10 million views in a week

Only Episodes more popular are:
Elon Musk - 20 million views 6 months ago. Ben Shapiro - 11 Million views a year ago.


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kino episode

it was very watchable .... one of the tv events of the year without a doubt. They should do a show once a year

So good

>conservatives are winning the culture war
feels good

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They one thing he is 100% right about is inter-dimensional beings.

"We're Winning!" he shouted as the state gave children hormone therapy and mandated LGBTQ education in public schools

Wish these 3 would do a top gear-esque travel show together

the train is still screeching to a halt, but its stopping

Alex offered to do a travel documentary to show Eddie the earth isn't flat.

I would say no more than once every ~500 podcasts

Keep telling yourself that. Corporations can silence anyone they want, and they want to drag society left.

If you watched that episode for any other purpose than entertainment, I have some bad news for you.

Shapiro has to be view botted right? I cannot imagine anyone being legitimately interested in what he has to say regardless of political affiliation.

Canada doesnt count. Its beyond fucked

>Ben Shapiro

His dislike of trannies is the only thing I agree with, other than that he truly is a smart person for right wing idiots

I watch to support my movement. Alex may be considered some crazy, nutjob, but he's the voice of a group of people that are constantly being told they're wrong and should shutup and stay out of politics. I'm glad to see Alex getting his comeback that he deserves.

Now if Trump can get his balls from his purse and do the shit we elected him to do, this country will be in a better spot.

>Ben Shapiro - 11 Million views

Why do people like this kike faggot?

You sound like a faggot, to be honest, mate.


2 dollars per thousand views on average. Joe is making money.

Every right wing politician or media personality is a puppet though. Voting some right wing guy isnt going to fix anything
The only thing that will actually change or situation is people getting physically violent. People killing elites, politicians and media people.
That can only happen when people are really pissed off though, say about 30 years from now

>Not once on yt trending

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>Now if Trump can get his balls from his purse and do the shit we elected him to do, this country will be in a better spot.
Lol. He abandoned his campaign platform when he chose his son in law over Bannon. It's over.

I love Alex

alex never names the jews

>but he's the voice of a group of people that are constantly being told they're wrong and should shutup and stay out of politics.
we call those people shizos

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Based Muslims shut that shit down in England. Brother Mohammad has those faggots on the run.

because its unironically a meme

hating on Ben Shapiro is a tranny and nigger meme

The Yang episode was pure kino


>more test in one screenshot

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its the most obviously truthful thing, out of all the things that people argue about being true

>Playing the shit flinging game that is culture war
Lmao brainlet

based digits, time for the olive branch

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he is too clear minded to become a candidate for the democrats

Hard to start a revolution when everyone is relatively wealthy, has a high diet of corn syrup and type 2 diabetes and can't run 100 yards without getting a heart attack.

Joe cut parts off the original podcast or the version on YT is full and pure ?

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nah its just high iq + natural tribal mentality after centuries of being a minority literally everywhere (not in the 'poor oppressed people' way). I'm not saying its necessarily good but its a thing

Is debate skills are surprisingly good and he doesn't shit on people he disagrees with which is refreshing in politics.

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Tick tock liberals.

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Where did Ben Shapiro originate from? As in, how did he become famous?

Say what you want about mudslims but their unity and almost primal violence against everyone who works against their best interest is exactly what we whites lost and need. We can't agree on anything and everyone who isn't a white male abuses this.

He's from Los Angeles, and supported by rich right wingers and media people.

Boomer-cons like him because he talks fast and has an autistic debate style that they can follow.

He's been writing political articles and hosting radio shows since he was like 19.

I'm done with this gay shit, it was fun to watch ironically but I just can't stomach the kayfabe anymore. Alex Jones and Joe Rogan had a "feud" literally 2 weeks ago or some shit, Alex had JOE ROGAN PROVEN TO BE FRAUD SHILL shitposts all over his website, and now they're best buds again. If I wanted to watch pro wrestling I'd turn on WWE, this is so lame.

Shapiro's ongoing meltdown re: Ilhan Omar is hilarious to watch.