What a fucking legend

What a fucking legend

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What was the reference?

H-he DOES realize the real Stan Lee is dead right?

He looks more worried here than he did in the selfie he took while having a heart attack.

What a sad shill lmao

>the man who is famous for liking children's toys
what a pathetic loser

Some mall rats shit in the intro, pretty shit imo playing into peoples nostalgia... the 90s wasnt that great in the first place

This dude was in some point in history considered breath of fresh in the air in the industry, with Robert Rodriguez and Tarantino

what the hell is wrong with him? did he lose an equally proportional amount of brainmatter when he went down in weight? this is why fat people should just kill themselves instead

does he have cancer?
looks like he is dying

Why was Stan Lee reading mallrats? That's Kevin's film or something, right?

na man the 90s were pretty based
>riding your bike to the video store

Imagine being a grown man and crying

Honestly the 90s loser aesthetic was pretty good and should be brought back.

Can't stand 20 year olds yuppies going about tech qualifications and business graduations

>the 90s wasnt that great in the first place
seethe harder zoomer.

I'm not really looking forward to 90s nostalgia, but what I'm really dreading is the eventual 2000s nostalgia.

early 2000s nostalgia will be fine. Once this baby hits 2008+, though, then we're in for some serious shit.

They should have stayed in the late 80 aesthetic, 90s was shit with all the baggie clothes, man i hated fucking grunge music

the 90's were all right but it wasn't because of shit like Kevin Smith movies

90s were the start of the end. Exact date is December 26, 1995, with the release of Goldeneye, dating the end of masculinity in cinema, and ushering in the age of effeminate bitchboy Bond and an endless sea of equally pathetic male characters.

does he have aids now?

worthy trips, zoomer

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the 64 game was worth it, tho

Lil zoomie actually went and saw captain marvel

The only BAD thing about the 90s was the shit Internet. Everything else was based.

Good point, I didn't really mind the early 2000s much.

Stan Lee's cameo is him reading the script for Mallrats, even though Stan Lee existing in the Marvel universe makes no fucking sense

I'm kind of drunk, like in the late stage of drunk where the very notions of consciousness and the real world start to seep back in.

I can't describe it but imagining Kevin Smith is more fucked up than me right now is comforting.

>Remember 9/11? Yep those were the days.


Actually a genXr, so i know about 80s and 90s aesthetics, and believe me the 90s where shit, the only good thing that came out of it was the death of glam

This if I'm being honest

Please tell me baggy clothes are going to make a comeback

this guy needs to ease up on the estrogen, he cries about everything

Jesus Christ Smith, get it together man


HEs griwing man boobs to get transip

I do think Stan Lee reading the Mallrats script is one of the better Stan Lee cameos (although he was reading it like a retard)

Being referenced in what many people will remember as the shittiest MCU movie

you were probably a loser, that's why you hate the 90's.

Stan Lee was in it. He talks about creating all the marvel characters. So if Mall Rats is a real movie in the MCU, then all the characters must know that they don't really exist and a figment of Stan Lee's imagination. Lynchian territory there, marvel.

Probably not given he's a loser now. No, he probably wasn't alive for the 90s.

Nah i was a punk rocker after grunge died, i hated flannel shiets and baggie clothes

Jesus ... Kardashian based nostalgia might be what finally pushes me to walk into traffic.

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I'd buy a pair of JNCOs in a heartbeat

>zoomer cope

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holy fucking cringe

>straight white male makes it all about him


Nice digits, and nice observation.

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Here it is:


Marvel Comics are canon to the Marvel Universe and are considered accurate enough to be evidence in legal matters.

t. She-Hulk

Does he have cancer? Jesus he looks awful.

As a zoomer, we're just trying to fix shit millennials couldn't. Its not easy but were doing it lol

The levels of testoterone in this nigga must be .00000001 at most

No, fat people always look wrong when they loose weight because 90% only loose weight and never work on getting some gains.

He looked better when he was a fat fuck eating a block of cheese.

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Jesus Christ, Kevin Smith is such a faggy söyboy

Anybody have the image of this lard ass eating a block of cheese while washing his suv?

i swear i saw another version of this where he doesn't have sunglasses or he takes them off, and he winks at her


>brie larson can't smil-

He lost fuck tons of weight.

you misspelled faggot


yeah, he should lift, he doesn't have the frame to be thin, should go for builtfat mode

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Doubt it nigger. You’re just going to be the generation that seals the deal and sells out to the mega corps when cyberpunk settles in. You ain’t fixing shit. You were born a bitch and you’ll die a cyberbitch.

’s weren’t great
ask me how I know you didn’t experience them zoomzoom

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t. zoomer faggot who thinks The Architect is effeminate and never played Goldeneye N64

But for real, why is Kevin Smith crying all the time? What is wrong with this man? I just don't understand it.

Marijuana lowers testosterone

Baggy clothes remind me more of rap-rock Fred Durst garbage at the end of the decade.

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Fair hypothesis, but I know plenty of old potheads that don't break into tears over the slightest thing. Something had to happen to Kevin Smith that transformed him from the Clerks/Mallrats/SilentBob person into whatever we see these days. I feel like social media is part of the equation.


Millennials are a generation that are just as self-centered and materialistic as zoomers but lie about it and larp as leftists to feel good about themselves. You're just seething you weren't born in time to restore the economy/restore the family unit/score a hot Asian waifu

that looks horrible. just seeing her walk looks so terrible.


You poor poor zoomer

It’s weed

>T. Born in 97

Buddy...shit’s gonna get so fucking bad it’s unreal. Wish for a quick death or start stocking up and beans and ammo because it’ll all crash down into some Mad Max shit, pal.

Only to be replaced by gravelly voices with sappy love songs or whining and some flannel

Why does this faggot cry over everything

>Don't worry guys Burnie and AOC are gonna save us they'll put a 70% tax rate on the rich despite like 80% of billionaires voting democrats and let me tell you about the GND that'll do some shit

A gigantic turd monster emerges from a toilet and after she blasts it she quips that "it seems bad now but wait till it tries again in 20 years"

>yfw your a secret sneed poster

Why is he always taking these full cringe selfies?

>Brosnon in Goldeneye is an effeminate basedboy
What? Does anyone really think this?

Then zoomers will be the ones spreading the foundation of a new society that fixes the problems they did not cause. Unlike millennials who only whined about the problems while only catalyzing them.

>ask more questions
>understand more about the economy
>care more about religion and philosophy
>grew up with technology and realize it isn't the end all be all of solutions to social problems

I make tax free money

I'd still rather move to a country that provides healthcare and higher education (against jews) even if I were taxed more as the amount of money you're not paying in taxes right now is going straight to corporations who's only goal is to burn the candle at both ends to squeeze as much out of a population as possible instead of trying to extend the life of everyone to collect more taxes
not much difference, but one sure will kill you to improve their stock prices for the next few days


Bernie and AOC were propped up by millennials bucko. Z is the most libertarian generation since WWII.


he looks gaunt

I used to listen to Smith's Fatman on Batman podcast, he cried talking about Dark Knight Rises. Of course he would cry being referenced in a comic book movie.

Mid 90’s was a good time for movies.
I remember watching Kids, Clerks and Pulp Fiction within a few months of each other. All three were mind blowing at the time. It really felt like a whole new art form was developing with Smith, Larry Clark, Tarantino, etc.

I love Kevin Smith.. But he hasn't properly criticized a comic book movie since BvS destroyed his hopes and dreams.

I'm sure that cameo meant alot to him.. But it also must have put a giant set of blinders on him for the other hour and a half.

poor kid

that's pretty cool, desu. if i was smith i'd be elated too

>that fucking music swell when stan lee and captain marvel look at each other
Does anyone else find it kind of fucking creepy how they sentimentalize and commodify a fucking dead man like this?

I would like to believe that user but the stats don't seem to back that idea up

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You mean HGH gut mode?

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The fact the green bar isn't 0% across the board is scary.

I can't hate him even if his some of his movies are meh. He's just a real guy that loves film and wants to put his friends and family in them and enjoy the fun of it all.

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Hold shit it's Leto II


2007 was the year that reality went to shit.
I wish the world really had ended in 2012

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"Kill me, Pete"

The world already ended in 2012, we're just living in the ruins

>This dude was in some point in history considered breath of fresh in the air in the industry, with Robert Rodriguez and Tarantino

This is not accurate. He was at no time considered in the same league as Tarantino. Rodriguez? Maybe for like 30 minutes.

Stan Lee makes a cameo in Mallrats. I think it was the first cameo he made in a film. It's the first one I remember, in any case.

Kill me, Pete

Where him shoes

He was the "new generation" of directors, he was not on the same level, but he was lumped together as guys pushing movies for different directions.

Grunge was literally a late '80s aesthetic.

he doesn't make money for disney inc, so why do we promote him on our website?

please advise.

He's in hover mode.

This. All my sexual experiences in the 90’s were nonconsensual.

They just went out of business like two weeks ago, nigga. You should've bought some.

The fucking amount of goldeneye I played in the dorms.

Nigga I had the golden gun

>I showed you my script please respond

>implying you wouldn't be stoked if a movie referenced you personally

No matter how many times I see this pic I always doubt myself.
>he can't really just be chomping into a block of cheese
Yet there he is