YouTube White Knighting Brie
>protecting someone from harassment is “white knighting”
Dumb virgin
Again, Youtube has terrible problem with trolls, crazy people, literal peadophiles, etc.
But they never do shit about it, but the fucking moment a Disney property gets run through the paces everything gets fixed for them.
Jesus christ, i think i fucking hate Disney.
This shit actually is making me hate this shit...FUCK DISNEY AND FUCK DISNEY CAPESHIT.
That is exactly what white knighting means you retard.
>It's OK to publically humilliated Ben Affleck and imply Jason Momoa is a child rapist but nobody fuck with the mouse
She doesn't have to search her name.
Or some soiboy at Google has a crush.
they're medieval knights protecting the aristocracy from being called bad names. funny how history follows the same patterns.
Does she get barefoot in the movie?
Disney insisted on it.
>the deffinition of white knighting means you are white knighting
Are you retarded?
It's some normalfag, do you really need to ask?
Have sex
She has the body attractiveness of a pile of week old roadkill
I've celebrated today by watching michael jackson videos on youtube.
Maybe I'm actually supporting some weird psyops, but I don't give a shit. I accept that the average person is clinically retarded and get over it (accepting maybe I am too)
Aren't they taking the damage control a little too far? It's getting to a point where everyone is going to be aware of it. Isn't the best method to keep it quiet?
CM is doing TLJ- level damage to Marvel.
>Wikipedia's featured article
Hope not
what is that user?
Did you make it? it's great.
so trolling = being critical of a movie and an actress?
White knighting means defending someone in the false hope of getting sex in return i very much doubt youtube is expecting to get brie in the sack.
i want some miso soup.
I think the marketing budget for this movie might be 700 million
>immagine all the cash burned by Disney for this retardation
>>protecting someone from harassment
so legit criticism is now harassment?
its a kike world were just living in it
>youtube fixes itself when a rich celebrity working for disney is in trouble
now i know why it's called "you"tube! haha!
>If you searched “Brie Larson” on YouTube a couple of days ago, the top search results were calls for a boycott ofCaptain Marvel, and angry rants about Larson’s involvement in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With one small change, YouTube made all of that disappear.
>YouTube made all of that disappear.
How very INGSOC of you, youtube
>Instead of videos from individual creators, YouTube responds with videos fromEntertainment Tonight,ABC,CBS,CNN,and other news outlets first.
Y-you are an incel! the pilsbury dough boy in this image?
You are a retard. How do fedora fags ever hope to get sex from a female. White knighting is being a beta male that protects m'lady's honour at all costs no matter if that honour is virtuous or not
Ah, finally..
a tour de farce
>funny how history follows the same patterns.
Human nature hasn't changed in the past 100,000 years, no matter how much we sometimes like to pretend otherwise.
Yes, when fighting off the Skrulls.
Your absolutely right. It’s all just a different coat of paint. Nobles and peasants.
>legitimate criticism is trolling
wow I thought you were joking
so I'll go ahead and say it
No, whiteknighting means protecting a woman on instinct, just because she's a woman, without examining whether she deserves protection or not. People call Larsen a bag of shit because she IS a bag of shit, a genuinely awful human through and through. She does not deserve to be defended.
Reality really is a fucking trainwreck
I don't think Captain Marvel looks good, but you people are being so obnoxious I can't help but sympathize with Larson.
>choosing a 30 year old roastie actress
>marvel’s main audience is white men
>Brie Larson insults white men while promoting the movie
What did you expect would happen?
Based corporations protecting rich people from criticism!!!
Expect white men not to be such gigantic pussies to care what some shitty actor says? You guys really are pathetic.
I'm glad youtube is taking a stand and protecting these marginalised trillion dollar companies and oppressed multi millionaire women
What has she done that is so abhorrent other than not being appealing to you, personally, i wonder?
I'll wait.
>article written by Julia Alexander
>has a quoted tweet in the middle from Julia Alexander
Modern journalism I swear. They're all just shitty bloggers.
go watch her interviews and change your mind
Um it’s actress sweaty
Best post in the thread.
>you guys
Speak for yourself mong. It’s a non issue for most people but marvel, the mouse and media got the most upset out of anyone
>200m opening weekend
I doubt they are upset
>you personally
and others. that user is not alone in disliking her. why should anyone be obliged to treat celebrities in any manner other than with disdain?
i’ll wait
actually i won’t. eat a dog dick.
Remember when journalists used to bitch about bloggers calling themselves journalists and then buzzfeed came along and they all started aping them?
We’re talking about brie’s stupid political comment, the overreaction by marvel fans, and then the mouse n media’s scorched earth condemnation response
I just watched the Wired interview. My pity for her being a dumb bitch outweighs any other feeling about her programmed responses. I honestly feel like someone is giving her terrible advice on how to gain a fanbase of Stronk women.
They're not even doing it well.
From the 4th result downwards is bashing her anyways.
Why didn't Disney invest in making a good movie with a likeable lead instead of all this shit
I noticed most Google search results have had a PC spin on them for quite some time. You never get what you are searching for if the subject is problematic.
Show how this word is at all applicable.
Took narcissistic selfies while posting about lee’s death. Insulted her fan base. Has foot fungus. Said being a woman is life on the defensive because a man simply asked for her phone number. I could go on if you’d like
Nice deflecting. So you dislike her for no reason. Thanks for answering.
wtf i love corporations now
Great. So these completely subjective criticisms totally make her deserving of harassment and ridicule? You people are a hoot. You must be doing great in real life if this petty stuff gets to you.
I've had my dick in every hole a woman has. I say brie is a cunt.
>Criticism of a actress means I haven't had sex
Stop projecting.
It's like making the case for abstinence with reverse psychology.
You have one too many
Go wake your mother up and I will
Go wake your dad up while you're at it, we'll tag team the ho and you're more than welcome to watch
I'm busy honey, go back to bed.
See there's that word again. And yes ridicule for such behaviors is fine.
With 2 words you've made them mighty upset.
Ears are my favorite.
You asked why people dislike her and I gave legitimate reasons why she’s repugnant. Harassment wasn’t part of your question. And it hasn’t gotten to me but your seething and illogical response seems like it’s gotten to you
Have sex
Photon stream fucking WHEN
These two words have hurt me deeply. so simple yet so devastating
With one screeching autist, the townsfolk were rightly compelled to label him the village idiot.
learn to code
We really live in a clown world huh
Fuck women and fuck jews
Fuck YouTube, fuck Google, fuck Marvel, fuck Disney, and most importantly, fuck Jews and women.
>This guy is and idiot for assuming that people complaining about a movie on a CHINESE CARTOON WEBSITE on a FRIDAY NIGHT may not be getting laid
Sweetie Squad rise up
Wtf are you even doing on Yea Forums you fucking double nigger?
Well, she is getting undeserved praise, both in looks and performance, we gotta balance things out, we're the universe pushing back.
being a rich white woman must be hell
Wew look at this mouse dude
Disney is gonna be the end of democracy
>Disney made them change their algorithms before fucking pedo rings did
Youtube is so fucking scummy.
He sounds pretty close-minded and unaware of timezones so it definitely applies, yeah. Did I insult your boyfriend by any chance?
I really hope this observation takes off.
She literally starts a ship with her toes.
i hope it doesn't.
Sentient fungi ?
Christ, of all the amazing women in the history of the world they use her. No way you could convince me its not from Disney's money or influence.
Have Sex.
>care what some shitty actor says?
Smollet used his hoax as a way to help his pal Kamala Harris to push through the anti-lynching bill. You retards still think that these things exist in the vacuum.
This is why you have leftists running around pushing for post delivery abortion bills and parading around unironic socialists.
>Doing things that causes mistrust amongst the general population to own da alt right
Wow they sure got us
when beta males, like those google employees, see a strong women, it gives them fantasies of being dominated.
Her toe fungus infected Fiege and she's withholding the antidote unless he complies.
you can't make this shit up. they are not even trying to conceal their shilling efforts anymore.
It doesn't even have to be '''''problematic''''. Google image search is now completely broken, just rows of MSM shills regardless of what I searched for.
Sums it up perfectly
>So these completely subjective criticisms totally make her deserving of harassment and ridicule?
Yes. More stupid questions?
>I honestly feel like someone is giving her terrible advice on how to gain a fanbase of Stronk women.
on the contrary, she's just a dumb woman, but instead of stopping her disney is just encouraging all her ideas and press statements.
>petty stuff gets to you.
I am sorry I think that your ilk calls the petty stuff that gets to you a 'harassment'.
Learn to code, trash.
>the top search results were calls for a boycott ofCaptain Marvel, and angry rants about Larson’s involvement in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Why does anyone give a shit?
t. only watch capeshit occasionally
It could be filtering by your history too user, if you log out it would probably revert to white knight mode
>they're medieval knights protecting the aristocracy from being called bad names. funny how history follows the same patterns.
Replying to this so more people can see it. Poignant.
They also made spurious copyright claims on livestreams reviewing the film last night that magically dried up and blew away the next morning, like some sort of hilarious mafia style warning that a bunch of nerds was "being watched" and had "better watch what they say".
None of it matters, normies don't give a fuck about nerdshit on youtube. Their lack of interest in the film doesn't stem from Brie Catpan making lowkey racist comments, or Disney censoring every feedback site it possibly can, it was the dreadful trailers that sank this film in their eyes. Larson lacks star quality, she also lacks that "this is going to be FUN!" that the dude playing Aquaman bottled and sold hand over fist. They miscast their HERoine and normies didn't even notice that they were being branded shitlord sexist racists if they didn't throw money at the film, so that sort of intersectional blackmail attempt was wasted too. All they achieved was to alienate nerds and dorks, an audience they claim to want rid of anyway for some unspecified aversion to money reasons.
Less than 8% of Americans claim to respect Intersectional Feminism.75% strongly dislike it. How this escaped the acturaries at Disney HQ is anyone's guess. What an easily avoidable and entirely unneccesary debacle.
LMAO Disney is fucking pathetic
Retweet to Trump, demand an FBI investigation and new restrictions on Google.
what? successful people are incredibly petty, all humans are. Rich people think I'm a loser because I dress like a "slob", imagine caring how another human being dresses themselves lmao
Google being cucklords... What a surprise.
That's going to kill the theater snack sales
>ffw a week and we find out that Jim was the one who took down so he could be even more lazy
How much more harrassment before Disney fires her or she quits?
Google owns the internet so no surprise they're in bed with Disney who mind you sponsors and funds many of those popular and "diverse" Youtubers.
No one else agreed to have their career ruined.
Didn't Disney pull ads from YouTube because of child predators?
And the aristocracy lobby so that the peasants can't say mean things about them when they interact with said peasants.
Luckily, our homes are our castles, unless you say something mean to the wrong person that is.
Fuck Kings and Queens. Behead them all.
Yeah, I want heads. Make them give us head.
>Again, Youtube has terrible problem with trolls, crazy people, literal peadophiles, etc.
If you see those trolls, crazy people, literal peadophiles, etc. as a problem, what are you doing on Yea Forums?
Their advertising is a different beast than their Youtube network.
Funny though, most of the people in their Youtube network are adult men playing games and communicating with children on a regular basis. Guys like Jacksepticeye who swears and says fucked up shit has a massive young boy following.
and then they have the gall to ask me for donations.
learn to read
based conformist.
youtube wants you to prefer OP to this
they did that by buying out theaters and premier tickets. Disney thinks they're hot shits with the propaganda but "bought out" empty theaters will kill the theaters if they keep this shit up.
>No user, google is a neutral company and wouldn’t influence people’s search results to favor one side or the other. Stop being so paranoid :^)
If they’ll do it for a movie, there’s absolutely no reason why they don’t do it for global elections or to hide articles that damage their corporate friends.
I thought it was pretty good. Maybe I need more hate.
yup whoever is calling the shots at disney is a fucking idiot.
you need to be subtle in these things. Subtly buy reviews to make an okay movie sound like a great movie and none would be the wiser, would probably boost sales.
But using money that could've been spent on making a decent movie to just buy off reviews and then deliver us trash? It'll just make people skeptical in the long run and ruin people's trust in the brand.
I think Nepotism has gotten out of control in hollywood. Giving your son/daughter a job is one thing but only if they're not a complete fucking braindead idiot
It's like having $50 to bake a cake.
Do I use the $50 to make a delicious cake that speaks for itself? Or do I spend $10 to make an awful cake out of cat feces and then the other $40 to pay all my friends to say it was delicious.
At the end of the day a bad cake is a bad cake and no amount of review buying will change it. The mouse is losing it
>Yea Forums npc's still seething when they get a reality check
>wikipedia featured article
weird flex but okay
>that for Vida, Tanya Saracho assembled an ///all-Latinx///, ///"heavily queer"/// writers room and a directional team who are all Latinx or women of color?
fucking wikipedia is shit
There not even normal porn on YT, what the fuck are they even talking about??
YT has lost it's marbles
They've had a problem with
- Literal pedobait like some of the child ASMR users
- Innocuous situations being exploited by pedos
You're a cuck user
living as a woman is so fucking easy
you can be as much as a cunt as you want and people will still defend you
Have sex
So just to sum up
>youtube has a network of pedos communicating in plain site for years
>also has countless videos clearly aimed at children featuring insanely fucked up gore and sexual inuendos
>does nothing over the course of a decade
>captain marvel gets bad coverage for a few months
>youtube changes its algorithm
missing anything?
have sex
What the fuck are you talking about? You can't shit talk niggers or jews at all without it being another shoah and congress forcing weird laws.