screening so I thought 'what the heck.' There were only 6 of us there so it was a nice viewing experience. I thought it was pretty ok. Probably around the middle compared to the other Marvel movies. Fury was pretty good and I enjoyed the Skrull villain. The 'girl power' scenes weren't that on the nose and it didn't drag on too much at any particular point. Does it really matter if she's the one to beat Thanos in endgame anyway? He already got what he wanted and the gauntlet got destroyed. Odds are he'd just let himself get killed if they showed up.

First 3d movie I've seen since Avengers 1. Wanna give a shout out to the new 3d glasses tech they had. You can now get lenses that just clip onto your actual glasses. Very convenient

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Spoken like a true incel

This was Rey levels of Mary Sue.

She oneshots her mentor, literally.

Also, Annette Bening as Mar-Vell? Fucking seriously?

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>Ultimately, this is a prequel so while it give interesting backgrounds on characters we love, it is entirely unnecessary and it relies on those scenes too much to warrant a lot of repeated viewings, aside from the action which was an 8 or 9.

Retconned too much shit for my taste

Holy fucking flaming faggotspeak batman

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God damn what kind of smooth brain reads this shit

>How does it make you feel?
like pirating anything i feel like watching from disney/marvel now

Spoilery question, just want to clarify something:

When Goose coughed up the tesserract at the very end of the credits, that was before the snap and Avengers right?

yes its just meant to be silly

ITT beta males arguing about comic characters and their "power levels".
>It's over 9000!
This board is pathetic.

Yes, that was much before the other marvel movies even, except the first captain america film

Sure, but in this case she has these powers with no consequence. Moreover nothing in the movie is a match for her either.

Where is the narrative stakes? Saying that she is supposed to be powerful doesn't make the character not shitty or the story interesting.

i'm holding out for when she is under Russo control and put together with the rest of the Avengers. The big ensemble movies usually have better characterization. Thor and Caps both sucked during their solo debut as well, but are very well written in the later movies.

Cool, thanks. For a brief second I thought he coughed it up after Fury got snapped and there were 2 tesserracts meaning there's possibly more infinity stones out there.

So how will they asspull her beating infinity gauntlet thanos?

They absolutely ruined Mar-Vell and the Skrulls in this movie as well.

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Jude Law getting Indiana Jones'd was my favourite part. I love that trope.

Marvel's Superman only he's a supervillain half the time so the Avengers had to kill him.

>classic magic vs technology fight

>The Mandarin sees technology as the surest means to achieve his goals. Over the years, he frequently attempts to turn the weapons and computers of various nations against them. Among the Mandarin's earliest schemes is the sabotage and theft of American missiles and spy planes built by Tony Stark.
>However, his primary sources of power are ten power rings that he adapted from the alien technology of a crashed space ship. Each ring has a different power and is worn on a specific finger.

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Sorry, you're not funny.

Wait, aren't you guys allowed to write "fuck"?

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Yes he is


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Space Widowmaker was cute. CUTE!

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you’re a special kind of dumbass

>one shot one kill
Has super OP rifle that shoots 7 dudes with one shot.

He only snapped 5% of peeps in the end

Gotg always refers to traveling in "jumps". They use a pre established networks, like a railroad in space. Wormholes or whatever. Someone already traveled that distance to make the gate or jumpway. A bunch of fags in this thread think this means FTL, it isn't.

Why didn't Thanos willingly take a hit from one of his lightspeed engines to replicate Captain Marvel's powers?

You could tell it was 2003~ with that Del monitor. So enough time for better computers but also enough time to build whatevrr machine they [shield] had hooked up to it in A1

The powercreep seems insane but while her damage output exceeds thor, her defense is probably on the level of a regular kree.

yeah man, cats don't really live past 20...

Don't compare her to Goku, Goku trained his whole life & still gets his ass handed to him all the time, he pretty much lost all his fights in Super

Captain Marvel gets her powers handed to her & always wins

>not even fucking Thor (a literal god) is this powerful

Thor was flying through ships too in wakanda, wasn't he


So she's gonna beat Thanos right?

I'm pretty sure Disney has another cut / backup plan prepared since the reception to her character has been toxic.

>dies because she's a shit shot in a plane like every other pilot in dog fight movies
Why? I can't even remember what happened to the rest of the crew, only hers specifically because she looked like she was going to crash despite the Kree having significantly more advanced technology and therefore experience with higher speeds, yet a simple human is able to best them.

>Powers derived from the mere residual effects of an infinity stone
>More powerful than heroes that literally wielded an infinity stone, including the same one, directly

No, it was obvious that the film didn't explore the limits of her power because she specifically can't beat Thanos especially not with his infinity gauntlet. Although, what's even the point in defeating Thanos? It's crazy that the plot for Endgame is that when he's already done with his job. Is the assumption supposed to be that the gauntlet can reverse everything? Or that the Avengers are just Avengers so they'll go to such far lengths to defeat Thanos despite how pointless it is?

>Avengers are just Avengers so they'll go to such far lengths to defeat Thanos despite how pointless it is?
Something something time travel to undo what he did is probably the angle they'll go with.

Photon Energy, ain't got to explain shit.

So, memes aside, is it good or not?, I mean, of course it isn't because it's capeshit, but I mean good within the realm of capeshit

Probably one of the best yet just on comedy value.

what the fuck is her problem

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The real question is where the fuck is she?

But, intended comedy or accidental?

That the problem with cosmic level of power character, they are OP, even on Marvel universe. First reason of why Superman is one if not the most underwhelming superhero is that fact that is so strong everything was to easy for him.

Of modern not-DC capeshit, it's pretty lousy. It's not the worst, it has a few better moments, but it's not enough to be "good".


Why can't she just click on Thanos' head?

If you’d read the comics, you’d know that’s quite accurate for Captain Marvel’s power set. More apt comparison would be a completely uninhibited Superman with no fatal weakness.


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sjws are cancer

>The one potentially interesting part of the movie is when her trainer guy tries to fight her without powers
>She doesn't even take this opportunity to try to better herself and prove to herself that she is more than just her powers, just blasts him and goes "lol i have nothing to prove to you" even though it'd be about proving it to herself, not him

She was never that great in the comics either but holy fuck she's basically fucking character-less in the movie

I don't get this. Those missiles for being such a size were not even close to the destructiveness of a nuclear bomb. When I saw her about to crash them together, I thought it was just going to completely decimate the entire area. Or is it because they crashed together that they don't go off? He seemed surprised they were taken out so easily, yet it was taken out easily by simply just pushing one in a direction. Unless the thrusters are just so powerful, that only such a thing as CM could do it. Also does energy make you impervious to damage? How does that work? Or is it just kree blood?

dude lmao why even need the other avengers

I'm not 10, I don't give a fuck about capeshit.

>he doesn't remember Thor beating the shit out of Thanos with a fucking hammer-axe
So much for a power stone when it can't even overpower a thrown axe.

Give it time, Yea Forums will warm up to it. Yea Forums also wants 10/10 all the time. It's got flaws but pros too

>created as a means to end all war
>Infinity War
>Endgame now has Carol to end the eternal war
Like pottery.

The whole kree/skrull thing was just confusing (it's bad enough that they sound so similar).
How did the skrull know that marvel was connected to the lost family in the first place?
Was it just a coincidence when they captured her that her memories happened to lead to what they were after?
How did the skrull guy know that his missing family was connected to her?
He seemed to imply that he told them not to send messages from that secret base. But if he knew there was a secret base out there why didn't he go straight there to find them? Why was marvel the necessary middle man in all of this?


dr strange is no different

Marvel had always been working with skrulls, that's why. Yes, it's a coincidence because stories work like that or else it would be needlessly inconvenient. The skrull guy said her voice was on the recording. This had a whole scene explanation with it being a gag about how the scientist was too dumb to figure out the primitiveness of Earth language. So, no, she wasn't necessary, but it played into a good movie as a result.


>This had a whole scene explanation with it being a gag about how the scientist was too dumb to figure out the primitiveness of Earth language
I remember seeing that, but what I dont understand is what led the skrull guy's family from being separated from him in the first place, why did he need Captain Marvel's memories to get their general location when he should have known Mar-Vel was harboring them on her base. And he should have known about the base because the movie implied that somehow his family were told not to use Kree communication on the base to avoid exposing themselves if something big happened.

>white men are evil
>men in general are patronising towards women
>Skrulls are innocent refugees who dindu nuffin
>no character development for Carol
>Anemic, bland and phoned in performance from Larson
>Fury portrayed as a goof
>Coulson's big return basically a cameo
>literal Mary Sue, completely broken power levels
>*Looks down the camera* "I have nothing to prove to you." instead of an interesting character arc where she discovered how to use her abilities.

Not only did no one involved with this watch a single other MCU movie, they didn't even watch other female led movies with strong characters that did well and were well received by both women and men, like Wonder Woman, Hanna, Alien, Halloween, hell even LOTR has a moment which is almost a straight line from a 80yo book and is more empowering than Brie Larson's Captain Marvel.


This movie is hot trash.


Yes, you. The one screaming, "Brie Larson is toxic" and "Her movie is shit!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.

You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.

I don't feel awkward or anxious going to watch Captain Marvel at least five times around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful movie that has been made for us - and it IS powerful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We Captain Marvel fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow fans, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.

Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.

I pity you.

I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that Captain Marvel and Brie are such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.

I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Stop watching porn and anime, go to cinema to watch Captain Marvel, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of this movie, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.

Dr Strange gained his powers from years of intense study, and subjected himself to hundreds, if not thousands, if not millions of excruciating deaths from Dormammu

>the classic magic vs technology fight of The Mandarin and Iron Man
All these fake Mandarinfags are at it again I see.


strange at least is combating much more powerful threats than most. Plus he still got rocked by the dude with telekinesis powers.

>>Stop the entire Kree fleet by herself

She blew up one ship of three.

I think it's overall solid. Nothing earth shattering but it does what it needs to and it does it pretty well.

Superman with autism.
He's fucking lame

you just know

Hop in, dude.

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It's ok, like a 6/10 at best.

Better than Black Panther at least.

Absolutely not. Brie drags it down far too much. She's practically c-list tier.

Absolutely way better than BP

Black Panther is absolute trash my friend, Ben Mendelsohn alone makes this movie better.

holy shit lol

What a mess

It's pretty terrible, sure. But Brie, the MC, cannot act herself out of a bag. Every scene with her is fucking terrible. Every single one. She has no timing, no charisma, no delivery, no looks. It's like she's in Scary Movie or some shit.

this shilling is not subtle at all.

This movie has the depth of a sunday morning cartoon. Anybody praising its story is an actual child or a brainlet, regardless of their gender. It's the Power Rangers kind of kid wish fulfillment when they watch an evil mcbadguy ham it up and summon monsters then the hero shoots the monsters and in the end they tell you to ask your parents to buy a toy. That's the emotional maturity level of Captain Marvel script. It tries to masquerade as an average MCU movie by leveraging Samuel L. Jackson and quips but in reality it's just a cartoon for babies.

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This looks so bad.. like a video game cinematic lol. This is when you know critics are cucked by both Disney and feminists since giving this a thumbs down is a huge hit for them

Her mock screaming at the skrull is one of the funniest jokes to ever be put into a Marvel movie. Sure, at one point you wonder any actress can be CM, But she plays a stuck up bitch with the powers to match pretty well

Trying too hard.

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dr. strange is dogshit with a decent ending

Don't get sucked into that time vortex.

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>But she plays a stuck up bitch with the powers to match pretty well
She isn't "playing." She's just an unlikable bitch.

Yeah I didn't like doc strange on first watch either

I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids.

This movie is wet garbage in the sun on a hot day.

>your words don't affect me
>massive rant is response to those words
10/10 I could actually imagine a goony beard man or problem hair posting this on tumblr

You know how literally every marvel hero's origin story tells the story of how they became a hero? (except Spider Man homecoming, maybe)
She's a hero right from the first scene - in terms of powers. That's BS.

watch the cat eat the gauntlet

Unfortunately you are both replying to pasta, sad. And how she got her powers looked cool at least. Forgive me for saying positives about the film

Why did MoS trigger so many normies so hard.
>LoL he overpowered.
>Dude nothing can hurt him. Lmao
But this movie gets a free pass for all the same reasons just because shes a girl? Despite being a massive cunt too?

Lightspeed= relativistic travel= time travel. Notice Carol didn't look 20+ years older in the Endgame clip that takes place 20+ years after 1995.

That would be far too logical. The gauntlet is fucked up, obviously. He's going to be trying to use his powers and it will be all whacky I'm sure. He'll try to bend space a certain way with the space stone but something totally LOL RANDOM happens. Or he'll use the Mind stone and swap bodies with Rocket on accident for a minute and start quipping. Some shit like that.

Thanks for the autobiographical blog post

To be fair the original ended with Surfer whose just about as OP as anyone can get.

Lightspeed= light speed
FTL= Faster Than Light


Beginning of Homecoming says "8 years Later" or something ON SCREEN for no reason. And it's wrong.

Are you an idiot? In that context "light speed" clearly means "light speed and faster."

Captain marvel is gonna be the same as dragon ball. Brie (goku) is in another league of the original avengers (yamchas).
Falcon and the others will end up cheering standing on the sidelines.

Jesus christ, its like they aren't even trying to be subtle about it anymore.

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They were going from jump points (Something they expressly mention in the movie). If there isn't a jump point to a location, you're shit out of luck. A proper FTL engine would allow them to bypass the current system that is fast but also limited in locations. It's not about speed, it's about opening up new options and planets.

Watch BvS

*Blocks your path*

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more powerful than superman and he's a violent recluse. he's like the main character from taxi driver or drive if they weren't both massive faggots but were also superheroes

Thor survived getting blasted by a sung and was destroying Thanos' landing ships in Infinity War, they're definitely in the same tier but I didn't see anything that makes her the absolute strongest hero.

trying this hard

Iron Man was actually pretty cool especially the first one where his suit sounds and looks like an actual mech suit.

It's funny all these Black Panther bitches whining abour RDJ salary when he's the one that started and saved capeshit. Ironman failing would've never lead to any of the other capeshits.

you turned a simple short meme like "sweetie" into an autistic rant where you sit at home and pretend to be a girl just to post some low tier bait. HAVE SEX MY DUDE

Did anyone notice how unathletic and retarded Brie looked running? Jesus, couldn't Disney hire a fit actor if they want to shoehorn this character in as the next leader of the Avengers?

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I feel fine

She's better than Goku by the fact she can survive in space.

Saw it last night.

It could have been a serviceable MCU intro, on par with Ant Man, if Brie Larson wasn't so goddamn dull. It's funny how characters keep telling her to stop being so emotional, when she has the emotional range of an Alexa. Not surprising they give all the more intense acting lines to her old pilot BFF.

The effects were middle of the road. De-aged Jackson looked good, although he clearly still had that weird old man body dudes get over 60. De-aged Coulson did NOT look so good.

The editing was absolute shit. Jokes fell flat, action got muddled up, just terrible.

have sex

not enjoying stale pasta, user please.

Here's the thing, I adore extremely powerful females who retain their feminine beauty while at the same time having that masculine power dynamic going on that many male characters have. If anybody is familiar with Dragon Ball Super Kefla is more or less an example of what I'm talking about. She's sexy, but at the same time you take her completely serious as a fighter. She looks good enough to fuck, however she's also got a trained body that looks like it belongs on the battlefield.

My problem with Captain Marvel is that Leftists have turned what could have been a rather interesting concept-essentially western female Goku-and completely ruined it with their subversive identity politics. Something that I personally enjoy in media has been tainted by Leftist political activism, and for that reason I absolutely despise Captain Marvel. Rather than an interesting character who just so happens to be a female, with her own struggles and challenges you care to see her triumph through, all we have is what amounts to a Mary Sue that's being lifted up by Leftists as a Feminist Icon.

In short, fuck Leftism and fuck Captain Marvel. They utterly butcher my favorite category of powerful and sexy yet serious female characters. That's the most ironic thing about Leftists making the argument that this is somehow a bunch of incels angry at women. I'd argue the vast majority love female characters. What we don't like is Leftism, plain and simple.

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get laid, faggot

this, goku is an actual likable character that works for he's power

have sex


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>Entire fleet
>4 ships

you responding to a bot pasta user

implying a fuck load, i agree with him and i've fucked more times that i've lost count. Caulifa was literally female goku

have sex

I want to marry Space Widowmaker

This doesn't answer anything

well the infinity gauntlet and the 'stones' in the movies are a joke compared to their comic counterparts

End-game is gonna be so shit, i bet they completely destroy Thanos in the first act and the rest of the movie is just fighting Galactus, watch this happen, mark my words and screencap this, its literally the only way to give any climax now to the villain now


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Talk about pastas that get old fast

So was it good or crap?

>uses that scene in lotr as an example
lol, that scene was as bad as this movie, since in the movies witch king was killed only cause she was a woman. Not because Merry stabbed him with a magic dagger he got from Tom Bombadil. Fuck Jackson

>not even fucking Thor (a literal god) is this powerful
People always bring up the fact that he's a "literal god" as if it meant anything.
He's just strong. He's not invulnerable or immortal or invincible. Sure he's really, really powerful, but what does the fact that he's a god have to do with anything? Loki is a literal god and he's weaker than Hulk. It's just a label. Even in Dragon Ball being a "god" barely means anything. Once you transcend human status where's exactly the line between a god and not a god?

I want to puke

>the good guys are actually the bad guys
>the enemy is actually poor victims of war and also refugees
>white boys are mean
>white men are mean
>woman is talented
>90s references
>gameboy, uno, blockbuster you get it
>this is your past before this feminist bullshit

Only redeming fact
>bad guys actors name is Jude
>irony is completely lost on everyone

>missing the point
>missing the movies point in godhood
Wow it's like you've missed everything.

or when whatever happened in avengers2 happened

Wat? Ronan could bitschlap her

I'm sure you're about to enlighten me.

I'm afraid there's no explaining this. Something so basic a child could grasp it but you and your anime faggotry just can't for some reason.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Wonder Worman was great, downsides were the absolutely ridiculous villain and cgi fight scenes.

Right into the infinity stones!

>you are not allowed to like a movie and have your own opinion about it

So people bitch that Superman, the one that started it all, is too powerful and has no real flaws and thus he’s boring.

Yet all these Mary Sue characters are applauded?

what, that scene just reminded me of Iron Man throwing the nuke into the portal way too much

This, even Stan lee said he wish he wrote Lobo

So I heard you talkin' shit about Captain Marvel..

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I'd say 5.5 out of 10. It's not good but it's not bad.

Basically Rogue could also destroy the entire Kree fleet as well correct?

wahhhhhh waaaaaahhhhhhhhhh abububuuuuuuuuuuu

So the Kree are the villains?

that head is shooped right???