The 13-Year-Old Trapped in a Toddler's Body | This Morning

What's his endgame?

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Why did you embed it three times are you insane

easier to click for american fingers

>the average bong poster



>low growling intensifies
What he mean by this?

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Wtf just put it out of its misery, why are humans so cruel?

Why do moms treat their retarded kids like exotic animals?

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Has he change in the pass 2 years or did he die prematurely?

I want to take offense to that but I clicked on the middle one by mistake. In my defense, I have been drinking...

They basically are but with more brownie points even though it basically means that their womb is polluted

i remember that scene in archer with that cat pissing all over the wall


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This. Mentally retarded babies and babies with serious birth defects should be euthanized at birth.

>well that's interesting
>oh he's retarded and can't even speak

I expected a 13 year old with normal intelligence in a toddler's body.
Thank God he's retarded so he doesn't suffer as much.

has anyone sent this to karl pilkington?

in ops defense Yea Forums frequently does that to me and for some reason will randomly quote a word on the page

Should've used more lube.

check em

Domp eet.

Are you kidding me? It looks like he's aware of being trapped inside that body. That hand signal is not him saying hello but "kill me now." That tiny brain won't allow the real "him" to "come out" and he's trapped in there. Poor guy.

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if he ever gets laid will it be considered pedophilia?

poor lad

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Yeah I was expecting him to talk like a bored teenager and ask for a cigarette.

So manchildren do exist

This vegetable should be euthanized.

>father nowhere to be seen
>other son looks completely normal
>angus looks like kuato from total recall

so is this a x-files baby or something?

how does he have a completely undiscovered chromosome ?

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what a disappointment

he can't even get an erection, how is he going to get laid without anal rape?

I'd like to punt this kid through a field goal. Anyone else?

why is america always on your mind?

it quotes whatever you have selected on the page

That's very thoughtful

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I'd like to grab a leg and spin until we reach optimal centifugal force and then let him fly

i'd like to force feed him massive amounts of LSD to see if it can spark any brain activity

he looks like hes tripping already honestly

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Fucking KEK at the state of white men LITERALLY INCAPABLE of growing up

well thanks to this I found out something truly unfortunate... one of the hooligans is no longer with us


I thought he was going to be as smart and vocal as a 13 year old, but in a toddler's body
there is no 13 year old trapped, it's a mentally retarded human in a body with equally retarded growth

it looks like he's holding a giant red pill

Claire earned her angel wings.

>he's saying hi
yeah sure lady


Stuff him in a slow cooker and be done with the little rodent

why not mercy kill the little guy?

>everyone in this thread saying mean things about this stupid retard
>they LITERALLY aren't retarded yet haven't done anything of merit just like the retard too


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I was expecting an actual toddler with the mind of a thirteen year old, like some kind of super genius

Imagine fucking his tight Lil boy cunny

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Instead you got a SUPER disgusting maggot. Seriously can we petition to KILL this thing

do you guys think having children like this means your cursed or you did something horrible?

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I helped an elderly man pour a soda at a Subway once.


he can't possibly give consent

this board is full of unhealthily obsessed people in case you haven't noticed

Our ancestors worked and lived in cancerous environments for decades during the industrial revolution so it's not surprising so many more people have birth defects and other unknown after effects

It's pretty scary to think your esbestos house could've fucked up your womb at an early age and made you more likely to give birth to a retard.


Oi everyone, this is Tandy, Angus's Mum, I will now let him speak to you guys, he wants to say...


What a horrible little gremlin.

> his gigantic personality, enormous bravery and truly inspiring positive outlook.

kek he literally tries to swallow his hand whole, who are you fucking kidding with this shit.

Took long enough.

Hormonal bonding.

Moms have weird suffrage complexes where the harder being a mom is for you the more esteem you have with other moms.

My mom got the test when pregnant to see if the baby would have down-syndrome. The other moms gave her shit because "WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY IF THEY DID HAVE DOWN-SYNDROME".
They literally think you should have to bring a retarded child into the world no matter what.

This is also present in how children are delivered, natural births gain more esteem than c-sections.

not as bad as those 2 twin girls or whatever the fuck they are

>bog standard
wtf. is being 'bogged' actually a thing?


Don't be such a christfag, its nature demanding we let it run its course but of course the best we can do with them is to show them on tv and congratulation ourselves for creating a society he could leech off of.

claire bear is fucking dead so SHOW SOME FUCKING RESPECT


he looks like mark goldbridge of The United Stand, except not nearly as retarded.

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was she ever alive though really?

because they literally kinda are

I remember reading about some guy who got brain dead damage and had to sign to talk, and kept saying "please kill me"; during an interview with his mother, she was joking about it and talking about how glad he's still alive. It's like what the FUCK is wrong with you? Put the poor bastard out of his misery instead of LITERALLY torturing every single day. Women are fucking psychopaths.

plants are alive
she was a flesh plant

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but user, I don't have anything selected and it will quote something at random. it's spoopy

god I wanna fuck holly so much


Piping hot comeback.

>I wish for eternal yout-

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Mutts BTFO

why do we let these deformities live? they provide nothing but mild novelty for other healthy individuals, he could hardly constitute as a human so i don't think it's unethical


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She's not even in the video and I thought the same thing.

I honestly admire people that can live on their lives and care for their disabled children. I break down crying whenever I see someone in a wheelchair or a mentally disabled kid. Holy fuck them balls.

Thankfully, despite my wife being a 30-year-old woman in a 7 - 12-year-old girl's body, she apparently doesn't have any deformities.
She's just very, very small and childlike.

America Derangement Syndrome.

>baby brain trapped in a toddler body

it's the cheeky freak of the WEEEEEEEEEEK

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you know how people are always spouting off shit about how "lol life expectancy was so low back in the olden days?" it's because they're looking at the mean, which was dragged waaaaaaaaaaaaaay fucking down by infant deaths. all these retard babbies manage to survive due to the miracle of modern medicine. back in the day they'd either be tossed into a sparta pit or just die in a cold winter.

This is actually what every tv/incel wants to be. Never reaching puberty forever be a fucking child.

based accusatory poster

Fuck yeah!

Why would he be unable to get an erection?

this is him now

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Why are subhumans freaks like this allowed to live after birth? They should be killed.

i see your mom listened to those people.

>Claire's disabilities never limited her life

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I had a similar condition when I was a toddler I couldn't get a erection

Weird innit?

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my sides

jesus christ

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tfw old as fuck

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This is how every white male will look like in the future

People who keep retarded kids as trophies to try and look like they're morally good people are the scum of the Earth, just like furries.

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Ladies and gentlemen, the average white """man""".

I feel bad for the mother. The way she says "he really has no comprehension" and gives a little laugh. Honestly I've got respect for the way she handles it.

this woman monkey born in 1834, half monkey half woman. It was in the Daily Mail...aright? Victorian Ape Woman was her name..

I guess they never grow huh?

Most based opinion itt.
I get sick when I see a person raising a kid whose existence is torment. Worse off the kid's mostly a bother to other people, retards yelling, throwing sand and shit around, screeching.
Absolutely wasted resources. Like we're not overpopulated already.

holy shit i knew he looked familiar


what do we do with the autistics?

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based gamer

zoomers are cancer

Literally pic related

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Autistics can be productive though. Look at the most groundbreaking discoveries and you will in alot of cases find a sperg.



Reminder to go around back when a stranger's your front door.

>I break down crying whenever I see someone in a wheelchair

If you don't flush it you're a dumb shit

looks like a bond villain

Thank god I was not born br*tish.

>when I kept going back to the hospital to say "there isn't something quite right" they kept saying, ya know "don't be silly, just get on with it"
Wow, so this is the power of the NHS and socialized medicine... Whoa....

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>signed out of YouTube
>this video every time on the homepage

god npcs have such shit taste


Tell me about Andreas. Why does he wear the mask?

All she means is he's not a standard variety retard

My greatest fear is that in a thousand years, these retards will become the dominant homo species.