What was renting movies from Blockbuster Video like?
What was renting movies from Blockbuster Video like?
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Like playing music on random. When a movie/song comes up you enjoyed it more.
I don't even remember, maybe dont even know. The only times I remember getting movies from blockbuster was when they were bought
I borrowed a lot of movies from the library as a kid though
It was kinda nice to choose a movie without all the previous exposition like now tbqh
Only neeks went to Blockbusters, real heads went to your local video store where they were still pushing "Toys" with Robin Williams as a new release in 1999.
>$15 a month + late fees
>limited amount of copies
>some shithead 16 year old checking you out
>you can’t just pick out anything because more than likely your mom drove you
>getting to see horror movie covers
>popcorn cooked on the stove
Maximum comfy. I liked browsing weird old cover art and wondering what those movies were about.
over rated honestly, ill run you through it
>get to blockbuster on friday
>most of the new releases are already taken by people who don't work during the day
>selection is pretty limited after 6pm
>might get something cool, most likely will get something older
>rental is only 2 days, pain in the ass to get it back on time
>late chargers were ridiculous, you could literally buy the movie for the price of the late fee's
>back when it was VHS, no one ever rewinded the tapes
>when DVD came out, the rentals were always scratched and skipped
internet streaming and downloading is really as good as it gets
It was a great way to play games. Thats really about it. I never really rented movies from them. Also, i remember they tried to pull some slick shit on my father when they were going outta business and said he had rented a bunch of movies he never heard and would never watch. I remember Saw was one of em. Kek. And they tried to say he owed like $300 in late fees. So fuck em.
If you see a Family Video, go in. It was like that but more people in it and more copies of popular new releases.
local video stores also had the porn corners
like going on reddit
imagine knowing nothing about a film beyond what the cover looks like and what the back of the box says. imagine all the potential treasure you could find, especially in the horror section.
i pity you zoomers, who will never know such joys
it must be hell to go outside for you you poor creature
Awful. The one that I went to was small, smelly and had an awful selection. The only good thing were the snacks.
Pretty dumb and a waste of money
A pain in the ass. New movies were always checked out for months at a time before you could get lucky enough to rent it. And the late fees were pure faggotry of the highest order. Took years to be able to rent Street Fighter 2 on SNES. I never returned it.
Or an entire back room behind the curtain
it was glorious.
watching a movie was an event,
Actually the weather was really nice today :)
Was pretty sweet. Just going in and not knowing what you'd walk out with. I used to try and find some 80's college flick with titties then go the to vidya section to check if the new NHL or Castlevania game was in. The keep it over the rental limit, dump it in the drop box at night, and move on to the next video rental store.
>his blockbuster had covers
Well pardon me mr gucci loafers
Kinda pricey.
Return a movie,check out a movie.
That will be 4$ for queen of the Damned and 8$ for the late charge.
But I just turned in muh movie.
Yeah,but we won't put that into the computer until tommorow.
I used to spend hours looking at video covers imagining what the movie would be like. often when i watched the movie it was dissapointing. "lost boys" was so much darker and exciting in my imagination than it was when i actually watched it
I rented games from blockbuster.
I worked at a video store for years and was even a manager of one. I miss that life. I'll never have a job that comfy ever again.
It was a lot of excitement around getting the new releases that would all be gone if you got there later in the day. Then it became a fun game of wondering the isles and just browsing until you take a chance on some movie based on it's cover and blup of info on the back. Browsing the net on your phone wasn't really a thing so couldn't search for reviews real quick to see if a movie was decent or not. Ended up watching a lot of duds but it also meant you heard about hidden gems from friends since it wasn't just everybody watching and talking about the exact same movies like it is today.
Maybe move out of the big city faggot
What's with obnoxious 90s kid Blockbuster nostalgia? Good God.
well we didn't use blockbuster, but we had a local video place when i was a kid in the mid 90's
some friday nights my dad would take me there to pick out something to watch or a video game, and he'd get something for my parents to watch, and i'd get a pack of candy cigarettes
on the way home he picked up a pizza for dinner
Pretty much the same as scrolling through the movies on netflix only you watched whatever you picked all the way through even if it sucked because you paid money for it.
When I went to get a membership, they wanted a credit card so they could automatically charge late fees and anything else they felt like. I walked out, and went to a locally owned video store.
The Blockbuster nostalgia is so weird to me. It was an awful soulless company.
Blockbuster was comfy as fuck, but mom and pop's video stores were God-tier. Mine was owned by some Arab dude and had a pretty sizable collection of obscure foreign films, B-horror movies, old WWF video tapes, Power Rangers, and pornography in addition to the usual video store offerings. I was only like 7 or 8 when the store was shut down due to competition from Blockbuster, but I have vivid memories of it nearly 20 years later.
It was pretty cool. Especially loved when new movies came out and they'd all be gone but of course they'd be advertised like they were still available and late fees oh the joy
It was many people's first introduction to movies, a memorable weekly ritual as well as learning the value of trying different things.
It's annoying how nostalgic people are for blockbusters. It was no different than walking into any other retail store
Independent video stores were way cooler. They carried lots of obscure kino and the clerks always knew a lot. Blockbuster was always pushing new releases and normie-core.
Fun. The candy there was cheaper than what was sold at Walmart nearby so we bought like ten boxes every time
maybe u should move out of the small town u graduated high school in.
It’s a big world user , explore it :)
>tfw you walked past the horror section
>do this thing to no benefit cause its been memed into my mind that its important
Have you tried thinking for yourself?
i do not enjoy that more, I like it better when I put the song on, otherwise it's at the wrong time
Uhh, that story was set in the past. Moving out now would change that experience.
>standing in line to rent movie
>tfw no gf to share that with
It was tough
Would you rewind the tapes?
Based lonely and horny poster
I’m just offering you a friendly suggestion since you seem to be upset about something. When I’m bothered by something, I like to go on a walk or visit an old family member. The possibilities are endless :D
Never had a blockbuster in my town, but I worked for a similar kind of video rental store in the summer, when I turned 18. Best job ever. Had to work 4 nightshifts (monday to thursday) a week and had most weekends off. Spent my nights watching movies and getting high with my coworkers. The manager was so chill, he even sold me good weed for a decent price and nobody cared, when my friends came over at night to hang out with us. I miss those days. Gained a lot of weight in that summer though, because the local Burger King was right across the parking lot.
Nope, but plenty to share with your brother and sister while you all have a fun time and laugh at the dumbest shit.
War childhood memories.jpeg
>Have a sleepover with friends
>Parents take you to video store
>Everyone spends ages rummaging through all the tens of thousands of movies after we all agreed on what game to get
>Parents grab popcorn and candy for everyone while in line
>Stop get pizza on the way home
>Watch two movies back to back then play the game for hours until everyone ends up wanting to play rounds of four player Goldeneye
>Do that until people eventually get tired enough to switch everything off
Maximum comfy
It was like Netflix, except you had to choose in advance what looked good and were stuck with the choice over the weekend. Also there were ads before the movie, and sometimes after if you stuck through it. New releases cost more to rent. It was also easier to get games because your parents were fine dropping 5$ a week on a game, but would never splurge on an actual title. It worked out ok because you didn’t end up permanently with shit you never played, and if they knew you liked a game you might get it as a gift.
The mom and pop ones were the best for childhood nightmare fuel. How many people in this thread got to enjoy the Faces of Death VHS tape as a child?
Based and comfypilled
>he didn't rewind the tape to an important plot point or twist in the film
t. Michael Jackson
>tfw you could easily spend an hour looking at all the video sections
>Watch anime VHS tapes because maximum kino
>panty shots go all staticy and scratchy during because it got paused there so much.
>Be considered and thoughtful with your decisions
>Base it off numerous factors
>Some choices pay off, some don't
Purely the best way to choose movies to watch. Fuck algorithms. Just because I liked X and Y I don't want some shitty formula suggesting I should watch Z.
It was kind of fun to look at the horror movies or the unrrated sex comedy covers. But streaming is superior in every single way and the slight nostalgia is not worth the convenience
>But streaming is superior in every single way
Only if you're talking about piracy. Legitimate streaming services have their own set of cons compared to renting.
I wouldnt know, I went to a superior place with quality.
Like shit not being available,because they didn’t pay for it again. Streaming was great back in the day. Now it’s cable on demand without needing to DVR reruns and a little more flexibility as to what I want to pay for.
>you will never print out stickers of your best snaps again
>Pick the movie/game you want to rent
>Go to counter
>They take an imprint of your penis for security
Last movie I rented was Shutter Island, the last person to have it stuck a note with the spoilers behind the DVD. Never again.
Streaming services are an absolute clusterfuck at the moment because the rights for certain things all over the place. To be able to watch everything you want with them you're eventually going to need numerous streaming services.
Fuck that.
shit they where expensive censored movies and had shit stock compared to other stores
>t. control freak
Good times. I still have my Blockbuster card in my old wallet.
I would always rent the discount videos because those were the grade-Z "I can't believe someone financed this POS or even let it out of the editing room" films. Some of those were really fun films to watch.
Like many others I didn't appreciate it at the time but now I miss it. It made renting movies into an event instead of just sitting in your underwear browsing cuckflix. Also there was always at least one movie that you wanted to watch, meanwhile you can browse streaming services for hours without finding anything interesting.
>Buying VHS instead of laserdisc
You faggots disgust me, I bet you watched pan and scanned shit too. Fucking plebs
>have to flip over the disc to watch the second half of the film
>Rent movie from Blockbuster
>Nude scene is worn to hell from previous people rewinding that one scene
T..thanks Phoebe
this one?
She's so cute. Still looks good too. I'm jealous of Kevin.
This one.
I used to go on a Friday night with my grandpa and brother. I almost enjoyed the experience as much as the actual watching of the film. The smell of the plastic and so many choices. Felt like a candy store. Plus we got to choose two videos and pick out some chocolates and a drink. It was pretty comfy honestly. Simple things you appreciate not only cos you’re a kid but because it seemed a simpler kind of time. Even if it wasn’t so long ago. Mine is now a pet shop, was closed a few years ago.
Love that movie, although her topless scene isn't that hot. The fact that it's intercut with Judge Reinhold masturbating kinda ruins it. Check out Paradise, she was underage at the time but did full nudity. Her tight teenage ass was incredible
>advertises itself as a crazy fun teen comedy
>actually a horribly depressing, realistic, bittersweet
Fuck this movie
Having to get up from your seat to switch the disc >>>>>>>>>>>>> Having the sides of the film cropped off, making everything feel claustrophobic along with having it look like ass due to VHS being a shit garbage format
That fucking whore has a visible mustache
>he didn't rent horror movies with his big titty goth gf you missed out
>advertises itself as a crazy fun teen comedy
>actually a horribly depressing, realistic, bittersweet
Fuck this movie
I'm 23 and I still remember it, I used to rent Cats & Dogs over and over again, my parents would not understand.
Fast Times is awesome.
It was made in the early 80s yet still feels genuine today, it's timeless. Interesting to note that it's based on Cameron Crowe's experiences going undercover as a high school student while working for Rolling Stone Magazine
Goosebumps and mighty max on a loop weirdly
not even that user, but you can grtfo. and here's your FAGGOT
I enjoyed myself as an up to 11 year old
Based. Hollywood Video was literally my first job as a teenager. It was a cool place to work.
>walk the whole outer wall with the new releases
>check the action section for a bond or godzilla movie
>check video game aisle for new n64 games
I'll never forget the routine
I didn't have to worry about jewish movie critics pumping up terrible movies. I just bought whatever looked good or I heard about being good and had a good old time. If I was lucky I'd get a Genesis game or maybe candy. It was a serious break from reality because nobody relied on internet at all.
Do you smell it? That smell -- a kind of smelly smell, a smelly smell, that smells, smelly...
This was an experience. Everything was organized and alphabetized. You didnt spend 20 minutes getting reccommended the same 8 movies from netflix you were in an out unless there was a line or you saw someone that yoi wanted to talk to. Also I am sorry the level of comfy it is walking by all the boxes and getting to read the back is a feeling I miss most. That and the few scary movie box arts whos cover monsters eyes always seemed to follow you everytime you walked down the horror aisle.
Like listening to the radio. You know how you can choose a station, but sometimes it's shit? Same with renting movies.
I went to our local store for a while too, until they sadly went out of business. It was a shame, they were pretty nice people.
After blockbuster came to my part of long island all the mom and pop video stores shut down.
>Sleep over at a friend's house
>End up waking up before them
>Have to piss like a race horse but also don't want to wake them up
Am I the only one that agonized over this dilemma?
My blockbuster had options for how long you rented the movie or game.
Memory serves me right that it was 24 hours, 3 days, 5 days, 1 week.
Damn, don't remind me of what it was like to actually enjoy life.
All girls have slightly fuzzy faces. It feels good to give them a smooch and feel the cute little hairs.
It was delightful because the selection was better. It was fun to talk to the employees about movies. It was bad because late fees were ridiculous. And New Releases we're expensive and hard to get a hold of.
Yes, streaming has 3x the amount of B and C movies in addition to 'originals' put out by the streaming service. All this, while having a pathetic selection of A run movies. Streaming is great.
>I went out once
>Someone made eye contact with me on the street
>Never again.
It was a fucking ballache because you'd get fines if you were too lazy to take the videos back.
Erol's was better
The feels. I used to work in a bookstore. So comfy.
The local guy used to sneer at me if I had questions. His store was dirty and he didn't have anything. Dumb. Blockbuster was shiny.
Have sex
Did you even read the post, retard?
I worked at a Music Plus. I miss the environment. Most customers were cool although very few were critical of any movies at all. They always "liked it"
It was the era of Dances With Wolves x 1000 copies flying off the shelf and Nirvana just coming out. Cassette tapes on the walls.
I actually liked using our video rewinder, it always sounded like it was about to make orbit right before it spit the video back out.
>tfw got to experience the comfy early 90s movie experience because parents were outdoors nutjobs
It was like walking in to a warm building on a cold, snowy day, on a Friday Night
control freak is for when you are controlling other people, I just want to control small things in front of me and let everyone else control everythin else
Block buster didnt carry porn?
They had softcore porn that they mixed in with the drama section but that's it
t. used to steal softcore porn tapes from Blockbuster
>control freak is for when you are controlling other people
Wow, you're such a control freak you even want to try and control the definiton of control freak.
>pushing "Toys" with Robin Williams as a new release in 1999.
What incredibly good taste one of my favourite movies.
im just explaining it to you so you can go further in your own life
For me it was kinda boring because I grew up right near the end of their reign. They were trying to pander so hard to gamers with huge game sections that dwarfed even the movie section. Needless to say it didn't work.
my memory is convincing my mom to rent the movie 'secretary' when I was about 12-13. I said my friend had told me it was a good movie, but it was pretty clear what was happening. she actually rented it too.
You know how you go to Hulu or YouTube or Netflix and click on something? Instead of clicking, you had to drive to a store and pay money to rent then drive back to return it. Also they didn’t always have what you wanted.
>you now remember you haven't spoken to any of those people in 15 years
>you wonder if they still think about those times like you do
My indie store had the option of purchasing your rental, was a good way to test out new games before buying.
I miss the smell lads
My uncle laughed like a maniac when the barricuda bit that one guys face off
Am I the only one old enough to remember when fucking Circle K had video rentals? It wasn't a big selection, but they dedicated a back wall to VHS new releases.
I peed my pants doing that
My favorite memories were days I was sick from school. Mom would take me to the doctor's, we'd pick up my medicine and some candy from Walgreens, and go to Blockbuster and rent all the Jackass movies. Max comfy times.
The grocery store we always went to had a rental section.
I saw a couple of them but all I can remember is the monkey in the middle of a table getting bashed on the head with a mallet and people eating his brain.
Blockbuster took out all the local stores in my time
Most of the people here just remember going to Blockbuster with their parents and that's why they have fond memories of it. Overall, it was overrated.
My local library had video rentals, but they were pretty shit movies. They also had music albums for rent, including this one from Jennifer Love Hewitt that I fapped to a few times.
>I was that shithead 16 year old
>I loved ruining your night when you came in with your girl and expected to spend $12 on movies but instead the total is 47$ because of previous late fees.
>you seethe in front of your girl
>I smile smugly "sorry , sir, Its policy".
>You pay up or look like a cheap fuck
>I smile and tell you to have a nice evening as you return your choices to the shelves.
It's overrated but there were social aspects and experiental ones that are worth nostalgizing. Picking a movie was an event , you would go with your friends and pick something together. You would get to know the employees and such.
>1 hour to pick a movie
>long ass lines
>the movie you wanted had ran out of copies
>paying extra for red/green cover movies
>please rewind
>"oh fuck i had to return these vhs/dvds"
>the only store to had that "quikdrop" dropbox made you think "shit, this is the future right here"
>renting a movie only to discover that the dvd / vhs is fucked and ruined your evening
>"can't find my fucking membership card"
>going with the family to pick a movie made the process even longer
>testing supernintendo games while the rest chose a movie
>being a pussy and not looking at the horror movies front covers like Evil Dead 2 one or the Braindead one.
>buying microwave popcorn in the line while waiting
>"one day late? fuck you then pay us 20$ extra :) "
>they had only 5 copies of the latest release but they had like 30 copies of some obscure movie nodoby gave a shit about
>vhs/dvd skips just before the movie ending
>"man this is the future, it can't get any better than this"
good memories
>You now remember Heartbreakers and /Prime Hewitt/
I live near LA and saw her walking around Pasadena one weekend like a decade ago and almost pissed myself.
Predator/Battle Tanks 64
Bunch A Crunch