Alien 3>Aliens
Alien 3>Aliens
t. roastie pleb zoomer
Aliens > Alien 3 > Alien > Prometheus = Covenant = Resurrection
Alien 3 is Jaws 2 of the Alien franchise
get out of here with your obviously correct statements
Fuck off alien 3 retard.
Alien, Aliens> Alien 3, Alien Ressurection, Prometheus>>>> Covenant
Assembly Cut >>>>> dog shit >>>>> Theatrical Cut
The setting was absolute kino. Only way it could've been cooler is if it took place on a wooden planet populated by monks.
I mean we got a prison filled with celibate bald dudes wearing billowy coats, so close enough.
The setting looked like it could have been on earth, the only thing that felt sci fi about it was the xenomorph
The Alien rape scene was a bit unnecessary tho.
>needs beeps, boops, LEDs, and GLaDOS narration for his movies to feel like science fiction
aliens > alien > alien 4 > alien 3 > the rest are shit
I've only seen Alien, Aliens and Prometheus. I heard 3 and 4 shit all over the series so I haven't watched them.
Don't be a puss. Watch 3 (the assembly cut though), then you're good.
Changed my mind, also, scrap the alien and the space travel while we're at it, shallow visuals in way of the plot
Prometheus shit way more over the series, it gets even worse with Covenant.
And Prometheus didn't?
thanks for letting us know what order they were released in
yeah those oceans of ammonia and rivers of molten lead look just like earth
I could tell it was a mess pretty early on so I shut my brain off. All I remember about the movie is the big muscle man and a falling ship.
I unironically believe that AVP is on par with Aliens, and almost on par with alien. I will fight this opinion to my fucking grave.
Actually curious. Why? I enjoy AVP too, but not in the way I enjoy A1-3.
Alien 3 is redeemed entirely by its ending scene.
Better than Alien? No
Better than Aliens? No
Better than most people claim? Yeah, definitely.
Poor David Fincher got thrown on the project after they had already been through like 4 directors. That’s what shows most about the movie. It’s an incoherent jumbled mess that seems like parts were made by entirely different people
you're allowed to like Alien 3. that's fine.
but to say it is in any way superior really to any of the mainline alien movies is highly mentally retarded.
Alien>Aliens>Alien 3
i’m an aliens 3 apologist and even i can’t understand what lifestyle a person must be living in to think something like that.
So not as good as the first, but it has its moments.
Muh wheat fields
Alien 3
Eating fresh puke
I'd put Prometheus ahead of Covenant.
Aliens > Alien
Too bad they only made 2 :(
Prometheus and Resurrection look nice compared to Covenant but all three are still dogshit in the end so I lumped them together.
Fine, I'll take the bait and watch this shit. Can't be worse than Covenant right?
It had a kino ending
Awww, fuck you!
Watch the assembly cut. Avoid the theatrical.
Pretty much. It's early Fincher, I think it's worthwhile but a far cry from Alien/Aliens.
Come on the Ape suits were cool too
Alien 3 is very good. I've been in fights about this with movie snobs since it came out. Just because it isn't amazing like the first two makes it bad.
I was quoting Morse in the photo. I agree, the ending is indeed solid
Don't think a roastie, pleb, or zoomer would be into a movie like Alien 3. The tone is far from mass-appealing.
the ending action sequence was fucking confusing. There's no way a human has watched that and understood perfectly what the fuck was happening and where everyone was running to or where the people were located in relation to each other.
Was pretty obvious to me senpai. Bishop and the guards are at the top of the spire with Ripley. She gets on the platform and moves away. Bishop and his boys run down the stairs to a lower position to get a better view of the moving platform.
It's not that complicated, but more importantly, it has no bearing on the significance of the scene.
It’s kino, low it can’t get it
I meant the part where everyone is running in the corridors while shouting at each other and trying to trap the alien. That was just weird.
Aliens was not a bad movie thou it destroyed the whole concept of the xenomorph turning it into a combat ant.
Ants r scary
I can’t remember loo
Too drunk
Alright, we’ve done this before.
Anyone else getting deja vu?
Aliens was a very good Acton-horror flick
Aliens was a terrible, terrible sequel and the worst of the alien movies including Prometheus and covenant.
that's just wrong
Yea, couldn't have said it better.
Its the best purely for Fincher alone
c'est Étranger Au Cube
Theatrical cut > assembly cut > dog shit
Alien > Prometheus > Alien 3 Director Cut > Aliens
even lynch said its garbage
ALIEN 3 BAD is an age old meme that people recite to sound educated. It's a solid film, so what if they kill newt? How does that make it a bad movie?
When you think of people who call Alien 3 shit, think of people like the nostalgia critic. Just idiots who's idea of a film critiq is "plot holes" or things they didn't like personally.
i agree aliens was nothing more than an action movie with no nuisance ito the story. the aliens werent scary and everything was bigger and badder for the sake of being bigger and badder
based david fincher
Huh I never realised they had Pulse Rifles. Nice of an Alien movie to actually acknowledge established equipment and not just give the humans tacticool modern guns with rail attachments. *cough*
Aliens is not an exceptional masterpiece and AvP is actually a fairly competent movie so the gap between them is not as big as people would like to believe.
The film is fine, it’s just that there’s a cooler story that has Ripley, Hicks, and Newt in it.
Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 is a great trilogy. That's all I'm saying in this thread.
>I've only seen Alien, Aliens and Prometheus. I heard 3 and 4 shit all over the series so I haven't watched them.
3 is great and a perfect finish to the Ripley story arc. And Prometheus shits all over the series in ways that are irreversible.
If you watch the Quadrilogy Boxset special features, the series execs interviewed are shamelessly full of praise for Resurrection and the artistic vision of the Frenchie who directed it, but still shit on 3 despite it clearly being the superior instalment in the end.
>but muh Newt
>but muh Hicks
Alien 3 is great. Novelization of the script was great as well.
Oldfag reporting
I saw Alien3 at the theater in 1993 and the reception to it was largely indifferent. It was regarded as a great-looking, bleaker, balder reskin of the first movie and not much more. Personally I love the movie but I'd have to agree. It's merely another chapter for the fans to lap up and nothing new for anyone else. Resurrection while by far the lesser movie at least had some new ideas.
So Alien 3 can be considered the TLJ of the Alien's franchise?
I just recently learned this was a David Fincher movie. I've seen Se7en and the Girl with the Dragon tattoo. Should I watch the rest?
lol no
no, unless you enjoy reddit shit
Resurrection was pretty good too
What about Zodiac? it's supposed to be good. Are you one of those contrarian fellas I keep hearing so much about?
Fight Club is really good.
I only really like his '90s movies and Zodiac
I feel like he bought into his own cult and got complacent after that
Oldfag actual interrupting. Alien 3 was released the previous year in 1992. I also saw it that summer already knowing how much of a car crash it was supposed to be. All the reviews at the time were 2/5 pretty much, with everyone saying it was dull and not in the same league as the previous 2. I felt the same way. Neither fans of the series or critics liked it at all until the so-called Director's cut came out in 2003 when an appreciation of sorts began to develop for the movie.
zodiac is his worst movie and thats saying something
if you prefer 3 to resurrection, congratulations, you are a pleb
>even lynch said its garbage
Is David Lynch considered a fan of the Alien franchise?
Zodiac is fucking magnificent
You're right, it was the same year/month as Lethal Weapon 3, which was genuinely disappointing
Panic Room bro
Prometheus > Aliens > Alien > Alien 3 > Covenant > Resurrection
The Game, bros
Fuck you
The Game is his best movie
Alien 3 had a kino concept, and a kino setting. So why was it so "meh". How could they fuck it up.
>Aliens > Anything
It's exactly the opposite, though. Ressurection is Whedon trash
Lethal Weapon was always a father-son moment.That sax.
>third one is shit
Never. It had Clapton and Sting and Mel and Glover had a, what seemed to be, heartfelt bromance on screen. Distant second is Snipes and Harrelson. And yes, the black and white part does make it more interesting.
Alien > Prometheus > Alien 3 > Alien: Covenant >>>>>>>>>>>> Alien Resurrection > Alien 2: On Earth > Aliens
You literally cannot prove me wrong on this
They had no idea what they were doing. They couldn't settle on a strong enough idea to go forward with despite announcing a release date. They went through about 8 different versions with different writers and directors. In the end they just said 'fuck it' as the deadline loomed and started building sets with no finished script. The film was essentially made up as they went along from old drafts and ideas. Fincher shot what he could while the studio hovered over him trying to sculpt the script into something resembling a movie. It was an absolute mess.
yeah it also had Elton John and some really terrible comedy. Also Travis is a weak ass villain
I don't think 3 is shit per se, there are some good scenes and Jan De Bont's photography is amazing as always, it was just a major disappointment because 1 and 2 are so good
>They had no idea what they were doing. They couldn't settle on a strong enough idea to go forward with despite announcing a release date. They went through about 8 different versions with different writers and directors. In the end they just said 'fuck it' as the deadline loomed and started building sets with no finished script. The film was essentially made up as they went along from old drafts and ideas. Fincher shot what he could while the studio hovered over him trying to sculpt the script into something resembling a movie. It was an absolute mess.
This only really made me love the film more, the fact that Fincher got something so kinographic out of this mess puts it above Citizen Kane for me
There is only 3 films
I miss the days of good covers. The shit they put on blu-rays and DVDs now is abysmal
I still have my original aliens box sets even though i don't own a vcr amymore. There's something comfy about old vhs cover art.
Alien 3 ahead of the original? Absolutely no way.
Alien > Aliens > Prometheus > Covenant
Everything else is forgettable.
Alien =/= Aliens > Alien 3
The rest is fan fiction. Deal with it.