Why does Disney do racist things by trying to show every white woman character strong, empowered...

Why does Disney do racist things by trying to show every white woman character strong, empowered, and smart by combining her with a dumb black man who is nothing more than comedic relief?
They did it Star Wars with Rey /Finn and now in the MCU with Danvers/Fury

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Can they just stop casting ugly women? That's all I care about

Soul / Souless

Because everyone is extremely racist by nature, the difference is Jews don't have respect for anyone but themselves.


I didn't like TLJ ether but I feel like it's wrong to put those two in the same light.
Carol is a much more insufferable and Brie is way more of a cunt.

Most Hollywood directors, producers, actors, and stock holders are Jewish and not white.

It's possible to be BOTH White and Jewish, as is the case in the US.

>It's possible to be BOTH White and Jewish

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>It's possible to be BOTH White and Jewish
Wrong, it's only possible to be both BLACK and Jewish

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White when it suits your agenda, my fellow goy

They preach diversity but its all about hate and division. A minority of people exploit the remaining goys on the bell curve.

Evil is infectious, and the propaganda works, to an extent. People will self censor, the cost of being a thought criminal is too high

Not black but it still applies.

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Soulless / Soulless

In Endgame there will be a scene of Samuel Jackson and Black Panther sucking Captain Marvels toes while she drinks a glass of wine with Cpt. America jacking it in the corner.

What ethnicity is Brie?


Hollywood believes the third world will accept Great White Mommies.

Have sex


The Jews developing this propaganda are programming children and NPC’s into assuming blacks are not a threat. What better way than showing them as comic relief and subservient to a strong white woman.

Some of the most racist people on earth had children and wives, Adolf Hitler for example, was not an Incel.

It’s called Loxism. How many times must Jews tell you they are not white for you to accept their beliefs?

To be fair Brie wouldn't be ugly if she was a nice person. Same with Rey. Just act like you love people and have average looks and you'll be gorgeous.

This is a good point. Daisy has never really come off as anything but a likeable goof with a poorly hidden cocaine habit. She’s still moderately attractive and at least has a warm disposition and friendly, upbeat nature. Literally the polar opposite of what Brie projects everytime she’s put in front of a camera.

The Disney princess always has asexual critter friends like talking mice, birds, crabs, or fairies.