Probably the most important JRE episode of all time, desu

Probably the most important JRE episode of all time, desu.

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didn't listen to it, why does it have so many dislikes? Just because "muh climate change" or is this guy a dick?

>muh climate change
He's pretty normal and talks about all types of solutions, including carbon capture and geo-engineering.

No one wants to hear this shit from someone who isn’t a scientist

Desu at this point my life is suffering and the world is ugly, and I think we should push the gas pedal and just see what happens. Maybe we can die glorious deaths in battle, or end up liberated from wagecuck hell, free in some post-apocalyptic environment.
Probably a lot of that, but he has extreme vocal fry to the point that he sounds like a caricature. Except from that, I think he was fine.

got it, Joe Rogan fans are generally braindead retards.

Dumbass, scientists are specialists and spend their entire lives researching the effects of specific types of air-particles on air-currents in specific parts of the world. Popularizers and writers really can play a useful role in being generalists and presenting the big picture.

Yes, yes goy. Dont forget to pay your carbon tax. You dont want the world to end do you?

>scientists dont have any monetary motivation to present results that support a narrative
>public figures who perpetuate the narrative do it out of the goodness of their heart
Wew lad

Not an argument.

Well he did get big in mma. Those are the kind of people who like it.

Don’t get me wrong most of what the guy is saying is true, but nobody wants to hear it from a söyboy journalist that says “like” more than a 14 year old white girl and looks like he works for buzzfeed

Scientists get paid far more in the private sector. If all they wanted to do was make as much money as possible, they'd all be shilling for the oil industry, like you.

>"climate change is real"
>"uhh ok what should I do?"
>"give the government complete control of your life and also support the destruction of all industry"
hard pass, these people need to come up with realistic solutions instead of just throwing out radical dogma

>scientists get paid more in the private sector

Want to stop pollution? Nuke china.

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No Mr.Sheckelberg, your companie won't have to care about carbon emissions any more, climate change turned out to be a myth all along. That will save you a lot of money! Why are you rubbing your hands like that, are you cold? Its like 95 degrees outside! Well anyway, have a nice christmas.

Reminder that nothing 7 billion people do in terms of personal choices to affect their carbon footprint or recycling amounts to the pollution generated just by 100 companies that continuously destroy the underground water, poison the soil, overfarm and deforest millions of acres of land every year and that every time someone talks about how YOU can do something they're shifting the blame from hypercapitalists to the victims of hypercapitalism

>climate change fag
>doesn't want to build more modern molten salt and liquid metal reactors
>doesn't want to stop Africans and Indians having children
>doesn't want to economically ruin China
>doesn't want to kill everyone who owns a smartphone

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Saying companies are at fault is like saying Burger King eats Whoppers.

Maybe they're talking about individuals voting for politicians who promise to control these so-called hypercapitalists.

This right here. The term litterbug was made popular by plastics companies.

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This guy is too stupid. He shouldn't have questioned bezos divestment spending strategy. Global warming must be addressed but its not more important that making man multi-planetary or doing the other things that need to get done including better generation and storage technologies.

Are you braindamaged? Not once did I say anything even vaguely to that effect.
He's a hansome looking fella though.

Is this the retard vegan guy?

there are diminishing returns for increasing the efficiency of an already efficient system, versus a system which is less efficient than it. "Reduced emissions by half!" doesn't mean jack fucking shit if you were already producing just "1" of whatever bullshit measurement you want to use, while some dumb turd-world dictatorship is producing 10 times that and lies about it (with there actually being several more zeros on the number)

>NYC flooding
>Cali burning
it's great


He's an actor and you're a moran

fact. even if we all recycle to the highest degree and get electric cars it won't mean shit unless massive oil corporations dep sea drilling and whatever the fuck ecological disasters walmart shits into the planet

once the earth is fucked like china we cant go back

carbon dioxide is not killing the earth
in fact it's helping the earth by giving our trees fuel and allowing them to reintroduce metals into the soil.

Based, redpilled and cool as fuck

How can a consumer be expected to know the carbon footprint of the goods they're buying, when there’s no government mandate to make these figures public? Perhaps if everything had a little sticker on it, saying exactly how much it had damaged the environment, then you'd have an argument. Right now, there's no way for a consumer to know whether shoe A or shoe B is less damaging to the environment. There should be a carbon tax applied to goods as they're purchased, like VAT. That way there'd be a clear economic incentive for both consumers and businesses to cut down on carbon emissions. Making them pinkie promise they won’t dump toxic waste in the water supply, lest the face the wrath of the castrated environmental protection agencies, isn't working. Corporations optimize themselves for maximum profit, ones that don't go bankrupt. Right now, maximum profit means maximum environmental damage. Change that fact, and we'll start seeing corporations that genuinely put effort into lowering their carbon footprint.

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you genuinely think ALL scientists are ultra-specialised and only handle extremely specific research? who do you think synthesises all the data to make global climate projections? where do you think any meta analysis at all come from?

Except you're a brainlet with no higher education. The US is a world leader (along with China) in pollution, and pollutes the most per person of any nation. They're barely making the fucking effort. You can't even convince Americans to recycle correctly. It's a country of moronic snowflakes who think God will save them. Luckily, they also have terrible chemical regulation, and have absolutely destroyed the sperm health of their male population, along with a massive rise in teratogens leading to massive rates of autism and ADHD that doesn't occur in nations with actual protections. The life expectancy is dropping, giving birth has become more dangerous and the country is going down the toilet.

There will always be climate change these nothing we can do about it

This idiot believes this antelope is extinct. Now Joe is gonna believe it and will be repeating that lie all the time like he does with that Michael Collins photo that he claims NASA faked. He's really gullible.

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>Carbon tax
Look up the phrase "rent seeking" and then get back to me.

>Ste....Steven...Destiny listen

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Oookay lmao

If we concede that climate change is anthropogenic, does he propose any decent ways to mitigate it in a way that doesn't involve genocide of developing countries?

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>be me
>be german town
>govt' and EU and UN demands I BE GREEN
>too much pollution, how do?
>see brazilian town, no industry there, no pollution
>buy their carbon tax, credit it to myself
>do this for a bunch of others who also would generate no pollution even otherwise
>spew out pollution like it's nobody's business
>be still GREEN TOWN

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Scientists in the field of climate change have a financial incentive to not question it, else they risk losing funds (and nowadays even social isolation).


his wiki entry is 2 sentences long

I didn't watch it but if you genocided all the cows or reduced international shipping it'd help a lot.

My conspiritorial gut feeling tells me that it's generally a political football or outright ruse. the people really in charge in the west had a nuclear stand off for 40 years without destroying the world, if they really thought there was a immediate direct threat by climate change I think there would be nuclear power stations every 100 miles by now.

>you genuinely think ALL scientists are ultra-specialised and only handle extremely specific research?
Generally yes, the vast majority are. This is how research works.
>who do you think synthesises all the data to make global climate projections?
Huge ass panels where each person plays a well-defined specific role.
>where do you think any meta analysis at all come from?
Specialists doing meta-analysis on specific areas? Or huge ass teams.

Besides, this whole hurr durr u need degree is the utmost level of cucked brainlet shit. An actual scientists doesn't necessarily have a higher degree of an overview than an intelligent lay-person that has invested serious time, not to mention the writing and communication skills. This guy is on JRE because he read a bunch of research articles from many different areas of climate science, and then wrote a comprehensive, readable overview based on that science.

You're shitting on the screen writing brainlet tier stuff like this.

so what you're saying is we need a trade war with china?

>every time someone talks about how YOU can do something they're shifting the blame

get a job illegally dumping plastic into the ocean and then sink the ship before it leaves port, so "you" can in fact "do something about it"

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Specific targeting overweight members of every society would be more work than a conventional genocide.

>get a job illegally dumping plastic into the ocean
where on craigslist do I search for those?

>genocided all the cows or reduced international shipping
Things that will never happen without a monolithic, iron-fisted new world order. I'm seriously waiting for a proposition that un-blackpills me on this whole thing other than my own skepticism.

this guy is a whiny alarmist. and he flutters his eyes way to much. it's weird.

>international shipping
literally the most environmentally friendly way to transport goods, you bellend.

c02 ppmv is off that scale now retard


1) The guy comes across as an empty vessel repeating data like a wikipedia entry.
2) He peddles the hyperbole "The world is going to end" climate change rather than "The world is going to get miserable" climate change. At one point he finally admits that reality by noting some countries are going to greatly benefit from it in the Northern Hemisphere
3) He weasels out of the question of "What have you done for the planet?" and individual responsibility by claiming this is more of a policy/government issue. It comes across as the usual liberal inclination to make someone else do the work. All he says he does is take maybe a few less flights now (when I'd imagine less for most people is 0, because they fly once maybe twice a year). While he is right in practice, there is still an insincere hypocrisy by people who demand change but won't put up for it. There's a near guarantee of NIMBYism that once the government comes calling for him to sacrifice his car, his flights, his smartphones, his diet, then it's someone else's fault. Climate Change activists want to rob peter to pay paul.
4) There's references/support for globalist kinds of policies like sanctions against countries that continue/exacerbate fossil fuel.
5) Didn't address to my knowledge how dirty clean energy technologies are to build.

Most people downvoted him because "herp derp climate change don't exist" but I didn't like him chiefly because he's another hyperbole alarmist who wants such radical policies that it requires tyranny, dictatorships and global governments. He manages to -just- couch his remarks about how great China is that Xi could go "No more coal" and they'd stop coal tomorrow by going "....but they put 2 million Muslims in concentration camps".

Progs love the idea of dictatorships able to rule by executive fiat. Back in the 30s they were cheering on the bold efficiency and technocrat top-down rule of Mussolini.

>It's a country of moronic snowflakes who think God will save them. Luckily, they also have terrible chemical regulation, and have absolutely destroyed the sperm health of their male population, along with a massive rise in teratogens leading to massive rates of autism and ADHD that doesn't occur in nations with actual protections. The life expectancy is dropping, giving birth has become more dangerous and the country is going down the toilet.
Lol what is this sperg out? Did an american fuck your girlfriend or something? Even if you have higher ed it's clearly not helping you not write retarded shit online.

The guy on jre says himself that whatever the US does to reduce it's emissions doesn't matter all that much in the grand scheme compared to china.

cruise ship help wanted ads.

Nothing about our society is going back. We're not going to cut back on anything. First law of thermodynamics affects everything including the world economy. The only way out is through, tech will save us or nothing will.

Genocide all vegans who drive cars, buy apple, nike, addidas etc

He looks like one of those wheelchair-bound literal retard 30 year olds that are still in highschool special ed classes because no one knows what else to do with them.

>pull it up ready for some JRE kino
>see it's about climate change
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

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Hell yes brother, dumb, angry and proud here also brother.
These words he's saying, some politicians could use them as reason for doing bad stuff, so therefore these words make me angry! Words are dangerous.

but you have to prove that it is having a negative effect in order for the disaster hypothesis to fit

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>Dictatorship bad, democracy good

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Imagine unironically shilling for oil companies without being employed or paid by them all the while spouting rhetoric that is massively counter to your own and your children's interests

Who did that?

>modern political activism
Why is it such a joke?
Should millennials be banned from politics?

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>muh big oil

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Christ I had to turn down my monitor's brightness your post glows so much

They always play both sides.

the green lobby is orders of magnitude more well funded than oil/coal lobbies, in fact the oil companies fund a decent chunk of climate research

Reminder that the reason we're going to #Liberate Venezuela is because the Koch Brothers have a refinery in Texas that previous to Maduro was making billions and billions of dollars every year on crude bought from Venezuela, but when Maduro wanted to renegotiate prices and they refused, he cut them off
The Koch brothers own nearly every small news station in the country and more than one third of congress is on their payroll
Reminder that if you're for "liberating" Venezuela you're supporting environmental destruction and oligarchy/corporate fascism

nice digits
proof that reddit is cancer
Destiny is officially Yea Forums kino and you're retarded
you need to go back

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which is why you specifically choose the option where they don't win

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>your children's interests
>your children
>Yea Forums

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I wonder who could be behind these posts

>that vocal fry

I'm my country our "green" party has been caught being bankrolled by energy companies and the chinese government. They shill for increased migration and are super anti-nuclear power, someone that our country is in a great position to have.

wtf I love BP now

Not shilling for corrupt green parties doesn't mean you have to suck the dicks of equally corrupt billion-dollar oil companies

Yes mr oil man we should support you no matter what ha ha :)

>many-berry man good

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I feel embarrassed for you if you're not actually receiving any monetary compensation for this

>Global cooling!
>No no wait global warming!
>No no no wait climate change!
>We passed the point of no return decades ago!
>No wait wait if you subsidies me green energy firms we can still do this, match me bros!

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Just keep funding multi trillion dollar oil companies, they have the planets best interest at heart :)

except none of the climate shills are planning to do anything against oil companies, instead it all comes down to just taxing people more

Don't forget
>Stop having children, it's bad for the environment!
>b-but let in hundreds of thousands of migrants per year, to save the (((economy)))!
Biggest crock of shit ever

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lol what do you heat your house with

A scientist with legit evidence to disprove human caused climate would be a billionaire. changeGovernment funding is nothing compared to Einstein level fame. Plus some retired scientists with no skin in the game anymore would have written a tell all book by now if there was a cover up. Too much money in a book like not to


it doesn't matter, keep shilling for big oil /pol/tard

good episode tb h

the particulate/sulfate aerosols part was interesting

China isn't even highlighted you penis

How about don't fund any energy companies, green or otherwise?

got you

What did the assblasted r*dditor mean by this?

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your mum

>We need all these low skill immigrants to work the low skill low pay jobs!
>All the low skill low pay jobs will soon be automated, wee need universal basic income!

As a boomer I don't care. I'll be dead by the time shit hits the fan in 20 years.

Y'all are fucked. Keep sending in those dislikes

It's naive to think there isn't an element of overconfidence in their findings, doctored statistics and so forth (this is true for most of science), to further funding and fame among scientists and climate movement people. But it's also naive to think the oil companies and the politicians they lobby aren't doing the same.

>SOURCES: International Energy Agency and World Health Organization
lmao can i get a real peer reviewed study instead of marxist funded college-tier research

Popularizers and writers have been telling us at the end each decade for the past 30 years that everythings gonna be extinct and or under water and none of that is happening so it's hard to take them seriously. Especially when the guy in the video is getting facts wrong and doubling down on nonsense

There was never a large consensus on global cooling you glow-in-the-dark Exxon shill

>giving a shit about "climate change" when corporate overfarming is making thousands and thousands of once-fertile land so devoid of nutrients that you can't grow anything but fucking corn there after you dump millions of dollars of fertilizer, which poisons the groundwater and creates runoff that generates algae blooms, essentially anti-life, rendering entire lakes and rivers poison overnight

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The guy has a level of vocal fry that isn’t even achievable by throat cancer patients. It would be more pleasing to my ears to listen to a group of Terminator exoskeletons gang banging a chalkboard.

it has always been called climate change by scientists and warming has always been the consensus
the point of no return has passed but the severity of the warming depends on actions taken now

most green technology is already partially subsidised but so is coal and oil

The last couple of months have been a golden era in JRE

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>tfw when i dissect the deepest conspiracies fooling normies using only my red pilledness
Pro-gamer tip: it's the jews, pol has a lot of knowledge, i post there for reals.

There was never a consensus on anything. Even though the "97% of climate scientists agree" thing made it into my high school environmental science textbook, it was 100% fake news. In fact, the inverse was true: only about 3% of climate scientists believed in the dangers of man-made climate change. That's what I learned from watching Stefan Molyneux's presentations on climate change.