How much are you being paid to protect all this shit? I hope it’s a lot!

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Other urls found in this thread:


1489 mousebux

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Almost all of them are made by a bunch of tourists from twitter Notice how BVS threads have completely died out as well?

Based hero of Yea Forums

This place is such a shithole lmao

lose your virginity

When Yang becomes president they won't have to do it for free anymore!

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absolutely digusting

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What’s the current rate of capeshit thread per minute?

make me user

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that's actually gross

limit internet usage to 1 hour a week maximum. also have sex

how many levels of irony is this on?

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Report ever single person on this page as a pedo

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Fuck Yea Forums - television & film

Unironically this though

>babysits the alita general

One general thread is better than 50 fucking threads on the same stupid fucking movie that no one here even wants to see.

Redditor OP is buttmad because people are discussing films and his cuny shit gets instantly deleted LMFAO

I don't think you get it
he'll babysit the general while letting the rest of the board go to shit
just like when /got/ is up and just like when /reylo/ was around

Most of those are ANTI Captain Marlel threads so what's the issue here cuck ?

Fuck off idiot.

why don't you take it up in the irc

>threads 404ing in 20 minutes
Why are they ignoring a raid? This doesn't happen for any marvel capeshit

>people are talking about the biggest new movie that just came out

How can this be?!!

>t. marvel paid shill

Have sex

pick a sex

reminder that the only way to become a janny is to be a popular faggot on social media or be some sjw "community manager" for a dead furry game or some shit

I couldn't care less about this shitty board. I don't care about movies or tv shows. I don't even remember when was the last time I watched a movie in a theater.
I come to this board to farm (You)s. I will gladly make false flag threads as a marvel shill or as an anti marvel shill. Anything for (You)s.
Fuck YOU and this board.


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Ah, I see. Another fellow agent of chaos.

Boy, I hope I get the job!

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Say what you want about the Alitafags at least they stay in their containment thread instead of shit the whole board up like Marvelcucks.

An on-topic Melancholia thread with Kirsten Dunst's breasts in the OP just got insta-deleted.
Don't play dumb, capeshitter

And when people say sneedposting is bad I remind them it's the chemo Yea Forums needs

>fighting cancer with even more cancer
It's so crazy that it just might work...

alternatively you're a piece of shit spammer no different than the spammers you hate

Based Janny saving us from Mouse Shills

Doesn't matter who is from where. Alitafags stay in their own thread which is easy to filter and not see. This Marvel shit being spammed is ridiculous. Its just waves of random shit pummeling the board and blowing through filters. MCU niggers need to cut the bullshit and get in a general thread.