He goes to the movies alone

>he goes to the movies alone

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I've seen like 2 movies alone in 32 years.
I still had a good time.

i don't even remember the last time i saw a movie with somebody
it was probably when i was in high school

i saw iron man 3 by myself in theaters. it was packed and i sat next to strangers on both sides and loudly chewed popcorn and slurped soda in their ears the whole time.

>Doing anything with other human

Nothing wrong with enjoying a movie alone. Especially a comfy matinee.

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Going to the movies alone is kino.

It's better than going with your increasingly old parents.

>2019, he sits in a theater with other retards, gives Hollyjew money and doesn't pirate


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I prefer going alone, I just don't like buying the ticket and going in. I feel judged by society so usually take a friend

>tfw can't go to the movies because it reminds me of my ex
So many things that hurt to do anymore because they're tainted with her fucking memory.

>too poor to go to theater
>pirate movies to feel better

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>he doesn't

It's one of the best guilty pleasures . If you have a weekday off and can go to an early showing when the theatre is empty I urge you to try it.

> Go with a freind because you're ashamed of seeing it alone
>Sort out when you're both free instead of seeing it on a whim
> Comprimise on day and time
> Go in the evening, cinema is fairly full with rustlers and popcorn pigs
> Freind fidgeting in the corner of your eye all the way through
> Leave, they instantly want to nitpick the movie

Bad memory's, guy. It's not a thing that require extra people at all.
Unless it's a comedy or a horror. Or some kind of big event movie.

You’ve gotta learn to let the memories go, user. Try to enjoy the little things and pleasures of life on your own without trying to think of your ex. Think of yourself in the now.

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Thank you, man. Such simple, obvious words but they mean the world.

Is that still allowed? In my area, just about everyone from clubs and bars (dive bars catering to dock workers excepted) to even upscale restaurants and movie theaters have been rolling out no singles policies for men over the last two years.

Matinee is the only acceptable time to go solo

No problem. Hope you get happier!

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The last time I went to the movies with someone was a double date but I went alone.
The other four people were friends with my brother and sister and our screentimes just matched up apparently.

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>Go to movies with friends or family members or girlfriend.
>They spend half the film on their phones and then ask me questions about shit that is literally happening on screen right the fuck now that would be answered for them if they just put their god damn phone down and watched the movie.

Every god damn time. Doesn't matter who it's with.
I stopped going to the movies with these people ages ago, and I make sure that when I do go to the movies, it's at 10AM on a god damn Tuesday when nobody is there.

this desu senpai

i saw battle angel alita in an empty theater tonight

best movie experience i've had to date

i've fucked around 50 women in my life to date, a one of them over a thousand times


>he doesn't have sex

All of them were probably trash tier, as is your wife

Comfy matinee alone is great

triggered incel

the fuck do you live? San Francisco? How is that even feasible, considering all the people who arrive first, or hold seats, or any other jazz where they just happen to be by themselves momentarily?

>he has sex alone

I did that for Wreck it Ralph

>watching movies anywhere but in the privacy of your own home
absolutely disgusting

I see probably 6-12 movies a month alone ama

>he goes to the movies

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Women complaining about every man who is not a chad, coupled with a few betas being creeps, and the area being a college town has brought us here. Nothing in my first post applies to you if you have a student ID however.

Anyone else think it's weird that there is a separate word for a showing from earlier in the day?
Kinda like how there's a separate word for being racist against Jews. Really makes you think.

I did for Toy Story 3. Had a day to kill traveling for work and I didn't want to spend all of it cooped up in the hotel. Didn't get any weird looks but I'm not quite sure if I'm ugly enough to be an auto-pedophile to people. It was a good time, I'd do it more if movies in the theater weren't garbage.

How do you guys see movies alone? You have to have a partner just to get through penis inspection.

>caring what other humans think
Just do whatever you want whenever you feel like it. If you want to go to the movies alone, just fucking go. What's the worst that can happen, some teenagers snickering at you from the row behind? Oh no your feelings might get hurt! Oh, the injustice! And then you will go back home and your life will be exactly the same, apart from you will have left the house for once.

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>he goes

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>You have to have a partner just to get through penis inspection
If you don't want to get checked out by the attending penis nurse maybe, and she's hot as fuck.


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too many söymales in your city user?

>he judges people on arbitrary traits

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I haven't seen a movie with someone else since the first Deadpool. Been to the cinema alone probably 30 times since then.

lets pretend poorfags are the only ones who pirate to help you cope with the fact that you give money for garbage entertainment

it's hard to convince other people to movie hop with me.

plus it's better to be alone so i can pee in my water bottle and dump it on the floor near some normies.

i love not having to worry about missing the movie to go piss