Creepy pedophile who believes women can't be trusted

>creepy pedophile who believes women can't be trusted

Why do you guys hate MJ all of a sudden? He's so much like you.

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>hate MJ
I don't, he's innocent

have sex

He was literally Yea Forums anthropomorphized

mj is unequivocally our guy

>who believes women can't be trusted
based and redpilled if true

He's innocent. Goyim are so gullible. You believe anything you see on tv. Drumpf colluded with Russia, saddam had WMDs.

i love michael jackson because hes not a pedophile and hes nothing like me.

t. pedo

this place is retarded. this is a website that believes a pizza place is involved in child trafficking because their logo has a spiral in it, yet despite mountains of circumstantial evidence and testimonies from multiple victims, refuses to even entertain the idea that Jackson is a pedo.

He's the King of Pop if you know what I mean :^)

that's right, now fuck off

key word in your post: circumstantial

I believe neither


Don't have sex

where can I find this online?
cant even find it on l33tx


Being this naive and deluded

>women can’t be trusted
Didn’t Brooke Shields love him though?

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She has the body of a boy

Just his type

Ikr, Yea Forums hates niggers and pedos but goes to the mat for Michael Jackson

>see what i did there?

Yea Forums is chaotic neutral, when they see everyone else agreeing on something they have to disagree.

>despite mountains of circumstantial evidence and testimonies from multiple victims
Nobody on twitter has accused him yet, so all of that is irrelevant.
Now if there was a TWITTER movement, then that alone would be good enough to dig him up & desecrate the corpse.

this, is just contrarian bullshit

>Billie Jean

>she's not my lover
>the kid is what I want

>moving backwards to little boys

Holy shit
All the clues were there

MJ was right about women.

She didn't have a sexually normal childhood either.