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What have you accomplished with your life? Have sex.


Anyone else absolutely hates thin Kevin Smith ? He looks much less friendly

I logged onto my IMDB account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.

Come at me.

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Fucking based.

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I thought that was Tom Green at first

>mom, I posted it again


I don't remember my password or the email I used to make the account.

he looks like a dying cat

what the fuck?
what was the reference?
did captain marvel kick down some fatass in oversized jorts?


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He's clearly green

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Stan lee was reading a copy of the Mallrats script. Thats a pretty fucking good reason for him to get emotional like that considering him and Stan were friends.

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He had a heart attack you idiot


Wow..he looks so justed.

Imagine all the Marvel spics that think Larson looks better than Cara Big D.

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That makes NO SENSE. Why the fuck does Brody even care who Stan Lee is if in this universe the marvel heroes are real and not comic book characters?

Isn’t this the retard who said his doctor told him smoking weed saved his life during a heart attack even though pot exasperates heart conditions? Top kek

Fucking christ what a lunatic. It's not like he's a nobody. Get some therapy you formerly fat old fuck.

Fuck him. He should have died and so should you

Its just a weird meta loop that makes sense. My point was the reasoning why it was emotional.

Normally people that lose weight look more healthy. He looks fucking terrible.

Stay emotionally stunted eh? No wonder you are useless in real life too !

Imagine wishing death on someone because they actually can feel something when they see a dead friend again!

Mad I insulted your cuck king?

Imagine me caring?

I dont care for him. I can just understand why he was emotional. The film was shit but that doesnt stop the cameo from affecting him.

dat desperate try to appease the nerds though

Imagine you not being a faggot ?


skin forms a bunch of wrinkles when the fat that was holding it tight dissapears user, some fatties have it better, others have it way worse.

you're a good man, bats

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begun, the copypasta wars have

Sex isn't an accomplishment and the fact that you think it is says a lot about how pathetic you are. :^)

Why do fat people look like shit when they lose weight?

>>hasnt had sex

How could one man be so based?

imma do it too!

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Sex is literally the only reason you exist.

Come get on my dick then if it's such a concern to you.

Squirting cum in a hole isn't an accomplishment. Thinking so is cope for people who will never achieve anything beyond getting laid.

why am i seeing Yea Forums memes on these threads recently?

He's about 5 years away from looking like Doc Brown, what the fuck

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You aldo dont have a job or friends

Considering the amount of bitter incels on this site, which by definition means they don't WANT to virgin's yet despite (at least what they believe to be) their best efforts cannot find a single willing female. To have much of the same interests, the same type of appreciation for black humor, and in general the same types of worldviews, but to be in the minority because I have carnal knowledge, while certainly not an accomplishment amongst the normies, it most definitely is an accomplishment on this site.
