Why did michael cera fade into obscurity?

why did michael cera fade into obscurity?

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his schtick was always the awkward highschool kid. I dunno, guess he never diversified as he got older

Andy Sandberg has greater jew cred.

He is a scientology now

Good question. I always liked him. I guess he was too tied to his awkward teen role and then he got older.

He exhausted himself doing a lame ass Force trick, so had to go incorporeal.

big if true
cruise probably molests him

you cant play as a teenager all your career, unless you are justing long.

same problem s Ellen Page
Got typecast as an awkward teenager then got too old to play a teenager

You can't really make it in Hollywood past the teenager years if you aren't a Chad.

They realised casting a dweeb who gets the hot girl trope was causing incels to shoot up schools and movie theatres

Unique looking kids tend to turn into the fuckugliest adults.

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Because he was pigeonholed into a certain role That of being the awkward child, then he aged out of that role. Thus he's back to square one.

thats not true there are plenty of horrendously ugly actors
look at adam driver
cera doesn’t look anything like OP tho he’s a literal chinlet

How about classic Dano? Explain that. He isn't a Chad desu

He fucked prime Aubrey Plaza for over a year.
He was based in Twin Peaks.

he may not be a chad, but he's sneed__

He looks like a junkie

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my god in the first scene of the Arrested Development netflix reboot he is so hideous

Looks like a pedophile

Driver will be gone from Hollywood after SW, Disney just needed an ugly guy to play the white manbaby Nazi.

He's millennial core, zoomers don't give a shit about him.

someone post thr video where he throws a hissy bitch fit infront of the entire production crew


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>Driver will be gone from Hollywood after SW
Not when SW will last the rest of his natural lifespan.
Don't kid yourself that they'll make the mistake of killing off the last fucking Skywalker they left alive, especially since he's the ONLY fucking popular OC character of theirs.

He was in “Molly’s Game” as Player X

really bc he's been staring in kino. he's the only one that will have a career post disney wars

Probably after people saw him act

>Don't kid yourself that they'll make the mistake of killing off the last fucking Skywalker they left alive
After how they treated Luke, I dont think they give much of a shit about the whole "Skywalker dynasty" thing
>especially since he's the ONLY fucking popular OC character of theirs.
This is true, though. I bet they'll be milking the Rey X Kylo angle hard in Episode 9, and that relationship will probably be the focus going past the New Trilogy. God only knows what else they'd focus on


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Other jews that look like him and do a similar schtick (Anton Yelchin, Jesse Eisenberg, skinny Jonah Hill) took work that would've gone to him and thus robbed him of momentum.

Dont worry though, he's jewish, he'll be okay.

Is this a new phenotype?

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He looks weird.

Because he'd prefer using the money to watch kinos

He chose to. He and Jonah Hill were offered tons of movie roles, mostly comedies, after the success of Superbad. But both of them wanted to be SRS ACTORS. Jonah actually succeeded but Cera chose to do indie projects that sucked shit and thus he faded into obscurity. I wouldn't even care except THIS FUCKING FAGGOT now has a career by taking roles Cera turned down. This happens all the time in Hollywood. Screenwriters will write characters with popular actors in mind and if the actor turns it down they hire a clone. For example, Josh Gad has a career from roles Jack Black turned down. I hate seeing this fucking guy's face, he sucks shit, he is somehow worse than Michael Cera. Fuck you Michael Cera for turning down hollywood megamillions for le quirky indie flicks and making us all see this fucker's face. Thank you for reading my post.

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he was smart enough not to assume he was the inheritor of the mantle of Clark Gable and Paul Newman, and face the humiliation like Jonah Hill

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his face is photoshopped. who is that

Any other example?

Gerrard Butler taking on Russel Crowes roles?

Pablo Escobar's nerd cousin.

Superbad 2 when?

That's what was causing it!?

Josh Gad and Jack Black is a great example.

You’re being a bit harsh. Jessie Eisenberg is actually more famous than Cera now and he did that by choosing parts in memorable movies, something Cera had trouble doing. Also Jessie is more dynamic and can play the awkward wimpy nerd but also the uptight intimidating ivy-league student.

Btw wasn’t Cera recently in Twin Peaks? That’s not bad for fading star. Maybe he will come back?

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Good movie. He played kinda the same thing though. A beta incel. I think he was representing Toby Macguire though.

He's been in plenty of movies, albeit lower budget than in the past. He released a well-received indie rock album as well. I'd say he's doing fine

wtf am i looking at

I don't get why he was cast for scott pilgrim. The movie apparently couldn't decide if he was cool or a loser.

Cool in his own eyes, loser for everyone else
Just like comics

He grew up into young Mr. Burns

Who is top right jewfu?

Gad was great in Book of Mormon

Was cast as the dorky, awkward teenager, then got too old
Will reappear as the dorky, awkward adult when he's in his 40's
