Stav is funny

Stav is funny.

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fat hack

fuck off

Quadruple Deck Fucking Burgers

A cupcake and a candy bar

his stand up is better than adams, but neither are funnier than nick

sure I may be morbidly obese, missing a tooth, and have the sense of humor of a third grader...

...but the breakfast?

Nooooo. Fuck no, dude.

Nick made the best bit which is obviously Cool Adam


Stav is a bigger faggot than the bug. Plus whenever the other two call him on gay shit he says, he gets super defensive and cuts them off so they cant get a word out.

Ffffaaaava beans?

Nick has made Stav and Adam's "careers". He carries them.

Stav is having success as a comic and preparing his career for when Cumtown inevitably ends. I don't like him much either, but he's not dumb in this area

ppl are still trying to pretend that seth dickfield wasn't legitimately the funniest bit of the show. not that that's a bad thing, it's almost to funny to top.

cool adam is definitely great though

he's the worst of the 3 at standup

raped day laborer is the eternal GOAT

I'm partial to cruisin' joe list

it's top 10 but i wouldn't go that far

this is the most disgusting creature in existence and if you promote its work you are assisting satan in his dark work.

middle of the road hack comedy can always make someone a living


the first film with dueling narrators...

mods are asleep, post times Adam was funny

I tried listening to clips of that show on youtube, do people actually find that funny?
The humour is just dick jokes, interjected with the most annoying laugh ever, who I assume is coming from the fat fuck in the OP

You could maybe try listening to a full episode but the show is not for everyone.

Thousand island stare

What appeals to me about cum town is just how it feels really honest. It's just dudes fucking around and saying whatever they feel making the retarded jokes they feel like making. something about that is kinda magical, even if it isn't always funny.

cum town thread?

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and yeah that is stav's laugh

wow, sounds like you guys are tight.

yeah the four of us hang out twice a week.


>cumtown fans
>cumtown fans who unironically talk about cumtown reddit memes (lolz adam is a bug xddd)
consider suicide

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Stavs humor= “you’re a gay bitch dude”

It's pretty honest outside of when Nick gets on an anything remotely close to politically correct soapbox.

He's funny but he talks about dicks way too much for me to believe he's not an unironic faggot who occasionally bones girls. He is fucking obsessed.

Nick's standup is pretty meh, he only really shines on the pod

>cool cock ahmed

>43k a month for a podcast
backlash when?

meh lol

stav > adam >>> nick


are you a retard

Stav’s the only one I could picture having a successful career outside of Cum Town. His standup is good and he has such a dinstinctive look and voice that he could probably get a lot of movie/tv roles. He’s also just naturally charismatic and likable.

counterpoint: he isnt

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Cool Adam
>his gf is idolized by Lena Dunham
>his Nancy Pelosi tweet went viral
>his joke about Chelsea Clinton went viral
>he ruined Bam Margera's marriage and tour
They forgot to plug in Adam's mic for an episode. The subreddit went crazy and tried to boycott them. In the end they lost like $100 of patrons. Nick just counted a bucket of change while eating into the mic on the next episode. Backlash does nothing.

Nick's written for a couple of shows.

Sure but he also has the worst takes

fuck fantano has really got fat

hey guys its cool adam

and im tripppppppinnnnnnnnnnnnn

I know he wrote for that show Problematic on Comedy Central.

its the low effort that makes it a great podcast

it sounds gay but nick is just so effortlessly funny

>im actually aware that im disgusting
wow what a routine

fuck bam and his retarded friend for ruining the podcast this week

>its the low effort that makes it a great podcast

common misconception

the podcast is only good when Nick is enthusiastic and motivated, otherwise it's unlistenable

where the FUCK is the jannie

Is Comedy Central not television?

Reminder that the gay bug was the final straw in bam margeras marriage
>dude my wife has pussy rings lmao

>stav you have a small dick
>hehehuhehe noooo. No.

the virgin bam vs the chad adam

Zoomer threads about whatever faggotry they love has no soul

Just look at the state of this thread.

I've always had trouble relating to people's stories throughout my life, but Nick's story about seeing goatse when he was 9 and within a week he was showing it to people resonated very, very deeply with me.

How can you not laugh at that trainwreck? Bam's dicksucker was terrible but Bam as a human shitshow is hilarious
>clearly reaching incoherent, weak-brain alcoholism but never matured past age 13 anyway
>sounds like he's been eating rum-soaked sandpaper
>thinks the height of comedy is paying some washed up junkie to sit in a hottub full of rancid piss and shit himself
>makes that the headline event of the house party he's trying to throw
>names his son Wolf
>*tells story from jackass* huhuhuhuhuhu anyways, come check us out

The man is like an eclipse, I can't look away

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>his gf is idolized by Lena Dunham
Really? Because of the brain worms video?

sup faggots, it's me cool Adam.

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50 Jimmy Dean's Breakfast Sandwiches

He was definitely a Yea Forumstard right? I don't recall him discussing Yea Forums specifically but his sense of humor checks all the boxes

"actually i'm thin and good at comedy"

he's like 34, he's too old for Yea Forums shit

he knows a lot about chris chan though

Yes. He does talk about how being a kid in the early days of the internet shaped his sense of humor. Very outrageous and offensive and shocking, but all in good fun.

I think he was raised by irc.

He was something awful I think, but he says enough Yea Forums type shit that you know he lurks different boards at least sometime

Adam's entire extended family are the best impressions.

Cool Adam, his gay Dad, Dasssshhhhaaa, his Black Son....

Every other comedian in NY >>> All three

Lena is a fan of the Redscare podcast.

It's funny almost solely because of Nick Mullen. You could watch a highlight vid of all his bits and you'd be fine

They all stand a chance.

Stav is a successful brand as a fat guy who fucks bad, Nick is a "comedian's comedian" who has a lot of friends in the industry and Adam is a jew.

i've heard him riff on the transgender Godfather threads that floated around here for a week or two. Maybe my timeline is fucked up but I'm pretty sure it was after they disappeared

Not really he's just a laugh track. Whenever he actually tries to say something that isnt "I'd fuck her." he actually shows his retarded power levels. ie. every political statement on the show, (not that Adam or Nick are any better)

The gay goodfellas he definatley did.

The real crazy thing is, in the old episodes, Adam dropped some jokes that were popular on /pol/ Kek

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>Adam's dogfucker mom, Adam's blind gf and her dog, Gay 10 year old Bill Clinton Adam
I bet Adam is on the cusp of getting disowned by his family at this point.

Adams dad is my favorite character. Stav's Baltimore wigger is the worst character

Stav has some of the best lines on the show, it's just that 99% he's on autopilot talking about being gay and cackling.

Nick started posting on r/cumtown after making a thread requesting a fan to take down a compilation video of him joking about Adams dying mom

he’ll die before that

Korean bill cosby or the most Jewish sounding name is good too

its the best podcast ever made and it just had one of its best episodes

he's 30

I don't even understand who that vinny guy was and why he was on the last episode. Was he his manager?

He’s some shitty open micer latched onto Bam and is on tour with him right now as a host/warm up for Bams “storytelling”. He’s also clinically retarded.


>that time he made a Stav soundboard

And after that he got bootlegs erased...

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stav is the only one who doesn't speak in an autistic monotone voice so therefore he's the better man.

Gene DiNapoli being funnier than bam in a quarter of the time is very cum town

Ja nn ies are deleting hella threads right now. This one is probably next. Dammit. Cumtown threads are comfy.

Stav's laugh is literally the best part of the podcast


>dude I ate so much Dim Sum at lunch. I ate so much I might become retarded.
>how do you become retard-
>imagine a Chinese retard but he's gay to.
>uhhh me rove candy and trlains and COCK.
>well....the funny thing is that you could never tell...
>Adam you just stole a bit I already did on the pod, shut the fuck up
>hahahaha Adam steals bits and has a little ass tiny ass penis ahhahaha
>Nick! I don't steal bits! It's a relevant joke to-
>shut your little bitch ass dick up
> uhh gay Chinese food uhhh Cream of Sum Yung Gai
>pffft hahahahahahahah

pretty good

post yfw bam blew off TACS

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It really is a friend simulator. I work with middle aged women & men in an office and I can't really relate to them, and this gay podcasts gets me through most days.

CT is the greatest friend simulator since jon-era game grumps