Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion

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Other urls found in this thread:


Have sex.

Sex have.

Based Walkers shilling for Alita in CM review


>checked satanic quads

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What if I have?
Nice digits.

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Going to see her again today lads! Will bring chocolates ths time!

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reminder: flopped

I guess the other user was right. Satanism confirmed

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>Frank J Lapenis

what is your point

God speaks through digits

I don't see how ejaculating into a female vagina is going to make me like bad movies more than good ones

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Jeff Fahey mug, lol. Should've made those during Psycho III.

Based Koyomi

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If there's a sequel, what would it cover? Motorball and Faceless Zapan?

I have. Alita is better and more wholesome.

>Illuminati poster

Should I be worried?

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It's a trick. The mouse is trying to weaponize women into stealing our vital essences in order to become complacent and consume their basedalent film without question or pushback.

What's illuminati about it?

Seems like a good second act. Going from a beloved motorball hero of Iron City to a cause of its destruction. And then we mad max.

I think they might just bundle it together and have Alita fight Zapan on Zalem after winning motorball.

B-but the fallen angel is so cute


the only people who believe in this stuff is Yea Forums and ignorant black folk

Hollywood loves this shit.

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>sequel 1: alita goes to zalem, fucks shit up
>sequel 2: alita goes to space, fightan tournaments and mars

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>Alita: the fallen battle angel

>Last Order

It's kino if you just trim the filler a bit

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In the Manga Desty Nova is already exiled from Zalem. In the film, he's watching from above.

I dislike how they made Alita too strong on paper in this movie with that reactor thing, in the manga she only gets something like that by Last Order. Even Jashugan giving her a challenge seems like a stretch.

fuck if fox won't do them, robert rodriguez should fund it through his studio!

negro its fucking all filler.

>The allseeing being above is bad and He uses people
>The fallen (battle) angel is on our side

>just cut out 100 chapters it'll be fine

>skipping Den and the desert arc
Shiggy diggy.

Kek. Is that Koyomi?

remember when the "this is my first general ever" general residents were saying the "discussion" wouldn't degenerate to near incomprehensiblity?

I present to you, satanic poster. The first in a long line of steadily degenerating imbeciles who will come to be the sole occupants of this general.

'ate sex.
Simple as

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What does that have to do with the poster?

the heart would've been fine as just a "this is how you survived 300 years in a pile of garbage" thing. But then they give her ancient hyper-advanced nanotech body. Literally the imaginos body from last order, first fucking thing.

Alita belongs to Satan now

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true. It's one of the early signs of decay. I stay for fun, but as soon as this thread stops being fun, I'm out, as sad as it will be. Yea Forums is just so angry about everything these days and it's rare for anons to come together in a common appreciation without all the cutthroat bickering.

They could start the movie with a wanderer alita desert sequence.
Personally I'd delete barjack 2bh.

Any idea who made the promo material?
I do enjoy the film, but it tickles me the wrong way that cultists are playing a role behind Alita.

Hey mouseshills use this for new material.

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No, I'm pretty sure that's the resident shizoid movie hater.

It's her actress, look it up

These threads are the most honest and neutral I've ever been a part of on this board. Eventually the threads will phase out, but for now, they're going very strong.

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delet this

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It represents the eye of horus.
As seen in

I feel like I've seen these posts multiple times already.

These soiboys don't impress me very much.

Aren't they the male target audience for CM, though? : )

Alita inspired me to be more sincere in my words and actions...it actually hard

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My genuinely stupid friend, there's a stronger case for all the positivity coming from a single poster than there is for the negativity coming from a single poster. So unless you want to start thinking literally only two people are posting in these threads, its time to admit to yourself the movie isn't universally adored.

Don't forget to post that screencap of Rosa saying wall won't keep out latinos from hollywood.

M8, there's plenty of symbolism to go around within the movie itself as the author/writer dictates, I would argue even a surplus of it. However, you must also realize that sometimes a cigar is *just* a cigar. The poster was simply made as a popular marketing choice and that's about it. Not because of "satanism" or anything like that.


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Oh god fucking damnit, I see it.

the blood smear under the eye forms the base of a triangle for the "all seeing eye" illuminati thing. Then one of the hairs forms the left side of the triangle, and the right side is implied. Then the eye is open the same amount as most of the classic images.

I don't like what this says about me that I can see this

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Yeah, you don't browse these threads. Been here since the beginning and seen it all. It's just a couple posters who come in every couple of threads to stir up noise and then disperse the next.

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I absolutely loved alita but even I'm a little surprised that you guys literally have a /gen/ going.

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the entire movie industry is corrupted what do you expect. even if the movie itself wasn't made with the intention of occult shit there'll be other people in the chain that will try to insert it where it doesn't need to be


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Post atacc webms please.

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>seeing the movie tonight with a mate
He said it was genuinely fantastic, I trust him enough to give it a watch, will report back later this evening lads

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This bugged me too but I think Cameron kind of knows the trajectory of his movies now.

Did Avatar 2 even get made? I didn't like it and didn't care but if Alita 2 gets made it'll be a miracle.

He just seems to be outside of Disney's money to astroturf garbage swilling fanboys and reviews.

My point being that if it didn't get made this way, it wasn't getting made at all and I'm ok with that. Otherwise it'd be resurrected as some garbage SJW fest with awful casting as a TV series like they did to Teen Titans.

the french one is (sorry for my english) "behind an angel is hiding a warrior"

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I'd love to get that Mad Max: Fury Road feel with Alita in the desert/Den arc.

>you don't browse these threads
That's funny considering I've been accused a number of times of being literally the one single guy posting any sort of negativity in these threads just about since they started. So not only am I jerome (along with 20+ other people), I'm some guy who doesn't participate in these threads, all at the exact same time.

It's cause we're polite and believe in the philosophy of not flooding the board with 50 variations of the same thread explicitly designed to incite fighting.

>Did Avatar 2 even get made?
It's in post.

I love the show and Hollywood doing stuff like this is nothing new.

But does anyone know who's in charge of the promo material? I wish it's a separate group that's not directly connected to Jim.

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I had the lowest of expectations for this movie but the instant I saw the scrollwork in her first body I knew Cameron actually loved the series enough to get the high notes right.

>this bugged me until I remembered MUST HAVE FAITH IN CAMERON
ya don't fucking say

>just took driving test
>Alita kept going through my mind while taking it

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I like that, far less satanic

I do not stop in the presence of stop signs!

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The high notes without the accompanying notes are meaningless. I mean if the body isn't from a dead prostitute who had her brain eaten by a crazed mutant, whats the point?

It's the same few specific arguments posted in virtually thread. No way they're coming from multiple people. Probably just one very mentally unstable person + a few random shitposters who drop by here from time to time for (you)s. When that user posted his Alita doll collection and said he refuses to watch the movie because Alita has some skin on her neck and shoulders in the movie but not in the manga, I knew we're dealing with a genuine shizoid. I'm willing to bet this autistic motherfucker is shitposting in these threads all day every day. You have to be on the deep end of the spectrum to spend so much time shitting on a movie you have never seen.

>Watch another film of some open borders bitch
How about you fuck off to le reddit

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>Even when you can't see me I'm always there for you user

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nice quads


Seems we're getting an influx of traffic from people coming to Yea Forums for the Captain Marvel stuff.

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Not one person in any of these threads has ever posted /thread before. Get out of here, redditor.

You forgot your article screencap. Or did you finally get warned/banned for it?

I've made some of those arguments you're insisting all has to be from the same [crazy] person (schizoid is something completely different). I've seen the movie. I would never, in a million years, buy a jack daniels anything. Though I'd drink it if it were handed to me. I don't buy merch either. I spend my money exclusively on things that have function. I was the one counting every time you called someone else "jerome."

You're accusing some totally imaginary "other," whom you've constructed from no less than 20 different posters, of being mentally ill, while you yourself are showing clear and unequivocal signs of genuine mental illness, though only in the form of autism, of course.

MCU shills taking a break from shitting up the whole board to shitting up the /ALITA/ thread. They are seething over not being able to push /ALITA/ off the board.

>Shilling for a beaner who wants open borders isn't ad bad as feminist capeshit
They are both terrible Paco


Was it swan song or new divide playing in your head when you're were being healed?

>Seems we're getting an influx of traffic from people coming to Yea Forums for the Captain Marvel stuff.
You got me, user. I promise to be polite while I'm here.

>my wetback flick isnt as cucked as captain fungus!!
Nah fag, kill yourself

Same, I loved the first body. Some of my favorite sequences were in the beginning when she's interacting with the world. Also that one-handed eye punch

>healed by the power of Alita
Well done, user.

Fucking QUAD DAMAGE! Have to See Alita for the fourth time

Waste of dubs.

Rosa didn't tell /pol/ not to watch her film.
Also, she's obviously lying. Living a gated community and all.

Unironically a cringe thread. Saw this shit last night with my girl and I come here to discuss the deeper points of the plot and all I see is morons cumming to the imaginary robot chick? Movie was gay as hell anyway

In other words, I'm right on the mark.

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Get your stupid illegal immigrant whore flick off Yea Forums tranny

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Say what you want about Larson, but at least she's white.

Based and redpilled

>I was the one in every thread shitting it up and counting how many times "jerome" was posted.
Have you considered professional help Jerome?

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Was there any Hollyjew actor that was outright MAGA and hate Jews?

In other words, I'm just fueling a self-reinforcing autism delusion by engaging with you at all.

The movie flopped. They bastardized the material. Deal with it.

its also pretty retarded to make a wojack edit out of gally when she makes just about that exact pose in the manga that you have clearly never read.

>she's white
Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

You can't even pretend to just be pretending to be unable to read at this point.

I'm going to ignore the last thing you said and ask what you would like to discuss?

Thread should have ended here

Gallyposter has quads. Your argument is invalid.

Also, you missed by 1.

>she's white
not true she is half canadian

Its because there is nothing deeper in the movie. The movie is just pure hollywood schlock jismed all over far superior material. Any depth is accidental and the result of allusions to the manga. It's basically this year's watchmen. They were very faithful, but still managed to miss every note.

>The movie flopped. They bastardized the material. Deal with it.
HAHAHAHA. I was actually right, you are that insane bastard. Go ahead and post your stupid doll collection again and cry about how the movie isn't a 1:1 copy of the manga.

>Was there any Hollyjew actor that was outright MAGA and hate Jews?
I can think of at least 1, yeah

time for my 2nd run.
it's almost midnight and I will probably have the hall for myself

Mel Gibson

>one handed eye punch
>cockroach smash on the table
>dog blood
>oranges and chocolate
>Ido, Vector, and Nova

I deducted a point for missing the electrical kiss in the rain though.

Those digits

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>over 9000
>missing by one

psst your newfag is showing

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Are these threads the comfiest Yea Forums has ever gotten?

I don't think these "purists" ever read the manga to begin with.


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Was, but we're seeing how fast it's about to change here.

Rosa is far more attractive and whiter than Larson. Far superior actress too. I couldn't believe how much Larson sucked when I checked out the camprip. Easily the worst part of her own goddamn movie.

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Dubs confirms

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Digits confirm

I can see a hidden message though
And that 666 on top of this thread is disconforting
If Captain Marvel is shit, does it mean Alita is our movie?
She is very cute but not much else

user, she literally looks like she fucks black guys, how can you even stand her

She's like Lady Gaga but sexier and more Mexican.

I’m done with this shit

Quads of truth. The anti-Alita shitposter has been exposed!

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anyone who reads the manga clearly sees that is better in literally every way, and there's a much better movie that could've been made from it.

No one is saying the movie needed the scene where ido installs the best pooper in the scrapyard into alita and follows her to the bathroom to see her use it, for instance. That "i wanna be a pop star" sequence was also weird as fuck, and contributed to not a whole lot.


>Fat roastie projecting her degenerate fantasies.

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I think so. All good things must come to an end though. Probably when Alita is out of theaters.

Bye Jerome.

The new numbers from boxoffice from yesterday are in. A bit of a drop because less theaters are showing it. Still sad. But i guess the hold is still kind of good?!

We've had an influx of shitposters before, but we will prevail, like always. Just keep posting comfy Alita.

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objectively better get. suck it fags.

>no argument
Face it, she likes nigs, she's gonna shit out niglets

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Not how it works, fag. Either repeating digits or full palindromes. Nobody cares about your gay meme from 2007, zoomer posing as a boomer.

shut up jerome you fucking nigger autist

>off by one for trips is better then a full quad

I love Norton. Is he a good choice for Nova? Havn't read the manga

Only good post ITT

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>form an argument against blatant slander.

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I see you were able to google and find it on knowyourmeme : )
its off by nothing. over 9000 is a 12 year old meme.

Possibly. I would love to see him doing it.

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i think ed norton as nova is a nod to fight club

>truth is slander
Look at crazynights, she literally fucks rams and chargers football players

So guys I have question. The domestic box office is about 75M now but what's it done overseas? Is China and Japan done with it?

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i'm going to see CM with a couple friends tonight, the one who invited me is a huge marvelfag so theres no chance i can change their mind but i'm still buying a ticket to alita instead, i'm doing my part

>tfw have the entire theatre for myself

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fuck no. but they've bastardized the character into a subdued bored immortal tyrant instead of a batshit insane scientist.

China just extended it's run for another month. Foreign has given it almost 300 million so far. It's doing pretty dang good.

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its two different unrelated memes you dumb nigger. the number isn't shit in the spectrum of dubs, trips, quads ect. if you weren't a tourist fresh off the boat from plebbit you would know this.

Oldfag who claimed Alita as a waifu long before any of you saw your first moe here.

Sure, I would have loved to see a slower paced Alita showcasing all of the pathos and black humor of the manga that was replaced with 3D MOTORBALL ACTION, but I can also see the realities of competing with capeshit to distract kiddies. Slower paced sci fi just won't get greenlit. That's reality in 2019. Perhaps a sequel will be able to take more time with it all which would be great.

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Don't fall for the baits Alitabros.


japan was done with it the day it premiered.

>anyone who reads the manga clearly sees that is better in literally every way, and there's a much better movie that could've been made from it.
Okay, and? What is your point exactly? What are you bitching about? I've been a fan of gunnm for over a decade and I do agree it's better than the movie, but I also like the movie a lot. I don't see why you can't enjoy both versions for what they are.

Am I alone in loving the ZOTT and even the wuxia vampire flashback? Maybe it's just the bakifag in me but I love over the top fighting coupled with bullshit pseudo-science trying to justify what's happening.

Wife and I had the middle seats, TOPPED.

>the realities of competing
If it was a passion project, the way the shilling constantly insists, why would he give a fuck?

animu/mango are popular because of how different the are from anything availible in the west. Why shy away from those differences? Why not just go full tilt on craziness and let the audience sort it out?

>tfw gf didn't want to come a 2nd time
it's ok. alita > all

>I don't see why you can't enjoy both versions for what they are.
Fucking THIS, goddamn. The movie is not the manga and the manga is not the movie. That's extremely well established at this point. However, the movie ON ITS OWN, stands very solidly as a narrative and character piece that makes sense within its own world.

Can we just start calling the movie a loose adaptation at this point to shut the source purist aspies up?


Japan doubled the first weekend. The movie has legs

Its hard to enjoy hollywood cliche after a couple decades of it. They're adapting something that's popular/known for specific reasons, why ignore those reasons?

user calm down. Speak clearly and calmly.

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t. falseflagger trying to make alitabros look retarded.

>replace her with 3D 2D


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I went to the matinee this morning at 9:45 and the ticket guy chuckled and "huh huh there's one other person in there" I said it was very early in the morning but there were about 20 normal fag chumps lined up for Captain Pissflaps . At least there was no one to see me cry when Hugo died twice.

>Rosa is far more attractive and whiter than Larson.
She looks like a goblin you delusional mexishit

>3m to 6m
for the love of god dude.

ZOTT tourney was kino but that vampire shit was terrible and just went on and on.

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I want to gobble up that goblin

So does Larson.

I don't think even Cameron has Mel Gibson fuck you money to just not care about his reputation and make a flop if normies are put off by anime pacing and tropes? He still seems to need to be part of the Hollywood machine more than Mel does.

IDK, don't get me wrong I would have loved to see that but I can appreciate the movie for what it is. The manga was as much schlock as it was art too.

Stop being delusional, she likes nigs, get over it and stop shilling this shitty leftist film

QUAD DAMAGE AGAIN! Fuck, have to See Alita 8 More times! Rodaran fucking cabezas!

your argument right now is seated in something like "anime is popular in the west because of it's awkward pacing and pantyshots"

Do you really want to marry yourself to something this inane?

I prefer the version threads ago an user made up where he compared Alita with S. Joan D'Arc desu.

Based user

>I'm tellin ya...the little cyborg girls these days...they're something, right?

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I want that case so badly now that Ive seen it

>whether I enjoy a work depends on the politics on the people involved
>let's boycott those with opinions I don't like
Literal sjw.

>latin chick
>doesn't fuck blacks
Pick 1

not anymore

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i still believe in the guys who made the movie.
nova will be good.

It's sad how they assume that we're all retarded like them.

aawww yeeaaaaa

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Nice. Can't wait for them to team up and share one together.

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>The fallen (battle) angel is on our side
Grewishka was the main physical antagonist through the movie and he was more of a fallen angel, he even describes himself as such.

make out somewhere else you couple of gay faggots

He has a number of lines in the movie that indicate movie nova is absolutely nothing like manga nova. Not even mentioning the fact he's ruling the scrapyard from the sky and is literally referred to as the head of the dragon by greta, thus, is the target of alita's 300 year old mission.

Have fun. Turn your phone off though, user.

>Hurr accept our leftist propaganda
Holy fuck you alitajews bluepilled as fuck

She looks like she fucks gringos and then complains on twitter about how much she hates them for colonizing her people.

Nice "waifu" you got there shills

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Im alone, I'm the only one

the lines they stole from makaku have him describing himself as a demon.

SJWs cast uggos, make sure there is nothing approaching romance or human interest in their from scratch SJW plotline, use outrage marketing to slam white men, astroturf reviews.

>Captain Marvel


>SJW actress mouths off but is in no way part of the official marketing or story decisions.
>Acute Angleitis


It's all a case-by-case thing. I also liked Wonder Woman.

You do know the actress doesn't write the movie, right?

>2 new reviews on RT
>2,5/4 is concidered rotten

I think someone wants this movie to get hurt

You haven't seen the movie, have you? It's one of the least SJW films out right now. Literally nothing is shoved down your throat. The movie just focuses on telling a story, it's one of the many reasons why so many people here are into it.


reviewers themselves determine if their review is rotten or not. the meter is based off that, not average rating.

>open borders trash being shitcanned everywhere except in dictator shitholes


>its a movie about a multicultural gang of plucky scavengers being oppressed by an immortal evil white man in the sky
>no politics tho


We've all seen it by now, you can stop posting it

i wish this movie would still be played in my shitty country

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baste doraemon

>asian girl literally tells black guy to get over evils done to his people 300 years ago
it's a fucking reactionary piece of shit

>minority otherkin kill white male tyrant along with her other minority sidekicks
Keep shilling your garbage though shitter

At least it's at 60%
Not that reviews matter, anyways...

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Right. I'm more conservative, and really, I don't care what the actress thinks on her own time. Luckily, it hasn't affected the film and it's only ones now wanting to stir up trouble that are making it a big deal. The film has no wink wink politics in it and that's why I like it. Sure, there are undertones of empowerment, but it feels natural.

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as a latinx myself this is ok

Ok, so you really haven't seen it.

what level of alitapilled are you on right now?

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>Trying to shoehorn manga ideas from the 90's into SJW insanity

There's not really a 'multicultural gang' just a few diversity swaps of extras which while obnoxious are in the tolerance range for me.

If this were truly an SJW movie hugo would have been black no question.

Desty, Ido, and Alita are all the same amount of "white", which is to say Japanese.

Vector is the black head street thug.

Eat, sleep, breath Alita.

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>get over the (((robot))) killer that almost genocided humanity
Good Goyim!!!

>coalburner is killed
>whiny nigger is killed
>mugger is killed
>king nigger is killed
>Nova is based aryan ubermansch watching the subhumans wallow in their filth from above
I'd say the movie is pretty based.


Has this ever even happened before? That seems nutty high for that amount of user reviews?

>Destroy Jeru(Zalem)
Fuck me, how did they get away with it?

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This level fellow alitaBROs

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False flagger, please leave.

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blessed by /alita/

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>shills inflate a shit film no one cares for score

Fuck yeah, best girl.

>good film bad >:^(
but what if good film good? :^)

Alita Battle Angel
Alita 2: Fallen Angel
Alita 3: Punished Angel
Alita 4: Avenging Angel
Alita 5: Angelic Angel

Like, 26 years worth my dude.

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aiaiai, based peruana mamacita

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Alita 3: Panzer Bride

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28k shills


Then critics and audience score will be around the same range shill

>brown lady no like wall
>no like wall = no like lord trump
>me kill

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Alita X
Alita2: Electric Boogaloo

>multi million dollar corporations can't give 3rd worlders money to inflate scores

>payed man dislike movie because money :^)
>crowd like movie because it good >:^(

>no panzer bride

Explain Captain Marvel's low audience score then.

Doesn't seem to be working out for Capitan Potato

Based user, only mexicans like this horrid pro Israel garbage

user, don't respond to bait.
We need an Alita cinematic universe. It turns out James' plan was to combine it with Avatar.

Attached: 1551299234157.jpg (2115x1944, 1.3M)

Blessed post

>literally describing what nuDisney is doing as they write the other checks to youtube and RT

Yeah, I'm thinking you're a clueless faggot.

Attached: BAA06_52_Figure_meets_Alita.jpg (330x371, 37K)

Have this, shitposters. You'll feel better.

Attached: 189576785819.jpg (609x512, 68K)

>spicanon too dumb to read post without google translate ;^)

Attached: trump.jpg (1000x435, 59K)

>works harder than any american
>is slimmer
>knows panzer kunst
>is basically immortal
>is cute
>is a good person
she's the best!

Attached: 1533504980347.png (396x399, 134K)

More people working against it than for it. They deleted all the non-pajeet reviews and that didn’t affect the score because the score isn’t a running average.

Alita is the only wife you need

Because disney controls all media retards, wait till tomorrow and disney will buy out all seats and have RT adjust for the (((TRUE))) score

nice, but you're gonna have to try harder than that to deflect my criticism, polfag

Diversity swaps? Literally all of Hugo’s friends are movie OC.

where do you guys get these hi res pics and webms from?

Attached: alita1551621950827.webm (1280x720, 1.21M)

Nova is a kike confirmed

Attached: download.jpg (308x164, 5K)

Hi /leftypol/

2 were not enough

Attached: 1549210096137.jpg (640x610, 38K)

Trailers and clips probably youtube.com/watch?v=lsZHBHqR3rs

looks like its time for your dilation session, and please, try to come up with an actual argument before you reply next time.

You know they made Jashugan: who has dark skin in the manga, a white guy right?

Why are you still here? No one likes you.


Ido's assistant went from a fat guy with a plate on his head to a black slob woman with no lines.

I don't remember Hugo's friends too well, thought they wore cloaks in all the manga scenes.

Attached: e37.jpg (444x500, 211K)

So lets say alita will be out of all cinemas and we know how much it made... How long until we know there will or will not be a sequel? I can't wait.

Based schizo. There is no leftypol, that's just everyone you don't agree with. It's kinda like you're thinking in the same way that those darn SJWs you hate do.

Attached: 1551597591177-1492087232.png (1112x1060, 708K)

I missed it, he was shiny and the scene was pretty fast. That's interesting though.


Not an argument. Try again!

Attached: 1551613912161-623281471.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)

Well, we probably won't know for another month. Depends if it hits that 450 mark or crosses it. Technically, the film has already broken even.

>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Get over it, your film is shit like BvS

We need a tourist meme or something, these guys out themselves so easily.

Attached: 1551668339371.png (1000x944, 428K)

Such eloquence...

Attached: 1551692330465266015021.png (1522x1058, 981K)


If it somehow hits 500 million, there should be a sequel. The Disney buyout of Fox might put it in jeopardy, however.


Attached: 15687561584.webm (1920x1080, 2.55M)

>We need a tourist meme or something, these guys out themselves so easily.
It's called
>Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion

Attached: 066337849.jpg (297x170, 9K)

Disney and Fox does not own the rights to Alita.
Fox is just a distributer.

Best shot.
Don't argue me.


not sure this page got them in the first place, but here:

Attached: hands.webm (1918x802, 2.93M)

Are you trying to imply this is bad? Because while an antagonist, Jashugan is not a villain, he's a noble opponent.

>p-pol is killing muh shit film

Attached: 1517861260261.png (650x622, 185K)

I'll make the next general.

Attached: k keep me posted.jpg (360x360, 41K)

Attached: Alita.jpg (932x1351, 362K)

I'm glad Ido's get up in the film didn't usher in a new wave of fedora wearers. The fucking hat only looks good on certain people with a certain outfit.

Attached: waltz.png (1280x538, 1.19M)

Peaches saving the day.

Post the lines, though

> alitst taking about outing tourists
It’s like you people aren’t sentient at all

Pls do!

And you just keep going!

Attached: kek.png (414x424, 215K)

Attached: mouse bux.png (747x512, 264K)

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-09 00-30-54.png (496x617, 156K)

It didn’t look good on him either

Stop posting yourself, /pol/baby.

*not sure where this page got them from



clean desktop version

Attached: alita-battle-angel-4k_1548528199.jpg (3840x2160, 2M)

Shieeeeet they don't hand out Disney dollars anymore.

Attached: 156788517615769.png (613x553, 361K)

Have one with sound.

Attached: Alita.jpg (1960x2070, 2.43M)

those lips and eyes ayy i love her so

>Alita: You’ve made the biggest mistake of your life.
>Captain Marvel: And what’s that?
>Alita: Underestimating my movie.

Attached: 1552079902788.jpg (771x398, 18K)

The internet. In this case some Chinese person posted this in a YouTube compilation, and I used the tools here to find the source ID - then a kind user got the file downloaded
As for the images, some of them come from an online magazine.

The supreme latina peruana woman waifu material


The white slut bbc lover who would betray u in a year of marriage