1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Last Jedi
4. Return of the Jedi
5. The Force Awakens
6. Revenge of the SIth
7. Rogue One
8. A Phantom Menace
9. Solo
10. Attack of the Clones
The objective Star Wars ranking
Kill yourself.
Rouge One
New Hope
Other Garbage
WTF is wrong with you?
Obvious bait
2. Return of the Jedi
3. The Phantom Menace
4. Attack of the Clones
5. The Empire Strikes Back
6. A New Hope
7. Rogue One
8. The Force Awakens
9. Solo
10. The Last Jedi
The objective ranking. You have fine taste, my friend.
Kill yourself r3ddit pleb.
3. The Last Jedi
5>4>3>R1>6>1>7>Solo>2>TCW>Holiday Special>Ewok Movies>Plan 9 From Outer Space>TLJ
Swap empire with clones and we're solid
1. TFA
2. ESB
3. ANH
4. R1
5. ROJ
6. TLJ
The rest are too shit to rate.
Revenge of the Sith
A New Hope
Attack of the Clones
The Phantom Menace
Return of the Jedi
The Empire Strikes Back
>R1 that high
>1. TFA
>not 1
have sex
>A New Hope looks the best but has unfinished effects, and the end sequence was only ever intended for the last film
>Empire is technically solid and the most complete film in the theatrical release but only Hoth was really interesting. All the ambitious stop motion effects were really only a way to do vehicles while not having completed the new model gimbals that became available for episode 6. The escape sequences in Cloud City are probably the weakest part of the 6 films.
Return of the Jedi is objectively the best OT film. It is nearly complete with only 2 major changes in the special edition, it's space battle is the greatest technical achievement of the trilogy and it doesn't suffer from the restructuring of the overall plot across the 3 movie like ANH does.
I guess though, if you ignore the 5 other films, I would pick ANH as the best.
1. The Last Jedi
2. The Force Awakens
3. A New Hope
4. Rogue One
5. Empire Strikes Back
6. Solo
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. Return of the Jedi
9. The Phantom Menace
10. Attack of the Clones
ESB > ANH > ROTJ = ROTS > RO > PM > AOTC > TFA > a steaming pile of dogshit > TLJ
1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. A New Hope
4. The Empire Strikes Back
5. The Phantom Menace
6. The Force Awakens
7. The Last Jedi
8. Attack of the Clones
This is the correct order
>The Last Jedi anywhere but last place
Go have a sex incel.
That’s the bait
>last jedi
dude star wars
Best list desu
>Go have a sex incel.
Have sex
New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Rogue One
Force Awakens
Revenge of the Sith
>The following are shit. They are equally bad in my eyes but will be ranked from best to worst in how I feel they made advancements in cinema
Attack of the Clones
Phantom Menace
Last Jedi
Never saw Solo
There are funny moments in Last Jedi and there are great points (like the light speed kamikaze, why had the rebels never done that?) but the film did nothing technologically impressive. Rogue one has a memorable third act. Sith had a more coherent fucking story. Awakens is bland but still ok. The only thing going for Last Jedi is that it showed the fan base that we don't need more star wars.
that's b8
2. who gives a shit
I'm curious, why do some people like RotS more than RotJ? I get that Revenge is the best of the PT and Jedi is the weakest of the OT, but what is it that puts it over the top for you?
RoTJ is awful besides the last 15 minutes with Vader/Palpatine and Luke.
I don't like ROTS more than ROTJ, but ROTJ has completely lost its luster for me. basically, it's two movies first of all. the second half is mostly good.
idk it's mostly reading the original ROTJ script/story ideas and realizing where they were headed. ROTJ is a solid two tiers below Empire and Star Wars. basically, this was right around when Lucas started to get too much control.
people who think ROTS is better than Jedi from a filmmaking standpoint are retarded. I totally understand enjoying any one of the prequels more than ROTS on a pure enjoyment level though. they're really not that bad, they're just stupid
basically this I like Revenge more but I would rate like this
emperor scene in jedi>revenge>jabba scenes in jedi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rest of jedi
it's the best star wars film
>ranking non original trilogy
i miss old Yea Forums
Happy to see some Rogue 1 love in here. My friends and I all came out of the movie saying "Holy shit that was so much better than TFA". Female protag who wasn't a complete mary sue like Rey, good action scenes, and a cast of characters I actually kind of liked. Yeah the references and 'this is A New Hope prequel!!!' stuff was hamfisted, but at least it wasn't a complete carbon copy like TFA was.
Jyn is good in that she encounters setbacks. Which makes her human and relateable. A lot of people hate her because she does not have a lot of Character development and its a more plot rather than character driven story. Luke is a looser turned Hero, Rey does everything right almost instantly.
I actually think Cindel from the Ewok movies is the best female lead. She was 4 when the first film was made, 5 for the 2nd, assuming they came out the next year, knows who her family is after they die, Rey is 8. Cindel also has fairly funny while having stronger convictions then Nuwars Luke Skywalker in her 2nd movie, she also has a charter arc.
Luke isn’t a loser you idiot he starts off a gifted but inexperienced youth
Ok, fair on that point, but its just a slight deviation of description. He is kinda a rednick who cant get off his farm, doesnt know much, uses his fucking around with womp rats as a justification for how good a shooter he is.
In empire he gets caught by a wompa,crashes, gets his hand cut off.
ESB > ANH > ROTJ > ROTS >> TPM >>> SOLO > R1 >>>> TFA >>>>>>>>>>>>>> TLJ
All nu-wars is shit. The Prequels are mostly shit but at least they're still stah wahs.
Get this shit out of here
IS NO ONE GOING TO CHECK THIS?!!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?