Rock climbing kinos

Free Solo (2018)
The Dawn Wall (2017)
Meru (2015)

What are some other climbing kinos I've missed?
>drops you 30ft
pic related

Attached: Sanni.jpg (1916x1034, 150K)

Other urls found in this thread:

his gf nearly killed him twice

she cute

Touching the Void (2003)

Attached: Touching the Void (2003).jpg (709x1000, 154K)

cliffhanger you fuckin child

Do all girls try to domesticate you when you enter a relationship or is she just an extreme example?

Seen it, not documentary. Still good.

>Do all girls try to domesticate you when you enter a relationship or is she just an extreme example?
He is a real sperg but I guess attractive to her because of the crazy climbing he does. I don't know.
I'd love to watch some more free soloing.
She gave him her number when he signed his book for her.

>tfw it's that easy for Chad

you didn't ask for documentaries, you used the faggot word kino

Clintkino: The Eiger Sanction

If he wasn't a successful climber the bitch would be going around fucking chad instead

This is what women do. They are so vapid they have to attach themselves to actual successfull men and the sexual market value (whatever form it takes) they worked so hard to build to "be a person"

>Do all girls try to domesticate you when you enter a relationship or is she just an extreme example?
gfs dont want you to advance until they've got you locked in with them. once you've married them and gave them some kids then all of a sudden they want you to achieve your highest aspirations. but until then they want you to fly under the radar because they're afraid some other better roastie will swoop you up.


>Alex, you're wearing the same jacket in almost all these photos
>Well ya know, I don't have anybody to help me with my wardrobe
>That's so sad Alex
Dude lived in a car at the time. How many clothes would he keep?

Attached: tfw no non climber gf to drop you 30ft.webm (444x240, 1.93M)

vertical limit

Attached: Zzkr3e.gif (480x270, 1.5M)

so i read this guys wiki and it said that he had free soloed certain parts of el capitain before so why was this so momumental if he had done it before?

I never thought I'd be able to make women paranoid I'll leave them.

>The closer you are to death, the more you realize you are alive
Why do we as a society allow this mindset? Why are people who say shit like this not ridiculed and bullied until they shape up? You have to be literally brain damaged to only feel alive when you're close to dying. It's the adult equivalent of cutting yourself.

>get house
>eating shit straight from skillet like he's still living out of a damn van
shit cracked me up because i guarantee his gf is annoyed by it and it's on her list of things for him to "correct".

I thought it was normal to only have a few pieces of clothing. I wear the same outfits every week.

>women like successful men
damn user that's the discovery of the century.

yes. You gotta tell them to fuck off and keep doing what you do to let them know you're the alpha.

He free solo'd a bunch of other mountains but this was the first time he did el capitain.
The route Tommy Caldwell took in (The Dawn Wall) would be god damn impressive to free solo.
Alex did the easiest route on el cap he could think of, or the one he was most comfortable with. Freerider or Freeblast I think.

It's entertaining and if they die it's just natural selection I guess.
lmao me too

same, but I'm a sperg

Attached: Dangerous Hobby.webm (444x240, 2.21M)

more like: touching no foids

if you're average looking and dating a hot chick the girl has all the leverage and you'll be paranoid af that she's going to leave you. the only way to flip the dynamic is to achieve fame/wealth/power. it doesn't have to be on a global or national scale. you could just be the most successful guy in your shithole town and you've flipped the script.

And he basically tells her throughout the whole documentary that he will always choose climbing over a girl. Top kek. Based sperg.

Attached: rockclimbing.jpg (182x268, 22K)

>Based sperg.
he's not a sperg. he's standing up for himself. she tries to barge in to his life and tell him what to do but he won't have it. clearly there's some give and take but he's making her live by his rules.

This is very encouraging

He's a tough brave sperg. He has mental armor from a life of free soloing.
His own mother said he would probably have been diagnosed with Asperger's if he were born today. Was a weird kid according to himself and others.

but how did you not naturally know this already? the entirety of human achievement is the result of average guys toiling away to best chads and steal their women. is this not taught in school anymore or something?

well whatever it is, more guys should follow his lead.

Some will hang around with you if you have a lot of drugs too. I used to know this coke/weed dealer and he always had tons of girls laying around his house.

what about the part where they go fridge shopping and he chooses the small basic fridge and then proceeds to take it apart lol

That's his Autism/Asperger's showing kek

Attached: autism.gif (480x270, 537K)

>I used to know this coke/weed dealer and he always had tons of girls laying around his house.
i think we were talking about a slightly higher class of women. i imagine literal coke whores are the easiest bitches to impress. were these girls even hott?

>were these girls even hott?
they probably would be if they weren't junkies. pretty average I guess and could use a bath but too busy being high.
He also had lots of money from selling drugs so that helps too

yea, well if you're just an average guy working a steady job in a warehouse you're probably basically elon musk to a junkie whore.

I'm glad someone's already posted it
